/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file trtp_rtcp_session.c * @brief RTCP session. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_session.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_packet.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_header.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_report_rr.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_report_sr.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_report_sdes.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_report_bye.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtcp/trtp_rtcp_report_fb.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtp/trtp_rtp_packet.h" #include "ice/tnet_ice_ctx.h" #include "turn/tnet_turn_session.h" #include "tnet_transport.h" #include "tnet_utils.h" #include "tsk_string.h" #include "tsk_md5.h" #include "tsk_list.h" #include "tsk_time.h" #include "tsk_timer.h" #include "tsk_safeobj.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #include #include #include /* INT_MAX */ #ifdef _MSC_VER static double drand48() { return (((double)rand()) / RAND_MAX); } static void srand48(long sv) { srand((unsigned int) sv); } #endif #define RTCP_BW (160 * 50) // FIXME: default bandwidth (octet/second) #define CODEC_RATE 8000 // FIXME #define RTP_SEQ_MOD (1 << 16) #define MAX_DROPOUT 3000 #define MAX_MISORDER 100 #define MIN_SEQUENTIAL 2 typedef double time_tp; typedef void* packet_; typedef enum event_ { EVENT_BYE, EVENT_REPORT, EVENT_RTP } event_; typedef enum PacketType_ { PACKET_RTCP_REPORT, PACKET_BYE, PACKET_RTP, } PacketType_; #define TypeOfEvent(e) (e) #define TRTP_RTCP_SOURCE(self) ((trtp_rtcp_source_t*)self) typedef struct trtp_rtcp_source_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; uint32_t ssrc; /* source's ssrc */ uint16_t max_seq; /* highest seq. number seen */ uint32_t cycles; /* shifted count of seq. number cycles */ uint32_t base_seq; /* base seq number */ uint32_t bad_seq; /* last 'bad' seq number + 1 */ uint32_t probation; /* sequ. packets till source is valid */ uint32_t received; /* packets received */ uint32_t expected_prior; /* packet expected at last interval */ uint32_t received_prior; /* packet received at last interval */ uint32_t transit; /* relative trans time for prev pkt */ double jitter; /* estimated jitter */ uint32_t base_ts; /* base timestamp */ uint32_t max_ts; /* highest timestamp number seen */ uint32_t rate; /* codec sampling rate */ uint32_t ntp_msw; /* last received NTP timestamp from RTCP sender */ uint32_t ntp_lsw; /* last received NTP timestamp from RTCP sender */ uint64_t dlsr; /* delay since last SR */ } trtp_rtcp_source_t; typedef tsk_list_t trtp_rtcp_sources_L_t; /**< List of @ref trtp_rtcp_header_t elements */ static tsk_object_t* trtp_rtcp_source_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { trtp_rtcp_source_t *source = self; if(source){ } return self; } static tsk_object_t* trtp_rtcp_source_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { trtp_rtcp_source_t *source = self; if(source){ } return self; } static const tsk_object_def_t trtp_rtcp_source_def_s = { sizeof(trtp_rtcp_source_t), trtp_rtcp_source_ctor, trtp_rtcp_source_dtor, tsk_null, }; const tsk_object_def_t *trtp_rtcp_source_def_t = &trtp_rtcp_source_def_s; static int _trtp_rtcp_source_init_seq(trtp_rtcp_source_t* self, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts); static tsk_bool_t _trtp_rtcp_source_update_seq(trtp_rtcp_source_t* self, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts); static int __pred_find_source_by_ssrc(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *pssrc) { if(item && item->data){ trtp_rtcp_source_t *source = item->data; return source->ssrc - *((uint32_t*)pssrc); } return -1; } static trtp_rtcp_source_t* _trtp_rtcp_source_create(uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts) { trtp_rtcp_source_t* source; if(!(source = tsk_object_new(trtp_rtcp_source_def_t))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create source object"); return tsk_null; } _trtp_rtcp_source_init_seq(source, seq, ts); source->ssrc = ssrc; source->max_seq = seq - 1; source->probation = MIN_SEQUENTIAL; source->rate = CODEC_RATE;//FIXME return source; } static int _trtp_rtcp_source_init_seq(trtp_rtcp_source_t* self, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts) { if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } self->base_seq = seq; self->max_seq = seq; self->bad_seq = RTP_SEQ_MOD + 1; /* so seq == bad_seq is false */ self->cycles = 0; self->received = 0; self->received_prior = 0; self->expected_prior = 0; self->base_ts = ts; self->max_ts = ts; return 0; } static tsk_bool_t _trtp_rtcp_source_update_seq(trtp_rtcp_source_t* self, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts) { uint16_t udelta; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_false; } udelta = seq - self->max_seq; /* * Source is not valid until MIN_SEQUENTIAL packets with * sequential sequence numbers have been received. */ if (self->probation) { /* packet is in sequence */ if (seq == self->max_seq + 1) { self->probation--; self->max_seq = seq; self->max_ts = ts; if (self->probation == 0) { _trtp_rtcp_source_init_seq(self, seq, ts); self->received++; return tsk_true; } } else { self->probation = MIN_SEQUENTIAL - 1; self->max_seq = seq; self->max_ts = ts; } return tsk_false; } else if (udelta < MAX_DROPOUT) { /* in order, with permissible gap */ if (seq < self->max_seq) { /* * Sequence number wrapped - count another 64K cycle. */ self->cycles += RTP_SEQ_MOD; } self->max_seq = seq; self->max_ts = ts; } else if (udelta <= RTP_SEQ_MOD - MAX_MISORDER) { /* the sequence number made a very large jump */ if (seq == self->bad_seq) { /* * Two sequential packets -- assume that the other side * restarted without telling us so just re-sync * (i.e., pretend this was the first packet). */ _trtp_rtcp_source_init_seq(self, seq, ts); } else { self->bad_seq = (seq + 1) & (RTP_SEQ_MOD-1); return tsk_false; } } else { /* duplicate or reordered packet */ } self->received++; return tsk_true; } static tsk_bool_t _trtp_rtcp_source_is_probed(const trtp_rtcp_source_t* self) { return (self && self->probation == 0); } typedef time_tp (*tc_f)(); static time_tp _trtp_rtcp_session_tc() { return (time_tp)tsk_time_now(); } typedef struct trtp_rtcp_session_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; tsk_bool_t is_started; tnet_fd_t local_fd; struct tnet_transport_s* transport; // not starter -> do not stop const struct sockaddr * remote_addr; struct tnet_ice_ctx_s* ice_ctx; // not starter -> do not stop tsk_bool_t is_ice_turn_active; const void* callback_data; trtp_rtcp_cb_f callback; int32_t app_bw_max_upload; // application specific (kbps) int32_t app_bw_max_download; // application specific (kbps) struct{ tsk_timer_manager_handle_t* handle_global; tsk_timer_id_t id_report; tsk_timer_id_t id_bye; } timer; trtp_rtcp_source_t* source_local; /**< local source */ trtp_rtcp_report_sdes_t* sdes; uint64_t time_start; /**< Start time in millis (NOT in NTP unit yet) */ // uint8_t fir_seqnr; // // char* cname; uint32_t packets_count; uint32_t octets_count; // // time_tp tp; /**< the last time an RTCP packet was transmitted; */ tc_f tc; /**< the current time */ time_tp tn; /**< the next scheduled transmission time of an RTCP packet */ int32_t pmembers; /**< the estimated number of session members at the time tn was last recomputed */ int32_t members; /**< the most current estimate for the number of session members */ int32_t senders; /**< the most current estimate for the number of senders in the session */ double rtcp_bw; /**< The target RTCP bandwidth, i.e., the total bandwidth that will be used for RTCP packets by all members of this session, in octets per second. This will be a specified fraction of the "session bandwidth" parameter supplied to the application at startup*/ tsk_bool_t we_sent; /**< Flag that is true if the application has sent data since the 2nd previous RTCP report was transmitted */ double avg_rtcp_size; /**< The average compound RTCP packet size, in octets, over all RTCP packets sent and received by this participant. The size includes lower-layer transport and network protocol headers (e.g., UDP and IP) as explained in Section 6.2*/ tsk_bool_t initial; /**< Flag that is true if the application has not yet sent an RTCP packet */ // trtp_rtcp_sources_L_t *sources; TSK_DECLARE_SAFEOBJ; #if HAVE_SRTP struct{ const srtp_t* session; } srtp; #endif } trtp_rtcp_session_t; static tsk_object_t* trtp_rtcp_session_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { trtp_rtcp_session_t *session = self; if(session){ session->app_bw_max_upload = INT_MAX; // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined session->app_bw_max_download = INT_MAX; // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined session->sources = tsk_list_create(); session->timer.id_report = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; session->timer.id_bye = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; session->tc = _trtp_rtcp_session_tc; // get a handle for the global timer manager session->timer.handle_global = tsk_timer_mgr_global_ref(); tsk_safeobj_init(session); } return self; } static tsk_object_t* trtp_rtcp_session_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { trtp_rtcp_session_t *session = self; if(session){ trtp_rtcp_session_stop(session); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->sources); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->source_local); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->sdes); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->ice_ctx); // not starter -> do not stop TSK_FREE(session->cname); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->transport); // not starter -> do not stop // release the handle for the global timer manager tsk_timer_mgr_global_unref(&session->timer.handle_global); tsk_safeobj_deinit(session); } return self; } static const tsk_object_def_t trtp_rtcp_session_def_s = { sizeof(trtp_rtcp_session_t), trtp_rtcp_session_ctor, trtp_rtcp_session_dtor, tsk_null, }; const tsk_object_def_t *trtp_rtcp_session_def_t = &trtp_rtcp_session_def_s; static tsk_bool_t _trtp_rtcp_session_have_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc); static trtp_rtcp_source_t* _trtp_rtcp_session_find_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc); static trtp_rtcp_source_t* _trtp_rtcp_session_find_or_add_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t seq_if_add, uint32_t ts_id_add); static int _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, trtp_rtcp_source_t* source); static int _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts, tsk_bool_t *added); static int _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc, tsk_bool_t *removed); static tsk_size_t _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, trtp_rtcp_packet_t* pkt); static tsk_size_t _trtp_rtcp_session_send_raw(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, const void* data, tsk_size_t size); static int _trtp_rtcp_session_timer_callback(const void* arg, tsk_timer_id_t timer_id); static void Schedule(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, double tn, event_ e); static void OnReceive(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const packet_ p, event_ e, tsk_size_t ReceivedPacketSize); static void OnExpire(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, event_ e); static void SendBYEPacket(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, event_ e); trtp_rtcp_session_t* trtp_rtcp_session_create(uint32_t ssrc, const char* cname) { trtp_rtcp_session_t* session; if(!(session = tsk_object_new(trtp_rtcp_session_def_t))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create new session object"); return tsk_null; } // RFC 3550 - 6.3.2 Initialization if(!