/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Doubango Telecom * Copyright (C) 2012 Diop Mamadou Ibrahima * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tdav_session_av.c * @brief Audio/Video/T.140 base Session plugin */ // http://c-faq.com/ansi/constmismatch.html: to be checked for warnings #include "tinydav/tdav_session_av.h" #include "tinydav/codecs/dtmf/tdav_codec_dtmf.h" #include "tinydav/codecs/fec/tdav_codec_red.h" #include "tinydav/codecs/fec/tdav_codec_ulpfec.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_S.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_B.h" #include "tinyrtp/trtp_manager.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtp/trtp_rtp_packet.h" #if HAVE_SRTP # include "tinyrtp/trtp_srtp.h" #endif #include "ice/tnet_ice_ctx.h" #include "ice/tnet_ice_candidate.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_consumer.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_producer.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_defaults.h" #include "tls/tnet_tls.h" #include "tls/tnet_dtls.h" #include /* log10 */ #include /* INT_MAX */ #include /* isspace */ #if HAVE_SRTP static const tsk_bool_t __have_libsrtp = tsk_true; #else static const tsk_bool_t __have_libsrtp = tsk_false; #endif #define TDAV_IS_DTMF_CODEC(codec) (codec && TMEDIA_CODEC((codec))->plugin == tdav_codec_dtmf_plugin_def_t) #define TDAV_IS_ULPFEC_CODEC(codec) (codec && TMEDIA_CODEC((codec))->plugin == tdav_codec_ulpfec_plugin_def_t) #define TDAV_IS_RED_CODEC(codec) (codec && TMEDIA_CODEC((codec))->plugin == tdav_codec_red_plugin_def_t) #define TDAV_IS_VIDEO_CODEC(codec) (codec && TMEDIA_CODEC((codec))->plugin->type & tmedia_video) #if !defined(TDAV_DFAULT_FP_HASH) #define TDAV_DFAULT_FP_HASH tnet_dtls_hash_type_sha256 #endif /* TDAV_DFAULT_FP_HASH */ #if !defined(TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT) #define TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT 0 #endif /* TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT */ // rfc5763 - The endpoint MUST NOT use the connection attribute defined in [RFC4145]. #if !defined(TDAV_DTLS_CONNECTION_ATT) # define TDAV_DTLS_CONNECTION_ATT 0 #endif static void* TSK_STDCALL _tdav_session_av_error_async_thread(void* usrdata); static int _tdav_session_av_raise_error_async(struct tdav_session_av_s* self, tsk_bool_t is_fatal, const char* reason); #if HAVE_SRTP static int _tdav_session_av_srtp_dtls_cb(const void* usrdata, enum trtp_srtp_dtls_event_type_e type, const char* reason); #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ static int _tdav_session_av_red_cb(const void* usrdata, const struct trtp_rtp_packet_s* packet); static int _tdav_session_av_dtls_set_remote_setup(struct tdav_session_av_s* self, tnet_dtls_setup_t setup, tsk_bool_t connection_new, tsk_bool_t is_ro_null); #define SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX 0x1F #define SDP_DECLARE_TAG int32_t tag // [1 - *] #define SDP_TAG(self) ((self) ? *((int32_t*)(self)) : 0) typedef enum RTP_PROFILE_E { RTP_PROFILE_NONE = 0x00, RTP_PROFILE_AVP = (1 << 0), RTP_PROFILE_AVPF = (1 << 1), RTP_PROFILE_SECURE = (1 << 2), RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES = (RTP_PROFILE_SECURE | (1 << 3)), RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS = (RTP_PROFILE_SECURE | (1 << 4)), RTP_PROFILE_SAVP = (RTP_PROFILE_AVP | RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES), RTP_PROFILE_SAVPF = (RTP_PROFILE_AVPF | RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES), RTP_PROFILE_UDP_TLS_RTP_SAVP = (RTP_PROFILE_AVP | RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS), RTP_PROFILE_UDP_TLS_RTP_SAVPF = (RTP_PROFILE_AVPF | RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) } RTP_PROFILE_T; typedef struct RTP_PROFILE_XS { enum RTP_PROFILE_E type; const char* name; } RTP_PROFILE_XT; static const RTP_PROFILE_XT RTP_PROFILES[] = { { RTP_PROFILE_AVP, "RTP/AVP" }, { RTP_PROFILE_AVPF, "RTP/AVPF" }, { RTP_PROFILE_SAVP, "RTP/SAVP" }, { RTP_PROFILE_SAVPF, "RTP/SAVPF" }, { RTP_PROFILE_UDP_TLS_RTP_SAVP, "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP" }, { RTP_PROFILE_UDP_TLS_RTP_SAVPF, "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF" }, }; #define RTP_PROFILES_COUNT (sizeof(RTP_PROFILES) / sizeof(RTP_PROFILES[0])) typedef struct sdp_acap_xs { SDP_DECLARE_TAG; unsigned optional:1; // "e.g. [2]" unsigned or:1; // "e.g.|2" const char* value; } sdp_acap_xt; typedef sdp_acap_xt sdp_acaps_xt[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]; typedef struct sdp_tcap_xs { SDP_DECLARE_TAG; RTP_PROFILE_T profile; } sdp_tcap_xt; typedef sdp_tcap_xt sdp_tcaps_xt[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]; typedef struct sdp_pcfg_xs { SDP_DECLARE_TAG; sdp_tcap_xt tcap; sdp_acaps_xt acaps; } sdp_pcfg_xt; typedef sdp_pcfg_xt sdp_acfg_xt; typedef sdp_pcfg_xt sdp_pcfgs_xt[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]; typedef tsk_object_t sdp_headerM_Or_Message; /* tsdp_header_M_t or tsdp_message_t */ #define _sdp_reset(self) if((self)) memset((self), 0, sizeof(*(self))); #define _sdp_pcfgs_reset(self) _sdp_reset((self)) #define _sdp_acfgs_reset(self) _sdp_reset((self)) #define _sdp_pcfg_reset(self) _sdp_reset((self)) #define _sdp_acfg_reset(self) _sdp_reset((self)) #define _sdp_tcaps_reset(self) _sdp_reset((self)) #define _sdp_acaps_reset(self) _sdp_reset((self)) #define _sdp_integer_length(self) ((self) ? ((int32_t)log10(abs(self)) + 1) : 1) #define _sdp_str_index_of(str, sub_str) tsk_strindexOf((str), tsk_strlen((str)), sub_str) #define _sdp_str_starts_with(str, sub_str) (_sdp_str_index_of((str), (sub_str)) == 0) #define _sdp_str_contains(str, sub_str) (_sdp_str_index_of((str), (sub_str)) != -1) #define _SDP_DECLARE_INDEX_OF(name) \ static int32_t _sdp_##name##s_indexof(const sdp_##name##_xt (*name##s)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], int32_t tag) \ { \ if(name##s){ \ int32_t i; \ for(i = 0; i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX; ++i){ \ if((*name##s)[i].tag == tag){ \ return i; \ } \ } \ } \ return -1; \ } typedef struct tdav_sdp_caps_s { TSK_DECLARE_OBJECT; sdp_pcfgs_xt local; sdp_pcfgs_xt remote; sdp_acfg_xt acfg; } tdav_sdp_caps_t; static tdav_sdp_caps_t* tdav_sdp_caps_create(); static const tsdp_header_A_t* _sdp_findA_at(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const char* field, tsk_size_t index); static int _sdp_add_headerA(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const char* field, const char* value); static RTP_PROFILE_T _sdp_profile_from_string(const char* profile); static const char* _sdp_profile_to_string(RTP_PROFILE_T profile); static int32_t _sdp_acaps_indexof(const sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], int32_t tag); static const sdp_acap_xt* _sdp_acaps_find_by_field(const sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], const char* field, int32_t index); static int _sdp_acaps_from_sdp(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], tsk_bool_t reset); static int32_t _sdp_tcaps_indexof(const sdp_tcap_xt (*tcaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], int32_t tag); static int _sdp_tcaps_from_sdp(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, sdp_tcap_xt (*tcaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], tsk_bool_t reset); static int _sdp_acfg_to_sdp(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const sdp_acfg_xt *acfg); static int _sdp_pcfgs_from_sdp(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], sdp_tcap_xt (*tcaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], tsk_bool_t reset); static int _sdp_pcfgs_to_sdp(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfg)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]); static int _sdp_pcfg_ensure(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const sdp_pcfg_xt* pcfg); static int _sdp_pcfgs_cat(const sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs_src)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs_dst)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]); int tdav_session_av_init(tdav_session_av_t* self, tmedia_type_t media_type) { uint64_t session_id; tmedia_session_t* base = TMEDIA_SESSION(self); if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if (!base->initialized) { int ret = tmedia_session_init(base, media_type); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } } /* base::init(): called by tmedia_session_create() */ self->media_type = media_type; self->media_profile = tmedia_defaults_get_profile(); self->use_rtcp = tmedia_defaults_get_rtcp_enabled(); self->use_rtcpmux = tmedia_defaults_get_rtcpmux_enabled(); self->avpf_mode_set = self->avpf_mode_neg = tmedia_defaults_get_avpf_mode(); self->fps = -1; // use what is negotiated by the codec unless overrided by the user self->pref_size = tmedia_defaults_get_pref_video_size(); // for the encoder self->bandwidth_max_upload_kbps = ((media_type & tmedia_video || (media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video) ? tmedia_defaults_get_bandwidth_video_upload_max() : INT_MAX); // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps = ((media_type & tmedia_video || (media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video) ? tmedia_defaults_get_bandwidth_video_download_max() : INT_MAX); // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined self->congestion_ctrl_enabled = tmedia_defaults_get_congestion_ctrl_enabled(); // whether to enable draft-alvestrand-rtcweb-congestion-03 and draft-alvestrand-rmcat-remb-01 #if HAVE_SRTP // this is the default value and can be updated by the user using "session_set('srtp-mode', mode_e)" self->srtp_type = (self->media_profile == tmedia_profile_rtcweb) ? (tsk_strnullORempty(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pbk) ? tmedia_srtp_type_sdes : tmedia_srtp_type_dtls) : tmedia_defaults_get_srtp_type(); self->srtp_mode = (self->media_profile == tmedia_profile_rtcweb) ? tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory : tmedia_defaults_get_srtp_mode(); self->use_srtp = (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory); // if optional -> negotiate // remove DTLS-SRTP option if not supported if((self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_dtls) && !tnet_dtls_is_srtp_supported()) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("DTLS-SRTP enabled but not supported. Please rebuild the code with this option enabled (requires OpenSSL 1.0.1+)"); if(!(self->srtp_type &= ~tmedia_srtp_type_dtls)) { // only DTLS-SRTP was enabled self->srtp_mode = tmedia_srtp_mode_none; self->use_srtp = tsk_false; } } //!\ DTLS-SRTP requires certificates but do not check right now as it could be defined later #endif tsk_safeobj_init(self); // session id if (!(session_id = TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->id)) { // set the session id if not already done TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->id = session_id = tmedia_session_get_unique_id(); } // consumer TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->consumer); if (!(self->consumer = tmedia_consumer_create((self->media_type & tmedia_video || (self->media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video) ? tmedia_video : tmedia_audio, session_id))) { // get an audio (or video) consumer and ignore "bfcp" part TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create consumer for media type = %d", self->media_type); } // producer TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->producer); if (!