/* * * * Copyright (C) 2005 Mike Isely <isely@pobox.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include <linux/string.h> #include "pvrusb2-debugifc.h" #include "pvrusb2-hdw.h" #include "pvrusb2-debug.h" struct debugifc_mask_item { const char *name; unsigned long msk; }; static unsigned int debugifc_count_whitespace(const char *buf, unsigned int count) { unsigned int scnt; char ch; for (scnt = 0; scnt < count; scnt++) { ch = buf[scnt]; if (ch == ' ') continue; if (ch == '\t') continue; if (ch == '\n') continue; break; } return scnt; } static unsigned int debugifc_count_nonwhitespace(const char *buf, unsigned int count) { unsigned int scnt; char ch; for (scnt = 0; scnt < count; scnt++) { ch = buf[scnt]; if (ch == ' ') break; if (ch == '\t') break; if (ch == '\n') break; } return scnt; } static unsigned int debugifc_isolate_word(const char *buf,unsigned int count, const char **wstrPtr, unsigned int *wlenPtr) { const char *wptr; unsigned int consume_cnt = 0; unsigned int wlen; unsigned int scnt; wptr = NULL; wlen = 0; scnt = debugifc_count_whitespace(buf,count); consume_cnt += scnt; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (!count) goto done; scnt = debugifc_count_nonwhitespace(buf,count); if (!scnt) goto done; wptr = buf; wlen = scnt; consume_cnt += scnt; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; done: *wstrPtr = wptr; *wlenPtr = wlen; return consume_cnt; } static int debugifc_parse_unsigned_number(const char *buf,unsigned int count, u32 *num_ptr) { u32 result = 0; int radix = 10; if ((count >= 2) && (buf[0] == '0') && ((buf[1] == 'x') || (buf[1] == 'X'))) { radix = 16; count -= 2; buf += 2; } else if ((count >= 1) && (buf[0] == '0')) { radix = 8; } while (count--) { int val = hex_to_bin(*buf++); if (val < 0 || val >= radix) return -EINVAL; result *= radix; result += val; } *num_ptr = result; return 0; } static int debugifc_match_keyword(const char *buf,unsigned int count, const char *keyword) { unsigned int kl; if (!keyword) return 0; kl = strlen(keyword); if (kl != count) return 0; return !memcmp(buf,keyword,kl); } int pvr2_debugifc_print_info(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw,char *buf,unsigned int acnt) { int bcnt = 0; int ccnt; ccnt = scnprintf(buf, acnt, "Driver hardware description: %s\n", pvr2_hdw_get_desc(hdw)); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; ccnt = scnprintf(buf,acnt,"Driver state info:\n"); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; ccnt = pvr2_hdw_state_report(hdw,buf,acnt); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; return bcnt; } int pvr2_debugifc_print_status(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw, char *buf,unsigned int acnt) { int bcnt = 0; int ccnt; int ret; u32 gpio_dir,gpio_in,gpio_out; struct pvr2_stream_stats stats; struct pvr2_stream *sp; ret = pvr2_hdw_is_hsm(hdw); ccnt = scnprintf(buf,acnt,"USB link speed: %s\n", (ret < 0 ? "FAIL" : (ret ? "high" : "full"))); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; gpio_dir = 0; gpio_in = 0; gpio_out = 0; pvr2_hdw_gpio_get_dir(hdw,&gpio_dir); pvr2_hdw_gpio_get_out(hdw,&gpio_out); pvr2_hdw_gpio_get_in(hdw,&gpio_in); ccnt = scnprintf(buf,acnt,"GPIO state: dir=0x%x in=0x%x out=0x%x\n", gpio_dir,gpio_in,gpio_out); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; ccnt = scnprintf(buf,acnt,"Streaming is %s\n", pvr2_hdw_get_streaming(hdw) ? "on" : "off"); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; sp = pvr2_hdw_get_video_stream(hdw); if (sp) { pvr2_stream_get_stats(sp, &stats, 0); ccnt = scnprintf( buf,acnt, "Bytes streamed=%u URBs: queued=%u idle=%u ready=%u processed=%u failed=%u\n", stats.bytes_processed, stats.buffers_in_queue, stats.buffers_in_idle, stats.buffers_in_ready, stats.buffers_processed, stats.buffers_failed); bcnt += ccnt; acnt -= ccnt; buf += ccnt; } return bcnt; } static int pvr2_debugifc_do1cmd(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw,const char *buf, unsigned int count) { const char *wptr; unsigned int wlen; unsigned int scnt; scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (!scnt) return 0; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (!wptr) return 0; pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_DEBUGIFC,"debugifc cmd: \"%.