/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mamadou Diop. * * Contact: Mamadou Diop * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as publishd by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tsip_dialog_invite.c * @brief SIP dialog INVITE as per RFC 3261. * The SOA machine is designed as per RFC 3264 and draft-ietf-sipping-sip-offeranswer-12. * MMTel services implementation follow 3GPP TS 24.173. * * @author Mamadou Diop * * @date Created: Sat Nov 8 16:54:58 2009 mdiop */ #include "tinysip/dialogs/tsip_dialog_invite.h" #include "tinysip/dialogs/tsip_dialog_invite.common.h" #include "tinysip/transports/tsip_transport_layer.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Allow.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Dummy.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Max_Forwards.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Min_SE.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_RAck.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Require.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_RSeq.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Session_Expires.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Supported.h" #include "tinysdp/parsers/tsdp_parser_message.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" // http://cdnet.stpi.org.tw/techroom/market/_pdf/2009/eetelecomm_09_009_OneVoiceProfile.pdf // 3GPP TS 26.114 (MMTel): Media handling and interaction // 3GPP TS 24.173 (MMTel): Supplementary Services // /* ======================== MMTel Supplementary Services ======================== 3GPP TS 24.607 : Originating Identification Presentation 3GPP TS 24.608 : Terminating Identification Presentation 3GPP TS 24.607 : Originating Identification Restriction 3GPP TS 24.608 : Terminating Identification Restriction 3GPP TS 24.604 : Communication Diversion Unconditional 3GPP TS 24.604 : Communication Diversion on not Logged 3GPP TS 24.604 : Communication Diversion on Busy 3GPP TS 24.604 : Communication Diversion on not Reachable 3GPP TS 24.604 : Communication Diversion on No Reply 3GPP TS 24.611 : Barring of All Incoming Calls 3GPP TS 24.611 : Barring of All Outgoing Calls 3GPP TS 24.611 : Barring of Outgoing International Calls 3GPP TS 24.611 : Barring of Incoming Calls - When Roaming 3GPP TS 24.610 : Communication Hold 3GPP TS 24.606 : Message Waiting Indication 3GPP TS 24.615 : Communication Waiting 3GPP TS 24.605 : Ad-Hoc Multi Party Conference */ /* ======================== internal functions ======================== */ int send_INVITEorUPDATE(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, tsk_bool_t is_INVITE, tsk_bool_t force_sdp); int send_PRACK(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_response_t* r1xx); int send_ACK(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_response_t* r2xxINVITE); int send_RESPONSE(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_request_t* request, short code, const char* phrase, tsk_bool_t force_sdp); int send_ERROR(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, const tsip_request_t* request, short code, const char* phrase, const char* reason); int send_BYE(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); int send_CANCEL(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); int tsip_dialog_invite_OnTerminated(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); /* ======================== external functions ======================== */ extern int tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_cancel(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self); extern int tsip_dialog_invite_qos_timer_cancel(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self); extern int tsip_dialog_invite_qos_timer_schedule(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self); extern int tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_schedule(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, uint64_t timeout); extern int tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_handle(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, const tsip_message_t* message); extern int tsip_dialog_invite_hold_handle(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, const tsip_request_t* rINVITEorUPDATE); /* ======================== transitions ======================== */ static int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oDTMF(va_list *app); static int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oLMessage(va_list *app); static int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iACK(va_list *app); static int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iINVITEorUPDATE(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i1xx(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i401_407_INVITEorUPDATE(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxINVITEorUPDATE(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iPRACK(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iOPTIONS(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_oBYE(va_list *app); /* If not Connected => Cancel will be called instead. See tsip_dialog_hangup() */ int x0000_Any_2_Terminated_X_iBYE(va_list *app); int x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_shutdown(va_list *app); int x9998_Any_2_Any_X_transportError(va_list *app); int x9999_Any_2_Any_X_Error(va_list *app); /* ======================== conds ======================== */ static tsk_bool_t _fsm_cond_is_resp2INVITE(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, tsip_message_t* message) { return TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_TO_INVITE(message); } static tsk_bool_t _fsm_cond_is_resp2UPDATE(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, tsip_message_t* message) { return TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_TO_UPDATE(message); } static tsk_bool_t _fsm_cond_is_resp2BYE(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, tsip_message_t* message) { return TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_TO_BYE(message); } static