(self->producer = tmedia_producer_create(self->media_type, session_id))) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create producer for media type = %d", self->media_type); } // sdp caps TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->sdp_caps); if (!(self->sdp_caps = tdav_sdp_caps_create())) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create SDP caps"); return -1; } // pt mapping (when bypassing is enabled) self->pt_map.local = self->pt_map.remote = self->pt_map.neg = -1; return 0; } tsk_bool_t tdav_session_av_set(tdav_session_av_t* self, const tmedia_param_t* param) { if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_false; } // try with base class first if(tmedia_session_set_2(TMEDIA_SESSION(self), param)) { return tsk_true; } if(param->plugin_type == tmedia_ppt_consumer && self->consumer) { return (tmedia_consumer_set(self->consumer, param) == 0); } else if(param->plugin_type == tmedia_ppt_producer && self->producer) { return (tmedia_producer_set(self->producer, param) == 0); } else if(param->plugin_type == tmedia_ppt_session) { if(param->value_type == tmedia_pvt_pchar) { if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "remote-ip")) { if(param->value) { tsk_strupdate(&self->remote_ip, (const char*)param->value); return tsk_true; } } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "local-ip")) { tsk_strupdate(&self->local_ip, (const char*)param->value); return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "use-ipv6")) { self->use_ipv6 = tsk_striequals(param->value, "ipv6"); return tsk_true; } } else if(param->value_type == tmedia_pvt_int32) { if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "srtp-mode")) { #if HAVE_SRTP self->srtp_mode = (tmedia_srtp_mode_t)TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); if(self->rtp_manager) { trtp_manager_set_srtp_type_local(self->rtp_manager, self->srtp_type, self->srtp_mode); } #else TSK_DEBUG_INFO("'srtp-mode' param ignored beacuse SRTP not enabled. Please rebuild the source code with this option."); #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "rtp-ssrc")) { self->rtp_ssrc = *((uint32_t*)param->value); if(self->rtp_manager && self->rtp_ssrc) { self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.local = self->rtp_ssrc; } return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "rtcp-enabled")) { self->use_rtcp = (TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value) != 0); return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "rtcpmux-enabled")) { self->use_rtcpmux = (TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value) != 0); return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "avpf-mode")) { self->avpf_mode_set = (tmedia_mode_t)TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "webrtc2sip-mode-enabled")) { self->is_webrtc2sip_mode_enabled = (TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value) != 0); return tsk_true; } else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "bandwidth-max-upload")) { self->bandwidth_max_upload_kbps = TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); return tsk_true; } else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "bandwidth-max-download")) { self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps = TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); return tsk_true; } else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "fps")) { self->fps = TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); return tsk_true; } else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "pref-size")) { self->pref_size = (tmedia_pref_video_size_t)TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); return tsk_true; } } else if(param->value_type == tmedia_pvt_pobject) { if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "natt-ctx")) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->natt_ctx); self->natt_ctx = tsk_object_ref(param->value); return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "ice-ctx")) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->ice_ctx); self->ice_ctx = tsk_object_ref(param->value); if(self->rtp_manager) { trtp_manager_set_ice_ctx(self->rtp_manager, self->ice_ctx); } return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "remote-sdp-message")) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->remote_sdp); self->remote_sdp = (struct tsdp_message_s*)tsk_object_ref(param->value); return tsk_true; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "local-sdp-message")) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->local_sdp); self->local_sdp = (struct tsdp_message_s*)tsk_object_ref(param->value); return tsk_true; } } } return tsk_false; } tsk_bool_t tdav_session_av_get(tdav_session_av_t* self, tmedia_param_t* param) { if(!self || !param) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_false; } if (param->plugin_type == tmedia_ppt_session) { if (param->value_type == tmedia_pvt_int32) { if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "codecs-negotiated")) { // negotiated codecs tmedia_codecs_L_t* neg_codecs = tsk_object_ref(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->neg_codecs); if (neg_codecs) { const tsk_list_item_t* item; tsk_list_foreach(item, neg_codecs) { ((int32_t*)param->value)[0] |= TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data)->id; } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(neg_codecs); } return tsk_true; } else if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "srtp-enabled")) { #if HAVE_SRTP if (self->rtp_manager) { ((int8_t*)param->value)[0] = self->use_srtp ? 1 : 0; return tsk_true; } #else ((int8_t*)param->value)[0] = 0; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Ignoring parameter 'srtp-enabled' because SRTP not supported. Please rebuild the source code with this option enabled."); return tsk_true; #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ } } else if (param->value_type == tmedia_pvt_pobject) { if (tsk_striequals(param->key, "producer")) { *((tsk_object_t**)param->value) = tsk_object_ref(self->producer); // up to the caller to release the object return tsk_true; } } } return tsk_false; } int tdav_session_av_init_encoder(tdav_session_av_t* self, struct tmedia_codec_s* encoder) { if (!self || !encoder) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } encoder->bandwidth_max_upload = self->bandwidth_max_upload_kbps; encoder->bandwidth_max_download = self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps; if ((encoder->type & tmedia_video) || (encoder->type & tmedia_bfcp_video)) { tmedia_codec_video_t* video = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(encoder); if (self->fps > 0) { video->out.fps = self->fps; } if (self->pref_size != video->pref_size) { unsigned width, height; if (tmedia_video_get_size(self->pref_size, &width, &height) == 0) { video->pref_size = self->pref_size; video->out.width = width; video->out.height = height; } } // QoS metrics default values TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->qos_metrics.video_out_width = video->out.width; TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->qos_metrics.video_out_height = video->out.height; TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->qos_metrics.video_in_width = video->in.width; TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->qos_metrics.video_in_height = video->in.height; } return 0; } int tdav_session_av_prepare(tdav_session_av_t* self) { int ret = 0; if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* SRTPType */ #if HAVE_SRTP // Now that SSL certs are defined update SRTPType before creating the RTP manager if (self->media_profile == tmedia_profile_rtcweb) { self->srtp_type = tsk_strnullORempty(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pbk) ? tmedia_srtp_type_sdes : tmedia_srtp_type_dtls; } #endif /* set local port */ if (!self->rtp_manager) { self->rtp_manager = self->ice_ctx ? trtp_manager_create_2(self->ice_ctx, self->srtp_type, self->srtp_mode) : trtp_manager_create(self->use_rtcp, self->local_ip, self->use_ipv6, self->srtp_type, self->srtp_mode); } if (self->rtp_manager) { const char *webproxy_type = tsk_null, *webproxy_host = tsk_null, *webproxy_login = tsk_null, *webproxy_password = tsk_null; unsigned short webproxy_port = 0; // Port range if ((ret = trtp_manager_set_port_range(self->rtp_manager, tmedia_defaults_get_rtp_port_range_start(), tmedia_defaults_get_rtp_port_range_stop()))) { return ret; } // WebProxy if ((ret = trtp_manager_set_proxy_auto_detect(self->rtp_manager, tmedia_defaults_get_webproxy_auto_detect()))) { return ret; } if ((ret = tmedia_defaults_get_webproxy_info(&webproxy_type, &webproxy_host, &webproxy_port, &webproxy_login, &webproxy_password))) { } if ((ret = trtp_manager_set_proxy_info(self->rtp_manager, tnet_proxy_type_from_string(webproxy_type), webproxy_host, webproxy_port, webproxy_login, webproxy_password))) { } #if HAVE_SRTP if (tsk_strnullORempty(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pbk)) { // DTLS-SRTP requires certificates if(self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_dtls) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("DTLS-SRTP requested but no SSL certificates provided, disabling this option :("); if(!(self->srtp_type &= ~tmedia_srtp_type_dtls)) { // only DTLS-SRTP was enabled self->srtp_mode = tmedia_srtp_mode_none; self->use_srtp = tsk_false; // update rtpmanager ret = trtp_manager_set_srtp_type_local(self->rtp_manager, self->srtp_type, self->srtp_mode); } } } if ((self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_dtls) && (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_optional || self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory)) { if((ret = trtp_manager_set_dtls_certs(self->rtp_manager, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_ca, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pbk, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pvk, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.verify))) { return ret; } } #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ if((ret = trtp_manager_prepare(self->rtp_manager))) { return ret; } if(self->natt_ctx) { if((ret = trtp_manager_set_natt_ctx(self->rtp_manager, self->natt_ctx))) { return ret; } } if(self->rtp_ssrc) { self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.local = self->rtp_ssrc; } } /* SRTP */ #if HAVE_SRTP { } #endif /* Consumer will be prepared in tdav_session_audio_start() */ /* Producer will be prepared in tdav_session_audio_start() */ return ret; } int tdav_session_av_start(tdav_session_av_t* self, const tmedia_codec_t* best_codec) { int ret; if(!self || !best_codec) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // RED codec TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->red.codec); self->red.payload_type = 0; if((self->red.codec = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)tdav_session_av_get_red_codec(self)))) { self->red.payload_type = atoi(self->red.codec->neg_format); if(!TMEDIA_CODEC(self->red.codec)->opened) { if((ret = tmedia_codec_open(self->red.codec))) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to open [%s] codec", self->red.codec->plugin->desc); return