(session->source_local = _trtp_rtcp_source_create(ssrc, 0, 0))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create new local source"); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session); goto bail; } _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source(session, session->source_local); session->initial = tsk_true; session->we_sent = tsk_false; session->senders = 1; session->members = 1; session->rtcp_bw = RTCP_BW;//FIXME: as parameter from the code, Also added possiblities to update this value session->cname = tsk_strdup(cname); bail: return session; } struct trtp_rtcp_session_s* trtp_rtcp_session_create_2(struct tnet_ice_ctx_s* ice_ctx, uint32_t ssrc, const char* cname) { struct trtp_rtcp_session_s* session = trtp_rtcp_session_create(ssrc, cname); if (session) { if ((session->ice_ctx = tsk_object_ref(ice_ctx))) { session->is_ice_turn_active = tnet_ice_ctx_is_turn_rtcp_active(session->ice_ctx); } } return session; } int trtp_rtcp_session_set_callback(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, trtp_rtcp_cb_f callback, const void* callback_data) { if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); self->callback = callback; self->callback_data = callback_data; tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return 0; } #if HAVE_SRTP int trtp_rtcp_session_set_srtp_sess(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, const srtp_t* session) { if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); self->srtp.session = session; tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return 0; } #endif int trtp_rtcp_session_set_app_bandwidth_max(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, int32_t bw_upload_kbps, int32_t bw_download_kbps) { trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t* rr; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); self->app_bw_max_upload = bw_upload_kbps; self->app_bw_max_download = bw_download_kbps; if(self->is_started && self->source_local && self->app_bw_max_download > 0 && self->app_bw_max_download != INT_MAX){ // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined tsk_list_item_t* item; uint32_t media_ssrc_list[256] = {0}; uint32_t media_ssrc_list_count = 0; // retrieve sources as array tsk_list_foreach(item, self->sources){ if(!item->data){ continue; } if((media_ssrc_list_count + 1) < sizeof(media_ssrc_list)/sizeof(media_ssrc_list[0])){ media_ssrc_list[media_ssrc_list_count++] = TRTP_RTCP_SOURCE(item->data)->ssrc; } } // create RTCP-RR packet and send it over the network if(media_ssrc_list_count > 0 && (rr = trtp_rtcp_report_rr_create_2(self->source_local->ssrc))){ // app_bw_max_download unit is kbps while create_afb_remb() expect bps trtp_rtcp_report_psfb_t* psfb_afb_remb = trtp_rtcp_report_psfb_create_afb_remb(self->source_local->ssrc/*sender SSRC*/, media_ssrc_list, media_ssrc_list_count, (self->app_bw_max_download * 1024)); if(psfb_afb_remb){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Packing RTCP-AFB-REMB (bw_dwn=%d kbps) for outgoing RTCP-RR", self->app_bw_max_download); if(trtp_rtcp_packet_add_packet((trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)psfb_afb_remb, tsk_false) == 0){ _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(self, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(psfb_afb_remb); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(rr); } } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return 0; } int trtp_rtcp_session_start(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, tnet_fd_t local_fd, const struct sockaddr * remote_addr) { int ret; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(self->is_started){ TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Already started"); return 0; } // start global timer manager if((ret = tsk_timer_manager_start(self->timer.handle_global))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to start timer"); return ret; } self->local_fd = local_fd; self->remote_addr = remote_addr; // Send Initial RR (mandatory) Schedule(self, 0., EVENT_REPORT); // set start time self->time_start = tsk_time_now(); self->is_started = tsk_true; return ret; } int trtp_rtcp_session_stop(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self) { int ret = 0; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(self->is_started){ // send BYE synchronous way SendBYEPacket(self, EVENT_REPORT); // this is a global timer shared by many components -> stopping it won't remove // all scheduled items as it could continue running if still used tsk_safeobj_lock(self); // must if(TSK_TIMER_ID_IS_VALID(self->timer.id_bye)){ tsk_timer_manager_cancel(self->timer.handle_global, self->timer.id_bye); self->timer.id_bye = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; } if(TSK_TIMER_ID_IS_VALID(self->timer.id_report)){ tsk_timer_manager_cancel(self->timer.handle_global, self->timer.id_report); self->timer.id_report = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); self->is_started = tsk_false; } return ret; } int trtp_rtcp_session_process_rtp_out(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, const trtp_rtp_packet_t* packet_rtp, tsk_size_t size) { int ret = 0; if(!self || !packet_rtp || !packet_rtp->header){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->is_started){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not started"); return -2; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); // create local source if not already done // first destroy it if the ssrc don't match if(self->source_local && self->source_local->ssrc != packet_rtp->header->ssrc){ tsk_bool_t removed = tsk_false; // local ssrc has changed: sould never happen ...but who know? // remove the source TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Not expected to be called"); _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(self, self->source_local->ssrc, &removed); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->source_local); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->sdes); self->packets_count = 0; self->octets_count = 0; if(removed){ --self->senders; --self->members; } } if(!self->source_local){ if(!