tsk_bool_t _fsm_cond_is_resp2PRACK(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, tsip_message_t* message) { return TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_TO_PRACK(message); } /* ======================== actions ======================== */ /* #include "tinysip/dialogs/tsip_dialog_invite.common.h" */ /* ======================== states ======================== */ /* #include "tinysip/dialogs/tsip_dialog_invite.common.h" */ /* Client-Side dialog */ extern int tsip_dialog_invite_client_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); /* Server-Side dialog */ extern int tsip_dialog_invite_server_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); /* 3GPP TS 24.610: Communication Hold */ extern int tsip_dialog_invite_hold_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); /* RFC 4028: Session Timers */ extern int tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); /* RFC 3312: Integration of Resource Management and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) */ extern int tsip_dialog_invite_qos_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self); int tsip_dialog_invite_event_callback(const tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, tsip_dialog_event_type_t type, const tsip_message_t *msg) { int ret = -1; switch(type) { case tsip_dialog_i_msg: { if(msg){ if(TSIP_MESSAGE_IS_RESPONSE(msg)){ /* Response */ if(TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_1XX(msg)){ // 100-199 ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_i1xx, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_2XX(msg)){ // 200-299 ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_i2xx, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(msg) == 401 || TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(msg) == 407){ // 401,407 ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_i401_i407, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(msg) == 422){ // 422 ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_i422, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_3456(msg)){ // 300-699 ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_i300_to_i699, msg, tsk_null); } else; // Ignore } else{ /* Request */ if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_INVITE(msg)){ // INVITE ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iINVITE, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_UPDATE(msg)){ // UPDATE ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iUPDATE, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_PRACK(msg)){ // PRACK ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iPRACK, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_ACK(msg)){ // ACK ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iACK, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_OPTIONS(msg)){ // OPTIONS ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iOPTIONS, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_BYE(msg)){ // BYE ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iBYE, msg, tsk_null); } else if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_CANCEL(msg)){ // CANCEL ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_iCANCEL, msg, tsk_null); } } } break; } case tsip_dialog_canceled: { ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_oCANCEL, msg, tsk_null); break; } case tsip_dialog_terminated: case tsip_dialog_timedout: case tsip_dialog_error: case tsip_dialog_transport_error: { ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_transporterror, msg, tsk_null); break; } } return ret; } /**Timer manager callback. * * @param self The owner of the signaled timer. * @param timer_id The identifier of the signaled timer. * * @return Zero if succeed and non-zero error code otherwise. **/ int tsip_dialog_invite_timer_callback(const tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, tsk_timer_id_t timer_id) { int ret = -1; if(self){ if(timer_id == self->stimers.timer.id){ ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_timerRefresh, tsk_null, tsk_null); } else if(timer_id == self->timer100rel.id){ ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_timer100rel, tsk_null, tsk_null); } else if(timer_id == self->qos.timer.id){ ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_timerRSVP, tsk_null, tsk_null); } else if(timer_id == self->timershutdown.id){ ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_shutdown_timedout, tsk_null, tsk_null); } } return ret; } tsip_dialog_invite_t* tsip_dialog_invite_create(const tsip_ssession_handle_t* ss, const char* call_id) { return tsk_object_new(tsip_dialog_invite_def_t, ss, call_id); } int tsip_dialog_invite_init(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self) { /* special cases (fsm) should be tried first */ /* Client-Side dialog */ tsip_dialog_invite_client_init(self); /* Server-Side dialog */ tsip_dialog_invite_server_init(self); /* 3GPP TS 24.610: Communication Hold */ tsip_dialog_invite_hold_init(self); /* RFC 4028: Session Timers */ tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_init(self); /* RFC 3312: Integration of Resource Management and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) */ tsip_dialog_invite_qos_init(self); /* Initialize the state machine (all other cases) */ tsk_fsm_set(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_FSM(self), /*======================= * === Started === */ // Started -> (Any) -> Started TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS_NOTHING(_fsm_state_Started, "tsip_dialog_invite_Started_2_Started_X_any"), /*======================= * === Connected === */ // Connected -> (Send DTMF) -> Connected TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(_fsm_state_Connected, _fsm_action_dtmf_send, _fsm_state_Connected, x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oDTMF, "x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oDTMF"), // Connected -> (Send MSRP message) -> Connected TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(_fsm_state_Connected, _fsm_action_msrp_send_msg, _fsm_state_Connected, x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oLMessage, "x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oLMessage"), // Connected -> (iACK) -> Connected TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(_fsm_state_Connected, _fsm_action_iACK, _fsm_state_Connected, x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iACK, "x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iACK"), // Connected -> (iINVITE) -> Connected TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(_fsm_state_Connected, _fsm_action_iINVITE, _fsm_state_Connected, x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iINVITEorUPDATE, "x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iINVITE"), // Connected -> (iUPDATE) -> Connected TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(_fsm_state_Connected, _fsm_action_iUPDATE, _fsm_state_Connected, x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iINVITEorUPDATE, "x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iUPDATE"), /*======================= * === BYE/SHUTDOWN === */ // Any -> (oBYE) -> Trying TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_oBYE, _fsm_state_Trying, x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_oBYE, "x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_oBYE"), // Any -> (oBYE) -> Terminated TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_iBYE, _fsm_state_Terminated, x0000_Any_2_Terminated_X_iBYE, "x0000_Any_2_Terminated_X_iBYE"), // Trying -> (i2xx BYE) -> Terminated TSK_FSM_ADD(_fsm_state_Trying, _fsm_action_i2xx, _fsm_cond_is_resp2BYE, _fsm_state_Terminated, tsk_null, "x0000_Trying_2_Terminated_X_i2xxBYE"), // Trying -> (i3xx-i6xx BYE) -> Terminated TSK_FSM_ADD(_fsm_state_Trying, _fsm_action_i300_to_i699, _fsm_cond_is_resp2BYE, _fsm_state_Terminated, tsk_null, "x0000_Trying_2_Terminated_X_i2xxTOi6xxBYE"), // Any -> (Shutdown) -> Trying TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_oShutdown, _fsm_state_Trying, x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_shutdown, "x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_shutdown"), // Any -> (shutdown timedout) -> Terminated TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_shutdown_timedout, _fsm_state_Terminated, tsk_null, "tsip_dialog_invite_shutdown_timedout"), /*======================= * === Any === */ // Any -> (i1xx) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_i1xx, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i1xx, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i1xx"), // Any -> (i401/407) // // Any -> (iPRACK) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_iPRACK, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iPRACK, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iPRACK"), // Any -> (iOPTIONS) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_iOPTIONS, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iOPTIONS, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iOPTIONS"), // Any -> (i2xx INVITE) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_i2xx, _fsm_cond_is_resp2INVITE, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxINVITEorUPDATE, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxINVITE"), // Any -> (i2xx UPDATE) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_i2xx, _fsm_cond_is_resp2UPDATE, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxINVITEorUPDATE, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxUPDATE"), // Any -> (i401/407 INVITE) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_i401_i407, _fsm_cond_is_resp2INVITE, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i401_407_INVITEorUPDATE, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i401_407_INVITE"), // Any -> (i401/407 UPDATE) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_i401_i407, _fsm_cond_is_resp2UPDATE, tsk_fsm_state_any, x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i401_407_INVITEorUPDATE, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i401_407_UPDATE"), // Any -> (i2xx PRACK) -> Any TSK_FSM_ADD(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_i2xx, _fsm_cond_is_resp2PRACK, tsk_fsm_state_any, tsk_null, "x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxPRACK"), // FIXME: remove, now we have server // Any -> (transport error) -> Terminated TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_transporterror, _fsm_state_Terminated, x9998_Any_2_Any_X_transportError, "x9998_Any_2_Any_X_transportError"), // Any -> (transport error) -> Terminated TSK_FSM_ADD_ALWAYS(tsk_fsm_state_any, _fsm_action_error, _fsm_state_Terminated, x9999_Any_2_Any_X_Error, "x9999_Any_2_Any_X_Error"), TSK_FSM_ADD_NULL()); /* Sets callback function */ TSIP_DIALOG(self)->callback = TSIP_DIALOG_EVENT_CALLBACK_F(tsip_dialog_invite_event_callback); /* Timers */ self->timer100rel.id = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; self->stimers.timer.id = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; self->timershutdown.id = TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID; self->timershutdown.timeout = TSIP_DIALOG_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT; return 0; } // start sending int tsip_dialog_invite_start(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self) { int ret = -1; if(self && !TSIP_DIALOG(self)->running){ if(!(ret = tsip_dialog_fsm_act(TSIP_DIALOG(self), _fsm_action_oINVITE, tsk_null, tsk_null))){ TSIP_DIALOG(self)->running = tsk_true; } } return ret; } int tsip_dialog_invite_process_ro(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_message_t* message) { tsdp_message_t* sdp_ro = tsk_null; int ret = 0; if(!self || !message){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* Parse SDP content */ if(TSIP_MESSAGE_HAS_CONTENT(message)){ if(tsk_striequals("application/sdp", TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE(message))){ if(!