/* * Copyright (C) 2013 IBM Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include "config.h" #endif #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <pb-config/pb-config.h> #include <talloc/talloc.h> #include <types/types.h> #include <log/log.h> #include <i18n/i18n.h> #include "nc-cui.h" #include "nc-config.h" #include "nc-widgets.h" #define N_FIELDS 42 extern struct help_text config_help_text; enum net_conf_type { NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL, NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ONE, NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC, }; struct config_screen { struct nc_scr scr; struct cui *cui; struct nc_widgetset *widgetset; WINDOW *pad; bool exit; bool show_help; bool show_subset; bool need_redraw; bool need_update; void (*on_exit)(struct cui *); int scroll_y; int label_x; int field_x; int network_config_y; enum net_conf_type net_conf_type; bool autoboot_enabled; bool ipmi_override; struct { struct nc_widget_label *autoboot_l; struct nc_widget_select *autoboot_f; struct nc_widget_label *boot_order_l; struct nc_widget_subset *boot_order_f; struct nc_widget_label *boot_empty_l; struct nc_widget_button *boot_add_b; struct nc_widget_button *boot_none_b; struct nc_widget_button *boot_any_b; struct nc_widget_textbox *timeout_f; struct nc_widget_label *timeout_l; struct nc_widget_label *timeout_help_l; struct nc_widget_label *ipmi_type_l; struct nc_widget_label *ipmi_clear_l; struct nc_widget_checkbox *ipmi_clear_cb; struct nc_widget_label *network_l; struct nc_widget_select *network_f; struct nc_widget_label *iface_l; struct nc_widget_select *iface_f; struct nc_widget_label *ip_addr_l; struct nc_widget_textbox *ip_addr_f; struct nc_widget_label *ip_mask_l; struct nc_widget_textbox *ip_mask_f; struct nc_widget_label *ip_addr_mask_help_l; struct nc_widget_label *gateway_l; struct nc_widget_textbox *gateway_f; struct nc_widget_label *gateway_help_l; struct nc_widget_label *url_l; struct nc_widget_textbox *url_f; struct nc_widget_label *url_help_l; struct nc_widget_label *dns_l; struct nc_widget_textbox *dns_f; struct nc_widget_label *dns_dhcp_help_l; struct nc_widget_label *dns_help_l; struct nc_widget_label *allow_write_l; struct nc_widget_select *allow_write_f; struct nc_widget_label *boot_tty_l; struct nc_widget_select *boot_tty_f; struct nc_widget_label *current_tty_l; struct nc_widget_label *safe_mode; struct nc_widget_button *ok_b; struct nc_widget_button *help_b; struct nc_widget_button *cancel_b; } widgets; }; static struct config_screen *config_screen_from_scr(struct nc_scr *scr) { struct config_screen *config_screen; assert(scr->sig == pb_config_screen_sig); config_screen = (struct config_screen *) ((char *)scr - (size_t)&((struct config_screen *)0)->scr); assert(config_screen->scr.sig == pb_config_screen_sig); return config_screen; } static void pad_refresh(struct config_screen *screen) { int y, x, rows, cols; getmaxyx(screen->scr.sub_ncw, rows, cols); getbegyx(screen->scr.sub_ncw, y, x); prefresh(screen->pad, screen->scroll_y, 0, y, x, rows, cols); } static void config_screen_process_key(struct nc_scr *scr, int key) { struct config_screen *screen = config_screen_from_scr(scr); bool handled; handled = widgetset_process_key(screen->widgetset, key); if (!handled) { switch (key) { case 'x': case 27: /* esc */ screen->exit = true; break; case 'h': screen->show_help = true; break; } } if (screen->exit) { screen->on_exit(screen->cui); } else if (screen->show_help) { screen->show_help = false; screen->need_redraw = true; cui_show_help(screen->cui, _("System Configuration"), &config_help_text); } else if (handled && !screen->show_subset) { pad_refresh(screen); } } static void config_screen_resize(struct nc_scr *scr) { struct config_screen *screen = config_screen_from_scr(scr); (void)screen; } static int config_screen_unpost(struct nc_scr *scr) { struct config_screen *screen = config_screen_from_scr(scr); widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); return 0; } struct nc_scr *config_screen_scr(struct config_screen *screen) { return &screen->scr; } static int screen_process_form(struct config_screen *screen) { const struct system_info *sysinfo = screen->cui->sysinfo; enum