\ tag: nvram config handling \ \ this code implements IEEE 1275-1994 \ \ Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Samuel Rydh \ \ See the file "COPYING" for further information about \ the copyright and warranty status of this work. \ struct ( config ) 2 cells field >cf.name 2 cells field >cf.default \ 0 -1 if no default /n field >cf.check-xt /n field >cf.exec-xt /n field >cf.next constant config-info.size 0 value config-root \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ config handling \ -------------------------------------------------------- : find-config ( name-str len -- 0|configptr ) config-root begin ?dup while -rot 2dup 4 pick >cf.name 2@ strcmp 0= if 2drop exit then rot >cf.next @ repeat 2drop 0 ; : is-config-word ( configp -- ) dup >cf.name 2@ $create , does> @ dup >cf.name 2@ s" /options" find-dev if get-package-property if 0 -1 then ( configp prop-str prop-len ) \ drop trailing zero ?dup if 1- then else 2drop 0 -1 then \ use default value if property is missing dup 0< if 2drop dup >cf.default 2@ then \ no default value, use empty string dup 0< if 2drop 0 0 then rot >cf.exec-xt @ execute ; : new-config ( name-str name-len -- configp ) 2dup find-config ?dup if nip nip 0 0 2 pick >cf.default 2! else dict-strdup here config-info.size allot dup config-info.size 0 fill config-root over >cf.next ! dup to config-root dup >r >cf.name 2! r> dup is-config-word then ( configp ) ; : config-default ( str len configp -- ) -rot dup 0> if dict-strdup then rot >cf.default 2! ; : no-conf-def ( configp -- ) 0 -1 ; \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ config types \ -------------------------------------------------------- : exec-str-conf ( str len -- str len ) \ trivial ; : check-str-conf ( str len -- str len valid? ) \ nothing true ; : str-config ( def-str len name len -- configp ) new-config >r ['] exec-str-conf r@ >cf.exec-xt ! ['] check-str-conf r@ >cf.check-xt ! r> config-default ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------ : exec-int-conf ( str len -- value ) \ fixme parse-hex ; : check-int-conf ( str len -- str len valid? ) true ; : int-config ( def-str len name len -- configp ) new-config >r ['] exec-int-conf r@ >cf.exec-xt ! ['] check-int-conf r@ >cf.check-xt ! r> config-default ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------ : exec-secmode-conf ( str len -- n ) 2dup s" command" strcmp 0= if 2drop 1 exit then 2dup s" full" strcmp 0= if 2drop 2 exit then 2drop 0 ; : check-secmode-conf ( str len -- str len valid? ) 2dup s" none" strcmp 0= if true exit then 2dup s" command" strcmp 0= if true exit then 2dup s" full" strcmp 0= if true exit then false ; : secmode-config ( def-str len name len -- configp ) new-config >r ['] exec-secmode-conf r@ >cf.exec-xt ! ['] check-secmode-conf r@ >cf.check-xt ! r> config-default ; \ ------------------------------------------------------------ : exec-bool-conf ( str len -- value ) 2dup s" true" strcmp 0= if 2drop true exit then 2dup s" false" strcmp 0= if 2drop false exit then 2dup s" TRUE" strcmp 0= if 2drop false exit then 2dup s" FALSE" strcmp 0= if 2drop false exit then parse-hex 0<> ; : check-bool-conf ( name len -- str len valid? ) 2dup s" true" strcmp 0= if true exit then 2dup s" false" strcmp 0= if true exit then 2dup s" TRUE" strcmp 0= if 2drop s" true" true exit then 2dup s" FALSE" strcmp 0= if 2drop s" false" true exit then false ; : bool-config ( configp -- configp ) new-config >r ['] exec-bool-conf r@ >cf.exec-xt ! ['] check-bool-conf r@ >cf.check-xt ! r> config-default ; \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ 7.4.4 Nonvolatile memory \ -------------------------------------------------------- : $setenv ( data-addr data-len name-str name-len -- ) 2dup find-config ?dup if >r 2swap r> ( name len data len configptr ) >cf.check-xt @ execute 0= abort" Invalid value." 2swap else \ create string config type 2dup no-conf-def 2swap str-config then 2swap encode-string 2swap s" /options" find-package drop encode-property ; : setenv ( "nv-param< >new-value<eol>" -- ) parse-word \ XXX drop blanks dup if linefeed parse else 0 0 then dup 0= abort" Invalid value." 