(sdp_ro = tsdp_message_parse(TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_DATA(message), TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_DATA_LENGTH(message)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse remote sdp message"); return -2; } } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("[%s] content-type is not supportted", TSIP_MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE(message)); return -3; } } else{ if(TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_initial && TSIP_REQUEST_IS_INVITE(message)){ /* Bodiless initial INVITE */ TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.type = tmedia_audio; // Default media for initial INVITE to send with the first reliable answer } else{ return 0; } } /* Create session Manager if not already done */ if(!self->msession_mgr){ if(sdp_ro){ TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.type = tmedia_type_from_sdp(sdp_ro); } self->msession_mgr = tmedia_session_mgr_create(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.type, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->network.local_ip, TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_IPV6(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->network.proxy_cscf_type), (sdp_ro == tsk_null)); if(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->natt.ctx){ tmedia_session_mgr_set_natt_ctx(self->msession_mgr, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->natt.ctx, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->network.aor.ip); } } if(sdp_ro){ if((ret = tmedia_session_mgr_set_ro(self->msession_mgr, sdp_ro))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set remote offer"); goto bail; } } /* start session manager */ if(!self->msession_mgr->started && (self->msession_mgr->sdp.lo && self->msession_mgr->sdp.ro)){ /* Set MSRP Callback */ if((self->msession_mgr->type & tmedia_msrp) == tmedia_msrp){ tmedia_session_mgr_set_msrp_cb(self->msession_mgr, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->userdata, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.msrp.callback); } /* starts */ ret = tmedia_session_mgr_start(self->msession_mgr); if(ret == 0 && TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_early){ TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_SIGNAL(self, tsip_m_early_media, TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(message), TSIP_RESPONSE_PHRASE(message), message); } } bail: TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(sdp_ro); return ret; } //-------------------------------------------------------- // == STATE MACHINE BEGIN == //-------------------------------------------------------- int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oDTMF(va_list *app) { int ret; tsip_dialog_invite_t *self; const tsip_action_t* action; self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); va_arg(*app, const tsip_message_t *); action = va_arg(*app, const tsip_action_t *); if(action){ ret = tmedia_session_mgr_send_dtmf(self->msession_mgr, action->dtmf.event); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid action"); } return 0; /* always */ } int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_oLMessage(va_list *app) { int ret; tsip_dialog_invite_t *self; const tsip_action_t* action; self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); va_arg(*app, const tsip_message_t *); action = va_arg(*app, const tsip_action_t *); if(action && action->payload){ ret = tmedia_session_mgr_send_message(self->msession_mgr, action->payload->data, action->payload->size, action->media.params); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid action"); } return 0; } /* Connected -> (iACK) -> Connected */ int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iACK(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_request_t *rACK = va_arg(*app, const tsip_request_t *); int ret; // Nothing to do (in future will be used to ensure the session) /* Process remote offer */ if((ret = tsip_dialog_invite_process_ro(self, rACK))){ /* Send error */ return ret; } /* alert the user */ TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_SIGNAL(self, tsip_i_request, tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming, "Incoming Request.", rACK); return 0; } /* Connected -> (iINVITE or iUPDATE) -> Connected */ int x0000_Connected_2_Connected_X_iINVITEorUPDATE(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_request_t *rINVITEorUPDATE = va_arg(*app, const tsip_request_t *); int ret = 0; /* process remote offer */ if((ret = tsip_dialog_invite_process_ro(self, rINVITEorUPDATE))){ /* Send error */ return ret; } /* Send 200 OK */ ret = send_RESPONSE(self, rINVITEorUPDATE, 200, "OK", (self->msession_mgr && (self->msession_mgr->ro_changed || self->msession_mgr->state_changed))); /* session timers */ if(self->stimers.timer.timeout){ tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_handle(self, rINVITEorUPDATE); } /* hold/resume */ tsip_dialog_invite_hold_handle(self, rINVITEorUPDATE); /* alert the user */ TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_SIGNAL(self, tsip_i_request, tsip_event_code_dialog_request_incoming, "Incoming Request.", rINVITEorUPDATE); return ret; } /* Any -> (iPRACK) -> Any */ int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iPRACK(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_request_t *rPRACK = va_arg(*app, const tsip_request_t *); const tsip_header_RAck_t* RAck; if((RAck = (const tsip_header_RAck_t*)tsip_message_get_header(rPRACK, tsip_htype_RAck))){ if((RAck->seq == self->rseq) && (tsk_striequals(RAck->method, self->last_o1xxrel->CSeq->method)) && (RAck->cseq == self->last_o1xxrel->CSeq->seq)){ ++self->rseq; return send_RESPONSE(self, rPRACK, 200, "OK", tsk_false); } } /* Send 488 */ return send_ERROR(self, self->last_iInvite, 488, "Not Acceptable", "SIP; cause=488; text=\"Failed to match PRACK request\""); } /* Any -> (iOPTIONS) -> Any */ int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_iOPTIONS(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_request_t *rOPTIONS = va_arg(*app, const tsip_request_t *); /* Alert user */ /* Send 2xx */ send_RESPONSE(self, rOPTIONS, 200, "OK", tsk_false); return 