(self->source_local = _trtp_rtcp_source_create(packet_rtp->header->ssrc, packet_rtp->header->seq_num, packet_rtp->header->timestamp))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create new local source"); } // add the source (refresh the number of senders, ...) _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source(self, self->source_local); // 'members' and 'senders' were already initialized in the constructor } if(!self->we_sent){ self->we_sent = tsk_true; } ++self->packets_count; self->octets_count += (uint32_t)size; tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return ret; } int trtp_rtcp_session_process_rtp_in(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, const trtp_rtp_packet_t* packet_rtp, tsk_size_t size) { int ret = 0; trtp_rtcp_source_t* source; if(!self || !packet_rtp || !packet_rtp->header){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->is_started){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("RTCP session not started"); return -2; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); OnReceive(self, (const packet_)packet_rtp, EVENT_RTP, size); if((source = _trtp_rtcp_session_find_source(self, packet_rtp->header->ssrc))){ if(_trtp_rtcp_source_update_seq(source, packet_rtp->header->seq_num, packet_rtp->header->timestamp)){ // RFC 3550 A.8 Estimating the Interarrival Jitter /* uint32_t expected = (source->cycles + source->max_seq) - source->base_seq + 1; */ double arrival = (((double)(source->max_ts - source->base_ts) / (double)source->rate) * 1000); int32_t transit = (int32_t)arrival - packet_rtp->header->timestamp; int32_t d = (transit - source->transit); if(d < 0) d = -d; source->transit = transit; source->jitter += (1./16.) * ((double)d - source->jitter); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(source); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return ret; } int trtp_rtcp_session_process_rtcp_in(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, const void* buffer, tsk_size_t size) { int ret = 0; trtp_rtcp_packet_t* packet_rtcp = tsk_null; if(!self || !buffer || size < TRTP_RTCP_HEADER_SIZE){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->is_started){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not started"); return -2; } // derialize the RTCP packet for processing packet_rtcp = trtp_rtcp_packet_deserialize(buffer, size); if(packet_rtcp){ tsk_safeobj_lock(self); OnReceive(self, (const packet_)packet_rtcp, (packet_rtcp->header->type == trtp_rtcp_packet_type_bye) ? EVENT_BYE : EVENT_REPORT, size); if(packet_rtcp->header->type == trtp_rtcp_packet_type_sr){ trtp_rtcp_source_t* source; const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t* sr = (const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t*)packet_rtcp; if((source = _trtp_rtcp_session_find_source(self, sr->ssrc))){ source->ntp_lsw = sr->sender_info.ntp_lsw; source->ntp_msw = sr->sender_info.ntp_msw; source->dlsr = tsk_time_now(); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(source); } } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); // must be before callback() if(self->callback){ ret = self->callback(self->callback_data, packet_rtcp); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(packet_rtcp); } return ret; } int trtp_rtcp_session_signal_pkt_loss(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc_media, const uint16_t* seq_nums, tsk_size_t count) { trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t* rr; if(!self || !self->source_local || !seq_nums || !count){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->is_started){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not started"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); if((rr = trtp_rtcp_report_rr_create_2(self->source_local->ssrc))){ trtp_rtcp_report_rtpfb_t* rtpfb; if((rtpfb = trtp_rtcp_report_rtpfb_create_nack(self->source_local->ssrc, ssrc_media, seq_nums, count))){ trtp_rtcp_packet_add_packet((trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rtpfb, tsk_false); _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(self, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(rtpfb); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(rr); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return 0; } // Frame corrupted means the prediction chain is broken -> Send FIR int trtp_rtcp_session_signal_frame_corrupted(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc_media) { trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t* rr; if(!self || !self->source_local){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->is_started){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not started"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); if((rr = trtp_rtcp_report_rr_create_2(self->source_local->ssrc))){ trtp_rtcp_report_psfb_t* psfb_fir = trtp_rtcp_report_psfb_create_fir(self->fir_seqnr++, self->source_local->ssrc, ssrc_media); if(psfb_fir){ trtp_rtcp_packet_add_packet((trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)psfb_fir, tsk_false); _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(self, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(psfb_fir); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(rr); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return 0; } // for now send just a FIR int trtp_rtcp_session_signal_jb_error(struct trtp_rtcp_session_s* self, uint32_t ssrc_media) { return trtp_rtcp_session_signal_frame_corrupted(self, ssrc_media); } tnet_fd_t trtp_rtcp_session_get_local_fd(const struct trtp_rtcp_session_s* self) { if (!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return TNET_INVALID_FD; } return self->local_fd; } int trtp_rtcp_session_set_local_fd(struct trtp_rtcp_session_s* self, tnet_fd_t local_fd) { if (!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } self->local_fd = local_fd; return 0; } int trtp_rtcp_session_set_net_transport(struct trtp_rtcp_session_s* self, struct tnet_transport_s* transport) { if (!