*s\"",wlen,wptr); if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"reset")) { scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (!scnt) return -EINVAL; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (!wptr) return -EINVAL; if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"cpu")) { pvr2_hdw_cpureset_assert(hdw,!0); pvr2_hdw_cpureset_assert(hdw,0); return 0; } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"bus")) { pvr2_hdw_device_reset(hdw); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"soft")) { return pvr2_hdw_cmd_powerup(hdw); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"deep")) { return pvr2_hdw_cmd_deep_reset(hdw); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"firmware")) { return pvr2_upload_firmware2(hdw); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"decoder")) { return pvr2_hdw_cmd_decoder_reset(hdw); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"worker")) { return pvr2_hdw_untrip(hdw); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"usbstats")) { pvr2_stream_get_stats(pvr2_hdw_get_video_stream(hdw), NULL, !0); return 0; } return -EINVAL; } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"cpufw")) { scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (!scnt) return -EINVAL; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (!wptr) return -EINVAL; if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"fetch")) { scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (scnt && wptr) { count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr, wlen, "prom")) { pvr2_hdw_cpufw_set_enabled(hdw, 2, !0); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr, wlen, "ram8k")) { pvr2_hdw_cpufw_set_enabled(hdw, 0, !0); } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr, wlen, "ram16k")) { pvr2_hdw_cpufw_set_enabled(hdw, 1, !0); } else { return -EINVAL; } } pvr2_hdw_cpufw_set_enabled(hdw,0,!0); return 0; } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"done")) { pvr2_hdw_cpufw_set_enabled(hdw,0,0); return 0; } else { return -EINVAL; } } else if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"gpio")) { int dir_fl = 0; int ret; u32 msk,val; scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (!scnt) return -EINVAL; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (!wptr) return -EINVAL; if (debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"dir")) { dir_fl = !0; } else if (!debugifc_match_keyword(wptr,wlen,"out")) { return -EINVAL; } scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (!scnt) return -EINVAL; count -= scnt; buf += scnt; if (!wptr) return -EINVAL; ret = debugifc_parse_unsigned_number(wptr,wlen,&msk); if (ret) return ret; scnt = debugifc_isolate_word(buf,count,&wptr,&wlen); if (wptr) { ret = debugifc_parse_unsigned_number(wptr,wlen,&val); if (ret) return ret; } else { val = msk; msk = 0xffffffff; } if (dir_fl) { ret = pvr2_hdw_gpio_chg_dir(hdw,msk,val); } else { ret = pvr2_hdw_gpio_chg_out(hdw,msk,val); } return ret; } pvr2_trace(PVR2_TRACE_DEBUGIFC, "debugifc failed to recognize cmd: \"%.*s\"",wlen,wptr); return -EINVAL; } int pvr2_debugifc_docmd(struct pvr2_hdw *hdw,const char *buf, unsigned int count) { unsigned int bcnt = 0; int ret; while (count) { for (bcnt = 0; bcnt < count; bcnt++) { if (buf[bcnt] == '\n') break; } ret = pvr2_debugifc_do1cmd(hdw,buf,bcnt); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (bcnt < count) bcnt++; buf += bcnt; count -= bcnt; } return 0; }