/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tmsrp_header.c * @brief Defines a MSRP header (hname ":" SP hval CRLF). * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinymsrp/headers/tmsrp_header.h" #include "tinymsrp/headers/tmsrp_header_Dummy.h" #include "tsk_string.h" /** Gets the name of the MSRP header with a type equal to @a type. * @param type The @a type of the header for which to retrieve the name. * * @return The name of the header. **/ const char* tmsrp_header_get_name(tmsrp_header_type_t type) { switch(type) { case tmsrp_htype_Authentication_Info: return "Authentication-Info"; case tmsrp_htype_Authorization: return "Authorization"; case tmsrp_htype_Byte_Range: return "Byte-Range"; case tmsrp_htype_Content_Type: return "Content-Type"; case tmsrp_htype_Expires: return "Expires"; case tmsrp_htype_Failure_Report: return "Failure-Report"; case tmsrp_htype_From_Path: return "From-Path"; case tmsrp_htype_Max_Expires: return "Max-Expires"; case tmsrp_htype_Message_ID: return "Message-ID"; case tmsrp_htype_Min_Expires: return "Min-Expires"; case tmsrp_htype_Status: return "Status"; case tmsrp_htype_Success_Report: return "Success-Report"; case tmsrp_htype_To_Path: return "To-Path"; case tmsrp_htype_Use_Path: return "Use-Path"; case tmsrp_htype_WWW_Authenticate: return "WWW-Authenticate"; default: return "unknown-header"; } } const char* tmsrp_header_get_nameex(const tmsrp_header_t *self) { if(self) { if(self->type == tmsrp_htype_Dummy) { return ((tmsrp_header_Dummy_t*)(self))->name; } else { return tmsrp_header_get_name(self->type); } } return "unknown-header"; } int tmsrp_header_serialize(const tmsrp_header_t *self, tsk_buffer_t *output) { int ret = -1; if(!self || !output) { return -1; } /* Name */ tsk_buffer_append_2(output, "%s: ", tmsrp_header_get_nameex(self)); /* Value */ if((ret = self->tostring(self, output))) { // Abort? } /* CRLF*/ ret = tsk_buffer_append(output, "\r\n", 2); return ret; } char* tmsrp_header_tostring(const tmsrp_header_t *self) { char* ret = tsk_null; tsk_buffer_t* buffer; if(self && self->tostring) { if((buffer = tsk_buffer_create_null())) { self->tostring(self, buffer); ret = tsk_strndup(buffer->data, buffer->size); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(buffer); } } return ret; }