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->transport); self->transport = tsk_object_ref(transport); return 0; } static tsk_bool_t _trtp_rtcp_session_have_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc) { tsk_list_item_t* item; tsk_list_foreach(item, self->sources){ if(TRTP_RTCP_SOURCE(item->data)->ssrc == ssrc){ return tsk_true; } } return tsk_false; } // find source by ssrc // the caller must release the returned object static trtp_rtcp_source_t* _trtp_rtcp_session_find_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc) { tsk_list_item_t* item; tsk_list_foreach(item, self->sources){ if(TRTP_RTCP_SOURCE(item->data)->ssrc == ssrc){ return tsk_object_ref(item->data); } } return tsk_null; } // find or add source by ssrc // the caller must release the returned object static trtp_rtcp_source_t* _trtp_rtcp_session_find_or_add_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t seq_if_add, uint32_t ts_id_add) { trtp_rtcp_source_t* source; if((source = _trtp_rtcp_session_find_source(self, ssrc))){ return source; } if((source = _trtp_rtcp_source_create(ssrc, seq_if_add, ts_id_add))){ if((_trtp_rtcp_session_add_source(self, source)) != 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to add source"); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(source); return tsk_null; } return tsk_object_ref(source); } return tsk_null; } int _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, trtp_rtcp_source_t* source) { if(!self || !source){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_list_lock(self->sources); source = tsk_object_ref(source); tsk_list_push_back_data(self->sources, (void**)&source); tsk_list_unlock(self->sources); return 0; } // adds a source if doesn't exist static int _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc, uint16_t seq, uint32_t ts, tsk_bool_t *added) { int ret = 0; tsk_list_item_t* item; trtp_rtcp_source_t* source; tsk_list_lock(self->sources); tsk_list_foreach(item, self->sources){ if(TRTP_RTCP_SOURCE(item->data)->ssrc == ssrc){ tsk_list_unlock(self->sources); *added = tsk_false; return 0; } } tsk_list_unlock(self->sources); if((source = _trtp_rtcp_source_create(ssrc, seq, ts))){ ret = _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source(self, source); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(source); *added = tsk_true; return ret; } int _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, uint32_t ssrc, tsk_bool_t *removed) { *removed = tsk_false; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_list_lock(self->sources); if((*removed = tsk_list_remove_item_by_pred(self->sources, __pred_find_source_by_ssrc, &ssrc)) == tsk_true){ // ... } tsk_list_unlock(self->sources); return 0; } static tsk_size_t _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, trtp_rtcp_packet_t* pkt) { tsk_size_t ret = 0; tsk_size_t __num_bytes_pad = 0; tsk_buffer_t* buffer; if(!self->remote_addr || self->local_fd <= 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid network settings"); return 0; } #if HAVE_SRTP if(self->srtp.session) __num_bytes_pad = (SRTP_MAX_TRAILER_LEN + 0x4); #endif // SDES if(!self->sdes && (self->sdes = trtp_rtcp_report_sdes_create_null())){ trtp_rtcp_sdes_chunck_t* chunck = trtp_rtcp_sdes_chunck_create(self->source_local->ssrc); if(chunck){ static const char* _name = "test@doubango.org"; trtp_rtcp_sdes_chunck_add_item(chunck, trtp_rtcp_sdes_item_type_cname, self->cname, (uint8_t)tsk_strlen(self->cname)); trtp_rtcp_sdes_chunck_add_item(chunck, trtp_rtcp_sdes_item_type_name, _name, (uint8_t)tsk_strlen(_name)); trtp_rtcp_report_sdes_add_chunck(self->sdes, chunck); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(chunck); } } if(self->sdes){ trtp_rtcp_packet_add_packet(pkt, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)self->sdes, tsk_true); } if((buffer = trtp_rtcp_packet_serialize(pkt, __num_bytes_pad))){ void* data = buffer->data; int size = (int)buffer->size; #if HAVE_SRTP if(self->srtp.session){ if(srtp_protect_rtcp(((srtp_t)*self->srtp.session), data, &size) != err_status_ok){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("srtp_protect_rtcp() failed"); } } #endif ret = _trtp_rtcp_session_send_raw(self, data, size); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(buffer); } return ret; } static tsk_size_t _trtp_rtcp_session_send_raw(trtp_rtcp_session_t* self, const void* data, tsk_size_t size) { tsk_size_t ret = 0; if (!self || !data || !size) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return 0; } if (self->is_ice_turn_active) { ret = (tnet_ice_ctx_send_turn_rtcp(self->ice_ctx, data, size) == 0) ? size : 0; // returns #0 if ok } else { ret = self->transport ? tnet_transport_sendto(self->transport, self->local_fd, self->remote_addr, data, size) : tnet_sockfd_sendto(self->local_fd, self->remote_addr, data, size); } return ret; } static int _trtp_rtcp_session_timer_callback(const void* arg, tsk_timer_id_t timer_id) { trtp_rtcp_session_t* session = (trtp_rtcp_session_t*)arg; tsk_safeobj_lock(session); // must if(session->timer.id_bye == timer_id){ session->timer.id_bye = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; OnExpire(session, EVENT_BYE); } else if(session->timer.id_report == timer_id){ session->timer.id_report = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; OnExpire(session, EVENT_REPORT); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(session); return 0; } static tsk_bool_t IsRtpPacket(const packet_ p) { return (TSK_OBJECT_HEADER(p)->__def__ == trtp_rtp_packet_def_t); } static PacketType_ PacketType(const packet_ p) { if(IsRtpPacket(p)){ return PACKET_RTP; } else{ switch(((const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)p)->header->type){ case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_bye: return PACKET_BYE; default: return PACKET_RTCP_REPORT; } } } // Returns true if the packet is from a member or not // also checks all csrc static tsk_bool_t NewMember(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const packet_ p) { uint32_t ssrc = 0; if(IsRtpPacket(p)){ const trtp_rtp_packet_t* packet_rtp = (const trtp_rtp_packet_t*)p; tsk_size_t i; for(i = 0; i < packet_rtp->header->csrc_count && i < sizeof(packet_rtp->header->csrc)/sizeof(packet_rtp->header->csrc[0]); ++i){ if(!(_trtp_rtcp_session_have_source(session, packet_rtp->header->csrc[i]))){ return tsk_false; } } ssrc = packet_rtp->header->ssrc; } else{ switch(((const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)p)->header->type){ case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_rr: ssrc = ((const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t*)p)->ssrc; break; case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_sr: ssrc = ((const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t*)p)->ssrc; break; case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_bye: { tsk_size_t i; const trtp_rtcp_report_bye_t* bye = (const trtp_rtcp_report_bye_t*)p; for(i = 0; i < TRTP_RTCP_PACKET(bye)->header->rc; ++i){ if(!