/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tmedia_machine_utils.rl * @brief Ragel file. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ %%{ machine tmedia_machine_utils; OCTET = "0x"[0-9A-Fa-f]+; CHAR = 0x01..0x7f; VCHAR = 0x21..0x7e; ALPHA = 0x41..0x5a | 0x61..0x7a; DIGIT = 0x30..0x39; CTL = 0x00..0x1f | 0x7f; HTAB = "\t"; LF = "\n"; CR = "\r"; SP = " "; DQUOTE = "\""; BIT = "0" | "1"; HEXDIG = DIGIT | "A"i | "B"i | "C"i | "D"i | "E"i | "F"i; CRLF = CR LF; WSP = SP | HTAB; LWSP = ( WSP | ( CRLF WSP ) )*; LWS = ( WSP* CRLF )? WSP+; SWS = LWS?; EQUAL = SWS "=" SWS; LHEX = DIGIT | 0x61..0x66; HCOLON = ( SP | HTAB )* ":" SWS; separators = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@" | "," | ";" | ":" | "\\" | DQUOTE | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "=" | "{" | "}" | SP | HTAB; STAR = SWS "*" SWS; SLASH = SWS "/" SWS; LPAREN = SWS "(" SWS; RPAREN = SWS ")" SWS; COMMA = SWS "," SWS; SEMI = SWS ";" SWS; COLON = SWS ":" SWS; LAQUOT = SWS "<"; LDQUOT = SWS DQUOTE; RAQUOT = ">" SWS; RDQUOT = DQUOTE SWS; UTF8_CONT = 0x80..0xbf; ##### FIXME: UTF8_NONASCII up to 2bytes will fail on Android UTF8_NONASCII = ( 0x80..0xff ); #UTF8_NONASCII = ( 0xc0..0xdf UTF8_CONT ) | ( 0xe0..0xef UTF8_CONT{2} ) | ( 0xf0..0xf7 UTF8_CONT{3} ) | ( 0xf8..0xfb UTF8_CONT{4} ) | ( 0xfc..0xfd UTF8_CONT{5} ); ctext = 0x21..0x27 | 0x2a..0x5b | 0x5d..0x7e | UTF8_NONASCII | LWS; qvalue = ( "0" ( "." DIGIT{,3} )? ) | ( "1" ( "." "0"{,3} )? ); alphanum = ALPHA | DIGIT; token = ( alphanum | "-" | "." | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`" | "'" | "~" )+; ietf_token = token; x_token = "x-"i token; iana_token = token; token_nodot = ( alphanum | "-" | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`" | "'" | "~" )+; word = ( alphanum | "-" | "." | "!" | "%" | "*" | "_" | "+" | "`" | "'" | "~" | "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | ":" | "\\" | DQUOTE | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "{" | "}" )+; }%%