/* Copyright (C) 2014 Mamadou DIOP. * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ #ifndef TNET_TEST_DNS_H #define TNET_TEST_DNS_H //#include "tnet_utils.h" /* tnet_address_t */ void test_dns_query() { tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create(); tnet_dns_response_t *response = tsk_null; const tsk_list_item_t* item; const tnet_dns_rr_t* rr; //if((response = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, "_sip._udp.sip2sip.info", qclass_in, qtype_srv))) if((response = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, "sip2sip.info", qclass_in, qtype_naptr))) { if(TNET_DNS_RESPONSE_IS_SUCCESS(response)){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("We got a success response from the DNS server."); // loop through the answers tsk_list_foreach(item, response->Answers){ rr = item->data; if(rr->qtype == qtype_naptr){ const tnet_dns_naptr_t *naptr = (const tnet_dns_naptr_t*)rr; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("order=%u pref=%u flags=%s services=%s regexp=%s replacement=%s", naptr->order, naptr->preference, naptr->flags, naptr->services, naptr->regexp, naptr->replacement); } } } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("We got an error response from the DNS server. Erro code: %u", response->Header.RCODE); } } tnet_dns_cache_clear(ctx); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(response); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ctx); tsk_thread_sleep(2000); } void test_dns_srv() { tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create(); char* hostname = 0; tnet_port_t port = 0; if(!tnet_dns_query_srv(ctx, "_sip._udp.sip2sip.info", &hostname, &port)){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("DNS SRV succeed ==> hostname=%s and port=%u", hostname, port); } TSK_FREE(hostname); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ctx); tsk_thread_sleep(2000); } void test_dns_naptr_srv() { tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create(); char* hostname = tsk_null; tnet_port_t port = 0; if(!tnet_dns_query_naptr_srv(ctx, "sip2sip.info", "SIP+D2U", &hostname, &port)){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("DNS NAPTR+SRV succeed ==> hostname=%s and port=%u", hostname, port); } TSK_FREE(hostname); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ctx); tsk_thread_sleep(2000); } void test_enum() { tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create(); tnet_dns_response_t* response = tsk_null; // const tsk_list_item_t* item; // const tnet_dns_naptr_t* record; char* uri = tsk_null; const char* e164num = "+1-800-555-5555"; //const char* e164num = "+33660188661"; //tnet_dns_add_server(ctx, ""); //if((uri = tnet_dns_enum_2(ctx, "E2U+SIP", e164num, "e164.org"))){ if((uri = tnet_dns_enum_2(ctx, "E2U+SIP", e164num, "e164.org"))){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("URI=%s", uri); TSK_FREE(uri); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("ENUM(%s) failed", e164num); } /*if((response = tnet_dns_enum(ctx, "+1-800-555-5555", "e164.org"))){ if(TNET_DNS_RESPONSE_IS_SUCCESS(response)){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("We got a success response from the DNS server."); // loop through the answers tsk_list_foreach(item, response->Answers){ record = item->data; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("order=%u pref=%u flags=%s services=%s regexp=%s replacement=%s", record->order, record->preference, record->flags, record->services, record->regexp, record->replacement); } } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("We got an error response from the DNS server. Erro code: %u", response->Header.RCODE); } }*/ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(response); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ctx); tsk_thread_sleep(2000); } typedef struct regexp_test_s{ const char* e164num; const char* regexp; const char* xres; } regexp_test_t; regexp_test_t regexp_tests[] = { "+18005551234", "!^.*$!sip:customer-service@example.com!i", "sip:customer-service@example.com", "+18005551234", "!^.*$!mailto:information@example.com!i", "mailto:information@example.com", "+18005555555", "!^\\+1800(.*)$!sip:1641641800\\1@tollfree.sip-happens.com!", "sip:16416418005555555@tollfree.sip-happens.com", "+18005555555", "!^\\+1800(.*)$!sip:1641641800\\1@sip.tollfreegateway.com!", "sip:16416418005555555@sip.tollfreegateway.com", "+468971234", "!^+46(.*)$!ldap://ldap.telco.se/cn=0\\1!", "ldap://ldap.telco.se/cn=08971234", "+468971234", "!^+46(.*)$!mailto:spam@paf.se!", "mailto:spam@paf.se", "urn:cid:199606121851.1@bar.example.com", "!!^urn:cid:.+@([^\\.]+\\.)(.*)$!\\2!i", "example.com", }; void test_regex() { char* ret; size_t i; for(i=0; i< sizeof(regexp_tests)/sizeof(regexp_test_t); i++) { if((ret = tnet_dns_regex_parse(regexp_tests[i].e164num, regexp_tests[i].regexp))){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("ENUM(%s) = %s", regexp_tests[i].e164num, ret); if(!tsk_strequals(ret, regexp_tests[i].xres)){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to match ENUM(%s)", regexp_tests[i].e164num); } TSK_FREE(ret); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse ENUM(%s)", regexp_tests[i].e164num); } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("---------"); } } void test_resolvconf() { tnet_addresses_L_t * servers; const tnet_address_t* address; const tsk_list_item_t* item; const char* path = "C:\\tmp\\resolv32.conf"; //const char* path = "C:\\tmp\\resolv.conf"; //const char* path = "/etc/resolv.conf"; if((servers = tnet_dns_resolvconf_parse(path))){ tsk_list_foreach(item, servers){ address = item->data; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("DNS Server host=%s Family=%d", address->ip, address->family); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(servers); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse DNS servers from %s.", path); } } void test_dns() { test_dns_naptr_srv(); //test_dns_srv(); //test_dns_query(); //test_enum(); //test_regex(); //test_resolvconf(); } #endif /* TNET_TEST_DNS_H */