 *  linux/include/asm-arm/arch-aaec2000/uncompress.h
 *  Copyright (c) 2005 Nicolas Bellido Y Ortega
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.


#include "hardware.h"

#define UART(x)         (*(volatile unsigned long *)(serial_port + (x)))

static void putstr( const char *s )
	unsigned long serial_port;
        do {
		serial_port = _UART3_BASE;
		if (UART(UART_CR) & UART_CR_EN) break;
		serial_port = _UART1_BASE;
		if (UART(UART_CR) & UART_CR_EN) break;
		serial_port = _UART2_BASE;
		if (UART(UART_CR) & UART_CR_EN) break;
	} while (0);

	for (; *s; s++) {
		/* wait for space in the UART's transmitter */
		while ((UART(UART_SR) & UART_SR_TxFF));
		/* send the character out. */
		UART(UART_DR) = *s;
		/* if a LF, also do CR... */
		if (*s == 10) {
			while ((UART(UART_SR) & UART_SR_TxFF));
			UART(UART_DR) = 13;

#define arch_decomp_setup()
#define arch_decomp_wdog()

#endif /* __ASM_ARCH_UNCOMPRESS_H */