Working with Qt Visual Studio 2008 Add-In

After built and configured your Qt 4.5 SDK, you can download and install qt-vs-addin-1.0.0-rc1.exe. This is a productivity tool that already integrated to Visual Studio 2008. Before you start using it, make sure you configure the location of your Qt build.

- Go to Qt menu in VS 2008 then choose Qt Options
- Set the location of your Qt build – directory where you can find bin-include-lib sub folders
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- Test your Qt Designer and Linguist tools for form builder (*.ui) and Localization


Its a common form builder. Qt uses *.ui file to define form. You can add UI handler later in your C++ codes. Enjoy!

- Explore capabilities of Qt as your GUI toolkit from the samples


Hope this helps!


Cheers – RAM

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Published Thursday, April 02, 2009 7:03 PM by Risman Adnan Mattotorang


# re: Working with Qt Visual Studio 2008 Add-In

wakekeke... ada yg mau bikin aplikasi Linux pake Visual Studio...

Friday, April 03, 2009 5:43 PM by zeddy

# re: Working with Qt Visual Studio 2008 Add-In

4RK5cK  <a href=">, [url=]vrhokpqxqlqi[/url], [link=]putnwtdojyfs[/link],

Sunday, May 03, 2009 3:32 AM by xzkivxebljz

# re: Working with Qt Visual Studio 2008 Add-In

dYkWrY  <a href=">, [url=]ieeitwohuzxi[/url], [link=]wblahssqwgiy[/link],

Sunday, May 10, 2009 3:58 PM by wkotzsrbe

# re: Working with Qt Visual Studio 2008 Add-In

J3vvI5  <a href=">, [url=]yxfgjdyjbhyx[/url], [link=]mcwtrkxlshnp[/link],

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 11:15 PM by cyjfhia

# re: Working with Qt Visual Studio 2008 Add-In

InZxoq  <a href=">, [url=]tniwmcewrmyu[/url], [link=]mefuulgzeiaw[/link],

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 12:00 AM by feubcxk