ret; } } // set RED callback (unencapsulated data) ret = tdav_codec_red_set_callback((struct tdav_codec_red_s*)self->red.codec, _tdav_session_av_red_cb, self); } // ULPFEC TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->ulpfec.codec); self->ulpfec.payload_type = 0; if((self->ulpfec.codec = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)tdav_session_av_get_ulpfec_codec(self)))) { self->ulpfec.payload_type = atoi(self->ulpfec.codec->neg_format); if(!TMEDIA_CODEC(self->ulpfec.codec)->opened) { if((ret = tmedia_codec_open(self->ulpfec.codec))) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to open [%s] codec", self->ulpfec.codec->plugin->desc); return ret; } } } // Check if "RTCP-NACK", "RTC-FIR", "RTCP-GOOG-REMB", "RTCP-DOUBS-JCNG".... are supported by the selected encoder self->is_fb_fir_neg = self->is_fb_nack_neg = self->is_fb_googremb_neg = self->is_fb_doubsjcng_neg = tsk_false; if (TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->M.ro) { // a=rtcp-fb:* ccm fir // a=rtcp-fb:* nack // a=rtcp-fb:* goog-remb // a=rtcp-fb:* doubs-jcng char attr_fir[256], attr_nack[256], attr_goog_remb[256], attr_doubs_jcng[256]; int index = 0; const tsdp_header_A_t* A; sprintf(attr_fir, "%s ccm fir", best_codec->neg_format); sprintf(attr_nack, "%s nack", best_codec->neg_format); sprintf(attr_goog_remb, "%s goog-remb", best_codec->neg_format); sprintf(attr_doubs_jcng, "%s doubs-jcng", best_codec->neg_format); while ((A = tsdp_header_M_findA_at(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->M.ro, "rtcp-fb", index++))) { if (!self->is_fb_fir_neg) { self->is_fb_fir_neg = (tsk_striequals(A->value, "* ccm fir") || tsk_striequals(A->value, attr_fir)); } if (!self->is_fb_nack_neg) { self->is_fb_nack_neg = (tsk_striequals(A->value, "* nack") || tsk_striequals(A->value, attr_nack)); } if (!self->is_fb_googremb_neg) { self->is_fb_googremb_neg = (tsk_striequals(A->value, "* goog-remb") || tsk_striequals(A->value, attr_goog_remb)); } if (!self->is_fb_doubsjcng_neg) { self->is_fb_doubsjcng_neg = (tsk_striequals(A->value, "* doubs-jcng") || tsk_striequals(A->value, attr_doubs_jcng)); } } } if (self->rtp_manager) { int ret; tmedia_param_t* media_param = tsk_null; static const int32_t __ByPassIsYes = 1; static const int32_t __ByPassIsNo = 0; /* RTP/RTCP manager: use latest information. */ // set callbacks #if HAVE_SRTP ret = trtp_manager_set_dtls_callback(self->rtp_manager, self, _tdav_session_av_srtp_dtls_cb); #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ // network information will be updated when the RTP manager starts if ICE is enabled ret = trtp_manager_set_rtp_remote(self->rtp_manager, self->remote_ip, self->remote_port); self->rtp_manager->use_rtcpmux = self->use_rtcpmux; ret = trtp_manager_set_payload_type(self->rtp_manager, best_codec->neg_format ? atoi(best_codec->neg_format) : atoi(best_codec->format)); { int32_t bandwidth_max_upload_kbps = self->bandwidth_max_upload_kbps; int32_t bandwidth_max_download_kbps = self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps; if ((self->media_type & tmedia_video || (self->media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video)) { if (self->congestion_ctrl_enabled) { const tmedia_codec_t* best_codec = tdav_session_av_get_best_neg_codec(self); // use for encoding for sure and probably for decoding if (TDAV_IS_VIDEO_CODEC(best_codec)) { // the up bandwidth will be updated once the decode the first frame as the current values (width, height, fps) are not really correct and based on the SDP negotiation bandwidth_max_download_kbps = TSK_MIN( tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(best_codec)->in.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(best_codec)->in.height, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(best_codec)->in.fps), bandwidth_max_download_kbps); bandwidth_max_upload_kbps = TSK_MIN( tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(best_codec)->out.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(best_codec)->out.height, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(best_codec)->out.fps), bandwidth_max_upload_kbps); } else if ((self->media_type & tmedia_video || (self->media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video)) { bandwidth_max_download_kbps = TSK_MIN(tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_3(), bandwidth_max_download_kbps); bandwidth_max_upload_kbps = TSK_MIN(tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_3(), bandwidth_max_upload_kbps); } } else { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Video congestion control not enabled"); } } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("max_bw_up=%d kpbs, max_bw_down=%d kpbs, congestion_ctrl_enabled=%d, media_type=%d", bandwidth_max_upload_kbps, bandwidth_max_download_kbps, self->congestion_ctrl_enabled, self->media_type); // forward up/down bandwidth info to rctp session (used in RTCP-REMB) ret = trtp_manager_set_app_bw_and_jcng(self->rtp_manager, bandwidth_max_upload_kbps, bandwidth_max_download_kbps, 1.f /*jcng_q*/); } // because of AudioUnit under iOS => prepare both consumer and producer then start() at the same time /* prepare consumer and producer */ // Producer could output encoded frames: // - On WP8 with built-in H.264 encoder // - When Intel Quick Sync is used for encoding and added on the same Topology as the producer (camera MFMediaSource) if (self->producer) { if((ret = tmedia_producer_prepare(self->producer, best_codec)) == 0) { media_param = tmedia_param_create(tmedia_pat_set, best_codec->type, tmedia_ppt_codec, tmedia_pvt_int32, "bypass-encoding", (void*)(self->producer->encoder.codec_id == best_codec->id ? &__ByPassIsYes : &__ByPassIsNo)); if(media_param) { tmedia_codec_set(TMEDIA_CODEC(best_codec), media_param); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(media_param); } } } // Consumer could accept encoded frames as input: // - On WP8 with built-in H.264 decoder // - When IMFTransform decoder is used for decoding and added on the same Topology as the consumer (EVR) if (self->consumer) { if ((ret = tmedia_consumer_prepare(self->consumer, best_codec)) == 0) { media_param = tmedia_param_create(tmedia_pat_set, best_codec->type, tmedia_ppt_codec, tmedia_pvt_int32, "bypass-decoding", (void*)(self->consumer->decoder.codec_id == best_codec->id ? &__ByPassIsYes : &__ByPassIsNo)); if(media_param) { tmedia_codec_set(TMEDIA_CODEC(best_codec), media_param); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(media_param); } } } // Start RTP manager ret = trtp_manager_start(self->rtp_manager); #if HAVE_SRTP self->use_srtp = trtp_manager_is_srtp_activated(self->rtp_manager); /* start consumer and producer */ if (trtp_manager_is_dtls_activated(self->rtp_manager) && !trtp_manager_is_dtls_started(self->rtp_manager)) { // delay starting util DTLS-SRTP negotiation terminates (handshaking succeed) TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Delaying consumer/producer starting until DTLS-SRTP negotiation complete"); } else { #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ tsk_safeobj_lock(self); if (self->consumer && !self->consumer->is_started) { ret = tmedia_consumer_start(self->consumer); } if (self->producer && !self->producer->is_started) { ret = tmedia_producer_start(self->producer); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); #if HAVE_SRTP } #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ return ret; } else { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid RTP/RTCP manager"); return -3; } return 0; } int tdav_session_av_stop(tdav_session_av_t* self) { tmedia_codec_t* codec; tsk_list_item_t* item; int ret = 0; if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* stop Producer */ if (self->producer) { ret = tmedia_producer_stop(self->producer); } /* stop RTP/RTCP manager */ if (self->rtp_manager) { ret = trtp_manager_stop(self->rtp_manager); } /* stop Consumer (after RTP manager to silently discard in coming packets) */ if (self->consumer) { ret = tmedia_consumer_stop(self->consumer); } /* close codecs to force open() for next start (e.g SIP UPDATE with SDP) */ if(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->neg_codecs) { tsk_list_foreach(item, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->neg_codecs) { if(!(codec = TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data))) { continue; } ret = tmedia_codec_close(codec); } } self->bytes_in.count_last_time = self->bytes_out.count_last_time = 0; self->bytes_in.count = self->bytes_out.count = 0; return ret; } int tdav_session_av_pause(tdav_session_av_t* self) { int ret = 0; if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* Consumer */ if(self->consumer) { ret = tmedia_consumer_pause(self->consumer); } /* Producer */ if(self->producer) { ret = tmedia_producer_pause(self->producer); } return ret; } const tsdp_header_M_t* tdav_session_av_get_lo(tdav_session_av_t* self, tsk_bool_t *updated) { tmedia_session_t* base = TMEDIA_SESSION(self); #if HAVE_SRTP static const tsk_bool_t have_lib_srtp = tsk_true; #else static const tsk_bool_t have_lib_srtp = tsk_false; #endif const tsk_bool_t have_lib_srtp_dtls = tnet_dtls_is_srtp_supported(); tsk_bool_t is_srtp_enable = (self->srtp_type != tmedia_srtp_type_none) && (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_optional || self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory); tsk_bool_t is_srtp_dtls_enabled = is_srtp_enable && !!(self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_dtls); tsk_bool_t is_srtp_sdes_enabled = is_srtp_enable && !!(self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_sdes); tsk_bool_t is_srtp_local_mandatory = is_srtp_enable && (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory); tsk_bool_t is_bfcp_session = ((base->type & tmedia_bfcp) == tmedia_bfcp) ? tsk_true : tsk_false; tsk_bool_t is_first_media; if(!base || !base->plugin || !updated) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } *updated = tsk_false; if(!self->rtp_manager || (!self->ice_ctx && !self->rtp_manager->transport)) { if(self->rtp_manager && (!self->ice_ctx && !self->rtp_manager->transport)) { // reINVITE or UPDATE (manager was destroyed when stoppped) if(trtp_manager_prepare(self->rtp_manager)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to prepare transport"); return tsk_null; } } else { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("RTP/RTCP manager in invalid"); return tsk_null; } } // only first media will add session-level attributes (e.g. DTLS setup and fingerprint) if((is_first_media = !!self->local_sdp)) { const tsdp_header_M_t* firstM = (const tsdp_header_M_t*)tsdp_message_get_headerAt(self->local_sdp, tsdp_htype_M, 0); if(!