/* * Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Claus-Justus Heine This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * This file implements a "generic" interface between the * * zftape-driver and a compression-algorithm. The * * compression-algorithm currently used is a LZ77. I use the * * implementation lzrw3 by Ross N. Williams (Renaissance * * Software). The compression program itself is in the file * lzrw3.c * and lzrw3.h. To adopt another compression algorithm * the functions * zft_compress() and zft_uncompress() must be * changed * appropriately. See below. */ #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/zftape.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> #include "../zftape/zftape-init.h" #include "../zftape/zftape-eof.h" #include "../zftape/zftape-ctl.h" #include "../zftape/zftape-write.h" #include "../zftape/zftape-read.h" #include "../zftape/zftape-rw.h" #include "../compressor/zftape-compress.h" #include "../zftape/zftape-vtbl.h" #include "../compressor/lzrw3.h" /* * global variables */ /* I handle the allocation of this buffer as a special case, because * it's size varies depending on the tape length inserted. */ /* local variables */ static void *zftc_wrk_mem = NULL; static __u8 *zftc_buf = NULL; static void *zftc_scratch_buf = NULL; /* compression statistics */ static unsigned int zftc_wr_uncompressed = 0; static unsigned int zftc_wr_compressed = 0; static unsigned int zftc_rd_uncompressed = 0; static unsigned int zftc_rd_compressed = 0; /* forward */ static int zftc_write(int *write_cnt, __u8 *dst_buf, const int seg_sz, const __u8 __user *src_buf, const int req_len, const zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume); static int zftc_read(int *read_cnt, __u8 __user *dst_buf, const int to_do, const __u8 *src_buf, const int seg_sz, const zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume); static int zftc_seek(unsigned int new_block_pos, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buffer); static void zftc_lock (void); static void zftc_reset (void); static void zftc_cleanup(void); static void zftc_stats (void); /* compressed segment. This conforms to QIC-80-MC, Revision K. * * Rev. K applies to tapes with `fixed length format' which is * indicated by format code 2,3 and 5. See below for format code 4 and 6 * * 2 bytes: offset of compression segment structure * 29k > offset >= 29k-18: data from previous segment ens in this * segment and no compressed block starts * in this segment * offset == 0: data from previous segment occupies entire * segment and continues in next segment * n bytes: remainder from previous segment * * Rev. K: * 4 bytes: 4 bytes: files set byte offset * Post Rev. K and QIC-3020/3020: * 8 bytes: 8 bytes: files set byte offset * 2 bytes: byte count N (amount of data following) * bit 15 is set if data is compressed, bit 15 is not * set if data is uncompressed * N bytes: data (as much as specified in the byte count) * 2 bytes: byte count N_1 of next cluster * N_1 bytes: data of next cluset * 2 bytes: byte count N_2 of next cluster * N_2 bytes: ... * * Note that the `N' byte count accounts only for the bytes that in the * current segment if the cluster spans to the next segment. */ typedef struct { int cmpr_pos; /* actual position in compression buffer */ int cmpr_sz; /* what is left in the compression buffer * when copying the compressed data to the * deblock buffer */ unsigned int first_block; /* location of header information in * this segment */ unsigned int count; /* amount of data of current block * contained in current segment */ unsigned int offset; /* offset in current segment */ unsigned int spans:1; /* might continue in next segment */ unsigned int uncmpr; /* 0x8000 if this block contains * uncompressed data */ __s64 foffs; /* file set byte offset, same as in * compression map segment */ } cmpr_info; static cmpr_info cseg; /* static data. Must be kept uptodate and shared by * read, write and seek functions */ #define DUMP_CMPR_INFO(level, msg, info) \ TRACE(level, msg "\n" \ KERN_INFO "cmpr_pos : %d\n" \ KERN_INFO "cmpr_sz : %d\n" \ KERN_INFO "first_block: %d\n" \ KERN_INFO "count : %d\n" \ KERN_INFO "offset : %d\n" \ KERN_INFO "spans : %d\n" \ KERN_INFO "uncmpr : 0x%04x\n" \ KERN_INFO "foffs : " LL_X, \ (info)->cmpr_pos, (info)->cmpr_sz, (info)->first_block, \ (info)->count, (info)->offset, (info)->spans == 1, \ (info)->uncmpr, LL((info)->foffs)) /* dispatch compression segment info, return error code * * afterwards, cseg->offset points to start of data of the NEXT * compressed block, and cseg->count contains the amount of data * left in the actual compressed block. cseg->spans is set to 1 if * the block is continued in the following segment. Otherwise it is * set to 0. */ static int get_cseg (cmpr_info *cinfo, const __u8 *buff, const unsigned int seg_sz, const zft_volinfo *volume) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); cinfo->first_block = GET2(buff, 0); if (cinfo->first_block == 0) { /* data spans to next segment */ cinfo->count = seg_sz - sizeof(__u16); cinfo->offset = seg_sz; cinfo->spans = 1; } else { /* cluster definetely ends in this segment */ if (cinfo->first_block > seg_sz) { /* data corrupted */ TRACE_ABORT(-EIO, ft_t_err, "corrupted data:\n" KERN_INFO "segment size: %d\n" KERN_INFO "first block : %d", seg_sz, cinfo->first_block); } cinfo->count = cinfo->first_block - sizeof(__u16); cinfo->offset = cinfo->first_block; cinfo->spans = 0; } /* now get the offset the first block should have in the * uncompressed data stream. * * For this magic `18' refer to CRF-3 standard or QIC-80MC, * Rev. K. */ if ((seg_sz - cinfo->offset) > 18) { if (volume->qic113) { /* > revision K */ TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "New QIC-113 compliance"); cinfo->foffs = GET8(buff, cinfo->offset); cinfo->offset += sizeof(__s64); } else { TRACE(/* ft_t_data_flow */ ft_t_noise, "pre QIC-113 version"); cinfo->foffs = (__s64)GET4(buff, cinfo->offset); cinfo->offset += sizeof(__u32); } } if (cinfo->foffs > volume->size) { TRACE_ABORT(-EIO, ft_t_err, "Inconsistency:\n" KERN_INFO "offset in current volume: %d\n" KERN_INFO "size of current volume : %d", (int)(cinfo->foffs>>10), (int)(volume->size>>10)); } if (cinfo->cmpr_pos + cinfo->count > volume->blk_sz) { TRACE_ABORT(-EIO, ft_t_err, "Inconsistency:\n" KERN_INFO "block size : %d\n" KERN_INFO "data record: %d", volume->blk_sz, cinfo->cmpr_pos + cinfo->count); } DUMP_CMPR_INFO(ft_t_noise /* ft_t_any */, "", cinfo); TRACE_EXIT 0; } /* This one is called, when a new cluster starts in same segment. * * Note: if this is the first cluster in the current segment, we must * not check whether there are more than 18 bytes available because * this have already been done in get_cseg() and there may be less * than 18 bytes available due to header information. * */ static void get_next_cluster(cmpr_info *cluster, const __u8 *buff, const int seg_sz, const int finish) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); if (seg_sz - cluster->offset > 18 || cluster->foffs != 0) { cluster->count = GET2(buff, cluster->offset); cluster->uncmpr = cluster->count & 0x8000; cluster->count -= cluster->uncmpr; cluster->offset += sizeof(__u16); cluster->foffs = 0; if ((cluster->offset + cluster->count) < seg_sz) { cluster->spans = 0; } else if (cluster->offset + cluster->count == seg_sz) { cluster->spans = !finish; } else { /* either an error or a volume written by an * old version. If this is a data error, then we'll * catch it later. */ TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "Either error or old volume"); cluster->spans = 1; cluster->count = seg_sz - cluster->offset; } } else { cluster->count = 0; cluster->spans = 0; cluster->foffs = 0; } DUMP_CMPR_INFO(ft_t_noise /* ft_t_any */ , "", cluster); TRACE_EXIT; } static void zftc_lock(void) { } /* this function is needed for zftape_reset_position in zftape-io.c */ static void zftc_reset(void) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); memset((void *)&cseg, '\0', sizeof(cseg)); zftc_stats(); TRACE_EXIT; } static int cmpr_mem_initialized = 0; static unsigned int alloc_blksz = 0; static int zft_allocate_cmpr_mem(unsigned int blksz) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); if (cmpr_mem_initialized && blksz == alloc_blksz) { TRACE_EXIT 0; } TRACE_CATCH(zft_vmalloc_once(&zftc_wrk_mem, CMPR_WRK_MEM_SIZE), zftc_cleanup()); TRACE_CATCH(zft_vmalloc_always(&zftc_buf, blksz + CMPR_OVERRUN), zftc_cleanup()); alloc_blksz = blksz; TRACE_CATCH(zft_vmalloc_always(&zftc_scratch_buf, blksz+CMPR_OVERRUN), zftc_cleanup()); cmpr_mem_initialized = 1; TRACE_EXIT 0; } static void zftc_cleanup(void) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); zft_vfree(&zftc_wrk_mem, CMPR_WRK_MEM_SIZE); zft_vfree(&zftc_buf, alloc_blksz + CMPR_OVERRUN); zft_vfree(&zftc_scratch_buf, alloc_blksz + CMPR_OVERRUN); cmpr_mem_initialized = alloc_blksz = 0; TRACE_EXIT; } /***************************************************************************** * * * The following two functions "ftape_compress()" and * * "ftape_uncompress()" are the interface to the actual compression * * algorithm (i.e. they are calling the "compress()" function from * * the lzrw3 package for now). These routines could quite easily be * * changed to adopt another compression algorithm instead of lzrw3, * * which currently is used. * * * *****************************************************************************/ /* called by zft_compress_write() to perform the compression. Must * return the size of the compressed data. * * NOTE: The size of the compressed data should not exceed the size of * the uncompressed data. Most compression algorithms have means * to store data unchanged if the "compressed" data amount would * exceed the original one. Mostly this is done by storing some * flag-bytes in front of the compressed data to indicate if it * is compressed or not. Thus the worst compression result * length is the original length plus those flag-bytes. * * We don't want that, as the QIC-80 standard provides a means * of marking uncompressed blocks by simply setting bit 15 of * the compressed block's length. Thus a compessed block can * have at most a length of 2^15-1 bytes. The QIC-80 standard * restricts the block-length even further, allowing only 29k - * 6 bytes. * * Currently, the maximum blocksize used by zftape is 28k. * * In short: don't exceed the length of the input-package, set * bit 15 of the compressed size to 1 if you have copied data * instead of compressing it. */ static int zft_compress(__u8 *in_buffer, unsigned int in_sz, __u8 *out_buffer) { __s32 compressed_sz; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); lzrw3_compress(COMPRESS_ACTION_COMPRESS, zftc_wrk_mem, in_buffer, in_sz, out_buffer, &compressed_sz); if (TRACE_LEVEL >= ft_t_info) { /* the compiler will optimize this away when * compiled with NO_TRACE_AT_ALL option */ TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "\n" KERN_INFO "before compression: %d bytes\n" KERN_INFO "after compresison : %d bytes", in_sz, (int)(compressed_sz < 0 ? -compressed_sz : compressed_sz)); /* for statistical purposes */ zftc_wr_compressed += (compressed_sz < 0 ? -compressed_sz : compressed_sz); zftc_wr_uncompressed += in_sz; } TRACE_EXIT (int)compressed_sz; } /* called by zft_compress_read() to decompress the data. Must * return the size of the decompressed data for sanity checks * (compared with zft_blk_sz) * * NOTE: Read the note for zft_compress() above! If bit 15 of the * parameter in_sz is set, then the data in in_buffer isn't * compressed, which must be handled by the un-compression * algorithm. (I changed lzrw3 to handle this.) * * The parameter max_out_sz is needed to prevent buffer overruns when * uncompressing corrupt data. */ static unsigned int zft_uncompress(__u8 *in_buffer, int in_sz, __u8 *out_buffer, unsigned int max_out_sz) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); lzrw3_compress(COMPRESS_ACTION_DECOMPRESS, zftc_wrk_mem, in_buffer, (__s32)in_sz, out_buffer, (__u32 *)&max_out_sz); if (TRACE_LEVEL >= ft_t_info) { TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "\n" KERN_INFO "before decompression: %d bytes\n" KERN_INFO "after decompression : %d bytes", in_sz < 0 ? -in_sz : in_sz,(int)max_out_sz); /* for statistical purposes */ zftc_rd_compressed += in_sz < 0 ? -in_sz : in_sz; zftc_rd_uncompressed += max_out_sz; } TRACE_EXIT (unsigned int)max_out_sz; } /* print some statistics about the efficiency of the compression to * the kernel log */ static void zftc_stats(void) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); if (TRACE_LEVEL < ft_t_info) { TRACE_EXIT; } if (zftc_wr_uncompressed != 0) { if (zftc_wr_compressed > (1<<14)) { TRACE(ft_t_info, "compression statistics (writing):\n" KERN_INFO " compr./uncmpr. : %3d %%", (((zftc_wr_compressed>>10) * 100) / (zftc_wr_uncompressed>>10))); } else { TRACE(ft_t_info, "compression statistics (writing):\n" KERN_INFO " compr./uncmpr. : %3d %%", ((zftc_wr_compressed * 100) / zftc_wr_uncompressed)); } } if (zftc_rd_uncompressed != 0) { if (zftc_rd_compressed > (1<<14)) { TRACE(ft_t_info, "compression statistics (reading):\n" KERN_INFO " compr./uncmpr. : %3d %%", (((zftc_rd_compressed>>10) * 100) / (zftc_rd_uncompressed>>10))); } else { TRACE(ft_t_info, "compression statistics (reading):\n" KERN_INFO " compr./uncmpr. : %3d %%", ((zftc_rd_compressed * 100) / zftc_rd_uncompressed)); } } /* only print it once: */ zftc_wr_uncompressed = zftc_wr_compressed = zftc_rd_uncompressed = zftc_rd_compressed = 0; TRACE_EXIT; } /* start new compressed block */ static int start_new_cseg(cmpr_info *cluster, char *dst_buf, const zft_position *pos, const unsigned int blk_sz, const char *src_buf, const int this_segs_sz, const int qic113) { int size_left; int cp_cnt; int buf_pos; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); size_left = this_segs_sz - sizeof(__u16) - cluster->cmpr_sz; TRACE(ft_t_data_flow,"\n" KERN_INFO "segment size : %d\n" KERN_INFO "compressed_sz: %d\n" KERN_INFO "size_left : %d", this_segs_sz, cluster->cmpr_sz, size_left); if (size_left > 18) { /* start a new cluseter */ cp_cnt = cluster->cmpr_sz; cluster->cmpr_sz = 0; buf_pos = cp_cnt + sizeof(__u16); PUT2(dst_buf, 0, buf_pos); if (qic113) { __s64 foffs = pos->volume_pos; if (cp_cnt) foffs += (__s64)blk_sz; TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "new style QIC-113 header"); PUT8(dst_buf, buf_pos, foffs); buf_pos += sizeof(__s64); } else { __u32 foffs = (__u32)pos->volume_pos; if (cp_cnt) foffs += (__u32)blk_sz; TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "old style QIC-80MC header"); PUT4(dst_buf, buf_pos, foffs); buf_pos += sizeof(__u32); } } else if (size_left >= 0) { cp_cnt = cluster->cmpr_sz; cluster->cmpr_sz = 0; buf_pos = cp_cnt + sizeof(__u16); PUT2(dst_buf, 0, buf_pos); /* zero unused part of segment. */ memset(dst_buf + buf_pos, '\0', size_left); buf_pos = this_segs_sz; } else { /* need entire segment and more space */ PUT2(dst_buf, 0, 0); cp_cnt = this_segs_sz - sizeof(__u16); cluster->cmpr_sz -= cp_cnt; buf_pos = this_segs_sz; } memcpy(dst_buf + sizeof(__u16), src_buf + cluster->cmpr_pos, cp_cnt); cluster->cmpr_pos += cp_cnt; TRACE_EXIT buf_pos; } /* return-value: the number of bytes removed from the user-buffer * `src_buf' or error code * * int *write_cnt : how much actually has been moved to the * dst_buf. Need not be initialized when * function returns with an error code * (negativ return value) * __u8 *dst_buf : kernel space buffer where the has to be * copied to. The contents of this buffers * goes to a specific segment. * const int seg_sz : the size of the segment dst_buf will be * copied to. * const zft_position *pos : struct containing the coordinates in * the current volume (byte position, * segment id of current segment etc) * const zft_volinfo *volume: information about the current volume, * size etc. * const __u8 *src_buf : user space buffer that contains the * data the user wants to be written to * tape. * const int req_len : the amount of data the user wants to be * written to tape. */ static int zftc_write(int *write_cnt, __u8 *dst_buf, const int seg_sz, const __u8 __user *src_buf, const int req_len, const zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume) { int req_len_left = req_len; int result; int len_left; int buf_pos_write = pos->seg_byte_pos; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); /* Note: we do not unlock the module because * there are some values cached in that `cseg' variable. We * don't don't want to use this information when being * unloaded by kerneld even when the tape is full or when we * cannot allocate enough memory. */ if (pos->tape_pos > (volume->size-volume->blk_sz-ZFT_CMPR_OVERHEAD)) { TRACE_EXIT -ENOSPC; } if (zft_allocate_cmpr_mem(volume->blk_sz) < 0) { /* should we unlock the module? But