net_conf_type net_conf_type; struct interface_config *iface; bool allow_write, autoboot; char *str, *end; struct config *config; int i, n_boot_opts, rc, idx; unsigned int *order, tty; char mac[20]; config = config_copy(screen, screen->cui->config); talloc_free(config->autoboot_opts); config->n_autoboot_opts = 0; n_boot_opts = widget_subset_get_order(config, &order, screen->widgets.boot_order_f); autoboot = widget_select_get_value(screen->widgets.autoboot_f); config->autoboot_enabled = autoboot && n_boot_opts; config->n_autoboot_opts = n_boot_opts; config->autoboot_opts = talloc_array(config, struct autoboot_option, n_boot_opts); for (i = 0; i < n_boot_opts; i++) { if (order[i] < sysinfo->n_blockdevs) { /* disk uuid */ config->autoboot_opts[i].boot_type = BOOT_DEVICE_UUID; config->autoboot_opts[i].uuid = talloc_strdup(config, sysinfo->blockdevs[order[i]]->uuid); } else if(order[i] < (sysinfo->n_blockdevs + sysinfo->n_interfaces)) { /* net uuid */ order[i] -= sysinfo->n_blockdevs; config->autoboot_opts[i].boot_type = BOOT_DEVICE_UUID; mac_str(sysinfo->interfaces[order[i]]->hwaddr, sysinfo->interfaces[order[i]]->hwaddr_size, mac, sizeof(mac)); config->autoboot_opts[i].uuid = talloc_strdup(config, mac); } else { /* device type */ order[i] -= (sysinfo->n_blockdevs + sysinfo->n_interfaces); config->autoboot_opts[i].boot_type = BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE; config->autoboot_opts[i].type = order[i]; } } str = widget_textbox_get_value(screen->widgets.timeout_f); if (str) { unsigned long x; errno = 0; x = strtoul(str, &end, 10); if (!errno && end != str) config->autoboot_timeout_sec = x; } if (screen->ipmi_override) if (widget_checkbox_get_value(screen->widgets.ipmi_clear_cb)) config->ipmi_bootdev = IPMI_BOOTDEV_INVALID; net_conf_type = widget_select_get_value(screen->widgets.network_f); /* if we don't have any network interfaces, prevent per-interface * configuration */ if (sysinfo->n_interfaces == 0) net_conf_type = NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL; if (net_conf_type == NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL) { config->network.n_interfaces = 0; } else { iface = talloc_zero(config, struct interface_config); config->network.n_interfaces = 1; config->network.interfaces = talloc_array(config, struct interface_config *, 1); config->network.interfaces[0] = iface; /* copy hwaddr (from the sysinfo interface data) to * the configuration */ idx = widget_select_get_value(screen->widgets.iface_f); memcpy(iface->hwaddr, sysinfo->interfaces[idx]->hwaddr, sizeof(iface->hwaddr)); } if (net_conf_type == NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ONE) { iface->method = CONFIG_METHOD_DHCP; } if (net_conf_type == NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC) { char *ip, *mask, *gateway, *url; ip = widget_textbox_get_value(screen->widgets.ip_addr_f); mask = widget_textbox_get_value(screen->widgets.ip_mask_f); gateway = widget_textbox_get_value(screen->widgets.gateway_f); url = widget_textbox_get_value(screen->widgets.url_f); if (!ip || !*ip || !mask || !*mask) { screen->scr.frame.status = _("No IP / mask values are set"); nc_scr_frame_draw(&screen->scr); talloc_free(config); return -1; } iface->method = CONFIG_METHOD_STATIC; iface->static_config.address = talloc_asprintf(iface, "%s/%s", ip, mask); iface->static_config.gateway = talloc_strdup(iface, gateway); iface->static_config.url = talloc_strdup(iface, url); } str = widget_textbox_get_value(screen->widgets.dns_f); talloc_free(config->network.dns_servers); config->network.dns_servers = NULL; config->network.n_dns_servers = 0; if (str && strlen(str)) { char *dns, *tmp; int i; for (;;) { dns = strtok_r(str, " \t", &tmp); if (!dns) break; i = config->network.n_dns_servers++; config->network.dns_servers = talloc_realloc(config, config->network.dns_servers, const char *, config->network.n_dns_servers); config->network.dns_servers[i] = talloc_strdup(config, dns); str = NULL; } } allow_write = widget_select_get_value(screen->widgets.allow_write_f); if (allow_write != config->allow_writes) config->allow_writes = allow_write; if (config->n_tty) { tty = widget_select_get_value(screen->widgets.boot_tty_f); if (!config->boot_tty) { config->boot_tty = talloc_strdup(config, config->tty_list[tty]); } else if (strncmp(config->boot_tty, config->tty_list[tty], strlen(config->boot_tty)) != 0) { talloc_free(config->boot_tty); config->boot_tty = talloc_strdup(config, config->tty_list[tty]); } } config->safe_mode = false; rc = cui_send_config(screen->cui, config); talloc_free(config); if (rc) pb_log("cui_send_config failed!