/* * Copyright(c) 2005 - 2006 Attansic Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright(c) 2006 Chris Snook <csnook@redhat.com> * Copyright(c) 2006 Jay Cliburn <jcliburn@gmail.com> * * Derived from Intel e1000 driver * Copyright(c) 1999 - 2005 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * There are a lot of defines in here that are unused and/or have cryptic * names. Please leave them alone, as they're the closest thing we have * to a spec from Attansic at present. *ahem* -- CHS */ #ifndef _ATL1_HW_H_ #define _ATL1_HW_H_ #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/mii.h> struct atl1_adapter; struct atl1_hw; /* function prototypes needed by multiple files */ s32 atl1_phy_setup_autoneg_adv(struct atl1_hw *hw); s32 atl1_write_phy_reg(struct atl1_hw *hw, u32 reg_addr, u16 phy_data); s32 atl1_get_speed_and_duplex(struct atl1_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex); s32 atl1_read_mac_addr(struct atl1_hw *hw); s32 atl1_init_hw(struct atl1_hw *hw); s32 atl1_get_speed_and_duplex(struct atl1_hw *hw, u16 *speed, u16 *duplex); s32 atl1_set_speed_and_duplex(struct atl1_hw *hw, u16 speed, u16 duplex); u32 atl1_hash_mc_addr(struct atl1_hw *hw, u8 *mc_addr); void atl1_hash_set(struct atl1_hw *hw, u32 hash_value); s32 atl1_read_phy_reg(struct atl1_hw *hw, u16 reg_addr, u16 *phy_data); void atl1_set_mac_addr(struct atl1_hw *hw); s32 atl1_phy_enter_power_saving(struct atl1_hw *hw); s32 atl1_reset_hw(struct atl1_hw *hw); void atl1_check_options(struct atl1_adapter *adapter); /* register definitions */ #define REG_PCIE_CAP_LIST 0x58 #define REG_VPD_CAP 0x6C #define VPD_CAP_ID_MASK 0xff #define VPD_CAP_ID_SHIFT 0 #define VPD_CAP_NEXT_PTR_MASK 0xFF #define VPD_CAP_NEXT_PTR_SHIFT 8 #define VPD_CAP_VPD_ADDR_MASK 0x7FFF #define VPD_CAP_VPD_ADDR_SHIFT 16 #define VPD_CAP_VPD_FLAG 0x80000000 #define REG_VPD_DATA 0x70 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_CTRL 0x200 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_STS_NON_RDY 0x1 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_STS_WEN 0x2 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_STS_WPEN 0x80 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_DEV_STS_MASK 0xFF #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_DEV_STS_SHIFT 0 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_INS_MASK 0x7 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_INS_SHIFT 8 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_START 0x800 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_EN_VPD 0x2000 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_LDSTART 0x8000 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CS_HI_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CS_HI_SHIFT 16 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CS_HOLD_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CS_HOLD_SHIFT 18 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CLK_LO_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CLK_LO_SHIFT 20 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CLK_HI_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CLK_HI_SHIFT 22 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CS_SETUP_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_CS_SETUP_SHIFT 24 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_EROM_PGSZ_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_EROM_PGSZ_SHIFT 26 #define SPI_FLASH_CTRL_WAIT_READY 0x10000000 #define REG_SPI_ADDR 0x204 #define REG_SPI_DATA 0x208 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_CONFIG 0x20C #define SPI_FLASH_CONFIG_LD_ADDR_MASK 0xFFFFFF #define SPI_FLASH_CONFIG_LD_ADDR_SHIFT 0 #define SPI_FLASH_CONFIG_VPD_ADDR_MASK 0x3 #define SPI_FLASH_CONFIG_VPD_ADDR_SHIFT 24 #define SPI_FLASH_CONFIG_LD_EXIST 0x4000000 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_PROGRAM 0x210 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_SC_ERASE 0x211 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_CHIP_ERASE 0x212 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_RDID 0x213 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_WREN 0x214 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_RDSR 0x215 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_WRSR 0x216 #define REG_SPI_FLASH_OP_READ 0x217 #define REG_TWSI_CTRL 0x218 #define TWSI_CTRL_LD_OFFSET_MASK 0xFF #define TWSI_CTRL_LD_OFFSET_SHIFT 0 #define TWSI_CTRL_LD_SLV_ADDR_MASK 0x7 #define TWSI_CTRL_LD_SLV_ADDR_SHIFT 8 #define TWSI_CTRL_SW_LDSTART 0x800 #define TWSI_CTRL_HW_LDSTART 0x1000 #define TWSI_CTRL_SMB_SLV_ADDR_MASK 0x7F #define TWSI_CTRL_SMB_SLV_ADDR_SHIFT 15 #define TWSI_CTRL_LD_EXIST 0x400000 #define TWSI_CTRL_READ_FREQ_SEL_MASK 0x3 #define TWSI_CTRL_READ_FREQ_SEL_SHIFT 23 #define TWSI_CTRL_FREQ_SEL_100K 0 #define