/* * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Mamadou DIOP. * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tmedia_denoise.h * @brief Denoiser (Noise suppression, AGC, AEC, VAD) Plugin */ #ifndef TINYMEDIA_DENOISE_H #define TINYMEDIA_DENOISE_H #include "tinymedia_config.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_params.h" #include "tsk_buffer.h" #include "tsk_object.h" TMEDIA_BEGIN_DECLS /** cast any pointer to @ref tmedia_denoise_t* object */ #define TMEDIA_DENOISE(self) ((tmedia_denoise_t*)(self)) /** Base object for all Denoisers */ typedef struct tmedia_denoise_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; tsk_bool_t opened; uint32_t echo_tail; uint32_t echo_skew; tsk_bool_t echo_supp_enabled; tsk_bool_t agc_enabled ; float agc_level; tsk_bool_t vad_enabled; tsk_bool_t noise_supp_enabled; int32_t noise_supp_level; tsk_buffer_t *record_frame; tsk_buffer_t *playback_frame; const struct tmedia_denoise_plugin_def_s* plugin; } tmedia_denoise_t; #define TMEDIA_DECLARE_DENOISE tmedia_denoise_t __denoise__ /** Virtual table used to define a consumer plugin */ typedef struct tmedia_denoise_plugin_def_s { //! object definition used to create an instance of the denoiser const tsk_object_def_t* objdef; //! full description (usefull for debugging) const char* desc; int (*set) (tmedia_denoise_t* , const tmedia_param_t*); int (* open) (tmedia_denoise_t*, uint32_t record_frame_size_samples, uint32_t record_sampling_rate, uint32_t record_channels, uint32_t playback_frame_size_samples, uint32_t playback_sampling_rate, uint32_t playback_channels); int (*echo_playback) (tmedia_denoise_t* self, const void* echo_frame, uint32_t echo_frame_size_bytes); //! aec, vad, noise suppression, echo cancellation before sending packet over network int (* process_record) (tmedia_denoise_t*, void* audio_frame, uint32_t audio_frame_size_bytes, tsk_bool_t* silence_or_noise); //! noise suppression before playing sound int (* process_playback) (tmedia_denoise_t*, void* audio_frame, uint32_t audio_frame_size_bytes); int (* close) (tmedia_denoise_t* ); } tmedia_denoise_plugin_def_t; TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_init(tmedia_denoise_t* self); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_set(tmedia_denoise_t* self, const tmedia_param_t* param); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_open(tmedia_denoise_t* self, uint32_t record_frame_size_samples, uint32_t record_sampling_rate, uint32_t record_channels, uint32_t playback_frame_size_samples, uint32_t playback_sampling_rate, uint32_t playback_channels); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_echo_playback(tmedia_denoise_t* self, const void* echo_frame, uint32_t echo_frame_size_bytes); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_process_record(tmedia_denoise_t* self, void* audio_frame, uint32_t audio_frame_size_bytes, tsk_bool_t* silence_or_noise); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_process_playback(tmedia_denoise_t* self, void* audio_frame, uint32_t audio_frame_size_bytes); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_close(tmedia_denoise_t* self); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_deinit(tmedia_denoise_t* self); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_plugin_register(const tmedia_denoise_plugin_def_t* plugin); TINYMEDIA_API int tmedia_denoise_plugin_unregister(const tmedia_denoise_plugin_def_t* plugin); TINYMEDIA_API tmedia_denoise_t* tmedia_denoise_create(); TMEDIA_END_DECLS #endif /* TINYMEDIA_DENOISE_H */