(is_first_media = !firstM)) { is_first_media = tsk_striequals(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->plugin->media, firstM->media); } } if(base->ro_changed && base->M.lo) { static const char* __fields[] = { /* Codecs */ "fmtp", "rtpmap", "imageattr", /* QoS */ "curr", "des", "conf", /* SRTP */ "crypto", /* DTLS */ "setup", "fingerprint", /* ICE */ "candidate", "ice-ufrag", "ice-pwd", /* SDPCapNeg */ "tcap", "acap", "pcfg", /* Others */ "mid", "rtcp-mux", "ssrc" }; // remove media-level attributes tsdp_header_A_removeAll_by_fields(base->M.lo->Attributes, __fields, sizeof(__fields)/sizeof(__fields[0])); tsk_list_clear_items(base->M.lo->FMTs); // remove session-level attributes if(is_first_media) { // headers: contains all kind of headers but this is a smart function :) tsdp_header_A_removeAll_by_fields((tsdp_headers_A_L_t*)self->local_sdp->headers, __fields, sizeof(__fields)/sizeof(__fields[0])); } } *updated = (base->ro_changed || !base->M.lo); if(!base->M.lo) { if((base->M.lo = tsdp_header_M_create(base->plugin->media, self->rtp_manager->rtp.public_addr.port, "RTP/AVP"))) { /* If NATT is active, do not rely on the global IP address Connection line */ if(self->natt_ctx) { tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_C_VA_ARGS("IN", TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(self->rtp_manager->rtp.public_addr.type) ? "IP6" : "IP4", self->rtp_manager->rtp.public_addr.ip), tsk_null); } /* 3GPP TS 24.229 - 6.1.1 General In order to support accurate bandwidth calculations, the UE may include the "a=ptime" attribute for all "audio" media lines as described in RFC 4566 [39]. If a UE receives an "audio" media line with "a=ptime" specified, the UE should transmit at the specified packetization rate. If a UE receives an "audio" media line which does not have "a=ptime" specified or the UE does not support the "a=ptime" attribute, the UE should transmit at the default codec packetization rate as defined in RFC 3551 [55A]. The UE will transmit consistent with the resources available from the network. For "video" and "audio" media types that utilize the RTP/RTCP, the UE shall specify the proposed bandwidth for each media stream utilizing the "b=" media descriptor and the "AS" bandwidth modifier in the SDP. The UE shall include the MIME subtype "telephone-event" in the "m=" media descriptor in the SDP for audio media flows that support both audio codec and DTMF payloads in RTP packets as described in RFC 4733 [23]. */ if(self->media_type & tmedia_audio) { tsk_istr_t ptime; tsk_itoa(tmedia_defaults_get_audio_ptime(), &ptime); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, /* rfc3551 section 4.5 says the default ptime is 20 */ TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("ptime", ptime), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("minptime", "1"), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("maxptime", "255"), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("silenceSupp", "off - - - -"), tsk_null); // the "telephone-event" fmt/rtpmap is added below } else if((self->media_type & tmedia_video || (self->media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video)) { tsk_istr_t session_id; // https://code.google.com/p/webrtc2sip/issues/detail?id=81 // goog-remb: https://groups.google.com/group/discuss-webrtc/browse_thread/thread/c61ad3487e2acd52 // rfc5104 - 7.1. Extension of the rtcp-fb Attribute tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("rtcp-fb", "* ccm fir"), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("rtcp-fb", "* nack"), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("rtcp-fb", "* goog-remb"), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("rtcp-fb", "* doubs-jcng"), tsk_null); // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4574 // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4796 tsk_itoa(base->id, &session_id); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("label", session_id), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("content", (self->media_type & tmedia_bfcp) ? "slides" : "main"), tsk_null); // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3556 // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3890 if(self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps > 0 && self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps != INT_MAX) { // INT_MAX or <=0 means undefined tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_B_VA_ARGS("AS", self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps), TSDP_HEADER_B_VA_ARGS("TIAS", (self->bandwidth_max_download_kbps << 10)), tsk_null); } } } else { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create lo"); return tsk_null; } } if(*updated) { tmedia_codecs_L_t* neg_codecs = tsk_null; if(base->M.ro) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(base->neg_codecs); /* update negociated codecs */ if((neg_codecs = tmedia_session_match_codec(base, base->M.ro))) { base->neg_codecs = neg_codecs; } /* from codecs to sdp */ if(TSK_LIST_IS_EMPTY(base->neg_codecs) || ((base->neg_codecs->tail == base->neg_codecs->head) && TDAV_IS_DTMF_CODEC(TSK_LIST_FIRST_DATA(base->neg_codecs)))) { base->M.lo->port = 0; /* Keep the RTP transport and reuse it when we receive a reINVITE or UPDATE request */ // To reject an offered stream, the port number in the corresponding stream in the answer // MUST be set to zero. Any media formats listed are ignored. AT LEAST ONE MUST BE PRESENT, AS SPECIFIED BY SDP. tsk_strupdate(&base->M.lo->proto, base->M.ro->proto); if(base->M.ro->FMTs) { tsk_list_pushback_list(base->M.lo->FMTs, base->M.ro->FMTs); } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("No codec matching for media type = %d", (int32_t)self->media_type); goto DONE; } else { tmedia_codec_to_sdp(base->neg_codecs, base->M.lo); } } else { /* from codecs to sdp */ tmedia_codec_to_sdp(base->codecs, base->M.lo); } /* SRTP */ #if HAVE_SRTP { //start-of-HAVE_SRTP /* DTLS-SRTP default values */ if(is_srtp_dtls_enabled) { /* "setup" and "connection" */ if (self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_none || self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_actpass) { // if setup already negotiated then, use the same // rfc5763: the caller is server by default self->dtls.remote.setup = (!base->M.ro) ? tnet_dtls_setup_active : tnet_dtls_setup_passive; _tdav_session_av_dtls_set_remote_setup(self, self->dtls.remote.setup, self->dtls.remote.connection_new, (!base->M.ro)); } if (self->rtp_manager) { trtp_manager_set_dtls_local_setup(self->rtp_manager, self->dtls.local.setup, self->dtls.local.connection_new); } } if(!base->M.ro) { // === RO IS NULL === const trtp_srtp_ctx_xt *srtp_ctxs[SRTP_CRYPTO_TYPES_MAX] = { tsk_null }; tsk_size_t ctx_count = 0, ctx_idx, acap_tag = 1; tsk_size_t acap_tag_fp_sha1 = 0, acap_tag_fp_sha256 = 0, acap_tag_setup = 0, acap_tag_connection = 0, acap_tag_crypro_start = 0; char* str = tsk_null; tsdp_header_A_t* cryptoA = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t negotiate_srtp = (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_optional); tsk_bool_t negotiate_avpf = (self->avpf_mode_set == tmedia_mode_optional); tsk_bool_t is_srtp_remote_mandatory = (base->M.ro && _sdp_str_contains(base->M.ro->proto, "SAVP")); tsk_size_t profiles_index = 0; RTP_PROFILE_T profiles[RTP_PROFILES_COUNT] = { RTP_PROFILE_NONE }; // get local SRTP context if(is_srtp_sdes_enabled) { ctx_count = trtp_srtp_get_local_contexts(self->rtp_manager, (const trtp_srtp_ctx_xt **)&srtp_ctxs, sizeof(srtp_ctxs)/sizeof(srtp_ctxs[0])); } // a=tcap: if((negotiate_srtp || negotiate_avpf)) { static const int32_t __tcap_tag = 1; char* tcap = tsk_null; const char* fp_sha1 = tsk_null; const char* fp_sha256 = tsk_null; #define _first_media_add_header() #define _first_media_strcat(ppstr, format, ...) if(is_first_media) tsk_strcat_2((ppstr), (format), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define _first_media_sprintf(ppstr, format, ...) if(is_first_media) tsk_sprintf((ppstr), (format), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define _first_media_add_headers(sdp, ...) if(is_first_media) tsdp_message_add_headers((sdp), ##__VA_ARGS__) _first_media_strcat(&tcap, "%d", __tcap_tag); if(is_srtp_dtls_enabled) { if(!tsk_strnullORempty(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pbk)) { fp_sha1 = trtp_manager_get_dtls_local_fingerprint(self->rtp_manager, tnet_dtls_hash_type_sha1); fp_sha256 = trtp_manager_get_dtls_local_fingerprint(self->rtp_manager, tnet_dtls_hash_type_sha256); } _first_media_strcat(&tcap, negotiate_avpf ? " UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP" : " UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP"); if(negotiate_avpf) { profiles[profiles_index++] = RTP_PROFILE_UDP_TLS_RTP_SAVPF; } profiles[profiles_index++] = RTP_PROFILE_UDP_TLS_RTP_SAVP; } if(is_srtp_sdes_enabled) { _first_media_strcat(&tcap, negotiate_avpf ? " RTP/SAVPF RTP/SAVP" : " RTP/SAVP"); if(negotiate_avpf) { profiles[profiles_index++] = RTP_PROFILE_SAVPF; } profiles[profiles_index++] = RTP_PROFILE_SAVP; } if(!is_srtp_local_mandatory) { _first_media_strcat(&tcap, " RTP/AVPF"); profiles[profiles_index++] = RTP_PROFILE_AVPF; } // DTLS "setup" and "fringerprint"s if((fp_sha1 || fp_sha256) && negotiate_srtp) { char* acap_fp = tsk_null; acap_tag_setup = 1, acap_tag_connection = 2; _first_media_sprintf(&str, "%d setup:%s", acap_tag_setup, TNET_DTLS_SETUP_NAMES[self->dtls.local.setup]); _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("acap", str), tsk_null); #if TDAV_DTLS_CONNECTION_ATT _first_media_sprintf(&str, "%d connection:%s", acap_tag_connection, self->dtls.local.connection_new ? "new" : "existing"); #endif _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("acap", str), tsk_null); // New Firefox Nightly repspond with SHA-256 when offered SHA-1 -> It's a bug in FF // Just use SHA-256 as first choice if(fp_sha256) { _first_media_sprintf(&acap_fp, "3 fingerprint:%s %s", TNET_DTLS_HASH_NAMES[tnet_dtls_hash_type_sha256], fp_sha256); acap_tag_fp_sha256 = 3; _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("acap", acap_fp), tsk_null); } if(fp_sha1) { _first_media_sprintf(&acap_fp, "%d fingerprint:%s %s", fp_sha256 ? 4 : 3, TNET_DTLS_HASH_NAMES[tnet_dtls_hash_type_sha1], fp_sha1); acap_tag_fp_sha1 = (fp_sha256 ? 4 : 3); _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("acap", acap_fp), tsk_null); } TSK_FREE(acap_fp); } // "tcap" _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("tcap", tcap), tsk_null); TSK_FREE(tcap); acap_tag = TSK_MAX(acap_tag, acap_tag_connection); acap_tag = TSK_MAX(acap_tag, acap_tag_fp_sha1); acap_tag = TSK_MAX(acap_tag, acap_tag_fp_sha256); } if(is_first_media && !negotiate_srtp && is_srtp_dtls_enabled) { // add DTLS-SRTP fingerprint and setup at session-level const char* fp_str = trtp_manager_get_dtls_local_fingerprint(self->rtp_manager, TDAV_DFAULT_FP_HASH); if(fp_str) { tsk_sprintf(&str, "%s %s", TNET_DTLS_HASH_NAMES[TDAV_DFAULT_FP_HASH], fp_str); //!