\ ***************************************************************************** \ * Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation \ * All rights reserved. \ * This program and the accompanying materials \ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License \ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at \ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php \ * \ * Contributors: \ * IBM Corporation - initial implementation \ ****************************************************************************/ \ Hash for faster lookup #include <find-hash.fs> : >name ( xt -- nfa ) \ note: still has the "immediate" field! BEGIN char- dup c@ UNTIL ( @lastchar ) dup dup aligned - cell+ char- ( @lastchar lenmodcell ) dup >r - BEGIN dup c@ r@ <> WHILE cell- r> cell+ >r REPEAT r> drop char- ; \ Words missing in *.in files VARIABLE mask -1 mask ! VARIABLE huge-tftp-load 1 huge-tftp-load ! \ Default implementation for sms-get-tftp-blocksize that return 1432 (decimal) : sms-get-tftp-blocksize 598 ; : default-hw-exception s" Exception #" type . ; ' default-hw-exception to hw-exception-handler : diagnostic-mode? false ; \ 2B DOTICK'D later in envvar.fs : memory-test-suite ( addr len -- fail? ) diagnostic-mode? IF ." Memory test mask value: " mask @ . cr ." No memory test suite currently implemented! " cr THEN false ; : 0.r 0 swap <# 0 ?DO # LOOP #> type ; \ count the number of bits equal 1 \ the idea is to clear in each step the least significant bit \ v&(v-1) does exactly this, so count the steps until v == 0 : cnt-bits ( 64-bit-value -- #bits=1 ) dup IF 41 1 DO dup 1- and dup 0= IF drop i LEAVE THEN LOOP THEN ; : bcd-to-bin ( bcd -- bin ) dup f and swap 4 rshift a * + ; \ calcs the exponent of the highest power of 2 not greater than n : 2log ( n -- lb{n} ) 8 cells 0 DO 1 rshift dup 0= IF drop i LEAVE THEN LOOP ; \ calcs the exponent of the lowest power of 2 not less than n : log2 ( n -- log2-n ) 1- 2log 1+ ; CREATE $catpad 400 allot : $cat ( str1 len1 str2 len2 -- str3 len3 ) >r >r dup >r $catpad swap move r> dup $catpad + r> swap r@ move r> + $catpad swap ; \ WARNING: The following two ($cat-comm & $cat-space) are dirty in a sense \ that they add 1 or 2 characters to str1 before executing $cat \ The ASSUMPTION is that str1 buffer provides that extra space and it is \ responsibility of the code owner to ensure that : $cat-comma ( str2 len2 str1 len1 -- "str1, str2" len1+len2+2 ) 2dup + s" , " rot swap move 2+ 2swap $cat ; : $cat-space ( str2 len2 str1 len1 -- "str1 str2" len1+len2+1 ) 2dup + bl swap c! 1+ 2swap $cat ; : $cathex ( str len val -- str len' ) (u.) $cat ; : 2CONSTANT CREATE , , DOES> [ here ] 2@ ; \ Save XT of 2CONSTANT, put on the stack by "[ here ]" : CONSTANT <2constant> : $2CONSTANT $CREATE , , DOES> 2@ ; : 2VARIABLE CREATE 0 , 0 , DOES> ; : (is-user-word) ( name-str name-len xt -- ) -rot $CREATE , DOES> @ execute ; : zplace ( str len buf -- ) 2dup + 0 swap c! swap move ; : rzplace ( str len buf -- ) 2dup + 0 swap rb! swap rmove ; : strdup ( str len -- dupstr len ) here over allot swap 2dup 2>r move 2r> ; : str= ( str1 len1 str2 len2 -- equal? ) rot over <> IF 3drop false ELSE comp 0= THEN ; : test-string ( param len -- true | false ) 0 ?DO dup i + c@ \ Get character / byte at