 * include/linux/mmc/tmio.h
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Ian Molton
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Ian Molton
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Driver for the MMC / SD / SDIO cell found in:
 * TC6393XB TC6391XB TC6387XB T7L66XB ASIC3
#ifndef _LINUX_MMC_TMIO_H_
#define _LINUX_MMC_TMIO_H_

#define CTL_SD_CMD 0x00
#define CTL_ARG_REG 0x04
#define CTL_XFER_BLK_COUNT 0xa
#define CTL_RESPONSE 0x0c
#define CTL_STATUS 0x1c
#define CTL_IRQ_MASK 0x20
#define CTL_SD_CARD_CLK_CTL 0x24
#define CTL_SD_XFER_LEN 0x26
#define CTL_SD_MEM_CARD_OPT 0x28
#define CTL_SD_DATA_PORT 0x30
#define CTL_SDIO_STATUS 0x36
#define CTL_SDIO_IRQ_MASK 0x38
#define CTL_RESET_SD 0xe0
#define CTL_SDIO_REGS 0x100
#define CTL_CLK_AND_WAIT_CTL 0x138
#define CTL_RESET_SDIO 0x1e0

/* Definitions for values the CTRL_STATUS register can take. */
#define TMIO_STAT_CMDRESPEND    0x00000001
#define TMIO_STAT_DATAEND       0x00000004
#define TMIO_STAT_CARD_REMOVE   0x00000008
#define TMIO_STAT_CARD_INSERT   0x00000010
#define TMIO_STAT_SIGSTATE      0x00000020
#define TMIO_STAT_WRPROTECT     0x00000080
#define TMIO_STAT_CARD_REMOVE_A 0x00000100
#define TMIO_STAT_CARD_INSERT_A 0x00000200
#define TMIO_STAT_SIGSTATE_A    0x00000400
#define TMIO_STAT_CMD_IDX_ERR   0x00010000
#define TMIO_STAT_CRCFAIL       0x00020000
#define TMIO_STAT_STOPBIT_ERR   0x00040000
#define TMIO_STAT_DATATIMEOUT   0x00080000
#define TMIO_STAT_RXOVERFLOW    0x00100000
#define TMIO_STAT_TXUNDERRUN    0x00200000
#define TMIO_STAT_CMDTIMEOUT    0x00400000
#define TMIO_STAT_RXRDY         0x01000000
#define TMIO_STAT_TXRQ          0x02000000
#define TMIO_STAT_ILL_FUNC      0x20000000
#define TMIO_STAT_CMD_BUSY      0x40000000
#define TMIO_STAT_ILL_ACCESS    0x80000000

#define TMIO_BBS		512		/* Boot block size */

#endif /* _LINUX_MMC_TMIO_H_ */