TWSI_CTRL_FREQ_SEL_200K 1 #define TWSI_CTRL_FREQ_SEL_300K 2 #define TWSI_CTRL_FREQ_SEL_400K 3 #define TWSI_CTRL_SMB_SLV_ADDR #define TWSI_CTRL_WRITE_FREQ_SEL_MASK 0x3 #define TWSI_CTRL_WRITE_FREQ_SEL_SHIFT 24 #define REG_PCIE_DEV_MISC_CTRL 0x21C #define PCIE_DEV_MISC_CTRL_EXT_PIPE 0x2 #define PCIE_DEV_MISC_CTRL_RETRY_BUFDIS 0x1 #define PCIE_DEV_MISC_CTRL_SPIROM_EXIST 0x4 #define PCIE_DEV_MISC_CTRL_SERDES_ENDIAN 0x8 #define PCIE_DEV_MISC_CTRL_SERDES_SEL_DIN 0x10 /* Selene Master Control Register */ #define REG_MASTER_CTRL 0x1400 #define MASTER_CTRL_SOFT_RST 0x1 #define MASTER_CTRL_MTIMER_EN 0x2 #define MASTER_CTRL_ITIMER_EN 0x4 #define MASTER_CTRL_MANUAL_INT 0x8 #define MASTER_CTRL_REV_NUM_SHIFT 16 #define MASTER_CTRL_REV_NUM_MASK 0xff #define MASTER_CTRL_DEV_ID_SHIFT 24 #define MASTER_CTRL_DEV_ID_MASK 0xff /* Timer Initial Value Register */ #define REG_MANUAL_TIMER_INIT 0x1404 /* IRQ ModeratorTimer Initial Value Register */ #define REG_IRQ_MODU_TIMER_INIT 0x1408 #define REG_GPHY_ENABLE 0x140C /* IRQ Anti-Lost Timer Initial Value Register */ #define REG_CMBDISDMA_TIMER 0x140E /* Block IDLE Status Register */ #define REG_IDLE_STATUS 0x1410 #define IDLE_STATUS_RXMAC 1 #define IDLE_STATUS_TXMAC 2 #define IDLE_STATUS_RXQ 4 #define IDLE_STATUS_TXQ 8 #define IDLE_STATUS_DMAR 0x10 #define IDLE_STATUS_DMAW 0x20 #define IDLE_STATUS_SMB 0x40 #define IDLE_STATUS_CMB 0x80 /* MDIO Control Register */ #define REG_MDIO_CTRL 0x1414 #define MDIO_DATA_MASK 0xffff #define MDIO_DATA_SHIFT 0 #define MDIO_REG_ADDR_MASK 0x1f #define MDIO_REG_ADDR_SHIFT 16 #define MDIO_RW 0x200000 #define MDIO_SUP_PREAMBLE 0x400000 #define MDIO_START 0x800000 #define MDIO_CLK_SEL_SHIFT 24 #define MDIO_CLK_25_4 0 #define MDIO_CLK_25_6 2 #define MDIO_CLK_25_8 3 #define MDIO_CLK_25_10 4 #define MDIO_CLK_25_14 5 #define MDIO_CLK_25_20 6 #define MDIO_CLK_25_28 7 #define MDIO_BUSY 0x8000000 #define MDIO_WAIT_TIMES 30 /* MII PHY Status Register */ #define REG_PHY_STATUS 0x1418 /* BIST Control and Status Register0 (for the Packet Memory) */ #define REG_BIST0_CTRL 0x141c #define BIST0_NOW 0x1 #define BIST0_SRAM_FAIL 0x2 #define BIST0_FUSE_FLAG 0x4 #define REG_BIST1_CTRL 0x1420 #define BIST1_NOW 0x1 #define BIST1_SRAM_FAIL 0x2 #define BIST1_FUSE_FLAG 0x4 /* MAC Control Register */ #define REG_MAC_CTRL 0x1480 #define MAC_CTRL_TX_EN 1 #define MAC_CTRL_RX_EN 2 #define MAC_CTRL_TX_FLOW 4 #define MAC_CTRL_RX_FLOW 8 #define MAC_CTRL_LOOPBACK 0x10 #define MAC_CTRL_DUPLX 0x20 #define MAC_CTRL_ADD_CRC 0x40 #define MAC_CTRL_PAD 0x80 #define MAC_CTRL_LENCHK 0x100 #define MAC_CTRL_HUGE_EN 0x200 #define MAC_CTRL_PRMLEN_SHIFT 10 #define MAC_CTRL_PRMLEN_MASK 0xf #define MAC_CTRL_RMV_VLAN 0x4000 #define MAC_CTRL_PROMIS_EN 0x8000 #define MAC_CTRL_TX_PAUSE 0x10000 #define MAC_CTRL_SCNT 0x20000 #define MAC_CTRL_SRST_TX 0x40000 #define MAC_CTRL_TX_SIMURST 0x80000 #define MAC_CTRL_SPEED_SHIFT 20 #define MAC_CTRL_SPEED_MASK 0x300000 #define MAC_CTRL_SPEED_1000 2 #define MAC_CTRL_SPEED_10_100 1 #define MAC_CTRL_DBG_TX_BKPRESURE 0x400000 #define MAC_CTRL_TX_HUGE 0x800000 #define MAC_CTRL_RX_CHKSUM_EN 0x1000000 #define MAC_CTRL_MC_ALL_EN 0x2000000 #define MAC_CTRL_BC_EN 0x4000000 #define MAC_CTRL_DBG 0x8000000 /* MAC IPG/IFG Control Register */ #define REG_MAC_IPG_IFG 0x1484 #define MAC_IPG_IFG_IPGT_SHIFT 0 #define MAC_IPG_IFG_IPGT_MASK 0x7f #define MAC_IPG_IFG_MIFG_SHIFT 8 #define MAC_IPG_IFG_MIFG_MASK 0xff #define MAC_IPG_IFG_IPGR1_SHIFT 16 #define MAC_IPG_IFG_IPGR1_MASK 0x7f #define MAC_IPG_IFG_IPGR2_SHIFT 24 #define MAC_IPG_IFG_IPGR2_MASK 0x7f /* MAC STATION ADDRESS */ #define REG_MAC_STA_ADDR 0x1488 /* Hash table for multicast address */ #define REG_RX_HASH_TABLE 0x1490 /* MAC Half-Duplex Control Register */ #define REG_MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL 0x1498 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_LCOL_SHIFT 0 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_LCOL_MASK 0x3ff #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_RETRY_SHIFT 12 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_RETRY_MASK 0xf #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_EXC_DEF_EN 0x10000 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_NO_BACK_C 0x20000 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_NO_BACK_P 0x40000 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_ABEBE 0x80000 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_ABEBT_SHIFT 20 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_ABEBT_MASK 0xf #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_JAMIPG_SHIFT 24 #define MAC_HALF_DUPLX_CTRL_JAMIPG_MASK 0xf /* Maximum Frame Length Control Register */ #define REG_MTU 0x149c /* Wake-On-Lan control register */ #define REG_WOL_CTRL 0x14a0 #define WOL_PATTERN_EN 0x00000001 #define WOL_PATTERN_PME_EN 