current index dup 20 < swap 7e > OR IF \ Is it out of range 32 to 126 (=ASCII) drop FALSE UNLOOP EXIT \ FALSE means: No ASCII string THEN LOOP drop TRUE \ Only ASCII found --> it is a string ; : #aligned ( adr alignment -- adr' ) negate swap negate and negate ; : #join ( lo hi #bits -- x ) lshift or ; : #split ( x #bits -- lo hi ) 2dup rshift dup >r swap lshift xor r> ; : /string ( str len u -- str' len' ) >r swap r@ chars + swap r> - ; : skip ( str len c -- str' len' ) >r BEGIN dup WHILE over c@ r@ = WHILE 1 /string REPEAT THEN r> drop ; : scan ( str len c -- str' len' ) >r BEGIN dup WHILE over c@ r@ <> WHILE 1 /string REPEAT THEN r> drop ; : split ( str len char -- left len right len ) >r 2dup r> findchar IF >r over r@ 2swap r> 1+ /string ELSE 0 0 THEN ; \ reverse findchar -- search from the end of the string : rfindchar ( str len char -- offs true | false ) swap 1 - 0 swap do over i + c@ over dup bl = if <= else = then if 2drop i dup dup leave then -1 +loop = ; \ reverse split -- split at the last occurrence of char : rsplit ( str len char -- left len right len ) >r 2dup r> rfindchar IF >r over r@ 2swap r> 1+ /string ELSE 0 0 THEN ; : left-parse-string ( str len char -- R-str R-len L-str L-len ) split 2swap ; : replace-char ( str len chout chin -- ) >r -rot BEGIN 2dup 4 pick findchar WHILE tuck - -rot + r@ over c! swap REPEAT r> 2drop 2drop ; \ Duplicate string and replace \ with / : \-to-/ ( str len -- str' len ) strdup 2dup [char] \ [char] / replace-char ; : isdigit ( char -- true | false ) 30 39 between ; : ishexdigit ( char -- true | false ) 30 39 between 41 46 between OR 61 66 between OR ; \ Variant of $number that defaults to decimal unless "0x" is \ a prefix : $dh-number ( addr len -- true | number false ) base @ >r decimal dup 2 > IF over dup c@ [char] 0 = over 1 + c@ 20 or [char] x = AND IF hex 2 + swap 2 - rot THEN drop THEN $number r> base ! ; : // dup >r 1- + r> / ; \ division, round up : c@+ ( adr -- c adr' ) dup c@ swap char+ ; : 2c@ ( adr -- c1 c2 ) c@+ c@ ; : 4c@ ( adr -- c1 c2 c3 c4 ) c@+ c@+ c@+ c@ ; : 8c@ ( adr -- c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 ) c@+ c@+ c@+ c@+ c@+ c@+ c@+ c@ ; : 4dup ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4 ) 2over 2over ; : 4drop ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) 2drop 2drop ; \ yes sometimes even something like this is needed : 5dup ( 1 2 3 4 5 -- 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ) 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick ; : 5drop 4drop drop ; : 5nip nip nip nip nip nip ; : 6dup ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) 5 pick 5 pick 5 pick 5 pick 5 pick 5 pick ; \ convert a 32 bit signed into a 64 signed \ ( propagate bit 31 to all bits 32:63 ) : signed ( n1 -- n2 ) dup 80000000 and IF FFFFFFFF00000000 or THEN ; : <l@ ( addr -- x ) l@ signed ; : -leading BEGIN dup WHILE over c@ bl <= WHILE 1 /string REPEAT THEN ; : (parse-line) skipws 0 parse ; \ Append two character to hex byte, if possible : hex-byte ( char0 char1 -- value true|false ) 10 digit IF swap 10 digit IF 4 lshift or true EXIT ELSE 2drop 0 THEN ELSE drop THEN false EXIT ; \ Parse hex string within brackets : parse-hexstring ( dst-adr -- dst-adr' ) [char] ) parse cr ( dst-adr str len ) bounds ?DO ( dst-adr ) i c@ i 1+ c@ hex-byte IF ( dst-adr hex-byte ) >r dup r> swap c! 1+ 2 ( dst-adr+1 2 ) ELSE drop 1 ( dst-adr 1 ) THEN +LOOP ; \ Add special character to string : add-specialchar ( dst-adr special -- dst-adr' ) over c! 1+ ( dst-adr' ) 1 >in +! \ advance input-index ; \ Parse up to next " : parse-" ( dst-adr -- dst-adr' ) [char] " parse dup 3 pick + >r ( dst-adr str len R: dst-adr' ) >r swap r> move r> ( dst-adr' ) ; : (") ( dst-adr -- dst-adr' ) begin ( dst-adr ) parse-" ( dst-adr' ) >in @ dup span @ >= IF ( dst-adr' >in-@ ) drop EXIT THEN ib + c@ CASE [char] ( OF parse-hexstring ENDOF [char] " OF [char] " add-specialchar ENDOF dup OF EXIT ENDOF ENDCASE again ; CREATE "pad 100 allot \ String with embedded hex strings \ Example: " ba"( 12 34,4567)ab" -> >x62x61x12x34x45x67x61x62< : " ( [text<">< >] -- text-str text-len ) state @ IF \ compile sliteral, pstr into dict "pad dup (") over - ( str len ) ['] sliteral compile, dup c, ( str len ) bounds ?DO i c@ c, LOOP align ['] count compile, ELSE pocket dup (") over - \ Interpretation, put string THEN \ in temp buffer ; immediate \ Output the carriage-return character : (cr carret emit ; \ Remove command old-name and all subsequent definitions : $forget ( str len -- ) 2dup last @ ( str len str len last-bc ) BEGIN dup >r ( str len str len last-bc R: last-bc ) cell+ char+ count ( str len str len found-str found-len R: last-bc ) string=ci IF ( str len R: last-bc ) r> @ last ! 2drop clean-hash EXIT ( -- ) THEN 2dup r> @ dup 0= ( str len str len next-bc next-bc ) UNTIL drop 2drop 2drop \ clean hash table ; : forget ( "old-name<>" -- ) parse-word $forget ; #include <search.fs> \ The following constants are required in some parts \ of the code, mainly instance variables and see. Having to reverse \ engineer our own CFAs seems somewhat weird, but we gained a bit speed. \ Each colon definition is surrounded by colon and semicolon \ constant below contain address of their xt : (function) ; defer (defer) 0 value (value) 0 constant (constant) variable (variable) create (create) alias (alias) (function) cell buffer: (buffer:) ' (function) @ \ ( <colon> ) ' (function) cell + @ \ ( ... <semicolon> ) ' (defer) @ \ ( ... <defer> ) ' (value) @ \ ( ... <value> ) ' (constant) @ \ ( ... <constant> ) ' (variable) @ \ ( ... <variable> ) ' (create) @ \ ( ... <create> ) ' (alias) @ \ ( ... <alias> ) ' (buffer:) @ \ ( ... <buffer:> ) \ now clean up the test functions forget (function) \ and remember the constants constant <buffer:> constant <alias> constant <create> constant <variable> constant <constant> constant <value> constant <defer> constant <semicolon> constant <colon> ' lit constant <lit> ' sliteral constant <sliteral> ' 0branch constant <0branch> ' branch constant <branch> ' doloop constant <doloop> ' dotick constant <dotick> ' doto constant <doto> ' do?do constant <do?do> ' do+loop constant <do+loop> ' do constant <do> ' exit constant <exit> ' doleave constant <doleave> ' do?leave constant <do?leave> \ provide the memory management words \ #include <claim.fs> \ #include "memory.fs" #include <alloc-mem.fs> #include <node.fs> : find-substr ( basestr-ptr basestr-len substr-ptr substr-len -- pos ) \ if substr-len == 0 ? dup 0 = IF \ return 0 2drop 2drop 0 exit THEN \ if substr-len <= basestr-len ? dup 3 pick <= IF \ run J from 0 to "basestr-len"-"substr-len" and I from 0 to "substr-len"-1 2 pick over - 1+ 0 DO dup 0 DO \ substr-ptr[i] == basestr-ptr[j+i] ? over i + c@ 4 pick j + i + c@ = IF \ (I+1) == substr-len ? dup i 1+ = IF \ return J 2drop 2drop j unloop unloop exit THEN ELSE leave THEN LOOP LOOP THEN \ if there is no match then exit with basestr-len as return value 2drop nip ; : find-isubstr ( basestr-ptr basestr-len substr-ptr substr-len -- pos ) \ if substr-len == 0 ? dup 0 = IF \ return 0 2drop 2drop 0 exit THEN \ if substr-len <= basestr-len ? dup 3 pick <= IF \ run J from 0 to "basestr-len"-"substr-len" and I from 0 to "substr-len"-1 2 pick over - 1+ 0 DO dup 0 DO \ substr-ptr[i] == basestr-ptr[j+i] ? over i + c@ lcc 4 pick j + i + c@ lcc = IF \ (I+1) == substr-len ? dup i 1+ = IF \ return J 2drop 2drop j unloop unloop exit THEN ELSE leave THEN LOOP LOOP THEN \ if there is no match then exit with basestr-len as return value 2drop nip ; : find-nextline ( str-ptr str-len -- pos ) \ run I from 0 to "str-len"-1 and check str-ptr[i] dup 0 ?DO over i + c@ CASE \ 0x0a (=LF) found ? 0a OF \ if current cursor is at end position (I == "str-len"-1) ? dup 1- i = IF \ return I+1 2drop i 1+ unloop exit THEN \ if str-ptr[I+1] == 0x0d (=CR) ? over i 1+ + c@ 0d = IF \ return I+2 2drop i 2+ ELSE \ else return I+1 2drop i 1+ THEN unloop exit ENDOF \ 0x0d (=CR) found ? 0d OF \ if current cursor is at end position (I == "str-len"-1) ? dup 1- i = IF \ return I+1 2drop i 1+ unloop exit THEN \ str-ptr[I+1] == 0x0a (=LF) ? over i 1+ + c@ 0a = IF \ return I+2 2drop i 2+ ELSE \ return I+1 2drop i 1+ THEN unloop exit ENDOF ENDCASE LOOP nip ; : string-at ( str1-ptr str1-len pos -- str2-ptr str2-len ) -rot 2 pick - -rot swap chars + swap ; \ appends the string beginning at addr2 to the end of the string \ beginning at addr1 \ !!! THERE MUST BE SUFFICIENT MEMORY RESERVED FOR THE STRING !!! \ !!! BEGINNING AT ADDR1 (cp. 'strcat' in 'C' ) !!! : string-cat ( addr1 len1 addr2 len2 -- addr1 len1+len2 ) \ len1 := len1+len2 rot dup >r over + -rot ( addr1 len1+len2 dest-ptr src-ptr len2 ) 3 pick r> chars + -rot ( ... dest-ptr src-ptr ) 0 ?DO 2dup c@ swap c! char+ swap char+ swap LOOP 2drop ; \ appends a character to the end of the string beginning at addr \ !!! THERE MUST BE SUFFICIENT MEMORY RESERVED FOR THE STRING !!! \ !!! BEGINNING AT ADDR1 (cp. 'strcat' in 'C' ) !!! : char-cat ( addr len character -- addr len+1 ) -rot 2dup >r >r 1+ rot r> r> chars + c! ; \ Returns true if source and destination overlap : overlap ( src dest size -- true|false ) 3dup over + within IF 3drop true ELSE rot tuck + within THEN ; : parse-2int ( str len -- val.lo val.hi ) \ ." parse-2int ( " 2dup swap . . ." -- " [char] , split ?dup IF eval ELSE drop 0 THEN -rot ?dup IF eval ELSE drop 0 THEN \ 2dup swap . . ." )" cr ; \ peek/poke minimal implementation, just to support FCode drivers \ Any implmentation with full error detection will be platform specific : cpeek ( addr -- false | byte true ) c@ true ; : cpoke ( byte addr -- success? ) c! true ; : wpeek ( addr -- false | word true ) w@ true ; : wpoke ( word addr -- success? ) w! true ; : lpeek ( addr -- false | lword true ) l@ true ; : lpoke ( lword addr -- success? ) l! true ; defer