\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ 0 VALUE load-size 0 VALUE go-entry VARIABLE state-valid false state-valid ! CREATE go-args 2 cells allot go-args 2 cells erase \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Structure/Implementation Dependent Methods : $bootargs bootargs 2@ ?dup IF ELSE s" diagnostic-mode?" evaluate and IF s" diag-file" evaluate ELSE s" boot-file" evaluate THEN THEN ; : $bootdev ( -- device-name len ) bootdevice 2@ dup IF s" " $cat THEN s" diagnostic-mode?" evaluate IF s" diag-device" evaluate ELSE s" boot-device" evaluate THEN $cat \ prepend bootdevice setting from vpd-bootlist strdup ?dup 0= IF disable-watchdog drop true ABORT" No boot device!" THEN ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Implementation Independent Methods (Depend on Previous) \ * \ * : set-boot-args ( str len -- ) dup IF strdup ELSE nip dup THEN bootargs 2! ; : (set-boot-device) ( str len -- ) ?dup IF 1+ strdup 1- ELSE drop 0 0 THEN bootdevice 2! ; ' (set-boot-device) to set-boot-device : (add-boot-device) ( str len -- ) \ Concatenate " str" to "bootdevice" bootdevice 2@ ?dup IF $cat-space ELSE drop THEN set-boot-device ; ' (add-boot-device) to add-boot-device 0 value claim-list : no-go ( -- ) -64 boot-exception-handler ABORT ; defer go ( -- ) : go-32 ( -- ) state-valid @ IF 0 ciregs >r3 ! 0 ciregs >r4 ! go-args 2@ go-entry start-elf client-data claim-list elf-release 0 to claim-list THEN -6d boot-exception-handler ABORT ; : go-64 ( args len entry r2 -- ) 0 ciregs >r3 ! 0 ciregs >r4 ! start-elf64 client-data claim-list elf-release 0 to claim-list ; : set-le ( -- ) 1 ciregs >r13 ! ; : set-be ( -- ) 0 ciregs >r13 ! ; : go-64-be ( -- ) state-valid @ IF set-be go-args 2@ go-entry @ go-entry 8 + @ go-64 THEN -6d boot-exception-handler ABORT ; : go-32-be set-be go-32 ; : go-32-lev1 set-le go-32 ; : go-64-lev1 state-valid @ IF go-args 2@ go-entry @ xbflip go-entry 8 + @ xbflip set-le go-64 THEN -6d boot-exception-handler ABORT ; : go-64-lev2 state-valid @ IF go-args 2@ go-entry 0 set-le go-64 THEN -6d boot-exception-handler ABORT ; : load-elf-init ( arg len file-addr -- success ) false state-valid ! \ Not valid anymore ... claim-list IF \ Release claimed mem claim-list elf-release 0 to claim-list \ from last load THEN true swap -1 ( arg len true file-addr -1 ) elf-load-claim ( arg len true claim-list entry elftype ) ( arg len true claim-list entry elftype ) CASE 1 OF ['] go-32-be ENDOF ( arg len true claim-list entry go ) 2 OF ['] go-64-be ENDOF ( arg len true claim-list entry go ) 3 OF ['] go-64-lev1 ENDOF ( arg len true claim-list entry go ) 4 OF ['] go-64-lev2 ENDOF ( arg len true claim-list entry go ) 5 OF ['] go-32-lev1 ENDOF ( arg len true claim-list entry go ) dup OF ['] no-go to go 2drop 3drop false EXIT ENDOF ( false ) ENDCASE to go to go-entry to claim-list dup state-valid ! -rot 2 pick IF go-args 2! ELSE 2drop THEN ; : init-program ( -- ) $bootargs get-load-base ['] load-elf-init CATCH ?dup IF boot-exception-handler 2drop 2drop false \ Could not claim ELSE IF 0 ciregs 2dup >r3 ! >r4 ! \ Valid (ELF ) Image THEN THEN ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Exported Interface: \ * \ Generic device load method: \ * : do-load ( devstr len -- img-size ) \ Device method wrapper use-load-watchdog? IF \ Set watchdog timer to 10 minutes, multiply with 2 because DHCP \ needs 1 second per try and add 1 min to avoid race conditions \ with watchdog timeout. 4ec set-watchdog THEN my-self >r current-node @ >r \ Save my-self ." Trying to load: " $bootargs type ." from: " 2dup type ." ... " 2dup open-dev dup IF dup to my-self dup ihandle>phandle set-node -rot ( ihandle devstr len ) encode-string s" bootpath" set-chosen $bootargs encode-string s" bootargs" set-chosen get-load-base s" load" 3 pick ['] $call-method CATCH IF -67 boot-exception-handler 3drop drop false ELSE dup 0> IF init-program ELSE false state-valid ! drop 0 \ Could not load THEN THEN swap close-dev device-end dup to load-size ELSE -68 boot-exception-handler 3drop false THEN r> set-node r> to my-self \ Restore my-self ; : parse-load ( "{devlist}" -- success ) \ Parse-execute boot-device list cr BEGIN parse-word dup WHILE de-alias do-load dup 0< IF drop 0 THEN IF state-valid @ IF ." Successfully loaded" cr THEN true 0d parse strdup load-list 2! EXIT THEN REPEAT 2drop 0 0 load-list 2! false ; : load ( "{params}"} -- success ) \ Client interface to load parse-word 0d parse -leading 2swap ?dup IF de-alias set-boot-device ELSE drop THEN set-boot-args s" parse-load " $bootdev $cat strdup evaluate ; : load-next ( -- success ) \ Continue after go failed load-list 2@ ?dup IF s" parse-load " 2swap $cat strdup evaluate ELSE drop false THEN ; \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ load/go utilities \ -> Should be in loaders.fs : noload false ; ' no-go to go : (go-and-catch) ( -- ) \ Recommended Practice: Forth Source Support (scripts starting with comment) get-load-base c@ 5c = get-load-base 1+ c@ 20 = AND IF load-size alloc-mem ( allocated-addr ) ?dup 0= IF ." alloc-mem failed." cr EXIT THEN load-size >r >r ( R: allocate-addr load-size ) get-load-base r@ load-size move \ Move away from load-base r@ load-size evaluate \ Run the script r> r> free-mem EXIT THEN \ Assume it's a normal executable, use "go" to run it: ['] go behavior CATCH IF -69 boot-exception-handler THEN ; \ if the board does not get the bootlist from the nvram \ then this word is supposed to be overloaded with the \ word to get the bootlist from VPD (or from wheresoever) read-bootlist \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Exported Interface: \ * \ IEEE 1275 : load (user interface) \ * : boot load 0= IF -65 boot-exception-handler EXIT THEN disable-watchdog (go-and-catch) BEGIN load-next WHILE disable-watchdog (go-and-catch) REPEAT \ When we return from boot print the banner again. .banner ; : load load 0= IF -65 boot-exception-handler THEN ; \ \\\\ Temporary hacks for backwards compatibility : yaboot ." Use 'boot disk' instead " ; : netboot ( -- rc ) ." Use 'boot net' instead " ; : netboot-arg ( arg-string -- rc ) s" boot net " 2swap $cat (parse-line) $cat evaluate ; : netload ( -- rc ) (parse-line) load-base-override >r flash-load-base to load-base-override s" load net:" strdup 2swap $cat strdup evaluate r> to load-base-override load-size ; : neteval ( -- ) FLASH-LOAD-BASE netload evaluate ;