it shouldn't * be locked anyway ... */ TRACE_EXIT -ENOMEM; } if (buf_pos_write == 0) { /* fill a new segment */ *write_cnt = buf_pos_write = start_new_cseg(&cseg, dst_buf, pos, volume->blk_sz, zftc_buf, seg_sz, volume->qic113); if (cseg.cmpr_sz == 0 && cseg.cmpr_pos != 0) { req_len_left -= result = volume->blk_sz; cseg.cmpr_pos = 0; } else { result = 0; } } else { *write_cnt = result = 0; } len_left = seg_sz - buf_pos_write; while ((req_len_left > 0) && (len_left > 18)) { /* now we have some size left for a new compressed * block. We know, that the compression buffer is * empty (else there wouldn't be any space left). */ if (copy_from_user(zftc_scratch_buf, src_buf + result, volume->blk_sz) != 0) { TRACE_EXIT -EFAULT; } req_len_left -= volume->blk_sz; cseg.cmpr_sz = zft_compress(zftc_scratch_buf, volume->blk_sz, zftc_buf); if (cseg.cmpr_sz < 0) { cseg.uncmpr = 0x8000; cseg.cmpr_sz = -cseg.cmpr_sz; } else { cseg.uncmpr = 0; } /* increment "result" iff we copied the entire * compressed block to the zft_deblock_buf */ len_left -= sizeof(__u16); if (len_left >= cseg.cmpr_sz) { len_left -= cseg.count = cseg.cmpr_sz; cseg.cmpr_pos = cseg.cmpr_sz = 0; result += volume->blk_sz; } else { cseg.cmpr_sz -= cseg.cmpr_pos = cseg.count = len_left; len_left = 0; } PUT2(dst_buf, buf_pos_write, cseg.uncmpr | cseg.count); buf_pos_write += sizeof(__u16); memcpy(dst_buf + buf_pos_write, zftc_buf, cseg.count); buf_pos_write += cseg.count; *write_cnt += cseg.count + sizeof(__u16); FT_SIGNAL_EXIT(_DONT_BLOCK); } /* erase the remainder of the segment if less than 18 bytes * left (18 bytes is due to the QIC-80 standard) */ if (len_left <= 18) { memset(dst_buf + buf_pos_write, '\0', len_left); (*write_cnt) += len_left; } TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "returning %d", result); TRACE_EXIT result; } /* out: * * int *read_cnt: the number of bytes we removed from the zft_deblock_buf * (result) * int *to_do : the remaining size of the read-request. * * in: * * char *buff : buff is the address of the upper part of the user * buffer, that hasn't been filled with data yet. * int buf_pos_read : copy of from _ftape_read() * int buf_len_read : copy of buf_len_rd from _ftape_read() * char *zft_deblock_buf: zft_deblock_buf * unsigned short blk_sz: the block size valid for this volume, may differ * from zft_blk_sz. * int finish: if != 0 means that this is the last segment belonging * to this volume * returns the amount of data actually copied to the user-buffer * * to_do MUST NOT SHRINK except to indicate an EOF. In this case *to_do has to * be set to 0 */ static int zftc_read (int *read_cnt, __u8 __user *dst_buf, const int to_do, const __u8 *src_buf, const int seg_sz, const zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume) { int uncompressed_sz; int result = 0; int remaining = to_do; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); TRACE_CATCH(zft_allocate_cmpr_mem(volume->blk_sz),); if (pos->seg_byte_pos == 0) { /* new segment just read */ TRACE_CATCH(get_cseg(&cseg, src_buf, seg_sz, volume), *read_cnt = 0); memcpy(zftc_buf + cseg.cmpr_pos, src_buf + sizeof(__u16), cseg.count); cseg.cmpr_pos += cseg.count; *read_cnt = cseg.offset; DUMP_CMPR_INFO(ft_t_noise /* ft_t_any */, "", &cseg); } else { *read_cnt = 0; } /* loop and uncompress until user buffer full or * deblock-buffer empty */ TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "compressed_sz: %d, compos : %d, *read_cnt: %d", cseg.cmpr_sz, cseg.cmpr_pos, *read_cnt); while ((cseg.spans == 0) && (remaining > 0)) { if (cseg.cmpr_pos != 0) { /* cmpr buf is not empty */ uncompressed_sz = zft_uncompress(zftc_buf, cseg.uncmpr == 0x8000 ? -cseg.cmpr_pos : cseg.cmpr_pos, zftc_scratch_buf, volume->blk_sz); if (uncompressed_sz != volume->blk_sz) { *read_cnt = 0; TRACE_ABORT(-EIO, ft_t_warn, "Uncompressed blk (%d) != blk size (%d)", uncompressed_sz, volume->blk_sz); } if (copy_to_user(dst_buf + result, zftc_scratch_buf, uncompressed_sz) != 0 ) { TRACE_EXIT -EFAULT; } remaining -= uncompressed_sz; result += uncompressed_sz; cseg.cmpr_pos = 0; } if (remaining > 0) { get_next_cluster(&cseg, src_buf, seg_sz, volume->end_seg == pos->seg_pos); if (cseg.count != 0) { memcpy(zftc_buf, src_buf + cseg.offset, cseg.count); cseg.cmpr_pos = cseg.count; cseg.offset += cseg.count; *read_cnt += cseg.count + sizeof(__u16); } else { remaining = 0; } } TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "\n" KERN_INFO "compressed_sz: %d\n" KERN_INFO "compos : %d\n" KERN_INFO "*read_cnt : %d", cseg.cmpr_sz, cseg.cmpr_pos, *read_cnt); } if (seg_sz - cseg.offset <= 18) { *read_cnt += seg_sz - cseg.offset; TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "expanding read cnt to: %d", *read_cnt); } TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "\n" KERN_INFO "segment size : %d\n" KERN_INFO "read count : %d\n" KERN_INFO "buf_pos_read : %d\n" KERN_INFO "remaining : %d", seg_sz, *read_cnt, pos->seg_byte_pos, seg_sz - *read_cnt - pos->seg_byte_pos); TRACE(ft_t_data_flow, "returning: %d", result); TRACE_EXIT result; } /* seeks to the new data-position. Reads sometimes a segment. * * start_seg and end_seg give the boundaries of the current volume * blk_sz is the blk_sz of the current volume as stored in the * volume label * * We don't allow blocksizes less than 1024 bytes, therefore we don't need * a 64 bit argument for new_block_pos. */ static int seek_in_segment(const unsigned int to_do, cmpr_info *c_info, const char *src_buf, const int seg_sz, const int seg_pos, const zft_volinfo *volume); static int slow_seek_forward_until_error(const unsigned int distance, cmpr_info *c_info, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf); static int search_valid_segment(unsigned int segment, const unsigned int end_seg, const unsigned int max_foffs, zft_position *pos, cmpr_info *c_info, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf); static int slow_seek_forward(unsigned int dest, cmpr_info *c_info, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf); static int compute_seg_pos(unsigned int dest, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume); #define ZFT_SLOW_SEEK_THRESHOLD 10 /* segments */ #define ZFT_FAST_SEEK_MAX_TRIALS 10 /* times */ #define ZFT_FAST_SEEK_BACKUP 10 /* segments */ static int zftc_seek(unsigned int new_block_pos, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf) { unsigned int dest; int limit; int distance; int result = 0; int seg_dist; int new_seg; int old_seg = 0; int fast_seek_trials = 0; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); if (new_block_pos == 0) { pos->seg_pos = volume->start_seg; pos->seg_byte_pos = 0; pos->volume_pos = 0; zftc_reset(); TRACE_EXIT 0; } dest = new_block_pos * (volume->blk_sz >> 10); distance = dest - (pos->volume_pos >> 10); while (distance != 0) { seg_dist = compute_seg_pos(dest, pos, volume); TRACE(ft_t_noise, "\n" KERN_INFO "seg_dist: %d\n" KERN_INFO "distance: %d\n" KERN_INFO "dest : %d\n" KERN_INFO "vpos : %d\n" KERN_INFO "seg_pos : %d\n" KERN_INFO "trials : %d", seg_dist, distance, dest, (unsigned int)(pos->volume_pos>>10), pos->seg_pos, fast_seek_trials); if (distance > 0) { if (seg_dist < 0) { TRACE(ft_t_bug, "BUG: distance %d > 0, " "segment difference %d < 0", distance, seg_dist); result = -EIO; break; } new_seg = pos->seg_pos + seg_dist; if (new_seg > volume->end_seg) { new_seg = volume->end_seg; } if (old_seg == new_seg || /* loop */ seg_dist <= ZFT_SLOW_SEEK_THRESHOLD || fast_seek_trials >= ZFT_FAST_SEEK_MAX_TRIALS) { TRACE(ft_t_noise, "starting slow seek:\n" KERN_INFO "fast seek failed too often: %s\n" KERN_INFO "near target position : %s\n" KERN_INFO "looping between two segs : %s", (fast_seek_trials >= ZFT_FAST_SEEK_MAX_TRIALS) ? "yes" : "no", (seg_dist <= ZFT_SLOW_SEEK_THRESHOLD) ? "yes" : "no", (old_seg == new_seg) ? "yes" : "no"); result = slow_seek_forward(dest, &cseg, pos, volume, buf); break; } old_seg = new_seg; limit = volume->end_seg; fast_seek_trials ++; for (;;) { result = search_valid_segment(new_seg, limit, volume->size, pos, &cseg, volume, buf); if (result == 0 || result == -EINTR) { break; } if (new_seg == volume->start_seg) { result = -EIO; /* set errror * condition */ break; } limit = new_seg; new_seg -= ZFT_FAST_SEEK_BACKUP; if (new_seg < volume->start_seg) { new_seg = volume->start_seg; } } if (result < 0) { TRACE(ft_t_warn, "Couldn't find a readable segment"); break; } } else /* if (distance < 0) */ { if (seg_dist > 