/* * enumerations for HopeRf rf69 radio module * * Copyright (C) 2016 Wolf-Entwicklungen * Marcus Wolf * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef RF69_ENUM_H #define RF69_ENUM_H enum mode { mode_sleep, standby, synthesizer, transmit, receive }; enum modulation { OOK, FSK, UNDEF }; enum mod_shaping { SHAPING_OFF, SHAPING_1_0, SHAPING_0_5, SHAPING_0_3, SHAPING_BR, SHAPING_2BR }; enum paRamp { ramp3400, ramp2000, ramp1000, ramp500, ramp250, ramp125, ramp100, ramp62, ramp50, ramp40, ramp31, ramp25, ramp20, ramp15, ramp12, ramp10 }; enum antennaImpedance { fiftyOhm, twohundretOhm }; enum lnaGain { automatic, max, maxMinus6, maxMinus12, maxMinus24, maxMinus36, maxMinus48, undefined }; enum dccPercent { dcc16Percent, dcc8Percent, dcc4Percent, dcc2Percent, dcc1Percent, dcc0_5Percent, dcc0_25Percent, dcc0_125Percent }; enum mantisse { mantisse16, mantisse20, mantisse24 }; enum thresholdType { fixed, peak, average }; enum thresholdStep { step_0_5db, step_1_0db, step_1_5db, step_2_0db, step_3_0db, step_4_0db, step_5_0db, step_6_0db }; enum thresholdDecrement { dec_every8th, dec_every4th, dec_every2nd, dec_once, dec_twice, dec_4times, dec_8times, dec_16times }; enum flag { modeSwitchCompleted, readyToReceive, readyToSend, pllLocked, rssiExceededThreshold, timeout, automode, syncAddressMatch, fifoFull, // fifoNotEmpty, collision with next enum; replaced by following enum... fifoEmpty, fifoLevelBelowThreshold, fifoOverrun, packetSent, payloadReady, crcOk, batteryLow }; enum fifoFillCondition { afterSyncInterrupt, always }; enum packetFormat { packetLengthFix, packetLengthVar }; enum txStartCondition { fifoLevel, fifoNotEmpty }; enum addressFiltering { filteringOff, nodeAddress, nodeOrBroadcastAddress }; enum dagc { normalMode, improve, improve4LowModulationIndex }; #endif