_trtp_rtcp_session_have_source(session, bye->ssrc_list[i])){ return tsk_false; } } return tsk_true; } default: return tsk_false; } } return !_trtp_rtcp_session_have_source(session, ssrc); } #define NewSender(session, p) NewMember((session), (p)) static tsk_size_t AddMemberUsingRTCPPacket(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const trtp_rtcp_packet_t* p, tsk_bool_t sender) { trtp_rtcp_packets_L_t* packets = tsk_null; trtp_rtcp_rblocks_L_t* blocks = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t added = tsk_false; tsk_size_t count = 0; switch(p->header->type){ case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_rr: { const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t* rr = (const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t*)p; _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(session, ((const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t*)p)->ssrc, 0, 0, &added); if(added) ++count; packets = rr->packets; blocks = rr->blocks; break; } case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_sr: { const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t* sr = (const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t*)p; _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(session, ((const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t*)p)->ssrc, 0, 0, &added); if(added) ++count; packets = sr->packets; blocks = sr->blocks; break; } default: { break; } } if(!sender){ if(packets){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_list_foreach(item, packets){ AddMemberUsingRTCPPacket(session, (const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)item->data, sender); } } if(blocks){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_list_foreach(item, blocks){ _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(session, TRTP_RTCP_RBLOCK(item->data)->ssrc, 0, 0, &added); if(added) ++count; } } } return count; } static tsk_size_t AddMember_(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const packet_ p, tsk_bool_t sender) { tsk_size_t count = 0; if(IsRtpPacket(p)){ const trtp_rtp_packet_t* packet_rtp = (const trtp_rtp_packet_t*)p; tsk_size_t i; tsk_bool_t added = tsk_false; _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(session, packet_rtp->header->ssrc, packet_rtp->header->seq_num, packet_rtp->header->timestamp, &added); if(added) ++count; for(i = 0; i < packet_rtp->header->csrc_count && i < sizeof(packet_rtp->header->csrc)/sizeof(packet_rtp->header->csrc[0]); ++i){ _trtp_rtcp_session_add_source_2(session, packet_rtp->header->csrc[i], 0, 0, &added); if(added) ++count; } } else{ count += AddMemberUsingRTCPPacket(session, (const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*) p, sender); } return count; } #define AddMember(session, p) AddMember_((session), (p), tsk_false) #define AddSender(session, p) AddMember_((session), (p), tsk_true) static tsk_size_t RemoveMemberUsingRTCPPacket(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const trtp_rtcp_packet_t* p) { trtp_rtcp_packets_L_t* packets = tsk_null; trtp_rtcp_rblocks_L_t* blocks = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t removed = tsk_false; tsk_size_t count = 0; switch(p->header->type){ case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_rr: { const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t* rr = (const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t*)p; _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(session, ((const trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t*)p)->ssrc, &removed); if(removed) ++count; packets = rr->packets; blocks = rr->blocks; break; } case trtp_rtcp_packet_type_sr: { const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t* sr = (const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t*)p; _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(session, ((const trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t*)p)->ssrc, &removed); if(removed) ++count; packets = sr->packets; blocks = sr->blocks; break; } default: { break; } } if(packets){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_list_foreach(item, packets){ RemoveMemberUsingRTCPPacket(session, (const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)item->data); } } if(blocks){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_list_foreach(item, blocks){ _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(session, TRTP_RTCP_RBLOCK(item->data)->ssrc, &removed); if(removed) ++count; } } return count; } static tsk_size_t RemoveMember(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const packet_ p) { tsk_size_t count = 0; if(IsRtpPacket(p)){ const trtp_rtp_packet_t* packet_rtp = (const trtp_rtp_packet_t*)p; tsk_size_t i; tsk_bool_t removed = tsk_false; _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(session, packet_rtp->header->ssrc, &removed); if(removed) ++count; for(i = 0; i < packet_rtp->header->csrc_count && i < sizeof(packet_rtp->header->csrc)/sizeof(packet_rtp->header->csrc[0]); ++i){ _trtp_rtcp_session_remove_source(session, packet_rtp->header->csrc[i], &removed); if(removed) ++count; } } else{ count += RemoveMemberUsingRTCPPacket(session, (const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*) p); } return count; } #define RemoveSender(session, p) RemoveMember((session), (p)) // Sends BYE in synchronous mode static void SendBYEPacket(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, event_ e) { trtp_rtcp_report_bye_t* bye; tsk_size_t __num_bytes_pad = 0; if(!session->remote_addr || session->local_fd <= 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid network settings"); return; } tsk_safeobj_lock(session); #if HAVE_SRTP if(session->srtp.session) __num_bytes_pad = (SRTP_MAX_TRAILER_LEN + 0x4); #endif if(session->source_local && (bye = trtp_rtcp_report_bye_create_2(session->source_local->ssrc))){ tsk_buffer_t* buffer; // serialize and send the packet if((buffer = trtp_rtcp_packet_serialize((const trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)bye, __num_bytes_pad))){ void* data = buffer->data; int size = (int)buffer->size; #if HAVE_SRTP if(session->srtp.session){ if(srtp_protect_rtcp(((srtp_t)*session->srtp.session), data, &size) != err_status_ok){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("srtp_protect_rtcp() failed"); } } #endif _trtp_rtcp_session_send_raw(session, data, size); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(buffer); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(bye); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(session); } // returns sent packet size static tsk_size_t SendRTCPReport(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, event_ e) { tsk_size_t ret = 0; tsk_safeobj_lock(session); if(session->initial){ // Send Receiver report (manadatory to be the first on) trtp_rtcp_report_rr_t* rr = trtp_rtcp_report_rr_create_2(session->source_local->ssrc); if(rr){ // serialize and send the packet ret = _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(session, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)rr); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(rr); } } else{ trtp_rtcp_report_sr_t* sr = trtp_rtcp_report_sr_create_null(); uint32_t media_ssrc_list[16] = {0}; uint32_t media_ssrc_list_count = 0; if(sr){ uint64_t ntp_now = tsk_time_ntp(); uint64_t time_now = tsk_time_now(); trtp_rtcp_rblock_t* rblock; trtp_rtcp_source_t* source; tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_bool_t packet_lost = tsk_false; // sender info sr->ssrc = session->source_local->ssrc; sr->sender_info.ntp_msw = (ntp_now >> 32); sr->sender_info.ntp_lsw = (ntp_now & 0xFFFFFFFF); sr->sender_info.sender_pcount = session->packets_count; sr->sender_info.sender_ocount = session->octets_count; { /* rtp_timestamp */ struct timeval tv; uint64_t rtp_timestamp = (time_now - session->time_start) * (session->source_local->rate / 1000); tv.tv_sec = (long)(rtp_timestamp / 1000); tv.tv_usec = (long)(rtp_timestamp - ((rtp_timestamp / 1000) * 1000)) * 1000; #if 1 sr->sender_info.rtp_timestamp = (uint32_t)tsk_time_get_ms(&tv); #else sr->sender_info.rtp_timestamp = (uint32_t)tsk_time_get_ntp_ms(&tv); #endif } // report blocks tsk_list_foreach(item, session->sources){ if(!(source = (trtp_rtcp_source_t*)item->data) || !_trtp_rtcp_source_is_probed(source)){ continue; } if((rblock = trtp_rtcp_rblock_create_null())){ uint32_t expected, expected_interval, received_interval, lost_interval; rblock->ssrc = source->ssrc; // RFC 3550 - A.3 Determining Number of Packets Expected and Lost expected = (source->cycles + source->max_seq) - source->base_seq + 1; expected_interval = expected - source->expected_prior; source->expected_prior = expected; received_interval = source->received - source->received_prior; source->received_prior = source->received; lost_interval = expected_interval - received_interval; if (expected_interval == 0 || lost_interval <= 0) rblock->fraction = 0; else rblock->fraction = (lost_interval << 8) / expected_interval; rblock->cumulative_no_lost = ((expected - source->received)); if(!packet_lost && rblock->fraction) packet_lost = tsk_true; rblock->last_seq = ((source->cycles & 0xFFFF) << 16) | source->max_seq; rblock->jitter = (uint32_t)source->jitter; rblock->lsr = ((source->ntp_msw & 0xFFFF) << 16) | ((source->ntp_lsw & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16); if(source->dlsr){ rblock->dlsr = (uint32_t)(((time_now - source->dlsr) * 65536) / 1000); // in units of 1/65536 seconds } trtp_rtcp_report_sr_add_block(sr, rblock); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(rblock); } if((media_ssrc_list_count + 1) < sizeof(media_ssrc_list)/sizeof(media_ssrc_list[0])){ media_ssrc_list[media_ssrc_list_count++] = source->ssrc; } } if(media_ssrc_list_count > 0){ // draft-alvestrand-rmcat-remb-02 if(session->app_bw_max_download > 0 && session->app_bw_max_download != INT_MAX){ // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined // app_bw_max_download unit is kbps while create_afb_remb() expect bps trtp_rtcp_report_psfb_t* psfb_afb_remb = trtp_rtcp_report_psfb_create_afb_remb(session->source_local->ssrc/*sender SSRC*/, media_ssrc_list, media_ssrc_list_count, (session->app_bw_max_download * 1024)); if(psfb_afb_remb){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Packing RTCP-AFB-REMB (bw_dwn=%d kbps) for outgoing RTCP-SR", session->app_bw_max_download); trtp_rtcp_packet_add_packet((trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)sr, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)psfb_afb_remb, tsk_false); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(psfb_afb_remb); } } } // serialize and send the packet ret = _trtp_rtcp_session_send_pkt(session, (trtp_rtcp_packet_t*)sr); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sr); } } tsk_safeobj_unlock(session); return ret; } static void Schedule(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, double tn, event_ e) { tsk_safeobj_lock(session); // must switch(e){ case EVENT_BYE: if(!TSK_TIMER_ID_IS_VALID(session->timer.id_bye)){ session->timer.id_bye = tsk_timer_manager_schedule(session->timer.handle_global, (uint64_t)tn, _trtp_rtcp_session_timer_callback, session); } break; case EVENT_REPORT: if(!TSK_TIMER_ID_IS_VALID(session->timer.id_report)){ session->timer.id_report = tsk_timer_manager_schedule(session->timer.handle_global, (uint64_t)tn, _trtp_rtcp_session_timer_callback, session); } break; default: TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Unexpected code called"); break; } tsk_safeobj_unlock(session); } #define Reschedule(session, tn, e) Schedule((session), (tn), (e)) static double rtcp_interval(int32_t members, int32_t senders, double rtcp_bw, int32_t we_sent, double avg_rtcp_size, tsk_bool_t initial) { /* * Minimum average time between RTCP packets from this site (in * seconds). This time prevents the reports from `clumping' when * sessions are small and the law of large numbers isn't helping * to smooth out the traffic. It also keeps the report interval * from becoming ridiculously small during transient outages like * a network partition. */ #define RTCP_MIN_TIME 5. /* * Fraction