0; } /* Any --> (i401/407 INVITE or UPDATE) --> Any */ int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i401_407_INVITEorUPDATE(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_response_t *response = va_arg(*app, const tsip_response_t *); int ret; if((ret = tsip_dialog_update(TSIP_DIALOG(self), response))){ /* Alert the user. */ TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_SIGNAL(self, tsip_ao_request, TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(response), TSIP_RESPONSE_PHRASE(response), response); return ret; } return send_INVITEorUPDATE(self, TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_TO_INVITE(response), tsk_false); } /* Any --> (i2xx INVITE or i2xx UPDATE) --> Any */ int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i2xxINVITEorUPDATE(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_response_t *r2xx = va_arg(*app, const tsip_response_t *); int ret = 0; /* Update the dialog state */ if((ret = tsip_dialog_update(TSIP_DIALOG(self), r2xx))){ return ret; } /* session timers */ if(self->stimers.timer.timeout){ tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_handle(self, r2xx); } /* Process remote offer */ if((ret = tsip_dialog_invite_process_ro(self, r2xx))){ /* Send error */ return ret; } /* send ACK */ if(TSIP_RESPONSE_IS_TO_INVITE(r2xx)){ ret = send_ACK(self, r2xx); } return ret; } /* Any -> (oBYE) -> Trying */ int x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_oBYE(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); /* Alert the user */ TSIP_DIALOG_SIGNAL(self, tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating, "Terminating dialog"); /* send BYE */ return send_BYE(self); } /* Any -> (iBYE) -> Terminated */ int x0000_Any_2_Terminated_X_iBYE(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_request_t *rBYE = va_arg(*app, const tsip_request_t *); /* set last error (or info) */ tsip_dialog_set_lasterror(TSIP_DIALOG(self), "Call Terminated"); /* send 200 OK */ return send_RESPONSE(self, rBYE, 200, "OK", tsk_false); } /* Any -> Shutdown -> Terminated */ int x0000_Any_2_Trying_X_shutdown(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); /* schedule shutdow timeout */ TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_TIMER_SCHEDULE(shutdown); /* alert user */ TSIP_DIALOG_SIGNAL(self, tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating, "Terminating dialog"); if(TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_established){ return send_BYE(self); } else if(TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_early){ return send_CANCEL(self); } return 0; } /* Any -> (i1xx) -> Any */ int x0000_Any_2_Any_X_i1xx(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); const tsip_response_t *r1xx = va_arg(*app, const tsip_response_t *); int ret = 0; /* Update the dialog state */ if((ret = tsip_dialog_update(TSIP_DIALOG(self), r1xx))){ return ret; } /* RFC 3262 - 4 UAC Behavior If a provisional response is received for an initial request, and that response contains a Require header field containing the option tag 100rel, the response is to be sent reliably. If the response is a 100 (Trying) (as opposed to 101 to 199), this option tag MUST be ignored, and the procedures below MUST NOT be used. Assuming the response is to be transmitted reliably, the UAC MUST create a new request with method PRACK. This request is sent within the dialog associated with the provisional response (indeed, the provisional response may have created the dialog). PRACK requests MAY contain bodies, which are interpreted according to their type and disposition. Note that the PRACK is like any other non-INVITE request within a dialog. In particular, a UAC SHOULD NOT retransmit the PRACK request when it receives a retransmission of the provisional response being acknowledged, although doing so does not create a protocol error. */ if((TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(r1xx) >= 101 && TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(r1xx) <=199) && tsip_message_required(r1xx, "100rel")){ /* Process Remote offer */ if((ret = tsip_dialog_invite_process_ro(self, r1xx))){ /* Send Error */ return ret; } if((ret = send_PRACK(self, r1xx))){ return ret; } } /* QoS Reservation */ if((self->qos.timer.id == TSK_INVALID_TIMER_ID) && tsip_message_required(r1xx, "precondition") && !tmedia_session_mgr_canresume(self->msession_mgr)){ tsip_dialog_invite_qos_timer_schedule(self); } /* alert the user */ TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_SIGNAL(self, tsip_ao_request, TSIP_RESPONSE_CODE(r1xx), TSIP_RESPONSE_PHRASE(r1xx), r1xx); return ret; } int x9998_Any_2_Any_X_transportError(va_list *app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = va_arg(*app, tsip_dialog_invite_t *); /* set last error (or info) */ tsip_dialog_set_lasterror(TSIP_DIALOG(self), "Transport error"); return 0; } int x9999_Any_2_Any_X_Error(va_list *app) { return 0; } //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // == STATE MACHINE END == //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // send INVITE/UPDATE request int send_INVITEorUPDATE(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, tsk_bool_t is_INVITE, tsk_bool_t force_sdp) { int ret = -1; tsip_request_t *request = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t bodiless = tsk_false; #if BODILESS_INVITE if(TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_initial){ bodiless = tsk_true; } #endif if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); goto bail; } if((request = tsip_dialog_request_new(TSIP_DIALOG(self), is_INVITE ? "INVITE" : "UPDATE"))){ /* apply action params to the request (will add a content if the action contains one) */ if(TSIP_DIALOG(self)->curr_action){ tsip_dialog_apply_action(request, TSIP_DIALOG(self)->curr_action); } if(!bodiless){ /* add our payload if current action does not have one */ if((force_sdp || is_INVITE) || ((self->msession_mgr && self->msession_mgr->state_changed) || (TSIP_DIALOG(self)->state == tsip_initial))){ if(!TSIP_DIALOG(self)->curr_action || !TSIP_DIALOG(self)->curr_action->payload){ const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo; char* sdp; if((sdp_lo = tmedia_session_mgr_get_lo(self->msession_mgr)) && (sdp = tsdp_message_tostring(sdp_lo))){ tsip_message_add_content(request, "application/sdp", sdp, tsk_strlen(sdp)); TSK_FREE(sdp); } } } } /* Session timers */ if(self->stimers.timer.timeout){ if(self->require.timer){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_SESSION_EXPIRES_VA_ARGS(self->stimers.timer.timeout, tsk_striequals(self->stimers.refresher, "uas")), TSIP_HEADER_REQUIRE_VA_ARGS("timer"), tsk_null ); } else if(self->supported.timer){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_SESSION_EXPIRES_VA_ARGS(self->stimers.timer.timeout, tsk_striequals(self->stimers.refresher, "uas")), TSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED_VA_ARGS("timer"), tsk_null ); } } if(self->stimers.minse){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_MIN_SE_VA_ARGS(self->stimers.minse), tsk_null ); } /* 100rel */ if(self->require._100rel){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_REQUIRE_VA_ARGS("100rel"), tsk_null ); } else if(self->supported._100rel){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED_VA_ARGS("100rel"), tsk_null ); } /* QoS */ if(self->require.precondition){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_REQUIRE_VA_ARGS("precondition"), tsk_null ); } else if(self->supported.precondition){ tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED_VA_ARGS("precondition"), tsk_null ); } /* Always added headers */ // Explicit Communication Transfer (3GPP TS 24.629) /*tsip_message_add_headers(request, TSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED_VA_ARGS("norefersub,replaces"), tsk_null );*/ /* send the request */ ret = tsip_dialog_request_send(TSIP_DIALOG(self), request); if(ret == 0){ /* update last INVITE */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->last_oInvite); self->last_oInvite = request; } else{ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(request); } } bail: return ret; } // Send PRACK int send_PRACK(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_response_t* r1xx) { // "Require: 100rel\r\n" should be checked by the caller of this function int ret = -1; tsip_request_t *request = tsk_null; const tsip_header_RSeq_t* RSeq; if(!self || !r1xx || !r1xx->CSeq){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); goto bail; } /* RFC 3262 - 4 UAC Behavior The UAC MUST maintain a sequence number that indicates the most recently received in-order reliable provisional response for the initial request. */ if((RSeq = (const tsip_header_RSeq_t*)tsip_message_get_header(r1xx, tsip_htype_RSeq))){ /* RFC 3262 - 4 UAC Behavior If the UAC receives another reliable provisional response to the same request, and its RSeq value is not one higher than the value of the sequence number, that response MUST NOT be acknowledged with a PRACK, and MUST NOT be processed further by the UAC. An implementation MAY discard the response, or MAY cache the response in the hopes of receiving the missing responses. */ if(self->rseq && (RSeq->seq <= self->rseq)){ TSK_DEBUG_WARN("1xx.RSeq value is not one higher than lastINVITE.RSeq."); ret = 0; /* Not error */ goto bail; } self->rseq = RSeq->seq; } /* RFC 3262 - 4 UAC Behavior Assuming the response is to be transmitted reliably, the UAC MUST create a new request with method PRACK. */ if(!(request = tsip_dialog_request_new(TSIP_DIALOG(self), "PRACK"))){ goto bail; } /* RFC 3262 - 7.2 RAck The first number is the value from the RSeq header in the provisional response that is being acknowledged. The next number, and the method, are copied from the CSeq in the response that is being acknowledged. The method name in the RAck header is case sensitive. */ TSIP_MESSAGE_ADD_HEADER(request, TSIP_HEADER_RACK_VA_ARGS(self->rseq, r1xx->CSeq->seq, r1xx->CSeq->method)); //TSIP_MESSAGE_ADD_HEADER(request, TSIP_HEADER_DUMMY_VA_ARGS("Test", "value")); /* Initial INVITE was a bodiless request and 100rel is supported (I'm Alice) 1. Alice sends an initial INVITE without offer 2. Bob's answer is sent in the first reliable provisional response, in this case it's a 1xx INVITE response 3. Alice's answer is sent in the PRACK response */ if(self->is_client && (self->last_oInvite && !TSIP_MESSAGE_HAS_CONTENT(self->last_oInvite))){ const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo; char* sdp; if((sdp_lo = tmedia_session_mgr_get_lo(self->msession_mgr)) && (sdp = tsdp_message_tostring(sdp_lo))){ tsip_message_add_content(request, "application/sdp", sdp, tsk_strlen(sdp)); TSK_FREE(sdp); } } // Send request ret = tsip_dialog_request_send(TSIP_DIALOG(self), request); bail: TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(request); return ret; } // Send CANCEL int send_CANCEL(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self) { int ret = -1; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); goto bail; } /* RFC 3261 - 9 Canceling a Request If the request being cancelled contains a Route header field, the CANCEL request MUST include that Route header field's values. ==> up to tsip_dialog_request_new() */ /* RFC 3261 - 9 Canceling a Request Once the CANCEL is constructed, the client SHOULD check whether it has received any response (provisional or final) for the request being cancelled (herein referred to as the "original request"). If no provisional response has been received, the CANCEL request MUST NOT be sent; rather, the client MUST wait for the arrival of a provisional response before sending the request. ==> up to the caller to check that we are not in the initial state and the FSM is in Trying state. */ /* RFC 3261 - 9 Canceling a Request The following procedures are used to construct a CANCEL request. The Request-URI, Call-ID, To, the numeric part of CSeq, and From header fields in the CANCEL request MUST be identical to those in the request being cancelled, including tags. A CANCEL constructed by a client MUST have only a single