0x00000002 #define WOL_MAGIC_EN 0x00000004 #define WOL_MAGIC_PME_EN 0x00000008 #define WOL_LINK_CHG_EN 0x00000010 #define WOL_LINK_CHG_PME_EN 0x00000020 #define WOL_PATTERN_ST 0x00000100 #define WOL_MAGIC_ST 0x00000200 #define WOL_LINKCHG_ST 0x00000400 #define WOL_CLK_SWITCH_EN 0x00008000 #define WOL_PT0_EN 0x00010000 #define WOL_PT1_EN 0x00020000 #define WOL_PT2_EN 0x00040000 #define WOL_PT3_EN 0x00080000 #define WOL_PT4_EN 0x00100000 #define WOL_PT5_EN 0x00200000 #define WOL_PT6_EN 0x00400000 /* WOL Length ( 2 DWORD ) */ #define REG_WOL_PATTERN_LEN 0x14a4 #define WOL_PT_LEN_MASK 0x7f #define WOL_PT0_LEN_SHIFT 0 #define WOL_PT1_LEN_SHIFT 8 #define WOL_PT2_LEN_SHIFT 16 #define WOL_PT3_LEN_SHIFT 24 #define WOL_PT4_LEN_SHIFT 0 #define WOL_PT5_LEN_SHIFT 8 #define WOL_PT6_LEN_SHIFT 16 /* Internal SRAM Partition Register */ #define REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR 0x1500 #define REG_SRAM_RFD_LEN (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+ 4) #define REG_SRAM_RRD_ADDR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+ 8) #define REG_SRAM_RRD_LEN (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+12) #define REG_SRAM_TPD_ADDR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+16) #define REG_SRAM_TPD_LEN (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+20) #define REG_SRAM_TRD_ADDR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+24) #define REG_SRAM_TRD_LEN (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+28) #define REG_SRAM_RXF_ADDR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+32) #define REG_SRAM_RXF_LEN (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+36) #define REG_SRAM_TXF_ADDR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+40) #define REG_SRAM_TXF_LEN (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+44) #define REG_SRAM_TCPH_PATH_ADDR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+48) #define SRAM_TCPH_ADDR_MASK 0x0fff #define SRAM_TCPH_ADDR_SHIFT 0 #define SRAM_PATH_ADDR_MASK 0x0fff #define SRAM_PATH_ADDR_SHIFT 16 /* Load Ptr Register */ #define REG_LOAD_PTR (REG_SRAM_RFD_ADDR+52) /* Descriptor Control register */ #define REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI 0x1540 #define REG_DESC_RFD_ADDR_LO (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+4) #define REG_DESC_RRD_ADDR_LO (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+8) #define REG_DESC_TPD_ADDR_LO (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+12) #define REG_DESC_CMB_ADDR_LO (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+16) #define REG_DESC_SMB_ADDR_LO (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+20) #define REG_DESC_RFD_RRD_RING_SIZE (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+24) #define DESC_RFD_RING_SIZE_MASK 0x7ff #define DESC_RFD_RING_SIZE_SHIFT 0 #define DESC_RRD_RING_SIZE_MASK 0x7ff #define DESC_RRD_RING_SIZE_SHIFT 16 #define REG_DESC_TPD_RING_SIZE (REG_DESC_BASE_ADDR_HI+28) #define DESC_TPD_RING_SIZE_MASK 0x3ff #define DESC_TPD_RING_SIZE_SHIFT 0 /* TXQ Control Register */ #define REG_TXQ_CTRL 0x1580 #define TXQ_CTRL_TPD_BURST_NUM_SHIFT 0 #define TXQ_CTRL_TPD_BURST_NUM_MASK 0x1f #define TXQ_CTRL_EN 0x20 #define TXQ_CTRL_ENH_MODE 0x40 #define TXQ_CTRL_TPD_FETCH_TH_SHIFT 8 #define TXQ_CTRL_TPD_FETCH_TH_MASK 0x3f #define TXQ_CTRL_TXF_BURST_NUM_SHIFT 16 #define TXQ_CTRL_TXF_BURST_NUM_MASK 0xffff /* Jumbo packet Threshold for task offload */ #define REG_TX_JUMBO_TASK_TH_TPD_IPG 0x1584 #define TX_JUMBO_TASK_TH_MASK 0x7ff #define TX_JUMBO_TASK_TH_SHIFT 0 #define TX_TPD_MIN_IPG_MASK 0x1f #define TX_TPD_MIN_IPG_SHIFT 16 /* RXQ Control Register */ #define REG_RXQ_CTRL 0x15a0 #define RXQ_CTRL_RFD_BURST_NUM_SHIFT 0 #define RXQ_CTRL_RFD_BURST_NUM_MASK 0xff #define RXQ_CTRL_RRD_BURST_THRESH_SHIFT 8 #define RXQ_CTRL_RRD_BURST_THRESH_MASK 0xff #define RXQ_CTRL_RFD_PREF_MIN_IPG_SHIFT 16 #define RXQ_CTRL_RFD_PREF_MIN_IPG_MASK 0x1f #define RXQ_CTRL_CUT_THRU_EN 0x40000000 #define RXQ_CTRL_EN 0x80000000 /* Rx jumbo packet threshold and rrd retirement timer */ #define REG_RXQ_JMBOSZ_RRDTIM (REG_RXQ_CTRL+ 4) #define RXQ_JMBOSZ_TH_MASK 0x7ff #define RXQ_JMBOSZ_TH_SHIFT 0 #define RXQ_JMBO_LKAH_MASK 0xf #define RXQ_JMBO_LKAH_SHIFT 11 #define RXQ_RRD_TIMER_MASK 0xffff #define RXQ_RRD_TIMER_SHIFT 16 /* RFD flow control register */ #define REG_RXQ_RXF_PAUSE_THRESH (REG_RXQ_CTRL+ 8) #define RXQ_RXF_PAUSE_TH_HI_SHIFT 16 #define RXQ_RXF_PAUSE_TH_HI_MASK 0xfff #define RXQ_RXF_PAUSE_TH_LO_SHIFT 0 #define RXQ_RXF_PAUSE_TH_LO_MASK 0xfff /* RRD flow control register */ #define REG_RXQ_RRD_PAUSE_THRESH (REG_RXQ_CTRL+12) #define RXQ_RRD_PAUSE_TH_HI_SHIFT 0 #define RXQ_RRD_PAUSE_TH_HI_MASK 0xfff #define RXQ_RRD_PAUSE_TH_LO_SHIFT 16 #define RXQ_RRD_PAUSE_TH_LO_MASK 0xfff /* DMA Engine Control