/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mamadou DIOP. * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ #include "tnet_proxydetect.h" #include "tnet_utils.h" #include "tsk_string.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" /* "tnet_proxyinfo_t" object definition */ static tsk_object_t* _tnet_proxyinfo_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tnet_proxyinfo_t *info = (tnet_proxyinfo_t *)self; if (info) { } return self; } static tsk_object_t* _tnet_proxyinfo_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { tnet_proxyinfo_t *info = (tnet_proxyinfo_t *)self; if (info) { TSK_FREE(info->autoconfig_url); TSK_FREE(info->bypass_list); TSK_FREE(info->hostname); TSK_FREE(info->username); TSK_FREE(info->password); } return self; } static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_proxyinfo_def_s = { sizeof(tnet_proxyinfo_t), _tnet_proxyinfo_ctor, _tnet_proxyinfo_dtor, tsk_null, }; const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_proxyinfo_def_t = &tnet_proxyinfo_def_s; tnet_proxyinfo_t* tnet_proxyinfo_create() { tnet_proxyinfo_t* info = tsk_object_new(tnet_proxyinfo_def_t); if (!info) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to creatr 'tnet_proxyinfo_t' instance"); return info; } return info; } /******** Windows ************/ #if TNET_UNDER_WINDOWS && !TNET_UNDER_WINDOWS_RT && !TNET_UNDER_WINDOWS_CE # include # include tnet_proxyinfo_t* tnet_proxydetect_get_info(const char* url, tnet_socket_type_t socket_type, tsk_bool_t long_operation) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Proxy detection not supported on your OS"); return tsk_null; } /******** iOS and OSX ************/ #elif TNET_UNDER_APPLE #import #define CFSafeRelease(pp_cf) if (pp_cf && *pp_cf) CFRelease(*pp_cf), *pp_cf = NULL; #if !defined (TNET_AUTODETECT_RUNLOOP_MODE) # define TNET_AUTODETECT_RUNLOOP_MODE "org.doubango.proxydetect.auto" #endif typedef struct appl_proxyinfo_xs { CFStringRef host; int port; CFStringRef username; CFStringRef password; CFStringRef type; } appl_proxyinfo_xt; static tnet_proxy_type_t _appl_proxy_type_convert(CFStringRef cfProxyType); static void _appl_proxyinfo_release(appl_proxyinfo_xt * info); static tsk_bool_t _appl_proxyinfo_is_valid(const appl_proxyinfo_xt * info); static void _ProxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback(void *client, CFArrayRef proxyList, CFErrorRef error); static void _appl_find_best_proxy(CFURLRef cfTargetURL, CFArrayRef _cfProxies, appl_proxyinfo_xt *_proxyInfo); tnet_proxyinfo_t* tnet_proxydetect_get_info(const char* url, tnet_socket_type_t socket_type, tsk_bool_t long_operation) { tnet_proxyinfo_t* info = tsk_null; CFStringRef cfUrl = CFStringCreateWithCString(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), url, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); CFURLRef cfTargetUrl = CFURLCreateWithString(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), cfUrl, NULL); CFDictionaryRef cfProxySettings = NULL; CFArrayRef cfProxies = NULL; appl_proxyinfo_xt _info = { 0 }; if (!cfTargetUrl) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create CFURLRef from %s", url); goto resolve_done; } cfProxySettings = CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings(); if (!cfProxySettings) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("CFNetworkCopySystemProxySettings returned nil"); goto resolve_done; } cfProxies = CFNetworkCopyProxiesForURL(cfTargetUrl, cfProxySettings); if (!cfProxies) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("CFNetworkCopyProxiesForURL returned 0-array"); goto resolve_done; } // find best proxy _appl_find_best_proxy(cfTargetUrl, cfProxies, &_info); resolve_done: if (cfUrl) { CFRelease(cfUrl); } if (cfTargetUrl) { CFRelease(cfTargetUrl); } if (cfProxySettings) { CFRelease(cfProxySettings); } if (cfProxies) { CFRelease(cfProxies); } if (_appl_proxyinfo_is_valid(&_info)) { info = tnet_proxyinfo_create(); if (info) { info->type = _appl_proxy_type_convert(_info.type); info->socket_type = socket_type; info->port = _info.port; info->hostname = tsk_strdup(CFStringGetCStringPtr(_info.host, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); info->username = tsk_strdup(CFStringGetCStringPtr(_info.username, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); info->password = tsk_strdup(CFStringGetCStringPtr(_info.password, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); } } _appl_proxyinfo_release(&_info); return info; } static tsk_bool_t _appl_proxyinfo_is_valid(const appl_proxyinfo_xt * info) { if (info) { return info->port && info->type && !CFEqual(info->type, kCFProxyTypeNone) && info->host && CFStringGetLength(info->host) > 0 && CFStringCompare(info->host, CFSTR(""), 0) != kCFCompareEqualTo; } return tsk_false; } static tnet_proxy_type_t _appl_proxy_type_convert(CFStringRef cfProxyType) { if (CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeHTTP) || CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeHTTPS)) { // kCFProxyTypeHTTPS: means the destination url is "https://" not the proxy connection type is HTTPS return tnet_proxy_type_http; } else if(CFEqual(cfProxyType,kCFProxyTypeSOCKS)) { return tnet_proxy_type_socks5; } else { return tnet_proxy_type_none; } } static void _appl_proxyinfo_release(appl_proxyinfo_xt * info) { if (info) { CFSafeRelease(&info->host); CFSafeRelease(&info->username); CFSafeRelease(&info->password); CFSafeRelease(&info->type); info->port = 0; } } static void _ProxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback(void *client, CFArrayRef proxyList, CFErrorRef error) { CFTypeRef* cfResult = (CFTypeRef*)client; if (error != NULL) { *cfResult = CFRetain(error); } else { *cfResult = CFRetain(proxyList); } CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()); } static void _appl_find_best_proxy(CFURLRef cfTargetURL, CFArrayRef _cfProxies, appl_proxyinfo_xt *_proxyInfo) { CFDictionaryRef cfProxy; CFIndex index = 0; CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(_cfProxies); while (index < count && (cfProxy = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(_cfProxies, index++)) && !