2swap $setenv ; : printenv ( "{param-name}<eol>" -- ) \ XXX temporary implementation linefeed parse 2drop active-package s" /options" find-device .properties active-package! ; : (set-default) ( configptr -- ) dup >cf.default 2@ dup 0>= if rot >cf.name 2@ $setenv else \ no default value 3drop then ; : set-default ( "param-name<eol>" -- ) linefeed parse find-config ?dup if (set-default) else ." No such parameter." -2 throw then ; : set-defaults ( -- ) config-root begin ?dup while dup (set-default) >cf.next @ repeat ; ( maxlen "new-name< >" -- ) ( E: -- addr len ) : nodefault-bytes ; \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ initialize config from nvram \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ CHRP format (array of null-terminated strings, "variable=value") : nvram-load-configs ( data len -- ) \ XXX: no len checking performed... drop begin dup c@ while ( data ) dup cstrlen 2dup + 1+ -rot ( next str len ) ascii = left-split ( next val len name str ) ['] $setenv catch if 2drop 2drop then repeat drop ; : (nvram-store-one) ( buf len str len -- buf len success? ) swap >r 2dup < if r> 2drop 2drop false exit then ( buf len strlen R: str ) swap over - r> swap >r -rot ( str buf strlen R: res_len ) 2dup + >r move r> r> true ; : (make-configstr) ( configptr ph -- str len ) >r >cf.name 2@ 2dup r> get-package-property if 2drop 0 0 exit else dup if 1- then then ( name len value-str len ) 2swap s" =" 2swap pocket tmpstrcat tmpstrcat drop 2dup + 0 swap c! 1+ ; : nvram-store-configs ( data len -- ) 2 - \ make room for two trailing zeros s" /options" find-dev 0= if 2drop exit then >r config-root ( data len configptr R: phandle ) begin ?dup while r@ over >r (make-configstr) ( buf len val len R: configptr phandle ) (nvram-store-one) drop r> >cf.next @ repeat \ null terminate 2 + 0 fill r> drop ; \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ NVRAM variables \ -------------------------------------------------------- \ fcode-debug? input-device output-device s" true" s" auto-boot?" bool-config \ s" boot" s" boot-command" str-config \ s" " s" boot-file" str-config \ s" false" s" diag-switch?" bool-config \ no-conf-def s" diag-device" str-config \ no-conf-def s" diag-file" str-config \ s" false" s" fcode-debug?" bool-config \ 7.7 s" " s" nvramrc" str-config \ s" false" s" oem-banner?" bool-config s" " s" oem-banner" str-config s" false" s" oem-logo?" bool-config no-conf-def s" oem-logo" str-config s" false" s" use-nvramrc?" bool-config \ s" keyboard" s" input-device" str-config \ 7.4.5 s" screen" s" output-device" str-config \ 7.4.5 s" 80" s" screen-#columns" int-config \ 7.4.5 s" 24" s" screen-#rows" int-config \ 7.4.5 s" 0" s" selftest-#megs" int-config no-conf-def s" security-mode" secmode-config \ --- devices --- s" -1" s" pci-probe-mask" int-config s" false" s" default-mac-address" bool-config s" false" s" skip-netboot?" bool-config s" true" s" scroll-lock" bool-config [IFDEF] CONFIG_PPC \ ---- PPC ---- s" false" s" little-endian?" bool-config s" false" s" real-mode?" bool-config s" -1" s" real-base" int-config s" -1" s" real-size" int-config s" 4000000" s" load-base" int-config s" -1" s" virt-base" int-config s" -1" s" virt-size" int-config [THEN] [IFDEF] CONFIG_X86 \ ---- X86 ---- s" true" s" little-endian?" bool-config [THEN] [IFDEF] CONFIG_SPARC32 \ ---- SPARC32 ---- s" 4000" s" load-base" int-config s" true" s" tpe-link-test?" bool-config s" 9600,8,n,1,-" s" ttya-mode" str-config s" true" s" ttya-ignore-cd" bool-config s" false" s" ttya-rts-dtr-off" bool-config s" 9600,8,n,1,-" s" ttyb-mode" str-config s" true" s" ttyb-ignore-cd" bool-config s" false" s" ttyb-rts-dtr-off" bool-config [THEN] [IFDEF] CONFIG_SPARC64 \ ---- SPARC64 ---- s" 4000" s" load-base" int-config s" false" s" little-endian?" bool-config [THEN] \ --- ??? --- s" " s" boot-screen" str-config s" " s" boot-script" str-config s" false" s" use-generic?" bool-config s" disk" s" boot-device" str-config \ s" " s" boot-args" str-config \ ??? \ defers ['] fcode-debug? to _fcode-debug? ['] diag-switch? to _diag-switch? \ Hack for load-base: it seems that some Sun bootloaders try \ and execute "<value> to load-base" which will only work if \ load-base is value. Hence we redefine load-base here as a \ value using its normal default. [IFDEF] CONFIG_SPARC64 load-base value load-base [THEN] : release-load-area drop ;