path: root/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/project.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/project.js')
-rw-r--r--links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/project.js202
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/project.js b/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/project.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48d946b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/links/MinGW - Minimalist GNU for Windows Files on SourceForge_net_fichiers/project.js
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+/*jslint browser: true, white: false, onevar: false */
+/*global jQuery,$,window,net */
+jQuery(function(jq) {
+ // Handle hiding/showing maintainers
+ /* #463 - commented out until this bug is fixed
+ jq('#maintainers').truncate( 50, {
+ chars: /\s/,
+ trail: [ " <a href='#' class='truncate_show'>&#187;</a>", " <a href='#' class='truncate_hide'>&#171;</a>" ]
+ });
+ */
+ // Handle hiding/showing maintainers if more than five
+ var moreMaintainers = document.getElementById('moreMaintainers');
+ if (moreMaintainers) {
+ // #337 - IE isn't properly handling jQuery's toggle() method on the
+ // span. Firefox knows that it should be display: inline, but not IE.
+ // So we'll just manually toggle the CSS and call it good.
+ jq(moreMaintainers).css('display','none');
+ var moreLink = jq('<a href="#">&#8230;</a>').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ jq(this).remove();
+ jq(moreMaintainers).css('display','inline');
+ });
+ jq('#maintainers').append(moreLink);
+ }
+ // Handle hiding/showing reviews
+ jq('.review-txt').truncate( 250, {
+ trail: [ " (<a href='#' class='truncate_show'>more</a>&#8230;)", " (&#8230;<a href='#' class='truncate_hide'>less</a>)" ]
+ });
+ jq('#related p').truncate( 100, {
+ chars: /\s/,
+ trail: [ " <a href='#' class='truncate_show'>&#8230;</a>", " <a href='#' class='truncate_hide'>&#171;</a>" ]
+ });
+ // Generic method used by any box that has a filter
+ var filter_change = function(e) {
+ var id =,
+ url =,
+ selector =,
+ params =,
+ selected = jq(id + ' form select option:selected').val(),
+ list = jq(id + ' .list'),
+ indicator = jq(new Image()),
+ reveal = function() {
+ indicator.fadeOut(function() {
+ indicator.remove();
+ list.slideDown('fast');
+ });
+ };
+ indicator.load(function() {
+ jq(this).hide();
+ list.after(this);
+ jq(this).fadeIn();
+ }).attr('src', net.sf.cdn_url + '/img/indicator.gif').css("padding-top","0.8333em");
+ list.slideUp('fast', function() {
+ var suffix = [
+ '?',
+ selected !== 'everything' ? 'filter=' + selected : '',
+ params,
+ selector ? ' ' + selector : ''
+ ],
+ url_suffix = suffix.join('');
+ list.load(url + url_suffix, reveal);
+ });
+ };
+ // Setup the feed filter
+ jq('#feed-filter input[type="submit"]').remove();
+ jq('#feed-filter select').bind('change', { id: '#feed', url: 'feed' }, filter_change);
+ // Setup the review filter
+ jq('#review-filter input[type="submit"]').remove();
+ jq('#review-filter select').bind('change', { id: '#reviews-n-ratings', url: 'project_reviews', params: '&max=3'}, filter_change);
+ // Load the review form, if required
+ if (jq('#review-form').length) {
+ jq('#review-form').reviewform();
+ }
+ // Setup screenshots modal
+ var bf_display = ( $('#screenshots li').length > 5 ) ? true : false ;
+ jq('#screenshots .ad-gallery').adGallery({
+ loader_image: net.sf.cdn_url + '/img/gallery/loader.gif',
+ slideshow: { enable: false },
+ cycle: false,
+ display_back_and_forward: bf_display
+ });
+ // auto-open dialog if the URL contains the hash for a particular screenshot
+ jq('#screenshots').dialog({
+ autoOpen: (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.indexOf('#ad-image') === 0),
+ bgiframe: true,
+ modal: true,
+ width: 634
+ });
+ // Click to open screenshots modal
+ jq('div.b-proj__picrel a').click(function(e){
+ e.preventDefault();
+ jq('#screenshots').dialog('open').parent().css('left', (($(window).width() - $('#doc4').width()) / 2) );
+ });
+ // Hide/show project details
+ function hide_details_fn(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ jq(this).text('Show project details');
+ jq('#project-details').hide();
+ jq.cookie('project_details', null);
+ }
+ function show_details_fn(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ jq(this).text('Hide project details');
+ jq('#project-details').show();
+ jq.cookie('project_details', 'show');
+ }
+ if (!jq.cookie('project_details')) {
+ jq('#project-details').hide().after('<div id="project-reveal"><a href="#more">Show project details</a></div>');
+ } else {
+ jq('#project-details').after('<div id="project-reveal"><a href="#more">Hide project details</a></div>');
+ }
+ jq('#project-reveal a').toggle(show_details_fn, hide_details_fn);
+ // Review pagination
+ function load_more_reviews(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ var link = this,
+ reviews_box = jq(link).parent(),
+ reviews_list = jq('ul.list', reviews_box);
+ jq.get(this.href, {}, function(result) {
+ var new_reviews = jq('.project-review', result),
+ more_reviews = jq('#more-reviews', result);
+ new_reviews.removeClass('first');
+ reviews_list.append(new_reviews);
+ reviews_box.append(more_reviews);
+ jq(link).remove();
+ });
+ }
+ jq('#more-reviews').click(load_more_reviews);
+ // Initialize editing of features and icons
+ if (net.sf.is_admin) {
+ if (jq('ul.features').length) {
+ jq('#edit-features').remove();
+ } else {
+ jq('#edit-features').replaceWith('<ul class="features"></ul>');
+ }
+ jq('.features').listedit({
+ action: 'update',
+ add_value: "Add a new feature",
+ html: [ net.sf.antixsrf ]
+ });
+ var icon_form = jq('#icon-dialog form');
+ icon_form.validate({
+ rules: {
+ icon: {
+ required: true,
+ accept: "png|gif|jpeg|jpg"
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ jq('#icon-dialog').dialog({
+ bgiframe: true,
+ autoOpen: false,
+ modal: true,
+ width: 300,
+ buttons: {
+ 'Save icon': function() {
+ icon_form.submit();
+ },
+ 'Cancel': function() {
+ $(this).dialog('close');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('#edit-icon').click(function(e) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $('#icon-dialog').dialog('open');
+ });
+ }
+ // Load up the full project nav if logged in, per SFPY-223
+ if (jq('#nav-project').children().length === 0) {
+ var nav = jq('#nav-project');
+ nav.load(nav.metadata().url + ' .nav', function() {
+ jq('#nav-project ul.nav > li:last-child').addClass('last');
+ jq('#nav-project ul.nav > li').each(function() {
+ jq('li[class!=disabled]', this).eq(0).addClass('first');
+ });
+ jq('#nav-project ul.nav').addClass('b-hornav').removeClass('nav').droppy({speed: 0, delay: 250});
+ jq('#menu_consume_' +'selected');
+ });
+ }
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