Via header field value matching the top Via value in the request being cancelled. Using the same values for these header fields allows the CANCEL to be matched with the request it cancels (Section 9.2 indicates how such matching occurs). However, the method part of the CSeq header field MUST have a value of CANCEL. This allows it to be identified and processed as a transaction in its own right (See Section 17) */ if(self->last_oInvite){ /* to avoid concurrent access, take a reference to the request */ tsip_request_t* last_oInvite = tsk_object_ref(self->last_oInvite); tsip_request_t* cancel; if((cancel = tsip_request_create("CANCEL", last_oInvite->line.request.uri))){ const tsk_list_item_t* item; const tsip_header_t* header; tsip_message_add_headers(cancel, TSIP_HEADER_CSEQ_VA_ARGS(last_oInvite->CSeq->seq, "CANCEL"), TSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS_VA_ARGS(TSIP_HEADER_MAX_FORWARDS_DEFAULT), TSIP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH_VA_ARGS(0), tsk_null); cancel->Call_ID = tsk_object_ref(last_oInvite->Call_ID); cancel->To = tsk_object_ref(last_oInvite->To); cancel->From = tsk_object_ref(last_oInvite->From); cancel->firstVia = tsk_object_ref(last_oInvite->firstVia); // Copy Authorizations, Routes and Proxy-Auth tsk_list_foreach(item, last_oInvite->headers){ if(!(header = TSIP_HEADER(item->data))){ continue; } switch(header->type){ case tsip_htype_Route: case tsip_htype_Proxy_Authorization: case tsip_htype_Authorization: header = tsk_object_ref((void*)header); if(!cancel->headers){ cancel->headers = tsk_list_create(); } tsk_list_push_back_data(cancel->headers, (void**)&header); break; } } ret = tsip_dialog_request_send(TSIP_DIALOG(self), cancel); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(cancel); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create CANCEL request"); ret = -2; } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(last_oInvite); return ret; } else{ TSK_DEBUG_WARN("There is no INVITE request to cancel"); return 0; } bail: return ret; } // Send BYE int send_BYE(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self) { int ret = -1; tsip_request_t *bye = tsk_null; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); goto bail; } /* RFC 3261 - 15.1.1 UAC Behavior A BYE request is constructed as would any other request within a dialog, as described in Section 12. Once the BYE is constructed, the UAC core creates a new non-INVITE client transaction, and passes it the BYE request. The UAC MUST consider the session terminated (and therefore stop sending or listening for media) as soon as the BYE request is passed to the client transaction. If the response for the BYE is a 481 (Call/Transaction Does Not Exist) or a 408 (Request Timeout) or no response at all is received for the BYE (that is, a timeout is returned by the client transaction), the UAC MUST consider the session and the dialog terminated. */ if((bye = tsip_dialog_request_new(TSIP_DIALOG(self), "BYE"))){ ret = tsip_dialog_request_send(TSIP_DIALOG(self), bye); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(bye); } bail: return ret; } // Send ACK int send_ACK(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_response_t* r2xxINVITE) { int ret = -1; tsip_request_t *request = tsk_null; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); goto bail; } if((request = tsip_dialog_request_new(TSIP_DIALOG(self), "ACK"))){ /* The initial INVITE sent by us was a bodiless request and we don't support 100rel (We are Alice) 1. Alice sends initial INVITE without offer 2. Bob's offer is sent in the 2xx INVITE response 3. Alice's answer is sent in the ACK request */ if(self->is_client && (self->last_oInvite && !TSIP_MESSAGE_HAS_CONTENT(self->last_oInvite))){ const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo; char* sdp; if((sdp_lo = tmedia_session_mgr_get_lo(self->msession_mgr)) && (sdp = tsdp_message_tostring(sdp_lo))){ tsip_message_add_content(request, "application/sdp", sdp, tsk_strlen(sdp)); TSK_FREE(sdp); } // Start media session if not done if(!self->msession_mgr->started && (self->msession_mgr->sdp.lo && self->msession_mgr->sdp.ro)){ /* Set MSRP Callback */ if((self->msession_mgr->type & tmedia_msrp) == tmedia_msrp){ tmedia_session_mgr_set_msrp_cb(self->msession_mgr, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->userdata, TSIP_DIALOG_GET_SS(self)->media.msrp.callback); } ret = tmedia_session_mgr_start(self->msession_mgr); } } /* RFC 3261 - 2xx Responses The UAC core MUST generate an ACK request for each 2xx received from the transaction layer. The header fields of the ACK are constructed in the same way as for any request sent within a dialog (see Section 12) with the exception of the CSeq and the header fields related to authentication. The sequence number of the CSeq header field MUST be the same as the INVITE being acknowledged, but the CSeq method MUST be ACK. The ACK MUST contain the same credentials as the INVITE. If the 2xx contains an offer (based on the rules above), the ACK MUST carry an answer in its body. If the offer in the 2xx response is not acceptable, the UAC core MUST generate a valid answer in the ACK and then send a BYE immediately. ==> Credentials will be added by tsip_dialog_request_new() because they are associated to the dialog itself. ==> It's up to us to add/update the CSeq number. ==> ACK requests sent here will create new client transactions, which means that they will have there own branches. This is not the case for ACK requests sent from the transaction layer. */ request->CSeq->seq = r2xxINVITE->CSeq->seq; /* As the 2xx has the same CSeq than the INVITE */ /* RFC 3261 - 2xx Responses Once the ACK has been constructed, the procedures of [4] are used to determine the destination address, port and transport. However, the request is passed to the transport layer directly for transmission, rather than a client transaction. This is because the UAC core handles retransmissions of the ACK, not the transaction layer. The ACK MUST be passed to the client transport every