\ From RFC 5763 (DTLS-SRTP Framework) \A75: The endpoint MUST NOT use the connection attribute defined in [RFC4145]. #if TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("fingerprint", str), tsk_null); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("setup", TNET_DTLS_SETUP_NAMES[self->dtls.local.setup]), tsk_null); // tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("connection", self->dtls.local.connection_new ? "new" : "existing"), tsk_null); #else _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("fingerprint", str), tsk_null); _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("setup", TNET_DTLS_SETUP_NAMES[self->dtls.local.setup]), tsk_null); // _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("connection", self->dtls.local.connection_new ? "new" : "existing"), tsk_null); #endif } } // "a=acap:crypto" or "a=crypto" for(ctx_idx = 0; ctx_idx < ctx_count; ++ctx_idx) { if(acap_tag_crypro_start == 0) { acap_tag_crypro_start = (acap_tag == 1 ? acap_tag : ++acap_tag); } if(negotiate_srtp) { tsk_sprintf(&str, "%d crypto:%d %s inline:%s", acap_tag++, srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.tag, trtp_srtp_crypto_type_strings[srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.crypto_type], srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.key_str); cryptoA = tsdp_header_A_create("acap", str); } else { tsk_sprintf(&str, "%d %s inline:%s", srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.tag, trtp_srtp_crypto_type_strings[srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.crypto_type], srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.key_str); cryptoA = tsdp_header_A_create("crypto", str); } tsdp_header_M_add(base->M.lo, (const tsdp_header_t*)cryptoA); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(cryptoA); } // a=pcfg: if(negotiate_srtp || negotiate_avpf) { tsk_size_t pcfg_tag, pcfg_idx; char *acap_crypto = tsk_null, *acap_dtls = tsk_null; // crypto for(ctx_idx = 0; ctx_idx < ctx_count; ++ctx_idx) { tsk_strcat_2(&acap_crypto, "%s%d", acap_crypto ? "," : "", (acap_tag_crypro_start + ctx_idx) ); } // dtls setup and fingerprints if(acap_tag_setup > 0 && acap_tag_connection > 0 && (acap_tag_fp_sha1 > 0 || acap_tag_fp_sha256 > 0)) { tsk_sprintf(&acap_dtls, "%d,%d", acap_tag_setup, acap_tag_connection); if(acap_tag_fp_sha1 > 0) { tsk_strcat_2(&acap_dtls, ",%d", acap_tag_fp_sha1); } if(acap_tag_fp_sha256 > 0) { tsk_strcat_2(&acap_dtls, "%s%d", acap_tag_fp_sha1 > 0 ? "|" : ",", acap_tag_fp_sha256); } } for(pcfg_tag = 1, pcfg_idx = 0; pcfg_idx < profiles_index; ++pcfg_tag, ++pcfg_idx) { if(((profiles[pcfg_idx] & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES) && acap_crypto) { tsk_sprintf(&str, "%d t=%d a=%s", pcfg_tag, pcfg_tag, acap_crypto); } else if(((profiles[pcfg_idx] & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) && acap_dtls) { tsk_sprintf(&str, "%d t=%d a=%s", pcfg_tag, pcfg_tag, acap_dtls); } else { tsk_sprintf(&str, "%d t=%d", pcfg_tag, pcfg_tag); } tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("pcfg", str), tsk_null); } TSK_FREE(acap_crypto); TSK_FREE(acap_dtls); } if(is_srtp_remote_mandatory || is_srtp_local_mandatory || trtp_srtp_is_initialized(self->rtp_manager)) { self->use_srtp = tsk_true; } /* RFC 5939 - Session Description Protocol (SDP) Capability Negotiation */ { sdp_acaps_xt acaps; sdp_tcaps_xt tcaps; _sdp_acaps_reset(&acaps); _sdp_tcaps_reset(&tcaps); _sdp_pcfgs_reset(&self->sdp_caps->local); // session-level attributes if(self->local_sdp) { _sdp_pcfgs_from_sdp(self->local_sdp, &acaps, &tcaps, &self->sdp_caps->local, tsk_false); } // media-level attributes _sdp_pcfgs_from_sdp(base->M.lo, &acaps, &tcaps, &self->sdp_caps->local, tsk_false); } TSK_FREE(str); } //end-of-if(!base->M.ro) else { // === RO IS NOT NULL === // the ro validity has been checked in "set_ro()" RTP_PROFILE_T profile_remote = (self->sdp_caps->acfg.tag > 0 && self->sdp_caps->acfg.tcap.tag > 0) ? self->sdp_caps->acfg.tcap.profile : _sdp_profile_from_string(base->M.ro->proto); tsk_bool_t is_srtp_sdes_activated = tsk_false, is_srtp_dtls_activated = tsk_false; // intersect remote and local SRTP options if (self->avpf_mode_neg == tmedia_mode_optional && ((profile_remote & RTP_PROFILE_AVPF) == RTP_PROFILE_AVPF)) { self->avpf_mode_neg = tmedia_mode_mandatory; } is_srtp_sdes_enabled &= ((profile_remote & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES); is_srtp_dtls_enabled &= ((profile_remote & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS); // SDES-SRTP if(is_srtp_sdes_enabled) { const trtp_srtp_ctx_xt *srtp_ctxs[SRTP_CRYPTO_TYPES_MAX] = { tsk_null }; tsk_size_t ctx_count = 0, ctx_idx; // get local SRTP context if((ctx_count = trtp_srtp_get_local_contexts(self->rtp_manager, (const trtp_srtp_ctx_xt **)&srtp_ctxs, sizeof(srtp_ctxs)/sizeof(srtp_ctxs[0]))) > 0) { char* str = tsk_null; for(ctx_idx = 0; ctx_idx < ctx_count; ++ctx_idx) { is_srtp_sdes_activated = tsk_true; tsk_sprintf(&str, "%d %s inline:%s", srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.tag, trtp_srtp_crypto_type_strings[srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.crypto_type], srtp_ctxs[ctx_idx]->rtp.key_str); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("crypto", str), tsk_null); } TSK_FREE(str); } } // DTLS-SRTP if(!is_srtp_sdes_activated && is_srtp_dtls_enabled) { // get "fingerprint", "setup" and "connection" attributes if(!tsk_strnullORempty(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.file_pbk)) { tnet_dtls_hash_type_t fp_hash_remote; char* str = tsk_null; if((fp_hash_remote = trtp_manager_get_dtls_remote_fingerprint_hash(self->rtp_manager)) == tnet_dtls_hash_type_none) { fp_hash_remote = TDAV_DFAULT_FP_HASH; } tsk_sprintf(&str, "%s %s", TNET_DTLS_HASH_NAMES[fp_hash_remote], trtp_manager_get_dtls_local_fingerprint(self->rtp_manager, fp_hash_remote)); #if TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("fingerprint", str), tsk_null); #else _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("fingerprint", str), tsk_null); #endif /* TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT */ TSK_FREE(str); } #if TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("setup", TNET_DTLS_SETUP_NAMES[self->dtls.local.setup]), tsk_null); #if TDAV_DTLS_CONNECTION_ATT tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("connection", self->dtls.local.connection_new ? "new" : "existing"), tsk_null); #endif /* TDAV_DTLS_CONNECTION_ATT */ #else _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("setup", TNET_DTLS_SETUP_NAMES[self->dtls.local.setup]), tsk_null); #if TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT _first_media_add_headers(self->local_sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("connection", self->dtls.local.connection_new ? "new" : "existing"), tsk_null); #endif /* TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT */ #endif /* TDAV_FIXME_MEDIA_LEVEL_DTLS_ATT */ is_srtp_dtls_activated = tsk_true; } // activate the right SRTP type and disable others trtp_manager_set_srtp_type_remote(self->rtp_manager, is_srtp_sdes_activated ? tmedia_srtp_type_sdes : (is_srtp_dtls_activated ? tmedia_srtp_type_dtls : tmedia_srtp_type_none)); self->use_srtp |= (is_srtp_sdes_activated || is_srtp_dtls_activated); is_srtp_sdes_enabled &= is_srtp_sdes_activated; is_srtp_dtls_enabled &= is_srtp_dtls_activated; }//end-of-else }//end-of-HAVE_SRTP #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ /* RFC 5939: acfg */ if(self->sdp_caps->acfg.tag > 0) { _sdp_acfg_to_sdp(base->M.lo, &self->sdp_caps->acfg); } /* Hold/Resume */ #if 0 // BFCP sessions send media but not expected to receive any data. // TODO: Radvision ignores "sendonly" and use the bfcp session as receiver for the mixed stream tsdp_header_M_set_holdresume_att(base->M.lo, (base->lo_held | is_bfcp_session), base->ro_held); #else tsdp_header_M_set_holdresume_att(base->M.lo, base->lo_held, base->ro_held); #endif /* Update Proto*/ tsk_strupdate(&base->M.lo->proto, self->use_srtp ? ((self->avpf_mode_neg == tmedia_mode_mandatory) ? (is_srtp_dtls_enabled ? "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF" : "RTP/SAVPF") : (is_srtp_dtls_enabled ? "UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP" : "RTP/SAVP")) : ((self->avpf_mode_neg == tmedia_mode_mandatory) ? "RTP/AVPF" : "RTP/AVP") ); // RFC 5761: RTCP/RTP muxing if(self->use_rtcpmux) { tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("rtcp-mux", tsk_null), tsk_null); } // draft-lennox-mmusic-sdp-source-attributes-01 if((self->media_type & tmedia_audio) || (self->media_type & tmedia_video) || ((self->media_type & tmedia_bfcp_video) == tmedia_bfcp_video)) { char* str = tsk_null; tsk_sprintf(&str, "%u cname:%s", self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.local, self->rtp_manager->rtcp.cname); // also defined in RTCP session tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("ssrc", str), tsk_null); tsk_sprintf(&str, "%u mslabel:%s", self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.local, "6994f7d1-6ce9-4fbd-acfd-84e5131ca2e2"); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("ssrc", str), tsk_null); tsk_sprintf(&str, "%u label:%s", self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.local, (self->media_type & tmedia_audio) ? ((base->type & tmedia_bfcp) ? "doubango@bfcpaudio" : "doubango@audio") : ((base->type & tmedia_bfcp) ? "doubango@bfcpvideo" : "doubango@video")); /* https://groups.google.com/group/discuss-webrtc/browse_thread/thread/6c44106c8ce7d6dc */ tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("ssrc", str), tsk_null); TSK_FREE(str); } /* ICE */ if(self->ice_ctx) { tsk_size_t index = 0; const tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate; tsk_bool_t remote_use_rtcpmux = (base->M.ro && (tsdp_header_M_findA(base->M.ro, "rtcp-mux") != tsk_null)); // FIXME: for RTCP, use "RFC 3605"in addition to "rtcp-mux" // "a=ice-mismatch" if "C=" line is not included in the candidates if ((candidate = tnet_ice_ctx_get_local_candidate_first(self->ice_ctx))) { // at least one candidate base->M.lo->port = candidate->socket->port; tsdp_header_M_remove(base->M.lo, tsdp_htype_C); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_C_VA_ARGS("IN", TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(candidate->socket->type) ? "IP6" : "IP4", candidate->socket->ip), tsk_null); tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("ice-ufrag", candidate->ufrag), TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("ice-pwd", candidate->pwd), tsk_null); // RTCWeb // "mid:" must not added without BUNDLE // tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, // TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("mid", self->media_type & tmedia_audio ? "audio" : "video"), // tsk_null); while ((candidate = tnet_ice_ctx_get_local_candidate_at(self->ice_ctx, index++))) { if (self->use_rtcpmux && remote_use_rtcpmux && candidate->comp_id == TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTCP) { continue; // do not add RTCP candidates if RTCP-MUX is activated (local + remote) } #if 0 //TURN:FORCE if (candidate->type_e != tnet_ice_cand_type_relay) { continue; } #endif tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("candidate", tnet_ice_candidate_tostring((tnet_ice_candidate_t*)candidate)), tsk_null); } } } else { if(base->M.lo->C) { tsk_strupdate(&base->M.lo->C->addr, self->rtp_manager->rtp.public_addr.ip); tsk_strupdate(&base->M.lo->C->addrtype, (TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(self->rtp_manager->rtp.public_addr.type) ? "IP6" : "IP4")); } base->M.lo->port = self->rtp_manager->rtp.public_addr.port; } if(self->media_type & tmedia_audio) { ///* 3GPP TS 24.229 - 6.1.1 General // The UE shall include the MIME subtype "telephone-event" in the "m=" media descriptor in the SDP for audio media // flows that support both audio codec and DTMF payloads in RTP packets as described in RFC 4733 [23]. //*/ //tsdp_header_M_add_fmt(base->M.lo, TMEDIA_CODEC_FORMAT_DTMF); //tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, // TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("fmtp", TMEDIA_CODEC_FORMAT_DTMF" 0-15"), // tsk_null); //tsdp_header_M_add_headers(base->M.lo, // TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS("rtpmap", TMEDIA_CODEC_FORMAT_DTMF" telephone-event/8000"), // tsk_null); } /* QoS */ if(base->qos) { tmedia_qos_tline_t* ro_tline; if(base->M.ro && (ro_tline = tmedia_qos_tline_from_sdp(base->M.ro))) { tmedia_qos_tline_set_ro(base->qos, ro_tline); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ro_tline); } tmedia_qos_tline_to_sdp(base->qos, base->M.lo); } DONE: ; } // end-of-if(*updated) return base->M.lo; } int tdav_session_av_set_ro(tdav_session_av_t* self, const struct tsdp_header_M_s* m, tsk_bool_t *updated) { tmedia_codecs_L_t* neg_codecs; tsk_bool_t srtp_sdes_neg_ok = tsk_false, srtp_dtls_neg_ok = tsk_false; tsk_bool_t is_srtp_remote_mandatory, is_srtp_dtls_remote_mandatory, is_srtp_sdes_remote_mandatory; tsk_bool_t is_srtp_local_mandatory, is_srtp_dtls_local_enabled, is_srtp_sdes_local_enabled; tmedia_session_t* base = TMEDIA_SESSION(self); RTP_PROFILE_T profile_remote; int32_t acfg_idx = -1; if(!base || !m || !updated) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!self->rtp_manager) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("RTP manager is null. Did you forget to prepare the session?"); return -1; } /* update remote offer */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(base->M.ro); base->M.ro = tsk_object_ref((void*)m); *updated = tsk_false; // check if the RTP profile from remote party is supported or not if((profile_remote = _sdp_profile_from_string(m->proto)) == RTP_PROFILE_NONE) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("%s not supported as RTP profile", m->proto); return -2; } // check that all options in the profile are supported if((is_srtp_remote_mandatory = (profile_remote & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE)) && (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_none)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Remote party requesting secure transport (%s) but this option is not enabled", m->proto); return -2; } if((is_srtp_sdes_remote_mandatory = (profile_remote & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_SDES) && !(self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_sdes)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Remote party requesting SRTP-SDES (%s) but this option is not enabled", m->proto); return -2; } if((is_srtp_dtls_remote_mandatory = (profile_remote & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) && !(self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_dtls)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Remote party requesting DTLS-DTLS (%s) but this option is not enabled", m->proto); return -2; } is_srtp_local_mandatory = (self->srtp_mode == tmedia_srtp_mode_mandatory) && (self->srtp_type != tmedia_srtp_type_none); is_srtp_dtls_local_enabled = (self->srtp_mode != tmedia_srtp_mode_none) && (self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_dtls); is_srtp_sdes_local_enabled = (self->srtp_mode != tmedia_srtp_mode_none) && (self->srtp_type & tmedia_srtp_type_sdes); if (base->M.lo) { if ((neg_codecs = tmedia_session_match_codec(base, m))) { /* update negociated codecs */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(base->neg_codecs); base->neg_codecs = neg_codecs; *updated = tsk_true; } else { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Codecs mismatch"); return -1; } /* QoS */ if (base->qos) { tmedia_qos_tline_t* ro_tline; if (base->M.ro && (ro_tline = tmedia_qos_tline_from_sdp(base->M.ro))) { tmedia_qos_tline_set_ro(base->qos, ro_tline); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ro_tline); } } } /* AVPF */ if(self->avpf_mode_set == tmedia_mode_optional && self->avpf_mode_neg != tmedia_mode_mandatory) { self->avpf_mode_neg = _sdp_str_contains(base->M.ro->proto, "AVPF") ? tmedia_mode_mandatory : tmedia_mode_none; } /* RFC 5939 - Session Description Protocol (SDP) Capability Negotiation */ { sdp_acaps_xt acaps; sdp_tcaps_xt tcaps; _sdp_acfg_reset(&self->sdp_caps->acfg); _sdp_acaps_reset(&acaps); _sdp_tcaps_reset(&tcaps); _sdp_pcfgs_reset(&self->sdp_caps->remote); // session-level attributes if(self->remote_sdp) { _sdp_pcfgs_from_sdp(self->remote_sdp, &acaps, &tcaps, &self->sdp_caps->remote, tsk_false); } // media-level attributes _sdp_pcfgs_from_sdp(base->M.ro, &acaps, &tcaps, &self->sdp_caps->remote, tsk_false); } /* get connection associated to this media line * If the connnection is global, then the manager will call tdav_session_audio_set() */ if(m->C && m->C->addr) { tsk_strupdate(&self->remote_ip, m->C->addr); self->use_ipv6 = tsk_striequals(m->C->addrtype, "IP6"); } /* set remote port */ self->remote_port = m->port; /* RTCP-MUX */ self->use_rtcpmux &= (tsdp_header_M_findA(m, "rtcp-mux") != tsk_null); if(self->ice_ctx) { tnet_ice_ctx_set_rtcpmux(self->ice_ctx, self->use_rtcpmux); } // BANDWIDTH: // http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3556 // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3890 { if (!TSK_LIST_IS_EMPTY(m->Bandwidths)) { const tsk_list_item_t* itemB; const tsdp_header_B_t* B; int32_t unit_div; tsk_list_foreach(itemB, m->Bandwidths) { if(!(B = (const tsdp_header_B_t*)itemB->data)) { continue; } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Remote party requested bandwidth limitation at %u using 'b=%s' SDP attribute", B->bandwidth, B->bwtype); unit_div = tsk_striequals(B->bwtype, "AS") ? 1 : (tsk_striequals(B->bwtype, "TIAS") ? 1024 : 0); if (unit_div) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Setting bandwidth_max_upload_kbps=%u according to remote party request", B->bandwidth); self->bandwidth_max_upload_kbps = (B->bandwidth/unit_div); break; } } } } /* Remote SSRC */ { // will be also updated based on received RTP packets const tsdp_header_A_t* ssrcA = tsdp_header_M_findA(m, "ssrc"); if(ssrcA && ssrcA->value) { if(sscanf(ssrcA->value, "%u %*s", &self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.remote) != EOF) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Remote SSRC = %u", self->rtp_manager->rtp.ssrc.remote); } } } /* RTCWeb Type */ if(self->remote_sdp) { const tsdp_header_S_t* S = (const tsdp_header_S_t*)tsdp_message_get_header(self->remote_sdp, tsdp_htype_S); if(S && !tsk_strnullORempty(S->value)) { struct rtcweb_type { const char* name; tmedia_rtcweb_type_t type; }; static const struct rtcweb_type rtcweb_types[] = { { "firefox", tmedia_rtcweb_type_firefox }, { "chrome", tmedia_rtcweb_type_chrome }, { "bowser", tmedia_rtcweb_type_ericsson }, { "doubango", tmedia_rtcweb_type_doubango }, }; static const int32_t rtcweb_types_count = sizeof(rtcweb_types)/sizeof(rtcweb_types[0]); int32_t i; for(i = 0; i < rtcweb_types_count; ++i) { if(_sdp_str_contains(S->value, rtcweb_types[i].name)) { trtp_manager_set_rtcweb_type_remote(self->rtp_manager, rtcweb_types[i].type); break; } } } } /* SRTP */ #if HAVE_SRTP // this is SRTP negotiation -> do not trust the remote profile if(is_srtp_dtls_local_enabled || is_srtp_sdes_local_enabled) { int32_t i, j; const sdp_acap_xt *acap; int ret; if(is_srtp_sdes_local_enabled) { const tsdp_header_A_t* A; const char* cryptos[2] = { tsk_null }; /* 1. check crypto lines from the SDP */ i = 0; while((A = tsdp_header_M_findA_at(m, "crypto", i))) { cryptos[i++] = A->value; if(i >= (sizeof(cryptos)/sizeof(cryptos[0]))) { break; } } /* 2. check crypto lines from the caps (RFC 5939)*/ if(!cryptos[0]) { tsk_size_t k = 0; for(i = 0; (i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tag > 0); ++i) { j = 0; while((acap = _sdp_acaps_find_by_field(&self->sdp_caps->remote[i].acaps, "crypto", j++))) { if(k < (sizeof(cryptos)/sizeof(cryptos[0]))) { // remove "crypto: " if((cryptos[k] = strstr(acap->value, ":")) && ++cryptos[k]) { while(isspace(*cryptos[k])) { ++cryptos[k]; } ++k; } } } if(k != 0) { // do not mix crypto lines from different pcfgs acfg_idx = i; break; } } } /* 3. match cryptos */ for(i = 0; i< sizeof(cryptos)/sizeof(cryptos[0]); ++i) { if(!cryptos[i]) { break; } if((ret = trtp_srtp_set_crypto_remote(self->rtp_manager, cryptos[i])) == 0) { srtp_sdes_neg_ok = tsk_true; break; } } } // end-of-sdes if(!srtp_sdes_neg_ok && is_srtp_dtls_local_enabled) { int ret; const tsdp_header_A_t *setupA = tsk_null, *fpA = tsk_null, *connectionA = tsk_null; const char* fingerprints[4] = { tsk_null }; const char* setups[4] = { tsk_null }; const char* connections[4] = { tsk_null }; const char* connection = tsk_null; const char* setup = tsk_null; /* 1. check DTLS attributes from the SDP */ if(self->remote_sdp) { setupA = tsdp_message_get_headerA(self->remote_sdp, "setup"); fpA = tsdp_message_get_headerA(self->remote_sdp, "fingerprint"); connectionA = tsdp_message_get_headerA(self->remote_sdp, "connection"); } if(!setupA) { setupA = tsdp_header_M_findA(m, "setup"); } if(!fpA) { fpA = tsdp_header_M_findA(m, "fingerprint"); } if(!connectionA) { connectionA = tsdp_header_M_findA(m, "connection"); } if(setupA) { setups[0] = setupA->value; } if(fpA) { fingerprints[0] = fpA->value; } if(connectionA) { connections[0] = connectionA->value; } /* 2. check DTLS attributes from from the caps (RFC 5939) */ if(!srtp_dtls_neg_ok && !fingerprints[0]) { tsk_size_t k_fp = 0, k_st = 0, k_conn = 0; for(i = 0; (i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tag > 0); ++i) { // "fingerprint" j = 0; while((acap = _sdp_acaps_find_by_field(&self->sdp_caps->remote[i].acaps, "fingerprint", j++))) { if(k_fp < (sizeof(fingerprints)/sizeof(fingerprints[0]))) { if((fingerprints[k_fp] = strstr(acap->value, ":")) && ++fingerprints[k_fp]) { while(isspace(*fingerprints[k_fp])) { ++fingerprints[k_fp]; } ++k_fp; } } } // "setup" j = 0; while((acap = _sdp_acaps_find_by_field(&self->sdp_caps->remote[i].acaps, "setup", j++))) { if(k_st < (sizeof(setups)/sizeof(setups[0]))) { if((setups[k_st] = strstr(acap->value, ":")) && ++setups[k_st]) { while(isspace(*setups[k_st])) { ++setups[k_st]; } ++k_st; } } } // "connection" j = 0; while((acap = _sdp_acaps_find_by_field(&self->sdp_caps->remote[i].acaps, "connection", j++))) { if(k_conn < (sizeof(connections)/sizeof(connections[0]))) { if((connections[k_conn] = strstr(acap->value, ":")) && ++connections[k_conn]) { while(isspace(*connections[k_conn])) { ++connections[k_conn]; } ++k_conn; } } } if(k_fp || k_st || k_conn) { // do not mix crypto lines from different pcfgs acfg_idx = i; break; } } } /* 3. setup DTLS connection using negotiated attributes */ if(!srtp_dtls_neg_ok && fingerprints[0]) { tnet_fingerprint_t fingerprint; char hash[16]; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(fingerprints)/sizeof(fingerprints[0]) && !srtp_dtls_neg_ok; ++i) { if(!fingerprints[i]) { break; } if(sscanf(fingerprints[i], "%15s %255s", hash, fingerprint) >= 2) { if((ret = trtp_manager_set_dtls_remote_fingerprint(self->rtp_manager, &fingerprint, hash)) == 0) { acfg_idx = i; srtp_dtls_neg_ok = tsk_true; break; } } } } // only accept sdp without fingerprints if certificate verification is OFF if(!srtp_dtls_neg_ok && !fingerprints[0] && !TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->dtls.verify) { for(i = 0; (i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tag > 0); ++i) { if(self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tcap.tag > 0 && (self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tcap.profile & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) { acfg_idx = i; break; } } } // defaults if(!connection) { connection = connections[acfg_idx != -1 ? acfg_idx : 0]; } if(!setup) { setup = setups[acfg_idx != -1 ? acfg_idx : 0]; } if((!connection || !setup) && (is_srtp_dtls_remote_mandatory || is_srtp_local_mandatory || (acfg_idx != -1 && (self->sdp_caps->remote[acfg_idx].tcap.profile & RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS) == RTP_PROFILE_SECURE_DTLS))) { if(!connection) { connection = (self->dtls.local.connection_new ? "existing" : "new"); } if(!setup) setup = (self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_active ? "passive" : (self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_passive ? "active" : (base->M.lo ? "passive" : "active"))); } if (connection && setup) { // update local setup according to remote setup // do not update if local setup already negotiated if (tnet_dtls_get_setup_from_string(setup) != tnet_dtls_setup_actpass || (self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_none || self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_actpass)) { ret = _tdav_session_av_dtls_set_remote_setup(self, tnet_dtls_get_setup_from_string(setup), !tsk_striequals(connection, "existing"), (!base->M.ro) ); } if (ret == 0) { // pass new local values to the RTP manager ret = trtp_manager_set_dtls_local_setup(self->rtp_manager, self->dtls.local.setup, self->dtls.local.connection_new); srtp_dtls_neg_ok = (ret == 0); } } }// end-of-dtls }//end-of-if(srtp=optional|mandatory) self->use_srtp = trtp_srtp_is_initialized(self->rtp_manager); // activate the right SRTP type and disable others trtp_manager_set_srtp_type_remote(self->rtp_manager, srtp_sdes_neg_ok ? tmedia_srtp_type_sdes : (srtp_dtls_neg_ok ? tmedia_srtp_type_dtls : tmedia_srtp_type_none)); #endif // set actual config if(acfg_idx == -1) { // none matched (means SRTP negotiation failed or not enabled -> try to negotiate AVP(F)) int32_t i; for(i = 0; (i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tag > 0); ++i) { if(self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tcap.tag > 0) { if((self->sdp_caps->remote[i].tcap.profile & RTP_PROFILE_AVPF) == RTP_PROFILE_AVPF) { acfg_idx = i; break; } } } } if(acfg_idx != -1) { self->sdp_caps->acfg = self->sdp_caps->remote[acfg_idx]; if (self->avpf_mode_set == tmedia_mode_optional && self->avpf_mode_neg != tmedia_mode_mandatory) { self->avpf_mode_neg = ((self->sdp_caps->acfg.tcap.profile & RTP_PROFILE_AVPF) == RTP_PROFILE_AVPF) ? tmedia_mode_mandatory : tmedia_mode_none; } } if(!srtp_sdes_neg_ok && !srtp_dtls_neg_ok && (is_srtp_remote_mandatory || is_srtp_local_mandatory)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("SRTP negotiation failed"); return -4; } return 0; } const tmedia_codec_t* tdav_session_av_get_best_neg_codec(const tdav_session_av_t* self) { const tsk_list_item_t* item; if (!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->neg_codecs) { // exclude DTMF, RED and ULPFEC if (!TDAV_IS_DTMF_CODEC(item->data) && !TDAV_IS_ULPFEC_CODEC(item->data) && !TDAV_IS_RED_CODEC(item->data) && TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data)->plugin && TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data)->plugin->encode && TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data)->plugin->decode) { return TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data); } } return tsk_null; } const tmedia_codec_t* tdav_session_av_get_red_codec(const tdav_session_av_t* self) { const tsk_list_item_t* item; if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->neg_codecs) { const tmedia_codec_t* codec = (const tmedia_codec_t*)item->data; if(TDAV_IS_RED_CODEC(codec)) { return TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data); } } return tsk_null; } static void* TSK_STDCALL _tdav_session_av_error_async_thread(void* usrdata) { if(usrdata) { tdav_session_av_t* self = (tdav_session_av_t*)usrdata; tsk_safeobj_lock(self); if(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->onerror_cb.fun) { TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->onerror_cb.fun(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->onerror_cb.usrdata, TMEDIA_SESSION(self), self->last_error.reason, self->last_error.is_fatal); } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); tsk_object_unref(self); // see _tdav_session_av_raise_error_async() } return tsk_null; } static int _tdav_session_av_raise_error_async(struct tdav_session_av_s* self, tsk_bool_t is_fatal, const char* reason) { int ret; if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); tsk_object_ref(self); // do not unref(), see _tdav_session_av_error_async_thread() if (self->last_error.tid[0]) { tsk_thread_join(self->last_error.tid); } self->last_error.is_fatal = is_fatal; tsk_strupdate(&self->last_error.reason, reason); if ((ret = tsk_thread_create(self->last_error.tid, _tdav_session_av_error_async_thread, self)) != 0) { tsk_object_unref(self); goto bail; } bail: tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return ret; } #if HAVE_SRTP static int _tdav_session_av_srtp_dtls_cb(const void* usrdata, enum trtp_srtp_dtls_event_type_e type, const char* reason) { tdav_session_av_t* self = tsk_object_ref((tdav_session_av_t*)usrdata); tsk_safeobj_lock(self); switch(type) { case trtp_srtp_dtls_event_type_handshake_failed: case trtp_srtp_dtls_event_type_fatal_error: { if(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->onerror_cb.fun) { static const tsk_bool_t __is_fatal = tsk_true; _tdav_session_av_raise_error_async(self, __is_fatal, reason); } break; } case trtp_srtp_dtls_event_type_handshake_succeed: { break; } case trtp_srtp_dtls_event_type_started: { // start producer and consumer if (self->rtp_manager && self->rtp_manager->is_started) { if (self->consumer && !self->consumer->is_started) { tmedia_consumer_start(self->consumer); } if (self->producer && !self->producer->is_started) { tmedia_producer_start(self->producer); } } break; } } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); tsk_object_unref(self); return 0; } #endif /* HAVE_SRTP */ static int _tdav_session_av_red_cb(const void* usrdata, const struct trtp_rtp_packet_s* packet) { tdav_session_av_t* self = (tdav_session_av_t*)usrdata; if(self->rtp_manager && self->rtp_manager->rtp.cb.fun) { return self->rtp_manager->rtp.cb.fun(self->rtp_manager->rtp.cb.usrdata, packet); } return 0; } int _tdav_session_av_dtls_set_remote_setup(struct tdav_session_av_s* self, tnet_dtls_setup_t setup, tsk_bool_t connection_new, tsk_bool_t is_ro_null) { if(self) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("dtls.remote.setup=%s", TNET_DTLS_SETUP_NAMES[(int)setup]); self->dtls.remote.setup = setup; self->dtls.remote.connection_new = connection_new; switch(self->dtls.remote.setup) { case tnet_dtls_setup_none: default: self->dtls.local.setup = tnet_dtls_setup_actpass; self->dtls.local.connection_new = tsk_true; // RTP transport always unprepared for reINVITE/UPDATE -> new connection break; case tnet_dtls_setup_active: self->dtls.local.setup = is_ro_null ? tnet_dtls_setup_actpass : tnet_dtls_setup_passive; self->dtls.local.connection_new = tsk_true; break; case tnet_dtls_setup_passive: self->dtls.local.setup = is_ro_null ? tnet_dtls_setup_actpass : tnet_dtls_setup_active; self->dtls.local.connection_new = tsk_true; break; case tnet_dtls_setup_actpass: if (self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_actpass || self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_none) { // change local setup only if actpass or none self->dtls.local.setup = (self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_actpass || self->dtls.local.setup == tnet_dtls_setup_active) ? tnet_dtls_setup_active : tnet_dtls_setup_passive; self->dtls.local.connection_new = tsk_true; } break; } } return 0; } const tmedia_codec_t* tdav_session_av_get_ulpfec_codec(const tdav_session_av_t* self) { const tsk_list_item_t* item; if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, TMEDIA_SESSION(self)->neg_codecs) { if(TDAV_IS_ULPFEC_CODEC(item->data)) { return TMEDIA_CODEC(item->data); } } return tsk_null; } int tdav_session_av_deinit(tdav_session_av_t* self) { if(!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* deinit self (rtp manager should be destroyed after the producer) */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->consumer); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->producer); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->rtp_manager); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->sdp_caps); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->remote_sdp); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->local_sdp); TSK_FREE(self->remote_ip); TSK_FREE(self->local_ip); /* RED and ULPFEC codecs */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->red.codec); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->ulpfec.codec); /* NAT Traversal context */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->natt_ctx); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->ice_ctx); /* Last error */ if(self->last_error.tid[0]) { tsk_thread_join(self->last_error.tid); } TSK_FREE(self->last_error.reason); tsk_safeobj_deinit(self); /* deinit base */ tmedia_session_deinit(TMEDIA_SESSION(self)); return 0; } static const tsdp_header_A_t* _sdp_findA_at(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const char* field, tsk_size_t index) { if(sdp) { if(TSK_OBJECT_HEADER(sdp)->__def__ == tsdp_message_def_t) { return tsdp_message_get_headerA_at((const tsdp_message_t*)sdp, field, index); } else if(TSK_OBJECT_HEADER(sdp)->__def__ == tsdp_header_M_def_t) { return tsdp_header_M_findA_at((const tsdp_header_M_t*)sdp, field, index); } } TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } static int _sdp_add_headerA(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const char* field, const char* value) { if(sdp && field) { if(TSK_OBJECT_HEADER(sdp)->__def__ == tsdp_message_def_t) { return tsdp_message_add_headers((tsdp_message_t*)sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS(field, value), tsk_null); } else if(TSK_OBJECT_HEADER(sdp)->__def__ == tsdp_header_M_def_t) { return tsdp_header_M_add_headers((tsdp_header_M_t*)sdp, TSDP_HEADER_A_VA_ARGS(field, value), tsk_null); } } TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } static RTP_PROFILE_T _sdp_profile_from_string(const char* profile) { int32_t i; for(i = 0; i < RTP_PROFILES_COUNT; ++i) { if(tsk_striequals(RTP_PROFILES[i].name, profile)) { return RTP_PROFILES[i].type; } } return RTP_PROFILE_NONE; } static const char* _sdp_profile_to_string(RTP_PROFILE_T profile) { int32_t i; for(i = 0; i < RTP_PROFILES_COUNT; ++i) { if(RTP_PROFILES[i].type == profile) { return RTP_PROFILES[i].name; } } return tsk_null; } _SDP_DECLARE_INDEX_OF(acap); static const sdp_acap_xt* _sdp_acaps_find_by_field(const sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], const char* field, int32_t index) { int32_t i, j, k, size; if(!acaps || !field) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid paramter"); return tsk_null; } i = 0, j = 0; size = (int32_t)tsk_strlen(field); while((*acaps)[j].tag && j < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { k = _sdp_str_index_of((*acaps)[j].value, field); if(k == 0 && (*acaps)[j].value[size] == ':') { if(i == index) { return &(*acaps)[j]; } ++i; } ++j; } return tsk_null; } static int _sdp_acaps_from_sdp(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], tsk_bool_t reset) { tsk_size_t acaps_count, acaps_idx; const tsdp_header_A_t* A; int32_t tag, index, size; if(!sdp || !acaps) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(reset) { _sdp_acaps_reset(acaps); acaps_count = 0; } else { if((acaps_count = _sdp_acaps_indexof(acaps, 0)) == -1) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("No room to append items"); return -1; } } acaps_idx = 0; while((A = _sdp_findA_at(sdp, "acap", acaps_idx++))) { if (!