Register */ #define REG_DMA_CTRL 0x15c0 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAR_IN_ORDER 0x1 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAR_ENH_ORDER 0x2 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAR_OUT_ORDER 0x4 #define DMA_CTRL_RCB_VALUE 0x8 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAR_BURST_LEN_SHIFT 4 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAR_BURST_LEN_MASK 7 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAW_BURST_LEN_SHIFT 7 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAW_BURST_LEN_MASK 7 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAR_EN 0x400 #define DMA_CTRL_DMAW_EN 0x800 /* CMB/SMB Control Register */ #define REG_CSMB_CTRL 0x15d0 #define CSMB_CTRL_CMB_NOW 1 #define CSMB_CTRL_SMB_NOW 2 #define CSMB_CTRL_CMB_EN 4 #define CSMB_CTRL_SMB_EN 8 /* CMB DMA Write Threshold Register */ #define REG_CMB_WRITE_TH (REG_CSMB_CTRL+ 4) #define CMB_RRD_TH_SHIFT 0 #define CMB_RRD_TH_MASK 0x7ff #define CMB_TPD_TH_SHIFT 16 #define CMB_TPD_TH_MASK 0x7ff /* RX/TX count-down timer to trigger CMB-write. 2us resolution. */ #define REG_CMB_WRITE_TIMER (REG_CSMB_CTRL+ 8) #define CMB_RX_TM_SHIFT 0 #define CMB_RX_TM_MASK 0xffff #define CMB_TX_TM_SHIFT 16 #define CMB_TX_TM_MASK 0xffff /* Number of packet received since last CMB write */ #define REG_CMB_RX_PKT_CNT (REG_CSMB_CTRL+12) /* Number of packet transmitted since last CMB write */ #define REG_CMB_TX_PKT_CNT (REG_CSMB_CTRL+16) /* SMB auto DMA timer register */ #define REG_SMB_TIMER (REG_CSMB_CTRL+20) /* Mailbox Register */ #define REG_MAILBOX 0x15f0 #define MB_RFD_PROD_INDX_SHIFT 0 #define MB_RFD_PROD_INDX_MASK 0x7ff #define MB_RRD_CONS_INDX_SHIFT 11 #define MB_RRD_CONS_INDX_MASK 0x7ff #define MB_TPD_PROD_INDX_SHIFT 22 #define MB_TPD_PROD_INDX_MASK 0x3ff /* Interrupt Status Register */ #define REG_ISR 0x1600 #define ISR_SMB 1 #define ISR_TIMER 2 #define ISR_MANUAL 4 #define ISR_RXF_OV 8 #define ISR_RFD_UNRUN 0x10 #define ISR_RRD_OV 0x20 #define ISR_TXF_UNRUN 0x40 #define ISR_LINK 0x80 #define ISR_HOST_RFD_UNRUN 0x100 #define ISR_HOST_RRD_OV 0x200 #define ISR_DMAR_TO_RST 0x400 #define ISR_DMAW_TO_RST 0x800 #define ISR_GPHY 0x1000 #define ISR_RX_PKT 0x10000 #define ISR_TX_PKT 0x20000 #define ISR_TX_DMA 0x40000 #define ISR_RX_DMA 0x80000 #define ISR_CMB_RX 0x100000 #define ISR_CMB_TX 0x200000 #define ISR_MAC_RX 0x400000 #define ISR_MAC_TX 0x800000 #define ISR_UR_DETECTED 0x1000000 #define ISR_FERR_DETECTED 0x2000000 #define ISR_NFERR_DETECTED 0x4000000 #define ISR_CERR_DETECTED 0x8000000 #define ISR_PHY_LINKDOWN 0x10000000 #define ISR_DIS_SMB 0x20000000 #define ISR_DIS_DMA 0x40000000 #define ISR_DIS_INT 0x80000000 /* Interrupt Mask Register */ #define REG_IMR 0x1604 /* Normal Interrupt mask */ #define IMR_NORMAL_MASK (\ ISR_SMB |\ ISR_GPHY |\ ISR_PHY_LINKDOWN|\ ISR_DMAR_TO_RST |\ ISR_DMAW_TO_RST |\ ISR_CMB_TX |\ ISR_CMB_RX ) /* Debug Interrupt Mask (enable all interrupt) */ #define IMR_DEBUG_MASK (\ ISR_SMB |\ ISR_TIMER |\ ISR_MANUAL |\ ISR_RXF_OV |\ ISR_RFD_UNRUN |\ ISR_RRD_OV |\ ISR_TXF_UNRUN |\ ISR_LINK |\ ISR_CMB_TX |\ ISR_CMB_RX |\ ISR_RX_PKT |\ ISR_TX_PKT |\ ISR_MAC_RX |\ ISR_MAC_TX ) /* Interrupt Status Register */ #define REG_RFD_RRD_IDX 0x1800 #define REG_TPD_IDX 0x1804 /* MII definition */ /* PHY Common Register */ #define MII_AT001_CR 0x09 #define MII_AT001_SR 0x0A #define MII_AT001_ESR 0x0F #define MII_AT001_PSCR 0x10 #define MII_AT001_PSSR 0x11 /* PHY Control Register */ #define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_MSB 0x0040 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */ #define MII_CR_COLL_TEST_ENABLE 0x0080 /* Collision test enable */ #define MII_CR_FULL_DUPLEX 0x0100 /* FDX =1, half duplex =0 */ #define MII_CR_RESTART_AUTO_NEG 0x0200 /* Restart auto negotiation */ #define MII_CR_ISOLATE 0x0400 /* Isolate PHY from MII */ #define MII_CR_POWER_DOWN 0x0800 /* Power down */ #define MII_CR_AUTO_NEG_EN 0x1000 /* Auto Neg Enable */ #define MII_CR_SPEED_SELECT_LSB 0x2000 /* bits 6,13: 10=1000, 01=100, 00=10 */ #define MII_CR_LOOPBACK 0x4000 /* 0 = normal, 1 = loopback */ #define MII_CR_RESET 0x8000 /* 0 = normal, 1 = PHY reset */ #define MII_CR_SPEED_MASK 0x2040 #define MII_CR_SPEED_1000 0x0040 #define MII_CR_SPEED_100 0x2000 #define MII_CR_SPEED_10 0x0000 /* PHY Status Register */ #define MII_SR_EXTENDED_CAPS 0x0001 /* Extended register capabilities */ #define MII_SR_JABBER_DETECT 0x0002 /* Jabber Detected */ #define MII_SR_LINK_STATUS 0x0004 /* Link Status 1 = link */ #define MII_SR_AUTONEG_CAPS 0x0008 /* Auto Neg Capable */ #define MII_SR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x0010 /* Remote Fault Detect */ #define MII_SR_AUTONEG_COMPLETE 0x0020 /* Auto Neg Complete */ #define MII_SR_PREAMBLE_SUPPRESS 0x0040 /* Preamble may be suppressed */ #define MII_SR_EXTENDED_STATUS 0x0100 /* Ext. status info in Reg 0x0F */ #define MII_SR_100T2_HD_CAPS 0x0200 /* 100T2 Half Duplex Capable */ #define MII_SR_100T2_FD_CAPS 0x0400 /* 100T2 Full Duplex Capable */ #define MII_SR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0800 /* 10T Half Duplex Capable */ #define MII_SR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x1000 /* 10T Full Duplex Capable */ #define MII_SR_100X_HD_CAPS 0x2000 /* 100X Half Duplex Capable */ #define MII_SR_100X_FD_CAPS 0x4000 /* 100X Full Duplex Capable */ #define MII_SR_100T4_CAPS 0x8000 /* 100T4 Capable */ /* Link partner ability register. */ #define MII_LPA_SLCT 0x001f /* Same as advertise selector */ #define MII_LPA_10HALF 0x0020 /* Can do 10mbps half-duplex */ #define MII_LPA_10FULL 0x0040 /* Can do 10mbps full-duplex */ #define MII_LPA_100HALF 0x0080 /* Can do 100mbps half-duplex */ #define MII_LPA_100FULL 0x0100 /* Can do 100mbps full-duplex */ #define MII_LPA_100BASE4 0x0200 /* 100BASE-T4 */ #define MII_LPA_PAUSE 0x0400 /* PAUSE */ #define MII_LPA_ASYPAUSE 0x0800 /* Asymmetrical PAUSE */ #define MII_LPA_RFAULT 0x2000 /* Link partner faulted */ #define MII_LPA_LPACK 0x4000 /* Link partner acked us */ #define MII_LPA_NPAGE 0x8000 /* Next page bit */ /* Autoneg Advertisement Register */ #define MII_AR_SELECTOR_FIELD 0x0001 /* indicates IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD */ #define MII_AR_10T_HD_CAPS 0x0020 /* 10T Half Duplex Capable */ #define MII_AR_10T_FD_CAPS 0x0040 /* 10T Full Duplex Capable */ #define MII_AR_100TX_HD_CAPS 0x0080 /* 100TX Half Duplex Capable */ #define MII_AR_100TX_FD_CAPS 0x0100 /* 100TX Full Duplex Capable */ #define MII_AR_100T4_CAPS 0x0200 /* 100T4 Capable */ #define MII_AR_PAUSE 0x0400 /* Pause operation desired */ #define MII_AR_ASM_DIR 0x0800 /* Asymmetric Pause Direction bit */ #define MII_AR_REMOTE_FAULT 0x2000 /* Remote Fault detected */ #define MII_AR_NEXT_PAGE 0x8000 /* Next Page ability supported */ #define MII_AR_SPEED_MASK 0x01E0 #define MII_AR_DEFAULT_CAP_MASK 0x0DE0 /* 1000BASE-T Control Register */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_HD_CAPS 0x0100 /* Advertise 1000T HD capability */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_FD_CAPS 0x0200 /* Advertise 1000T FD capability */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_REPEATER_DTE 0x0400 /* 1=Repeater/switch device port, 0=DTE device */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_MS_VALUE 0x0800 /* 1=Configure PHY as Master, 0=Configure PHY as Slave */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_MS_ENABLE 0x1000 /* 1=Master/Slave manual config value, 0=Automatic Master/Slave config */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_NORMAL 0x0000 /* Normal Operation */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_1 0x2000 /* Transmit Waveform test */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_2 0x4000 /* Master Transmit Jitter test */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_3 0x6000 /* Slave Transmit Jitter test */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_TEST_MODE_4 0x8000 /* Transmitter Distortion test */ #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_SPEED_MASK 0x0300 #define MII_AT001_CR_1000T_DEFAULT_CAP_MASK 0x0300 /* 1000BASE-T Status Register */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_LP_HD_CAPS 0x0400 /* LP is 1000T HD capable */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_LP_FD_CAPS 0x0800 /* LP is 1000T FD capable */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS 0x1000 /* Remote receiver OK */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS 0x2000 /* Local receiver OK */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_MS_CONFIG_RES 0x4000 /* 1=Local TX is Master, 0=Slave */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_MS_CONFIG_FAULT 0x8000 /* Master/Slave config fault */ #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_REMOTE_RX_STATUS_SHIFT 12 #define MII_AT001_SR_1000T_LOCAL_RX_STATUS_SHIFT 13 /* Extended Status Register */ #define MII_AT001_ESR_1000T_HD_CAPS 0x1000 /* 1000T HD capable */ #define MII_AT001_ESR_1000T_FD_CAPS 0x2000 /* 1000T FD capable */ #define MII_AT001_ESR_1000X_HD_CAPS 0x4000 /* 1000X HD capable */ #define MII_AT001_ESR_1000X_FD_CAPS 0x8000 /* 1000X FD capable */ /* AT001 PHY Specific Control Register */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_JABBER_DISABLE 0x0001 /* 1=Jabber Function disabled */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL 0x0002 /* 1=Polarity Reversal enabled */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_SQE_TEST 0x0004 /* 1=SQE Test enabled */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_MAC_POWERDOWN 0x0008 #define MII_AT001_PSCR_CLK125_DISABLE 