time a retransmission of the 2xx final response that triggered the ACK arrives. */ if(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->layer_transport){ ret = tsip_transport_layer_send(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_STACK(self)->layer_transport, tsk_null, request); } else{ ret = -1; TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not Transport layer associated to this stack"); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(request); } bail: return ret; } // Send any response int send_RESPONSE(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self, const tsip_request_t* request, short code, const char* phrase, tsk_bool_t force_sdp) { tsip_response_t *response; int ret = -1; if((response = tsip_dialog_response_new(TSIP_DIALOG(self), code, phrase, request))){ if(TSIP_REQUEST_IS_INVITE(request) || TSIP_REQUEST_IS_UPDATE(request)){ /* Session timers (for 2xx to INVITE or UPDATE) */ if(self->stimers.timer.timeout){ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_SUPPORTED_VA_ARGS("timer"), TSIP_HEADER_SESSION_EXPIRES_VA_ARGS(self->stimers.timer.timeout, tsk_striequals(self->stimers.refresher, "uas")), tsk_null ); } if(self->stimers.minse){ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_MIN_SE_VA_ARGS(self->stimers.minse), tsk_null ); } if(code == 422){ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_DUMMY_VA_ARGS("Reason", "SIP; cause=422; text=\"Session Interval Too Small\""), tsk_null ); } /* 180 Ringing */ /* 183 Session in Progress */ if(code == 180 || code == 183){ if(self->require._100rel){ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_REQUIRE_VA_ARGS("100rel"), TSIP_HEADER_RSEQ_VA_ARGS(self->rseq), tsk_null ); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->last_o1xxrel); self->last_o1xxrel = tsk_object_ref(response); /* No-Initial reliable 1xx will use tsip_dialog_response_send() instead of this function * ==> can reseset timeout value and make initial schedule */ TSIP_DIALOG_TIMER_CANCEL(100rel); self->timer100rel.timeout = tsip_timers_getA(); TSIP_DIALOG_INVITE_TIMER_SCHEDULE(100rel); } } /* Precondition */ if(code == 180 || code == 183){ if(self->require.precondition){ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_REQUIRE_VA_ARGS("precondition"), tsk_null ); } } /* SDP content */ if(self->msession_mgr && force_sdp){ const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo; char* sdp; if((sdp_lo = tmedia_session_mgr_get_lo(self->msession_mgr)) && (sdp = tsdp_message_tostring(sdp_lo))){ tsip_message_add_content(response, "application/sdp", sdp, tsk_strlen(sdp)); TSK_FREE(sdp); } } /* Add Allow header */ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_DUMMY_VA_ARGS("Allow", TSIP_HEADER_ALLOW_DEFAULT), tsk_null ); } ret = tsip_dialog_response_send(TSIP_DIALOG(self), response); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(response); } return ret; } // Send error response int send_ERROR(tsip_dialog_invite_t* self, const tsip_request_t* request, short code, const char* phrase, const char* reason) { tsip_response_t *response; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if((response = tsip_dialog_response_new(TSIP_DIALOG(self), code, phrase, request))){ tsip_message_add_headers(response, TSIP_HEADER_DUMMY_VA_ARGS("Reason", reason), tsk_null ); tsip_dialog_response_send(TSIP_DIALOG(self), response); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(response); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create new message"); } return 0; } // FSM callback to signal that the dialog is in the terminated state int tsip_dialog_invite_OnTerminated(tsip_dialog_invite_t *self) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("=== INVITE Dialog terminated ==="); /* stop session manager */ if(self->msession_mgr && self->msession_mgr->started){ tmedia_session_mgr_stop(self->msession_mgr); } /* alert the user */ TSIP_DIALOG_SIGNAL(self, tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated, TSIP_DIALOG(self)->lasterror ? TSIP_DIALOG(self)->lasterror : "Call Terminated"); /* Remove from the dialog layer. */ return tsip_dialog_remove(TSIP_DIALOG(self)); } //======================================================== // SIP dialog INVITE object definition // static tsk_object_t* tsip_dialog_invite_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *dialog = self; if(dialog){ tsip_ssession_handle_t *ss = va_arg(*app, tsip_ssession_handle_t *); const char* call_id = va_arg(*app, const char *); /* Initialize base class */ tsip_dialog_init(TSIP_DIALOG(self), tsip_dialog_INVITE, call_id, ss, _fsm_state_Started, _fsm_state_Terminated); /* FSM */ TSIP_DIALOG_GET_FSM(dialog)->debug = DEBUG_STATE_MACHINE; tsk_fsm_set_callback_terminated(TSIP_DIALOG_GET_FSM(dialog), TSK_FSM_ONTERMINATED_F(tsip_dialog_invite_OnTerminated), (const void*)dialog); /* Initialize the class itself */ tsip_dialog_invite_init(self); } return self; } static tsk_object_t* tsip_dialog_invite_dtor(tsk_object_t * _self) { tsip_dialog_invite_t *self = _self; if(self){ /* Cancel all timers */ tsip_dialog_invite_stimers_cancel(self); tsip_dialog_invite_qos_timer_cancel(self); TSIP_DIALOG_TIMER_CANCEL(shutdown); TSIP_DIALOG_TIMER_CANCEL(100rel); /* DeInitialize base class */ tsip_dialog_deinit(TSIP_DIALOG(self)); /* DeInitialize self */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->msession_mgr); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->last_oInvite); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->last_iInvite); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(self->last_o1xxrel); TSK_FREE(self->stimers.refresher); //... TSK_DEBUG_INFO("*** INVITE Dialog destroyed ***"); } return self; } static int tsip_dialog_invite_cmp(const tsk_object_t *obj1, const tsk_object_t *obj2) { return tsip_dialog_cmp(obj1, obj2); } static const tsk_object_def_t tsip_dialog_invite_def_s = { sizeof(tsip_dialog_invite_t), tsip_dialog_invite_ctor, tsip_dialog_invite_dtor, tsip_dialog_invite_cmp, }; const tsk_object_def_t *tsip_dialog_invite_def_t = &tsip_dialog_invite_def_s;