\n"); else pb_debug("config sent!\n"); return 0; } static void ok_click(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; if (screen_process_form(screen)) /* errors are written to the status line, so we'll need * to refresh */ wrefresh(screen->scr.main_ncw); else screen->exit = true; } static void help_click(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; screen->show_help = true; } static void cancel_click(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; screen->exit = true; } static int layout_pair(struct config_screen *screen, int y, struct nc_widget_label *label, struct nc_widget *field) { struct nc_widget *label_w = widget_label_base(label); widget_move(label_w, y, screen->label_x); widget_move(field, y, screen->field_x); return max(widget_height(label_w), widget_height(field)); } static void config_screen_layout_widgets(struct config_screen *screen) { struct nc_widget *wl, *wf, *wh; int y, x, help_x; bool show; y = 1; /* currently, the longest label we have is the DNS-servers * widget, so layout our screen based on that */ help_x = screen->field_x + 2 + widget_width(widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.dns_f)); wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.autoboot_l); widget_set_visible(wl, true); widget_move(wl, y, screen->label_x); wf = widget_select_base(screen->widgets.autoboot_f); widget_set_visible(wf, true); widget_move(wf, y, screen->field_x); y += widget_height(wf); show = screen->autoboot_enabled; if (show) y += 1; wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.boot_order_l); widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_move(wl, y, screen->label_x); wf = widget_subset_base(screen->widgets.boot_order_f); widget_move(wf, y, screen->field_x); wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.boot_empty_l); widget_move(wl, y, screen->field_x); if (widget_subset_height(screen->widgets.boot_order_f)) { widget_set_visible(wl, false); widget_set_visible(wf, show); y += show ? widget_height(wf) : 0; } else { widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_set_visible(wf, false); y += show ? 1 : 0; } if (show) { y += 1; widget_move(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.boot_add_b), y++, screen->field_x); widget_move(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.boot_any_b), y++, screen->field_x); widget_move(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.boot_none_b), y, screen->field_x); } wf = widget_button_base(screen->widgets.boot_add_b); if (widget_subset_n_inactive(screen->widgets.boot_order_f) && show) widget_set_visible(wf, true); else widget_set_visible(wf, false); if (show) y += 2; widget_set_visible(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.boot_any_b), show); widget_set_visible(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.boot_none_b), show); wf = widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.timeout_f); wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.timeout_l); wh = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.timeout_help_l); widget_set_visible(wl, screen->autoboot_enabled); widget_set_visible(wf, screen->autoboot_enabled); widget_set_visible(wh, screen->autoboot_enabled); if (screen->autoboot_enabled) { widget_set_visible(wh, screen->autoboot_enabled); widget_move(wl, y, screen->label_x); widget_move(wf, y, screen->field_x); widget_move(wh, y, screen->field_x + widget_width(wf) + 1); y += 2; } if (screen->ipmi_override) { wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.ipmi_type_l); widget_set_visible(wl, true); widget_move(wl, y, screen->label_x); y += 1; wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.ipmi_clear_l); wf = widget_checkbox_base(screen->widgets.ipmi_clear_cb); widget_set_visible(wl, true); widget_set_visible(wf, true); widget_move(wl, y, screen->label_x); widget_move(wf, y, screen->field_x); y += 1; } y += 1; y += layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.network_l, widget_select_base(screen->widgets.network_f)); y += 1; /* conditionally show iface select */ wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.iface_l); wf = widget_select_base(screen->widgets.iface_f); show = screen->net_conf_type == NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ONE || screen->net_conf_type == NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC; widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_set_visible(wf, show); if (show) y += layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.iface_l, wf) + 1; /* conditionally show static IP params */ show = screen->net_conf_type == NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC; wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.ip_addr_l); wf = widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.ip_addr_f); widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_set_visible(wf, show); x = screen->field_x + widget_width(wf) + 1; if (show) layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.ip_addr_l, wf); wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.ip_mask_l); wf = widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.ip_mask_f); widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_set_visible(wf, show); if (show) { widget_move(wl, y, x); widget_move(wf, y, x + 2); } /* help for IP/mask */ wh = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.ip_addr_mask_help_l); widget_set_visible(wh, show); if (show) { widget_move(wh, y, help_x); y++; } wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.gateway_l); wf = widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.gateway_f); wh = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.gateway_help_l); widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_set_visible(wf, show); widget_set_visible(wh, show); if (show) { layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.gateway_l, wf); widget_move(wh, y, help_x); y++; } wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.url_l); wf = widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.url_f); wh = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.url_help_l); widget_set_visible(wl, show); widget_set_visible(wf, show); widget_set_visible(wh, show); if (show) { layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.url_l, wf); widget_move(wh, y, help_x); y++; } wh = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.dns_help_l); layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.dns_l, widget_textbox_base(screen->widgets.dns_f)); widget_move(wh, y, help_x); y++; /* we show the DNS/DHCP help if we're configuring DHCP */ show = screen->net_conf_type != NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC; wl = widget_label_base(screen->widgets.dns_dhcp_help_l); widget_set_visible(wl, show); if (show) { widget_move(wl, y, screen->field_x); y += 1; } y += 1; show = screen->cui->config->safe_mode; if (show) { widget_move(widget_label_base(screen->widgets.safe_mode), y, screen->field_x); y += 1; } layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.allow_write_l, widget_select_base(screen->widgets.allow_write_f)); y += widget_height(widget_select_base(screen->widgets.allow_write_f)); y += 1; if (widget_height(widget_select_base(screen->widgets.boot_tty_f))) { layout_pair(screen, y, screen->widgets.boot_tty_l, widget_select_base(screen->widgets.boot_tty_f)); y += widget_height(widget_select_base(screen->widgets.boot_tty_f)); widget_move(widget_label_base(screen->widgets.current_tty_l), y, screen->field_x); y += 2; } else { widget_set_visible(widget_label_base( screen->widgets.boot_tty_l), false); widget_set_visible(widget_select_base( screen->widgets.boot_tty_f), false); widget_set_visible(widget_label_base( screen->widgets.current_tty_l), false); } widget_move(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.ok_b), y, screen->field_x); widget_move(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.help_b), y, screen->field_x + 14); widget_move(widget_button_base(screen->widgets.cancel_b), y, screen->field_x + 28); } static void config_screen_network_change(void *arg, int value) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; screen->net_conf_type = value; widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } static void config_screen_boot_order_change(void *arg, int value) { (void)value; struct config_screen *screen = arg; widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } static void config_screen_autoboot_change(void *arg, int value) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; screen->autoboot_enabled = !!value; widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } static void config_screen_add_device(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; screen->show_subset = true; cui_show_subset(screen->cui, _("Select a boot device to add"), screen->widgets.boot_order_f); } static void config_screen_autoboot_none(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; struct nc_widget_subset *subset = screen->widgets.boot_order_f; widget_subset_clear_active(subset); widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } static void config_screen_autoboot_any(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; const struct system_info *sysinfo = screen->cui->sysinfo; struct nc_widget_subset *subset = screen->widgets.boot_order_f; int idx; widget_subset_clear_active(subset); idx = sysinfo->n_blockdevs + sysinfo->n_interfaces + DEVICE_TYPE_ANY; widget_subset_make_active(screen->widgets.boot_order_f, idx); screen->autoboot_enabled = true; widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } static void config_screen_update_subset(void *arg, struct nc_widget_subset *subset, int idx) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; if (idx >= 0) widget_subset_make_active(subset, idx); if (!screen->autoboot_enabled) screen->autoboot_enabled = true; config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); } static struct interface_config *first_active_interface( const struct config *config) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < config->network.n_interfaces; i++) { if (config->network.interfaces[i]->ignore) continue; return config->network.interfaces[i]; } return NULL; } static enum net_conf_type find_net_conf_type(const struct config *config) { struct interface_config *ifcfg; ifcfg = first_active_interface(config); if (!ifcfg) return NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL; else if (ifcfg->method == CONFIG_METHOD_DHCP) return NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ONE; else if (ifcfg->method == CONFIG_METHOD_STATIC) return NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC; assert(0); return NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL; } static void config_screen_setup_empty(struct config_screen *screen) { widget_new_label(screen->widgetset, 2, screen->field_x, _("Waiting for configuration data...")); screen->widgets.cancel_b = widget_new_button(screen->widgetset, 4, screen->field_x, 9, _("Cancel"), cancel_click, screen); } static int find_autoboot_idx(const struct system_info *sysinfo, struct autoboot_option *opt) { unsigned int i; if (opt->boot_type == BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE) return sysinfo->n_blockdevs + sysinfo->n_interfaces + opt->type; for (i = 0; i < sysinfo->n_blockdevs; i++) { if (!strcmp(sysinfo->blockdevs[i]->uuid, opt->uuid)) return i; } for (i = 0; i < sysinfo->n_interfaces; i++) { struct interface_info *info = sysinfo->interfaces[i]; char mac[20]; mac_str(info->hwaddr, info->hwaddr_size, mac, sizeof(mac)); if (!strcmp(mac, opt->uuid)) return sysinfo->n_blockdevs + i; } return -1; } static void config_screen_setup_widgets(struct config_screen *screen, const struct config *config, const struct system_info *sysinfo) { struct nc_widgetset *set = screen->widgetset; struct interface_config *ifcfg; char *str, *ip, *mask, *gw, *url, *tty; enum net_conf_type type; unsigned int i; int add_len, clear_len, any_len, min_len = 20; bool found; build_assert(sizeof(screen->widgets) / sizeof(struct widget *) == N_FIELDS); type = screen->net_conf_type; ifcfg = first_active_interface(config); screen->autoboot_enabled = config->autoboot_enabled; screen->widgets.autoboot_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Autoboot:")); screen->widgets.autoboot_f = widget_new_select(set, 0, 0, COLS - screen->field_x - 1); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.autoboot_f, 0, _("Disabled"), !screen->autoboot_enabled); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.autoboot_f, 1, _("Enabled"), screen->autoboot_enabled); widget_select_on_change(screen->widgets.autoboot_f, config_screen_autoboot_change, screen); add_len = max(min_len, strncols(_("Add Device"))); clear_len = max(min_len, strncols(_("Clear"))); any_len = max(min_len, strncols(_("Clear & Boot Any"))); screen->widgets.boot_add_b = widget_new_button(set, 0, 0, add_len, _("Add Device"), config_screen_add_device, screen); screen->widgets.boot_none_b = widget_new_button(set, 0, 0, clear_len, _("Clear"), config_screen_autoboot_none, screen); screen->widgets.boot_any_b = widget_new_button(set, 0, 0, any_len, _("Clear & Boot Any"), config_screen_autoboot_any, screen); screen->widgets.boot_order_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Boot Order:")); screen->widgets.boot_order_f = widget_new_subset(set, 0, 0, COLS - screen->field_x, config_screen_update_subset); screen->widgets.boot_empty_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("(None)")); widget_subset_on_change(screen->widgets.boot_order_f, config_screen_boot_order_change, screen); for (i = 0; i < sysinfo->n_blockdevs; i++) { struct blockdev_info *bd = sysinfo->blockdevs[i]; char *label; label = talloc_asprintf(screen, _("disk: %s [uuid: %s]"), bd->name, bd->uuid); widget_subset_add_option(screen->widgets.boot_order_f, label); } for (i = 0; i < sysinfo->n_interfaces; i++) { struct interface_info *info = sysinfo->interfaces[i]; char *label, mac[20]; mac_str(info->hwaddr, info->hwaddr_size, mac, sizeof(mac)); label = talloc_asprintf(screen, _("net: %s [mac: %s]"), info->name, mac); widget_subset_add_option(screen->widgets.boot_order_f, label); } for (i = DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK; i < DEVICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; i++) { char *label; if (i == DEVICE_TYPE_ANY) label = talloc_asprintf(screen, _("Any Device")); else label = talloc_asprintf(screen, _("Any %s device"), device_type_display_name(i)); widget_subset_add_option(screen->widgets.boot_order_f, label); } for (i = 0; i < config->n_autoboot_opts; i++) { struct autoboot_option *opt = &config->autoboot_opts[i]; int idx; idx = find_autoboot_idx(sysinfo, opt); if (idx >= 0) { widget_subset_make_active(screen->widgets.boot_order_f, idx); } else { if (opt->boot_type == BOOT_DEVICE_TYPE) pb_log("%s: Unknown autoboot option: %d\n", __func__, opt->type); else pb_log("%s: Unknown autoboot UUID: %s\n", __func__, opt->uuid); } } str = talloc_asprintf(screen, "%d", config->autoboot_timeout_sec); screen->widgets.timeout_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Timeout:")); screen->widgets.timeout_f = widget_new_textbox(set, 0, 0, 5, str); screen->widgets.timeout_help_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("seconds")); widget_textbox_set_fixed_size(screen->widgets.timeout_f); widget_textbox_set_validator_integer(screen->widgets.timeout_f, 0, 999); if (config->ipmi_bootdev) { char *label = talloc_asprintf(screen, _("%s IPMI boot option: %s"), config->ipmi_bootdev_persistent ? "Persistent" : "Temporary", ipmi_bootdev_display_name(config->ipmi_bootdev)); screen->widgets.ipmi_type_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, label); screen->widgets.ipmi_clear_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Clear option:")); screen->widgets.ipmi_clear_cb = widget_new_checkbox(set, 0, 0, false); screen->ipmi_override = true; } screen->widgets.network_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Network:")); screen->widgets.network_f = widget_new_select(set, 0, 0, COLS - screen->field_x - 1); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.network_f, NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL, _("DHCP on all active interfaces"), type == NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ALL); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.network_f, NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ONE, _("DHCP on a specific interface"), type == NET_CONF_TYPE_DHCP_ONE); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.network_f, NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC, _("Static IP configuration"), type == NET_CONF_TYPE_STATIC); widget_select_on_change(screen->widgets.network_f, config_screen_network_change, screen); screen->widgets.iface_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Device:")); screen->widgets.iface_f = widget_new_select(set, 0, 0, 50); for (i = 0; i < sysinfo->n_interfaces; i++) { struct interface_info *info = sysinfo->interfaces[i]; char str[50], mac[20]; bool is_default; is_default = ifcfg && !memcmp(ifcfg->hwaddr, info->hwaddr, sizeof(ifcfg->hwaddr)); mac_str(info->hwaddr, info->hwaddr_size, mac, sizeof(mac)); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "%s [%s, %s]", info->name, mac, info->link ? _("link up") : _("link down")); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.iface_f, i, str, is_default); } url = gw = ip = mask = NULL; if (ifcfg && ifcfg->method == CONFIG_METHOD_STATIC) { char *sep; str = talloc_strdup(screen, ifcfg->static_config.address); sep = strchr(str, '/'); ip = str; if (sep) { *sep = '\0'; mask = sep + 1; } gw = ifcfg->static_config.gateway; url = ifcfg->static_config.url; } screen->widgets.ip_addr_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("IP/mask:")); screen->widgets.ip_addr_f = widget_new_textbox(set, 0, 0, 16, ip); screen->widgets.ip_mask_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, "/"); screen->widgets.ip_mask_f = widget_new_textbox(set, 0, 0, 3, mask); screen->widgets.ip_addr_mask_help_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("(eg. / 24)")); widget_textbox_set_fixed_size(screen->widgets.ip_addr_f); widget_textbox_set_fixed_size(screen->widgets.ip_mask_f); widget_textbox_set_validator_ipv4(screen->widgets.ip_addr_f); widget_textbox_set_validator_integer(screen->widgets.ip_mask_f, 1, 31); screen->widgets.gateway_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Gateway:")); screen->widgets.gateway_f = widget_new_textbox(set, 0, 0, 16, gw); screen->widgets.gateway_help_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("(eg.")); widget_textbox_set_fixed_size(screen->widgets.gateway_f); widget_textbox_set_validator_ipv4(screen->widgets.gateway_f); screen->widgets.url_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("URL:")); screen->widgets.url_f = widget_new_textbox(set, 0, 0, 32, url); screen->widgets.url_help_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("(eg. tftp://)")); str = talloc_strdup(screen, ""); for (i = 0; i < config->network.n_dns_servers; i++) { str = talloc_asprintf_append(str, "%s%s", (i == 0) ? "" : " ", config->network.dns_servers[i]); } screen->widgets.dns_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("DNS Server(s):")); screen->widgets.dns_f = widget_new_textbox(set, 0, 0, 32, str); screen->widgets.dns_help_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("(eg.")); widget_textbox_set_validator_ipv4_multi(screen->widgets.dns_f); screen->widgets.dns_dhcp_help_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("(if not provided by DHCP server)")); if (config->safe_mode) screen->widgets.safe_mode = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Selecting 'OK' will exit safe mode")); screen->widgets.allow_write_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Disk R/W:")); screen->widgets.allow_write_f = widget_new_select(set, 0, 0, COLS - screen->field_x - 1); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.allow_write_f, 0, _("Prevent all writes to disk"), !config->allow_writes); widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.allow_write_f, 1, _("Allow bootloader scripts to modify disks"), config->allow_writes); screen->widgets.boot_tty_l = widget_new_label(set, 0, 0, _("Default tty:")); screen->widgets.boot_tty_f = widget_new_select(set, 0, 0, COLS - screen->field_x - 1); for (i = 0; i < config->n_tty; i++){ found = config->boot_tty && strncmp(config->boot_tty, config->tty_list[i], strlen(config->boot_tty)) == 0; widget_select_add_option(screen->widgets.boot_tty_f, i, config->tty_list[i], found); } tty = talloc_asprintf(screen, _("Current interface: %s"), ttyname(STDIN_FILENO)); screen->widgets.current_tty_l = widget_new_label(set, 0 , 