0x0010 /* 1=CLK125 low, 0=CLK125 toggling */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_MDI_MANUAL_MODE 0x0000 /* MDI Crossover Mode bits 6:5, Manual MDI configuration */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_MDIX_MANUAL_MODE 0x0020 /* Manual MDIX configuration */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_AUTO_X_1000T 0x0040 /* 1000BASE-T: Auto crossover, 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T: MDI Mode */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE 0x0060 /* Auto crossover enabled all speeds. */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_10BT_EXT_DIST_ENABLE 0x0080 /* 1=Enable Extended 10BASE-T distance (Lower 10BASE-T RX Threshold), 0=Normal 10BASE-T RX Threshold */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_MII_5BIT_ENABLE 0x0100 /* 1=5-Bit interface in 100BASE-TX, 0=MII interface in 100BASE-TX */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_SCRAMBLER_DISABLE 0x0200 /* 1=Scrambler disable */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_FORCE_LINK_GOOD 0x0400 /* 1=Force link good */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_ASSERT_CRS_ON_TX 0x0800 /* 1=Assert CRS on Transmit */ #define MII_AT001_PSCR_POLARITY_REVERSAL_SHIFT 1 #define MII_AT001_PSCR_AUTO_X_MODE_SHIFT 5 #define MII_AT001_PSCR_10BT_EXT_DIST_ENABLE_SHIFT 7 /* AT001 PHY Specific Status Register */ #define MII_AT001_PSSR_SPD_DPLX_RESOLVED 0x0800 /* 1=Speed & Duplex resolved */ #define MII_AT001_PSSR_DPLX 0x2000 /* 1=Duplex 0=Half Duplex */ #define MII_AT001_PSSR_SPEED 0xC000 /* Speed, bits 14:15 */ #define MII_AT001_PSSR_10MBS 0x0000 /* 00=10Mbs */ #define MII_AT001_PSSR_100MBS 0x4000 /* 01=100Mbs */ #define MII_AT001_PSSR_1000MBS 0x8000 /* 10=1000Mbs */ /* PCI Command Register Bit Definitions */ #define PCI_REG_COMMAND 0x04 /* PCI Command Register */ #define CMD_IO_SPACE 0x0001 #define CMD_MEMORY_SPACE 0x0002 #define CMD_BUS_MASTER 0x0004 /* Wake Up Filter Control */ #define ATL1_WUFC_LNKC 0x00000001 /* Link Status Change Wakeup Enable */ #define ATL1_WUFC_MAG 0x00000002 /* Magic Packet Wakeup Enable */ #define ATL1_WUFC_EX 0x00000004 /* Directed Exact Wakeup Enable */ #define ATL1_WUFC_MC 0x00000008 /* Multicast Wakeup Enable */ #define ATL1_WUFC_BC 0x00000010 /* Broadcast Wakeup Enable */ /* Error Codes */ #define ATL1_SUCCESS 0 #define ATL1_ERR_EEPROM 1 #define ATL1_ERR_PHY 2 #define ATL1_ERR_CONFIG 3 #define ATL1_ERR_PARAM 4 #define ATL1_ERR_MAC_TYPE 5 #define ATL1_ERR_PHY_TYPE 6 #define ATL1_ERR_PHY_SPEED 7 #define ATL1_ERR_PHY_RES 8 #define SPEED_0 0xffff #define SPEED_10 10 #define SPEED_100 100 #define SPEED_1000 1000 #define HALF_DUPLEX 1 #define FULL_DUPLEX 2 #define MEDIA_TYPE_AUTO_SENSOR 0 #define MEDIA_TYPE_1000M_FULL 1 #define MEDIA_TYPE_100M_FULL 2 #define MEDIA_TYPE_100M_HALF 3 #define MEDIA_TYPE_10M_FULL 4 #define MEDIA_TYPE_10M_HALF 5 #define ADVERTISE_10_HALF 0x0001 #define ADVERTISE_10_FULL 0x0002 #define ADVERTISE_100_HALF 0x0004 #define ADVERTISE_100_FULL 0x0008 #define ADVERTISE_1000_HALF 0x0010 #define ADVERTISE_1000_FULL 0x0020 #define AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_SPEED_DEFAULT 0x002F /* Everything but 1000-Half */ #define AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_10_100_ALL 0x000F /* All 10/100 speeds */ #define AUTONEG_ADVERTISE_10_ALL 0x0003 /* 10Mbps Full & Half speeds */ #define MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 0x2800 #define PHY_AUTO_NEG_TIME 45 /* 4.5 Seconds */ #define PHY_FORCE_TIME 20 /* 2.0 Seconds */ /* For checksumming , the sum of all words in the EEPROM should equal 0xBABA */ #define EEPROM_SUM 0xBABA #define ATL1_EEDUMP_LEN 48 /* Statistics counters collected by the MAC */ struct stats_msg_block { /* rx */ u32 rx_ok; /* The number of good packet received. */ u32 rx_bcast; /* The number of good broadcast packet received. */ u32 rx_mcast; /* The number of good multicast packet received. */ u32 rx_pause; /* The number of Pause packet received. */ u32 rx_ctrl; /* The number of Control packet received other than Pause frame. */ u32 rx_fcs_err; /* The number of packets with bad FCS. */ u32 rx_len_err; /* The number of packets with mismatch of length field and actual size. */ u32 rx_byte_cnt; /* The number of bytes of good packet received. FCS is NOT included. */ u32 rx_runt; /* The number of packets received that are less than 64 byte long and with good FCS. */ u32 rx_frag; /* The number of packets received that are less than 64 byte long and with bad FCS. */ u32 rx_sz_64; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are 64 byte long. */ u32 rx_sz_65_127; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are between 65 and 127-byte long. */ u32 rx_sz_128_255; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are