/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mamadou DIOP. * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tnet_dns_resolvconf.c * @brief Parser for "/etc/resolv.conf" file to retrive DNS servers. */ #include "tnet_dns_resolvconf.h" #include "tnet_utils.h" #include "dns/tnet_dns.h" #include "tsk_string.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_ragel_state.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #include /* === Ragel state machine === */ %%{ machine tdns_machine_resolvconf; action tag{ tag_start = p; } action add_dns{ int len = (int)(p - tag_start); if(len && len<=sizeof(ip)){ tnet_address_t *address; memset(ip, '\0', sizeof(ip)); memcpy(ip, tag_start, len); TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Adding DNS server = %s:%d", ip, TNET_DNS_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT); address = tnet_address_create(ip); address->family = tnet_get_family(ip, TNET_DNS_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT); address->dnsserver = 1; tsk_list_push_ascending_data(servers, (void**)&address); } } SP = " "; LF = "\n"; CR = "\r"; CRLF = CR LF; ENDL = (LF | CR | CRLF); o_name = any+; o_value = any+; COMMENT = SP*<: ("#" | ";") any*; OPTION_ANY = SP*<: o_name :>SP+<: o_value :>SP*; OPTION_DNS = SP*<: "nameserver"i :>SP+<: o_value>tag %add_dns :>SP*; LINE = (OPTION_DNS)@100 | (OPTION_ANY)@0 | (COMMENT)@50; main := ((LINE :>ENDL) | ENDL)* %3 any* %2; }%% /** Gets list of DNS servers from a conf file. * @param path Path of the conf file from which to retrieve the DNS servers. * should be @a "/etc/resolv.conf". You can adjust the value by modifying @ref TNET_RESOLV_CONF_PATH.
* If you are using Android and the resolv.conf file is missing, then run the following line in a command window:
* ln -s /private/var/run/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
If this fails, then try to manually add the file. * @retval List of DNS servers. */ tnet_addresses_L_t * tnet_dns_resolvconf_parse(const char* path) { tnet_addresses_L_t* servers = tsk_null; tnet_ip_t ip; const char* fullpath = path; const char* tag_start = tsk_null; FILE* fd; char* buf = tsk_null; // Ragel int cs = 0; const char *p; const char *pe; const char *eof; TSK_RAGEL_DISABLE_WARNINGS_BEGIN() %%write data; TSK_RAGEL_DISABLE_WARNINGS_END() (void)(eof); (void)(tdns_machine_resolvconf_first_final); (void)(tdns_machine_resolvconf_error); (void)(tdns_machine_resolvconf_en_main); if(tsk_strnullORempty(fullpath)){ fullpath = TNET_RESOLV_CONF_PATH; } /* Open the file and read all data */ if((fd = fopen(fullpath, "r"))){ long len; fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_END); len = ftell(fd); fseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET); if (!(buf = (char*)tsk_calloc(len + 1, 1))) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate buffer with size = %ld", (len + 1)); goto bail; } fread(buf, 1, len, fd); p = &buf[0]; pe = p + len + 1/*hack*/; eof = pe; fclose(fd); buf[len] = '\n'; // hack to have perfect lines servers = tsk_list_create(); } else { #if ANDROID || defined(__APPLE__) /* TARGET_OS_IPHONE not defined for bsd libraries */ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Failed to open [%s]. But don't panic, we have detected that you are using Google Android/iOS Systems.\n" "You should look at the Progammer's Guide for more information.\n If you are not using DNS functions, don't worry about this warning.", fullpath); #else TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to open %s.", fullpath); #endif goto bail; } TSK_RAGEL_DISABLE_WARNINGS_BEGIN() %%write init; %%write exec; TSK_RAGEL_DISABLE_WARNINGS_END() if (cs < %%{ write first_final; }%% ) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse %s.", fullpath); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(servers); } bail: TSK_FREE(buf); return servers; }