0) { TRACE(ft_t_bug, "BUG: distance %d < 0, " "segment difference %d >0", distance, seg_dist); result = -EIO; break; } new_seg = pos->seg_pos + seg_dist; if (fast_seek_trials > 0 && seg_dist == 0) { /* this avoids sticking to the same * segment all the time. On the other hand: * if we got here for the first time, and the * deblock_buffer still contains a valid * segment, then there is no need to skip to * the previous segment if the desired position * is inside this segment. */ new_seg --; } if (new_seg < volume->start_seg) { new_seg = volume->start_seg; } limit = pos->seg_pos; fast_seek_trials ++; for (;;) { result = search_valid_segment(new_seg, limit, pos->volume_pos, pos, &cseg, volume, buf); if (result == 0 || result == -EINTR) { break; } if (new_seg == volume->start_seg) { result = -EIO; /* set errror * condition */ break; } limit = new_seg; new_seg -= ZFT_FAST_SEEK_BACKUP; if (new_seg < volume->start_seg) { new_seg = volume->start_seg; } } if (result < 0) { TRACE(ft_t_warn, "Couldn't find a readable segment"); break; } } distance = dest - (pos->volume_pos >> 10); } TRACE_EXIT result; } /* advance inside the given segment at most to_do bytes. * of kilobytes moved */ static int seek_in_segment(const unsigned int to_do, cmpr_info *c_info, const char *src_buf, const int seg_sz, const int seg_pos, const zft_volinfo *volume) { int result = 0; int blk_sz = volume->blk_sz >> 10; int remaining = to_do; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); if (c_info->offset == 0) { /* new segment just read */ TRACE_CATCH(get_cseg(c_info, src_buf, seg_sz, volume),); c_info->cmpr_pos += c_info->count; DUMP_CMPR_INFO(ft_t_noise, "", c_info); } /* loop and uncompress until user buffer full or * deblock-buffer empty */ TRACE(ft_t_noise, "compressed_sz: %d, compos : %d", c_info->cmpr_sz, c_info->cmpr_pos); while (c_info->spans == 0 && remaining > 0) { if (c_info->cmpr_pos != 0) { /* cmpr buf is not empty */ result += blk_sz; remaining -= blk_sz; c_info->cmpr_pos = 0; } if (remaining > 0) { get_next_cluster(c_info, src_buf, seg_sz, volume->end_seg == seg_pos); if (c_info->count != 0) { c_info->cmpr_pos = c_info->count; c_info->offset += c_info->count; } else { break; } } /* Allow escape from this loop on signal! */ FT_SIGNAL_EXIT(_DONT_BLOCK); DUMP_CMPR_INFO(ft_t_noise, "", c_info); TRACE(ft_t_noise, "to_do: %d", remaining); } if (seg_sz - c_info->offset <= 18) { c_info->offset = seg_sz; } TRACE(ft_t_noise, "\n" KERN_INFO "segment size : %d\n" KERN_INFO "buf_pos_read : %d\n" KERN_INFO "remaining : %d", seg_sz, c_info->offset, seg_sz - c_info->offset); TRACE_EXIT result; } static int slow_seek_forward_until_error(const unsigned int distance, cmpr_info *c_info, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf) { unsigned int remaining = distance; int seg_sz; int seg_pos; int result; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); seg_pos = pos->seg_pos; do { TRACE_CATCH(seg_sz = zft_fetch_segment(seg_pos, buf, FT_RD_AHEAD),); /* now we have the contents of the actual segment in * the deblock buffer */ TRACE_CATCH(result = seek_in_segment(remaining, c_info, buf, seg_sz, seg_pos,volume),); remaining -= result; pos->volume_pos += result<<10; pos->seg_pos = seg_pos; pos->seg_byte_pos = c_info->offset; seg_pos ++; if (seg_pos <= volume->end_seg && c_info->offset == seg_sz) { pos->seg_pos ++; pos->seg_byte_pos = 0; c_info->offset = 0; } /* Allow escape from this loop on signal! */ FT_SIGNAL_EXIT(_DONT_BLOCK); TRACE(ft_t_noise, "\n" KERN_INFO "remaining: %d\n" KERN_INFO "seg_pos: %d\n" KERN_INFO "end_seg: %d\n" KERN_INFO "result: %d", remaining, seg_pos, volume->end_seg, result); } while (remaining > 0 && seg_pos <= volume->end_seg); TRACE_EXIT 0; } /* return segment id of next segment containing valid data, -EIO otherwise */ static int search_valid_segment(unsigned int segment, const unsigned int end_seg, const unsigned int max_foffs, zft_position *pos, cmpr_info *c_info, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf) { cmpr_info tmp_info; int seg_sz; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); memset(&tmp_info, 0, sizeof(cmpr_info)); while (segment <= end_seg) { FT_SIGNAL_EXIT(_DONT_BLOCK); TRACE(ft_t_noise, "Searching readable segment