/* * Support for Intel Camera Imaging ISP subsystem. * Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. */ #ifndef __IA_CSS_TDF_TYPES_H #define __IA_CSS_TDF_TYPES_H /* @file * CSS-API header file for Transform Domain Filter parameters. */ #include "type_support.h" /* Transform Domain Filter configuration * * \brief TDF public parameters. * \details Struct with all parameters for the TDF kernel that can be set * from the CSS API. * * ISP2.6.1: TDF is used. */ struct ia_css_tdf_config { int32_t thres_flat_table[64]; /** Final optimized strength table of NR for flat region. */ int32_t thres_detail_table[64]; /** Final optimized strength table of NR for detail region. */ int32_t epsilon_0; /** Coefficient to control variance for dark area (for flat region). */ int32_t epsilon_1; /** Coefficient to control variance for bright area (for flat region). */ int32_t eps_scale_text; /** Epsilon scaling coefficient for texture region. */ int32_t eps_scale_edge; /** Epsilon scaling coefficient for edge region. */ int32_t sepa_flat; /** Threshold to judge flat (edge < m_Flat_thre). */ int32_t sepa_edge; /** Threshold to judge edge (edge > m_Edge_thre). */ int32_t blend_flat; /** Blending ratio at flat region. */ int32_t blend_text; /** Blending ratio at texture region. */ int32_t blend_edge; /** Blending ratio at edge region. */ int32_t shading_gain; /** Gain of Shading control. */ int32_t shading_base_gain; /** Base Gain of Shading control. */ int32_t local_y_gain; /** Gain of local luminance control. */ int32_t local_y_base_gain; /** Base gain of local luminance control. */ int32_t rad_x_origin; /** Initial x coord. for radius computation. */ int32_t rad_y_origin; /** Initial y coord. for radius computation. */ }; #endif /* __IA_CSS_TDF_TYPES_H */