between 128 and 255-byte long. */ u32 rx_sz_256_511; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are between 256 and 511-byte long. */ u32 rx_sz_512_1023; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are between 512 and 1023-byte long. */ u32 rx_sz_1024_1518; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are between 1024 and 1518-byte long. */ u32 rx_sz_1519_max; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are between 1519-byte and MTU. */ u32 rx_sz_ov; /* The number of good and bad packets received that are more than MTU size šC truncated by Selene. */ u32 rx_rxf_ov; /* The number of frame dropped due to occurrence of RX FIFO overflow. */ u32 rx_rrd_ov; /* The number of frame dropped due to occurrence of RRD overflow. */ u32 rx_align_err; /* Alignment Error */ u32 rx_bcast_byte_cnt; /* The byte count of broadcast packet received, excluding FCS. */ u32 rx_mcast_byte_cnt; /* The byte count of multicast packet received, excluding FCS. */ u32 rx_err_addr; /* The number of packets dropped due to address filtering. */ /* tx */ u32 tx_ok; /* The number of good packet transmitted. */ u32 tx_bcast; /* The number of good broadcast packet transmitted. */ u32 tx_mcast; /* The number of good multicast packet transmitted. */ u32 tx_pause; /* The number of Pause packet transmitted. */ u32 tx_exc_defer; /* The number of packets transmitted with excessive deferral. */ u32 tx_ctrl; /* The number of packets transmitted is a control frame, excluding Pause frame. */ u32 tx_defer; /* The number of packets transmitted that is deferred. */ u32 tx_byte_cnt; /* The number of bytes of data transmitted. FCS is NOT included. */ u32 tx_sz_64; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are 64 byte long. */ u32 tx_sz_65_127; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are between 65 and 127-byte long. */ u32 tx_sz_128_255; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are between 128 and 255-byte long. */ u32 tx_sz_256_511; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are between 256 and 511-byte long. */ u32 tx_sz_512_1023; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are between 512 and 1023-byte long. */ u32 tx_sz_1024_1518; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are between 1024 and 1518-byte long. */ u32 tx_sz_1519_max; /* The number of good and bad packets transmitted that are between 1519-byte and MTU. */ u32 tx_1_col; /* The number of packets subsequently transmitted successfully with a single prior collision. */ u32 tx_2_col; /* The number of packets subsequently transmitted successfully with multiple prior collisions. */ u32 tx_late_col; /* The number of packets transmitted with late collisions. */ u32 tx_abort_col; /* The number of transmit packets aborted due to excessive collisions. */ u32 tx_underrun; /* The number of transmit packets aborted due to transmit FIFO underrun, or TRD FIFO underrun */ u32 tx_rd_eop; /* The number of times that read beyond the EOP into the next frame area when TRD was not written timely */ u32 tx_len_err; /* The number of transmit packets with length field does NOT match the actual frame size. */ u32 tx_trunc; /* The number of transmit packets truncated due to size exceeding MTU. */ u32 tx_bcast_byte; /* The byte count of broadcast packet transmitted, excluding FCS. */ u32 tx_mcast_byte; /* The byte count of multicast packet transmitted, excluding FCS. */ u32 smb_updated; /* 1: SMB Updated. This is used by software as the indication of the statistics update. * Software should clear this bit as soon as retrieving the statistics information. */ }; /* Coalescing Message Block */ struct coals_msg_block { u32 int_stats; /* interrupt status */ u16 rrd_prod_idx; /* TRD Producer Index. */ u16 rfd_cons_idx; /* RFD Consumer Index. */ u16 update; /* Selene sets this bit every time it DMA the CMB to host memory. * Software supposes to clear this bit when CMB information is processed. */ u16 tpd_cons_idx; /* TPD Consumer Index. */ }; /* RRD descriptor */ struct rx_return_desc { u8 num_buf; /* Number of RFD buffers used by the received packet */ u8 resved; u16 buf_indx; /* RFD Index of the first buffer */ union { u32 valid; struct { u16 rx_chksum; u16 pkt_size; } xsum_sz; } xsz; u16 pkt_flg; /* Packet flags */ u16 err_flg; /* Error flags */ u16 resved2; u16 vlan_tag; /* VLAN TAG */ }; #define PACKET_FLAG_ETH_TYPE 0x0080 #define PACKET_FLAG_VLAN_INS 0x0100 #define PACKET_FLAG_ERR 0x0200 #define PACKET_FLAG_IPV4 0x0400 #define PACKET_FLAG_UDP 0x0800 #define PACKET_FLAG_TCP 0x1000 #define PACKET_FLAG_BCAST 0x2000 #define PACKET_FLAG_MCAST 0x4000 #define PACKET_FLAG_PAUSE 0x8000 #define ERR_FLAG_CRC 0x0001 #define ERR_FLAG_CODE 0x0002 #define ERR_FLAG_DRIBBLE 0x0004 #define ERR_FLAG_RUNT 0x0008 #define ERR_FLAG_OV 