reboot ( -- ) defer halt ( -- ) defer disable-watchdog ( -- ) defer reset-watchdog ( -- ) defer set-watchdog ( +n -- ) defer set-led ( type instance state -- status ) defer get-flashside ( -- side ) defer set-flashside ( side -- status ) defer read-bootlist ( -- ) defer furnish-boot-file ( -- adr len ) defer set-boot-file ( adr len -- ) defer mfg-mode? ( -- flag ) defer of-prompt? ( -- flag ) defer debug-boot? ( -- flag ) defer bmc-version ( -- adr len ) defer cursor-on ( -- ) defer cursor-off ( -- ) : nop-reboot ( -- ) ." reboot not available" abort ; : nop-halt ( -- ) ." halt not available" abort ; : nop-disable-watchdog ( -- ) ; : nop-reset-watchdog ( -- ) ; : nop-set-watchdog ( +n -- ) drop ; : nop-set-led ( type instance state -- status ) drop drop drop ; : nop-get-flashside ( -- side ) ." Cannot get flashside" cr ABORT ; : nop-set-flashside ( side -- status ) ." Cannot set flashside" cr ABORT ; : nop-read-bootlist ( -- ) ; : nop-furnish-bootfile ( -- adr len ) s" net:" ; : nop-set-boot-file ( adr len -- ) 2drop ; : nop-mfg-mode? ( -- flag ) false ; : nop-of-prompt? ( -- flag ) false ; : nop-debug-boot? ( -- flag ) false ; : nop-bmc-version ( -- adr len ) s" XXXXX" ; : nop-cursor-on ( -- ) ; : nop-cursor-off ( -- ) ; ' nop-reboot to reboot ' nop-halt to halt ' nop-disable-watchdog to disable-watchdog ' nop-reset-watchdog to reset-watchdog ' nop-set-watchdog to set-watchdog ' nop-set-led to set-led ' nop-get-flashside to get-flashside ' nop-set-flashside to set-flashside ' nop-read-bootlist to read-bootlist ' nop-furnish-bootfile to furnish-boot-file ' nop-set-boot-file to set-boot-file ' nop-mfg-mode? to mfg-mode? ' nop-of-prompt? to of-prompt? ' nop-debug-boot? to debug-boot? ' nop-bmc-version to bmc-version ' nop-cursor-on to cursor-on ' nop-cursor-off to cursor-off : reset-all reboot ; \ load-base is an env. variable now, but it can \ be overriden temporarily provided users use \ get-load-base rather than load-base directly \ \ default-load-base is set here and can be \ overriden by the board code. It will be used \ to set the default value of the envvar "load-base" \ when booting without a valid nvram 10000000 VALUE default-load-base 2000000 VALUE flash-load-base 0 VALUE load-base-override : get-load-base load-base-override 0<> IF load-base-override ELSE " load-base" evaluate THEN ; \ provide first level debug support #include "debug.fs" \ provide Dictionary search #include "dictionary.fs" \ provide a simple run time preprocessor #include <preprocessor.fs> : $dnumber base @ >r decimal $number r> base ! ; : (.d) base @ >r decimal (.) r> base ! ; \ IP address conversion : (ipaddr) ( "a.b.c.d" -- FALSE | n1 n2 n3 n4 TRUE ) base @ >r decimal over s"" comp 0= IF 2drop false r> base ! EXIT THEN [char] . left-parse-string $number IF 2drop false r> base ! EXIT THEN -rot [char] . left-parse-string $number IF 2drop false r> base ! EXIT THEN -rot [char] . left-parse-string $number IF 2drop false r> base ! EXIT THEN -rot $number IF false r> base ! EXIT THEN true r> base ! ; : (ipformat) ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- str len ) base @ >r decimal 0 <# # # # [char] . hold drop # # # [char] . hold drop # # # [char] . hold drop # # #s #> r> base ! ; : ipformat ( n1 n2 n3 n4 -- ) (ipformat) type ;