_appl_proxyinfo_is_valid(_proxyInfo)) { _appl_proxyinfo_release(_proxyInfo); CFStringRef cfProxyType = CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProxy, (const void*)kCFProxyTypeKey); if (!cfProxyType) { continue; } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Found at %li proxy type = %s", (index - 1), CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfProxyType, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); if (CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeNone)) { continue; } else if (CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeHTTP) || CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeHTTPS) || CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeSOCKS)) { // "kCFProxyTypeHTTPS" means the url is "https://" not the connection should be TLS CFStringRef cfHostName = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProxy, (const void*)kCFProxyHostNameKey); if (cfHostName) { CFNumberRef cfPortNumber = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProxy, (const void*)kCFProxyPortNumberKey); if (cfPortNumber) { int port = 0; if (!CFNumberGetValue(cfPortNumber, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &port)) { continue; } _proxyInfo->port = port; _proxyInfo->host = CFStringCreateCopy(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), cfHostName); _proxyInfo->type = CFStringCreateCopy(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), cfProxyType); CFStringRef cfStringName = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProxy, (const void*)kCFProxyUsernameKey); if (cfStringName) { _proxyInfo->username = CFStringCreateCopy(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), cfStringName); } CFStringRef cfPassword = (CFStringRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProxy, (const void*)kCFProxyPasswordKey); if (cfPassword) { _proxyInfo->password = CFStringCreateCopy(CFAllocatorGetDefault(), cfPassword); } } } } else if (CFEqual(cfProxyType, kCFProxyTypeAutoConfigurationURL)) { CFURLRef cfPACUrl = (CFURLRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(cfProxy, (const void*)kCFProxyAutoConfigurationURLKey); if (cfPACUrl) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Found at %li PACUrl = %s", (index - 1), CFStringGetCStringPtr(CFURLGetString(cfPACUrl), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); CFTypeRef cfResult = NULL; CFStreamClientContext context = { 0, &cfResult, NULL, NULL, NULL }; CFRunLoopSourceRef cfrunLoop = CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL(cfPACUrl, cfTargetURL, _ProxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback, &context); if (!cfrunLoop) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("CFNetworkExecuteProxyAutoConfigurationURL(%li, %s) failed", (index - 1), CFStringGetCStringPtr(CFURLGetString(cfPACUrl), kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); continue; } static const CFStringRef kPrivateRunloopMode = CFSTR(TNET_AUTODETECT_RUNLOOP_MODE); CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), cfrunLoop, kPrivateRunloopMode); CFRunLoopRunInMode(kPrivateRunloopMode, DBL_MAX, false); CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), cfrunLoop, kPrivateRunloopMode); if (cfResult == NULL) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Result from ProxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback is nil"); continue; } if (CFGetTypeID(cfResult) == CFErrorGetTypeID()) { CFStringRef cfErrorDescription = CFErrorCopyDescription ((CFErrorRef)cfResult); TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Result from ProxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback is error: %s", CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfErrorDescription, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)); CFRelease(cfErrorDescription); } else if (CFGetTypeID(cfResult) == CFArrayGetTypeID()) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Result from ProxyAutoConfigurationResultCallback is array"); _appl_find_best_proxy(cfTargetURL, (CFArrayRef)cfResult, _proxyInfo); } CFRelease(cfResult); } else { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("PACUrl at %li is nil", (index - 1)); } } } } /******** Not supported ************/ #else tnet_proxyinfo_t* tnet_proxydetect_get_info(const char* url, tnet_socket_type_t socket_type, tsk_bool_t long_operation) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Proxy detection not supported on your OS"); return tsk_null; } #endif /* END-OF-CONDITIONAL-OS-IMPL */ tsk_bool_t tnet_proxyinfo_is_valid(const tnet_proxyinfo_t* self) { if (self) { return self->port && self->type != tnet_proxy_type_none && !tsk_strnullORempty(self->hostname); } return tsk_false; }