of the RTCP bandwidth to be shared among active * senders. (This fraction was chosen so that in a typical * session with one or two active senders, the computed report * time would be roughly equal to the minimum report time so that * we don't unnecessarily slow down receiver reports.) The * receiver fraction must be 1 - the sender fraction. */ #define RTCP_SENDER_BW_FRACTION 0.25 #define RTCP_RCVR_BW_FRACTION (1 - RTCP_SENDER_BW_FRACTION) /* * To compensate for "timer reconsideration" converging to a * value below the intended average. */ #define COMPENSATION (2.71828 - 1.5) double t; /* interval */ double rtcp_min_time = RTCP_MIN_TIME; int n; /* no. of members for computation */ /* * Very first call at application start-up uses half the min * delay for quicker notification while still allowing some time * before reporting for randomization and to learn about other * sources so the report interval will converge to the correct * interval more quickly. */ if (initial) { rtcp_min_time /= 2; } /* * Dedicate a fraction of the RTCP bandwidth to senders unless * the number of senders is large enough that their share is * more than that fraction. */ n = members; if (senders <= members * RTCP_SENDER_BW_FRACTION) { if (we_sent) { rtcp_bw *= RTCP_SENDER_BW_FRACTION; n = senders; } else { rtcp_bw *= RTCP_RCVR_BW_FRACTION; n -= senders; } } /* * The effective number of sites times the average packet size is * the total number of octets sent when each site sends a report. * Dividing this by the effective bandwidth gives the time * interval over which those packets must be sent in order to * meet the bandwidth target, with a minimum enforced. In that * time interval we send one report so this time is also our * average time between reports. */ t = avg_rtcp_size * n / rtcp_bw; if (t < rtcp_min_time) t = rtcp_min_time; /* * To avoid traffic bursts from unintended synchronization with * other sites, we then pick our actual next report interval as a * random number uniformly distributed between 0.5*t and 1.5*t. */ t = t * (drand48() + 0.5); t = t / COMPENSATION; return (t * 1000); } static void OnExpire(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, event_ e) { /* This function is responsible for deciding whether to send an * RTCP report or BYE packet now, or to reschedule transmission. * It is also responsible for updating the pmembers, initial, tp, * and avg_rtcp_size state variables. This function should be * called upon expiration of the event timer used by Schedule(). */ double t; /* Interval */ double tn; /* Next transmit time */ double tc; /* In the case of a BYE, we use "timer reconsideration" to * reschedule the transmission of the BYE if necessary */ if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_BYE) { t = rtcp_interval(session->members, session->senders, session->rtcp_bw, session->we_sent, session->avg_rtcp_size, session->initial); tn = session->tp + t; if (tn <= session->tc()) { SendBYEPacket(session, e); #if 0 exit(1); #endif } else { #if 0 Schedule(session, tn, e); #else Schedule(session, 0, e); #endif } } else if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT) { t = rtcp_interval(session->members, session->senders, session->rtcp_bw, session->we_sent, session->avg_rtcp_size, session->initial); tn = session->tp + t; if (tn <= (tc = session->tc())) { tsk_size_t SentPacketSize = SendRTCPReport(session, e); session->avg_rtcp_size = (1./16.)*SentPacketSize + (15./16.)*(session->avg_rtcp_size); session->tp = tc; /* We must redraw the interval. Don't reuse the one computed above, since its not actually distributed the same, as we are conditioned on it being small enough to cause a packet to be sent */ t = rtcp_interval(session->members, session->senders, session->rtcp_bw, session->we_sent, session->avg_rtcp_size, session->initial); #if 0 Schedule(session, t+tc, e); #else Schedule(session, t, e); #endif session->initial = tsk_false; } else { #if 0 Schedule(session, tn, e); #else Schedule(session, 0, e); #endif } session->pmembers = session->members; } } static void OnReceive(trtp_rtcp_session_t* session, const packet_ p, event_ e, tsk_size_t ReceivedPacketSize) { /* What we do depends on whether we have left the group, and are * waiting to send a BYE (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_BYE) or an RTCP * report. p represents the packet that was just received. */ if (PacketType(p) == PACKET_RTCP_REPORT) { if (NewMember(session, p) && (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT)) { session->members += (int32_t)AddMember(session, p); } session->avg_rtcp_size = (1./16.)*ReceivedPacketSize + (15./16.)*(session->avg_rtcp_size); } else if (PacketType(p) == PACKET_RTP) { #if 0 if (NewMember(session, p) && (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT)) { session->members += AddMember(session, p); } if (NewSender(session, p) && (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT)) { tsk_size_t count = AddSender(session, p); session->senders += count; session->members += count; } #else if (NewSender(session, p)) { tsk_size_t count = AddSender(session, p); session->senders += (int32_t)count; session->members += (int32_t)count; } #endif } else if (PacketType(p) == PACKET_BYE) { session->avg_rtcp_size = (1./16.)*ReceivedPacketSize + (15./16.)*(session->avg_rtcp_size); if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_REPORT) { double tc = session->tc(); tsk_size_t count = RemoveMember(session, p); session->senders -= (int32_t)count; session->members -= (int32_t)count; #if 0 if (NewSender(session, p) == tsk_false) { RemoveSender(p); session->senders -= 1; } if (NewMember(session, p) == tsk_false) { RemoveMember(p); session->members -= 1; } #endif if (session->members < session->pmembers && session->pmembers) { session->tn = (time_tp)(tc + (((double) session->members)/(session->pmembers))*(session->tn - tc)); session->tp = (time_tp)(tc - (((double) session->members)/(session->pmembers))*(tc - session->tp)); /* Reschedule the next report for time tn */ Reschedule(session, session->tn, e); session->pmembers = session->members; } } else if (TypeOfEvent(e) == EVENT_BYE) { session->members += 1; } } }