0x0010 #define ERR_FLAG_TRUNC 0x0020 #define ERR_FLAG_IP_CHKSUM 0x0040 #define ERR_FLAG_L4_CHKSUM 0x0080 #define ERR_FLAG_LEN 0x0100 #define ERR_FLAG_DES_ADDR 0x0200 /* RFD descriptor */ struct rx_free_desc { __le64 buffer_addr; /* Address of the descriptor's data buffer */ __le16 buf_len; /* Size of the receive buffer in host memory, in byte */ u16 coalese; /* Update consumer index to host after the reception of this frame */ /* __attribute__ ((packed)) is required */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* tsopu defines */ #define TSO_PARAM_BUFLEN_MASK 0x3FFF #define TSO_PARAM_BUFLEN_SHIFT 0 #define TSO_PARAM_DMAINT_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_DMAINT_SHIFT 14 #define TSO_PARAM_PKTNT_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_PKTINT_SHIFT 15 #define TSO_PARAM_VLANTAG_MASK 0xFFFF #define TSO_PARAM_VLAN_SHIFT 16 /* tsopl defines */ #define TSO_PARAM_EOP_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_EOP_SHIFT 0 #define TSO_PARAM_COALESCE_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_COALESCE_SHIFT 1 #define TSO_PARAM_INSVLAG_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_INSVLAG_SHIFT 2 #define TSO_PARAM_CUSTOMCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_CUSTOMCKSUM_SHIFT 3 #define TSO_PARAM_SEGMENT_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_SEGMENT_SHIFT 4 #define TSO_PARAM_IPCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_IPCKSUM_SHIFT 5 #define TSO_PARAM_TCPCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_TCPCKSUM_SHIFT 6 #define TSO_PARAM_UDPCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_UDPCKSUM_SHIFT 7 #define TSO_PARAM_VLANTAGGED_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_VLANTAGGED_SHIFT 8 #define TSO_PARAM_ETHTYPE_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_ETHTYPE_SHIFT 9 #define TSO_PARAM_IPHL_MASK 0x000F #define TSO_PARAM_IPHL_SHIFT 10 #define TSO_PARAM_TCPHDRLEN_MASK 0x000F #define TSO_PARAM_TCPHDRLEN_SHIFT 14 #define TSO_PARAM_HDRFLAG_MASK 0x0001 #define TSO_PARAM_HDRFLAG_SHIFT 18 #define TSO_PARAM_MSS_MASK 0x1FFF #define TSO_PARAM_MSS_SHIFT 19 /* csumpu defines */ #define CSUM_PARAM_BUFLEN_MASK 0x3FFF #define CSUM_PARAM_BUFLEN_SHIFT 0 #define CSUM_PARAM_DMAINT_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_DMAINT_SHIFT 14 #define CSUM_PARAM_PKTINT_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_PKTINT_SHIFT 15 #define CSUM_PARAM_VALANTAG_MASK 0xFFFF #define CSUM_PARAM_VALAN_SHIFT 16 /* csumpl defines*/ #define CSUM_PARAM_EOP_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_EOP_SHIFT 0 #define CSUM_PARAM_COALESCE_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_COALESCE_SHIFT 1 #define CSUM_PARAM_INSVLAG_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_INSVLAG_SHIFT 2 #define CSUM_PARAM_CUSTOMCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_CUSTOMCKSUM_SHIFT 3 #define CSUM_PARAM_SEGMENT_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_SEGMENT_SHIFT 4 #define CSUM_PARAM_IPCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_IPCKSUM_SHIFT 5 #define CSUM_PARAM_TCPCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_TCPCKSUM_SHIFT 6 #define CSUM_PARAM_UDPCKSUM_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_UDPCKSUM_SHIFT 7 #define CSUM_PARAM_VLANTAGGED_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_VLANTAGGED_SHIFT 8 #define CSUM_PARAM_ETHTYPE_MASK 0x0001 #define CSUM_PARAM_ETHTYPE_SHIFT 9 #define CSUM_PARAM_IPHL_MASK 0x000F #define CSUM_PARAM_IPHL_SHIFT 10 #define CSUM_PARAM_PLOADOFFSET_MASK 0x00FF #define CSUM_PARAM_PLOADOFFSET_SHIFT 16 #define CSUM_PARAM_XSUMOFFSET_MASK 0x00FF #define CSUM_PARAM_XSUMOFFSET_SHIFT 24 /* TPD descriptor */ struct tso_param { /* The order of these declarations is important -- don't change it */ u32 tsopu; /* tso_param upper word */ u32 tsopl; /* tso_param lower word */ }; struct csum_param { /* The order of these declarations is important -- don't change it */ u32 csumpu; /* csum_param upper word */ u32 csumpl; /* csum_param lower word */ }; union tpd_descr { u64 data; struct csum_param csum; struct tso_param tso; }; struct tx_packet_desc { __le64 buffer_addr; union tpd_descr desc; }; /* DMA Order Settings */ enum atl1_dma_order { atl1_dma_ord_in = 1, atl1_dma_ord_enh = 2, atl1_dma_ord_out = 4 }; enum atl1_dma_rcb { atl1_rcb_64 = 0, atl1_rcb_128 = 1 }; enum atl1_dma_req_block { atl1_dma_req_128 = 0, atl1_dma_req_256 = 1, atl1_dma_req_512 = 2, atl1_dma_req_1024 = 3, atl1_dma_req_2048 = 4, atl1_dma_req_4096 = 5 }; struct atl1_spi_flash_dev { const char *manu_name; /* manufacturer id */ /* op-code */ u8 cmd_wrsr; u8 cmd_read; u8 cmd_program; u8 cmd_wren; u8 cmd_wrdi; u8 cmd_rdsr; u8 cmd_rdid; u8 cmd_sector_erase; u8 cmd_chip_erase; }; #endif /* _ATL1_HW_H_ */