between %d and %d", segment, end_seg); seg_sz = zft_fetch_segment(segment, buf, FT_RD_AHEAD); if ((seg_sz > 0) && (get_cseg (&tmp_info, buf, seg_sz, volume) >= 0) && (tmp_info.foffs != 0 || segment == volume->start_seg)) { if ((tmp_info.foffs>>10) > max_foffs) { TRACE_ABORT(-EIO, ft_t_noise, "\n" KERN_INFO "cseg.foff: %d\n" KERN_INFO "dest : %d", (int)(tmp_info.foffs >> 10), max_foffs); } DUMP_CMPR_INFO(ft_t_noise, "", &tmp_info); *c_info = tmp_info; pos->seg_pos = segment; pos->volume_pos = c_info->foffs; pos->seg_byte_pos = c_info->offset; TRACE(ft_t_noise, "found segment at %d", segment); TRACE_EXIT 0; } segment++; } TRACE_EXIT -EIO; } static int slow_seek_forward(unsigned int dest, cmpr_info *c_info, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume, __u8 *buf) { unsigned int distance; int result = 0; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); distance = dest - (pos->volume_pos >> 10); while ((distance > 0) && (result = slow_seek_forward_until_error(distance, c_info, pos, volume, buf)) < 0) { if (result == -EINTR) { break; } TRACE(ft_t_noise, "seg_pos: %d", pos->seg_pos); /* the failing segment is either pos->seg_pos or * pos->seg_pos + 1. There is no need to further try * that segment, because ftape_read_segment() already * has tried very much to read it. So we start with * following segment, which is pos->seg_pos + 1 */ if(search_valid_segment(pos->seg_pos+1, volume->end_seg, dest, pos, c_info, volume, buf) < 0) { TRACE(ft_t_noise, "search_valid_segment() failed"); result = -EIO; break; } distance = dest - (pos->volume_pos >> 10); result = 0; TRACE(ft_t_noise, "segment: %d", pos->seg_pos); /* found valid segment, retry the seek */ } TRACE_EXIT result; } static int compute_seg_pos(const unsigned int dest, zft_position *pos, const zft_volinfo *volume) { int segment; int distance = dest - (pos->volume_pos >> 10); unsigned int raw_size; unsigned int virt_size; unsigned int factor; TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); if (distance >= 0) { raw_size = volume->end_seg - pos->seg_pos + 1; virt_size = ((unsigned int)(volume->size>>10) - (unsigned int)(pos->volume_pos>>10) + FT_SECTORS_PER_SEGMENT - FT_ECC_SECTORS - 1); virt_size /= FT_SECTORS_PER_SEGMENT - FT_ECC_SECTORS; if (virt_size == 0 || raw_size == 0) { TRACE_EXIT 0; } if (raw_size >= (1<<25)) { factor = raw_size/(virt_size>>7); } else { factor = (raw_size<<7)/virt_size; } segment = distance/(FT_SECTORS_PER_SEGMENT-FT_ECC_SECTORS); segment = (segment * factor)>>7; } else { raw_size = pos->seg_pos - volume->start_seg + 1; virt_size = ((unsigned int)(pos->volume_pos>>10) + FT_SECTORS_PER_SEGMENT - FT_ECC_SECTORS - 1); virt_size /= FT_SECTORS_PER_SEGMENT - FT_ECC_SECTORS; if (virt_size == 0 || raw_size == 0) { TRACE_EXIT 0; } if (raw_size >= (1<<25)) { factor = raw_size/(virt_size>>7); } else { factor = (raw_size<<7)/virt_size; } segment = distance/(FT_SECTORS_PER_SEGMENT-FT_ECC_SECTORS); } TRACE(ft_t_noise, "factor: %d/%d", factor, 1<<7); TRACE_EXIT segment; } static struct zft_cmpr_ops cmpr_ops = { zftc_write, zftc_read, zftc_seek, zftc_lock, zftc_reset, zftc_cleanup }; int zft_compressor_init(void) { TRACE_FUN(ft_t_flow); #ifdef MODULE printk(KERN_INFO "zftape compressor v1.00a 970514 for " FTAPE_VERSION "\n"); if (TRACE_LEVEL >= ft_t_info) { printk( KERN_INFO "(c) 1997 Claus-Justus Heine (claus@momo.math.rwth-aachen.de)\n" KERN_INFO "Compressor for zftape (lzrw3 algorithm)\n"); } #else /* !MODULE */ /* print a short no-nonsense boot message */ printk("zftape compressor v1.00a 970514\n"); printk("For use with " FTAPE_VERSION "\n"); #endif /* MODULE */ TRACE(ft_t_info, "zft_compressor_init @ 0x%p", zft_compressor_init); TRACE(ft_t_info, "installing compressor for zftape ..."); TRACE_CATCH(zft_cmpr_register(&cmpr_ops),); TRACE_EXIT 0; } #ifdef MODULE MODULE_AUTHOR( "(c) 1996, 1997 Claus-Justus Heine (claus@momo.math.rwth-aachen.de"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION( "Compression routines for zftape. Uses the lzrw3 algorithm by Ross Williams"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); /* Called by modules package when installing the driver */ int init_module(void) { return zft_compressor_init(); } #endif /* MODULE */