0, tty); screen->widgets.ok_b = widget_new_button(set, 0, 0, 10, _("OK"), ok_click, screen); screen->widgets.help_b = widget_new_button(set, 0, 0, 10, _("Help"), help_click, screen); screen->widgets.cancel_b = widget_new_button(set, 0, 0, 10, _("Cancel"), cancel_click, screen); } static void config_screen_widget_focus(struct nc_widget *widget, void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; int w_y, w_height, w_focus, s_max, adjust; w_height = widget_height(widget); w_focus = widget_focus_y(widget); w_y = widget_y(widget) + w_focus; s_max = getmaxy(screen->scr.sub_ncw) - 1; if (w_y < screen->scroll_y) screen->scroll_y = w_y; else if (w_y + screen->scroll_y + 1 > s_max) { /* Fit as much of the widget into the screen as possible */ adjust = min(s_max - 1, w_height - w_focus); if (w_y + adjust >= screen->scroll_y + s_max) screen->scroll_y = max(0, 1 + w_y + adjust - s_max); } else return; pad_refresh(screen); } static void config_screen_draw(struct config_screen *screen, const struct config *config, const struct system_info *sysinfo) { bool repost = false; int height; /* The size of the pad we'll need depends on the number of interfaces. * * We use N_FIELDS (which is quite conservative, as some fields share * a line) as a base, then: * - add 6 (as the network select & boot device select fields take 3 * lines each), * - add n_interfaces for every field in the network select field, and * - add (n_blockdevs + n_interfaces) for every field in the boot device * select field */ height = N_FIELDS + 6; if (sysinfo) { height += sysinfo->n_interfaces; height += (sysinfo->n_blockdevs + sysinfo->n_interfaces); } if (!screen->pad || getmaxy(screen->pad) < height) { if (screen->pad) delwin(screen->pad); screen->pad = newpad(height, COLS + 10); } if (screen->widgetset) { widgetset_unpost(screen->widgetset); talloc_free(screen->widgetset); repost = true; } screen->widgetset = widgetset_create(screen, screen->scr.main_ncw, screen->pad); widgetset_set_widget_focus(screen->widgetset, config_screen_widget_focus, screen); if (!config || !sysinfo) { config_screen_setup_empty(screen); } else { screen->net_conf_type = find_net_conf_type(config); config_screen_setup_widgets(screen, config, sysinfo); config_screen_layout_widgets(screen); } if (repost) widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } void config_screen_update(struct config_screen *screen, const struct config *config, const struct system_info *sysinfo) { if (screen->cui->current != config_screen_scr(screen)) { screen->need_update = true; return; } config_screen_draw(screen, config, sysinfo); pad_refresh(screen); } static int config_screen_post(struct nc_scr *scr) { struct config_screen *screen = config_screen_from_scr(scr); screen->show_subset = false; if (screen->need_update) { config_screen_draw(screen, screen->cui->config, screen->cui->sysinfo); screen->need_update = false; } else { widgetset_post(screen->widgetset); } nc_scr_frame_draw(scr); if (screen->need_redraw) { redrawwin(scr->main_ncw); screen->need_redraw = false; } wrefresh(screen->scr.main_ncw); pad_refresh(screen); return 0; } static int config_screen_destroy(void *arg) { struct config_screen *screen = arg; if (screen->pad) delwin(screen->pad); return 0; } struct config_screen *config_screen_init(struct cui *cui, const struct config *config, const struct system_info *sysinfo, void (*on_exit)(struct cui *)) { struct config_screen *screen; screen = talloc_zero(cui, struct config_screen); talloc_set_destructor(screen, config_screen_destroy); nc_scr_init(&screen->scr, pb_config_screen_sig, 0, cui, config_screen_process_key, config_screen_post, config_screen_unpost, config_screen_resize); screen->cui = cui; screen->on_exit = on_exit; screen->need_redraw = false; screen->need_update = false; screen->label_x = 2; screen->field_x = 17; screen->ipmi_override = false; screen->show_subset = false; screen->scr.frame.ltitle = talloc_strdup(screen, _("Petitboot System Configuration")); screen->scr.frame.rtitle = NULL; screen->scr.frame.help = talloc_strdup(screen, _("tab=next, shift+tab=previous, x=exit, h=help")); nc_scr_frame_draw(&screen->scr); scrollok(screen->scr.sub_ncw, true); config_screen_draw(screen, config, sysinfo); return screen; }