\ *****************************************************************************
\ * Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation
\ * All rights reserved.
\ * This program and the accompanying materials
\ * are made available under the terms of the BSD License
\ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
\ * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
\ *
\ * Contributors:
\ *     IBM Corporation - initial implementation
\ ****************************************************************************/

\ KVM/qemu RTAS

\ rtas control block

371 cp

    /l field rtas>token
    /l field rtas>nargs
    /l field rtas>nret
    /l field rtas>args0
    /l field rtas>args1
    /l field rtas>args2
    /l field rtas>args3
    /l field rtas>args4
    /l field rtas>args5
    /l field rtas>args6
    /l field rtas>args7
    /l C * field rtas>args
    /l field rtas>bla
CONSTANT /rtas-control-block

CREATE rtas-cb /rtas-control-block allot
rtas-cb /rtas-control-block erase

0 VALUE rtas-base
0 VALUE rtas-size
0 VALUE rtas-entry
0 VALUE rtas-node

\ Locate qemu RTAS, remove the linux,... properties we really don't
\ want them to stick around

372 cp

: find-qemu-rtas ( -- )
    " /rtas" find-device get-node to rtas-node

    " linux,rtas-base" rtas-node get-package-property IF
         device-end EXIT THEN
    drop l@ to rtas-base
    " linux,rtas-base" delete-property

    " rtas-size" rtas-node get-package-property IF
         device-end EXIT THEN
    drop l@ to rtas-size

    " linux,rtas-entry" rtas-node get-package-property IF
        rtas-base to rtas-entry
        drop l@ to rtas-entry
        " linux,rtas-entry" delete-property

\    ." RTAS found, base=" rtas-base . ."  size=" rtas-size . cr

    \ Patch the RTAS blob with our sc1 patcher if necessary
    dup rtas-size +

373 cp

: enter-rtas ( -- )
    rtas-cb rtas-base 0 rtas-entry call-c drop

: rtas-get-token ( str len -- token | 0 )
    rtas-node get-package-property IF 0 ELSE drop l@ THEN

#include <rtas/rtas-reboot.fs>
#include <rtas/rtas-cpu.fs>

: rtas-set-tce-bypass ( unit enable -- )
    " ibm,set-tce-bypass" rtas-get-token rtas-cb rtas>token l!
    2 rtas-cb rtas>nargs l!
    0 rtas-cb rtas>nret l!
    rtas-cb rtas>args1 l!
    rtas-cb rtas>args0 l!

: rtas-quiesce ( -- )
    " quiesce" rtas-get-token rtas-cb rtas>token l!
    0 rtas-cb rtas>nargs l!
    0 rtas-cb rtas>nret l!

0 value puid

: rtas-do-config-@ ( config-addr size -- value)
    \ We really want to cache this !
    " ibm,read-pci-config" rtas-get-token rtas-cb rtas>token l!
    4 rtas-cb rtas>nargs l!
    2 rtas-cb rtas>nret l!
    ( addr size ) rtas-cb rtas>args3 l!
    puid ffffffff and rtas-cb rtas>args2 l!
    puid 20 rshift rtas-cb rtas>args1 l!
    ( addr ) rtas-cb rtas>args0 l!
    rtas-cb rtas>args4 l@ dup IF
        \ Do not warn on error as this is part of the
	\ normal PCI probing pass
	drop ffffffff
	drop rtas-cb rtas>args5 l@

: rtas-do-config-! ( value config-addr size )
    \ We really want to cache this !
    " ibm,write-pci-config" rtas-get-token rtas-cb rtas>token l!
    5 rtas-cb rtas>nargs l!
    1 rtas-cb rtas>nret l!
    ( value addr size ) rtas-cb rtas>args3 l!
    puid ffffffff and rtas-cb rtas>args2 l!
    puid 20 rshift rtas-cb rtas>args1 l!
    ( value addr ) rtas-cb rtas>args0 l!
    ( value ) rtas-cb rtas>args4 l!
    rtas-cb rtas>args5 l@ dup IF
    	    ." RTAS write config err " . cr
    ELSE drop THEN

: rtas-config-b@ ( config-addr -- value )
  1 rtas-do-config-@ ff and
: rtas-config-b! ( value config-addr -- )
  1 rtas-do-config-!
: rtas-config-w@ ( config-addr -- value )
  2 rtas-do-config-@ ffff and
: rtas-config-w! ( value config-addr -- )
  2 rtas-do-config-!
: rtas-config-l@ ( config-addr -- value )
  4 rtas-do-config-@ ffffffff and
: rtas-config-l! ( value config-addr -- )
  4 rtas-do-config-!

: of-start-cpu rtas-start-cpu ;

' power-off to halt
' rtas-system-reboot to reboot

\ Methods of the rtas node proper
rtas-node set-node

: open true ;
: close ;

: instantiate-rtas ( adr -- entry )
    dup rtas-base swap rtas-size move
    dup rtas-entry rtas-base - +
    2dup hv-rtas-update dup 0 <> IF
	\ Ignore hcall not implemented error, print error otherwise
	dup -2 <> IF ." HV-RTAS-UPDATE error: " . cr ELSE drop THEN


374 cp