(size = (int32_t)tsk_strlen(A->value))) { goto next; } if(sscanf(A->value, "%d", &tag) == EOF) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("sscanf(%s) failed", A->value); break; } if(tag <= 0 || (tag + 1) > SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Ignoring tag with value = %d", tag); goto next; } index = _sdp_integer_length(tag) + 1;/*SPACE*/ if(index >= size) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("a=%s is empty", A->value); goto next; } (*acaps)[acaps_count].tag = tag; (*acaps)[acaps_count].value = &A->value[index]; next: if(++acaps_count >= SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { break; } } return 0; } _SDP_DECLARE_INDEX_OF(tcap); static int _sdp_tcaps_from_sdp(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, sdp_tcap_xt (*tcaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], tsk_bool_t reset) { int32_t tcaps_count, tcaps_idx, profiles_count; const tsdp_header_A_t* A; int32_t tag, index, size, tag_fake; char tcap[256]; if(!sdp || !tcaps) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(reset) { _sdp_tcaps_reset(tcaps); tcaps_count = 0; } else { if((tcaps_count = _sdp_tcaps_indexof(tcaps, 0)) == -1) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("No room to append items"); return -1; } } profiles_count = 0; index = 0; tcaps_idx = 0; while((A = _sdp_findA_at(sdp, "tcap", tcaps_idx++))) { if (!(size = (int32_t)tsk_strlen(A->value))) { goto next; } if(sscanf(&A->value[index], "%d", &tag) == EOF || (_sdp_integer_length(tag) + 1 >= size)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("sscanf(%s) failed", A->value); break; } if(tag <= 0 || (tag + 1) > SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Ignoring tag with value = %d", tag); goto next; } index += _sdp_integer_length(tag) + 1/*SPACE*/; profiles_count = 0; tag_fake = tag; while(sscanf(&A->value[index], "%255s", &tcap) != EOF) { if(tag_fake < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { (*tcaps)[tcaps_count + profiles_count].tag = tag_fake; (*tcaps)[tcaps_count + profiles_count].profile = _sdp_profile_from_string(tcap); // split profiles } if ((index += (int32_t)tsk_strlen(tcap) + 1/*SPACE*/) >= size) { break; } ++tag_fake; ++profiles_count; } next: if(++tcaps_count >= SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { break; } } return 0; } static int _sdp_acfg_to_sdp(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const sdp_acfg_xt *acfg) { int32_t i_a_caps; char *acfg_str = tsk_null; if(!sdp || !acfg || acfg->tag <= 0) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // acfg: tag tsk_strcat_2(&acfg_str, "%d", acfg->tag); // acfg: t= if(acfg_str && acfg->tcap.tag > 0) { tsk_strcat_2(&acfg_str, " t=%d", acfg->tcap.tag); } // acfg: a= for (i_a_caps = 0; acfg_str && i_a_caps < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX; ++i_a_caps) { if(acfg->acaps[i_a_caps].tag <= 0) { break; } if(i_a_caps == 0) { tsk_strcat_2(&acfg_str, " a=%d", acfg->acaps[i_a_caps].tag); } else { tsk_strcat_2(&acfg_str, "%s%s%d%s", // e.g. |2 or ,6 or ,[2] acfg->acaps[i_a_caps].or ? "|" : ",", acfg->acaps[i_a_caps].optional ? "[" : "", acfg->acaps[i_a_caps].tag, acfg->acaps[i_a_caps].optional ? "]" : "" ); } } // a=acfg: if(acfg_str) { _sdp_add_headerA(sdp, "acfg", acfg_str); TSK_FREE(acfg_str); } return 0; } _SDP_DECLARE_INDEX_OF(pcfg); static int _sdp_pcfgs_from_sdp(const sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, sdp_acap_xt (*acaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], sdp_tcap_xt (*tcaps)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], tsk_bool_t reset) { tsk_size_t pcfgs_count, pcfgs_idx; const tsdp_header_A_t* A; int32_t tag, index = 0, size, t, a_tag, indexof; sdp_tcap_xt* tcap_curr; int ret; char pcfg[256], a[256]; if(!sdp || !acaps || !tcaps || !pcfgs) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if((ret = _sdp_tcaps_from_sdp(sdp, tcaps, reset))) { return ret; } if((ret = _sdp_acaps_from_sdp(sdp, acaps, reset))) { return ret; } if(reset) { _sdp_pcfgs_reset(pcfgs); pcfgs_count = 0; } else { if((pcfgs_count = _sdp_pcfgs_indexof(pcfgs, 0)) == -1) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("No room to append items"); return -1; } } pcfgs_idx = 0; tcap_curr = tsk_null; while((A = _sdp_findA_at(sdp, "pcfg", pcfgs_idx++))) { if (!(size = (int32_t)tsk_strlen(A->value))) { goto next_A; } if(sscanf(A->value, "%d", &tag) == EOF || (_sdp_integer_length(tag) + 1 >= size)) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("sscanf(%s) failed", A->value); break; } if(tag <= 0 || (tag + 1) > SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Ignoring tag with value = %d", tag); goto next_A; } (*pcfgs)[pcfgs_count].tag = tag; index = _sdp_integer_length(tag) + 1/*SPACE*/; while(sscanf(&A->value[index], "%255s", &pcfg) != EOF) { if(_sdp_str_starts_with(&A->value[index], "t=") && sscanf(pcfg, "t=%d", &t) != EOF) { if(t <= 0 || t + 1 >= SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("t = %d ignored", t); goto next_pcfg; } // tcap is something like a=tcap:1 RTP/SAVPF RTP/SAVP RTP/AVPF // tcap [2] is "RTP/SAVP" -> not indexed by tag tcap_curr = &(*pcfgs)[pcfgs_count].tcap; if((indexof = _sdp_tcaps_indexof(tcaps, t)) == -1) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find 'tcap' with tag=%d", t); goto next_pcfg; } *tcap_curr = (*tcaps)[indexof]; } else { if(_sdp_str_starts_with(&A->value[index], "a=") && sscanf(pcfg, "a=%255s", a) != EOF) { char a_copy[sizeof(a)], *pch, *saveptr; tsk_size_t pcfg_acfgs_count = 0; sdp_acap_xt* acap; memcpy(a_copy, a, sizeof(a)); pch = tsk_strtok_r (a, ",[]|", &saveptr); while(pch) { a_tag = atoi(pch); if(a_tag <= 0 || a_tag + 1 >= SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("a = %d ignored", a_tag); goto next_a; } if((indexof = _sdp_acaps_indexof(acaps, a_tag)) == -1) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find 'acap' with tag=%d", a_tag); goto next_a; } acap = &(*pcfgs)[pcfgs_count].acaps[pcfg_acfgs_count++]; *acap = (*acaps)[indexof]; acap->optional = (pch != a && a_copy[pch - a - 1] == '[') ? 1 : 0; acap->or = (pch != a && a_copy[pch - a - 1] == '|') ? 1 : 0; next_a: pch = tsk_strtok_r(tsk_null, ",[]|", &saveptr); } } tcap_curr = tsk_null; } next_pcfg: if ((index += (int32_t)tsk_strlen(pcfg) + 1/*SPACE*/) >= size) { break; } } next_A: if(++pcfgs_count >= SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { break; } } return ret; } static int _sdp_pcfgs_to_sdp(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]) { int32_t i_pcfgs, i_a_caps, i_serialized_acaps; char *pcfg = tsk_null, *acap = tsk_null, *tcap = tsk_null; sdp_acaps_xt serialized_acaps; /* to avoid duplication */ if(!sdp || !pcfgs) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // compact(a=tcap:) // tcap:1 RTP/AVP // tcap:2 RTP/SAVP // tcap:3 RTP/SAVPF // will be compacted as // tcap:1 RTP/AVP RTP/SAVP RTP/SAVPF for (i_pcfgs = 0; i_pcfgs < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX; ++i_pcfgs) { if((*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tag <= 0 || (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tcap.tag <= 0) { break; } if(!tcap) { tsk_sprintf(&tcap, "1 %s", _sdp_profile_to_string((*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tcap.profile)); } else { tsk_strcat_2(&tcap, " %s", _sdp_profile_to_string((*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tcap.profile)); } } if(tcap) { _sdp_add_headerA(sdp, "tcap", tcap); TSK_FREE(tcap); } _sdp_acaps_reset(&serialized_acaps); i_serialized_acaps = 0; for (i_pcfgs = 0; i_pcfgs < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX; ++i_pcfgs) { if((*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tag <= 0) { break; } // pcfg: tag tsk_strcat_2(&pcfg, "%d", (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tag); // pcfg: t= if((*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tcap.tag > 0) { tsk_strcat_2(&pcfg, " t=%d", (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].tcap.tag); } // pcfg: a= for (i_a_caps = 0; i_a_caps < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX; ++i_a_caps) { if((*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].tag <= 0) { break; } if(i_a_caps == 0) { tsk_strcat_2(&pcfg, " a=%d", (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].tag); } else { tsk_strcat_2(&pcfg, "%s%s%d%s", // e.g. |2 or ,6 or ,[2] (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].or ? "|" : ",", (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].optional ? "[" : "", (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].tag, (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].optional ? "]" : "" ); } // a=acap: if(_sdp_acaps_indexof(&serialized_acaps, (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].tag) == -1) { tsk_sprintf(&acap, "%d %s", (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].tag, (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].value); if(acap) { _sdp_add_headerA(sdp, "acap", acap); TSK_FREE(acap); serialized_acaps[i_serialized_acaps++].tag = (*pcfgs)[i_pcfgs].acaps[i_a_caps].tag; } } } // a=pcfg: if(pcfg) { _sdp_add_headerA(sdp, "pcfg", pcfg); TSK_FREE(pcfg); } } return 0; } static int _sdp_pcfg_ensure(sdp_headerM_Or_Message* sdp, const sdp_pcfg_xt* pcfg) { int32_t i, n; char field[256]; if(!sdp || !pcfg || pcfg->tag <=0) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(TSK_OBJECT_HEADER(sdp)->__def__ == tsdp_header_M_def_t && pcfg->tcap.profile != RTP_PROFILE_NONE) { tsk_strupdate(&((tsdp_header_M_t*)sdp)->proto, _sdp_profile_to_string(pcfg->tcap.profile)); } for(i = 0; i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && pcfg->acaps[i].tag > 0; ++i) { if (sscanf(pcfg->acaps[i].value, "%255s%*s", field) != EOF && (n = (int32_t)tsk_strlen(field)) > 2) { field[n - 2] = '\0'; _sdp_add_headerA(sdp, field, &pcfg->acaps[i].value[n + 1/*SPACE*/]); } } return 0; } static int _sdp_pcfgs_cat(const sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs_src)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX], sdp_pcfg_xt (*pcfgs_dst)[SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX]) { int32_t i, j; if(!pcfgs_src || !pcfgs_dst) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } for(i = 0; i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && (*pcfgs_dst)[i].tag > 0; ++i); j = 0; while (i < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX && j < SDP_CAPS_COUNT_MAX) { if((*pcfgs_src)[j].tag > 0) { (*pcfgs_dst)[i++] = (*pcfgs_src)[j++]; } else { break; } } return 0; } static tsk_object_t* tdav_sdp_caps_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tdav_sdp_caps_t *caps = self; if(caps) { } return self; } static tsk_object_t* tdav_sdp_caps_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { tdav_sdp_caps_t *caps = self; if(caps) { } return self; } static const tsk_object_def_t tdav_sdp_caps_def_s = { sizeof(tdav_sdp_caps_t), tdav_sdp_caps_ctor, tdav_sdp_caps_dtor, tsk_null, }; static tdav_sdp_caps_t* tdav_sdp_caps_create() { return tsk_object_new(&tdav_sdp_caps_def_s); }