path: root/branches/1.0/bindings/csharp/test/Program.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'branches/1.0/bindings/csharp/test/Program.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 763 deletions
diff --git a/branches/1.0/bindings/csharp/test/Program.cs b/branches/1.0/bindings/csharp/test/Program.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 032852b..0000000
--- a/branches/1.0/bindings/csharp/test/Program.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,763 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading;
-using org.doubango.tinyWRAP;
-namespace test
- class Program
- {
- public const String REALM = "open-ims.test";
- public const String USER = "122";
- public const String PROXY_CSCF_IP = "";
- public const ushort PROXY_CSCF_PORT = 5060;
- public const String PASSWORD = "mamadou";
- public const String SMSC = "123";
- /*
- const String REALM = "";
- const String USER = "2233392625";
- const String PASSWORD = "d3sb7j4fb8";
- const String PROXY_CSCF_IP = "";
- const uint PROXY_CSCF_PORT = 5081;
- */
- static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- Boolean success;
- /* Create callbacks */
- sipCallback = new MySipCallback();
- msrpCallback = new MyMsrpCallback();
- //sipDebugCallback = new MySipDebugCallback();
- /* Create consumers */
- audioConsumer = new MyProxyAudioConsumer();
- videoConsumer = new MyProxyVideoConsumer(tmedia_chroma_t.tmedia_rgb565le);
- /* Create producers */
- audioProducer = new MyProxyAudioProducer();
- videoProducer = new MyProxyVideoProducer(tmedia_chroma_t.tmedia_rgb24);
- /* Create and configure the IMS/LTE stack */
- sipStack = new SipStack(sipCallback, String.Format("sip:{0}", REALM), /*String.Format("{0}@{1}", USER, REALM)*/USER, String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", USER, REALM));
- sipStack.setDebugCallback(sipDebugCallback);
- sipStack.addHeader("Privacy", "header; id");
- sipStack.addHeader("P-Access-Network-Info", "ADSL;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000");
- sipStack.addHeader("User-Agent", "IM-client/OMA1.0 doubango/v1.0.0");
- /* Do it after stack creation */
- ProxyAudioConsumer.registerPlugin();
- ProxyAudioProducer.registerPlugin();
- ProxyVideoProducer.registerPlugin();
- ProxyVideoConsumer.registerPlugin();
- /* Sets Proxy-CSCF */
- success = sipStack.setProxyCSCF(PROXY_CSCF_IP, PROXY_CSCF_PORT, "udp", "ipv4");
- // STUN
- //sipStack.setSTUNServer("", 3478);
- //sipStack.setSTUNCred("login", "password");
- // DNS Discovery
- //sipStack.setDnsDiscovery(true);
- /* Starts the stack */
- success = sipStack.start();
- /* Set Password */
- sipStack.setPassword(PASSWORD);
- /* Early IMS */
- sipStack.setEarlyIMS(true);
- /* AMF and Operator Id */
- sipStack.setAMF("0x00FF");
- sipStack.setOperatorId("0xFF0000000000000000000000000000FF");
- // SigComp
- //sipStack.addSigCompCompartment("urn:uuid:2e5fdc76-00be-4314-8202-1116fa82a876");
- //sipStack.setAoR("", 1234);
- audioConsumer.setActivate(true);
- audioProducer.setActivate(true);
- videoProducer.setActivate(true);
- videoConsumer.setActivate(true);
- /* Send REGISTER */
- regSession = new RegistrationSession(sipStack);
- regSession.addCaps("+g.oma.sip-im");
- regSession.addCaps("+g.3gpp.smsip");
- regSession.addCaps("language", "\"en,fr\"");
- regSession.setExpires(350);
- //regSession.addSigCompCompartment("urn:uuid:2e5fdc76-00be-4314-8202-1116fa82a876");
- regSession.register_();
- Console.ReadLine();
- ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig();
- actionConfig
- .setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp, "file-path", "C:\\Users\\root\\Desktop\\Debian.iso")
- //.setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp, "file-path", "C:\\avatar.png")
- .setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp, "accept-types", "application/octet-stream")
- .setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp, "file-disposition", "attachment")
- .setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp, "file-icon", "")
- .setMediaInt(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp, "chunck-duration", 500);
- MsrpSession msrpSession = new MsrpSession(sipStack, msrpCallback);
- msrpSession.callMsrp(String.Format("sip:johndoe@{0}", REALM), actionConfig);
- actionConfig.Dispose();
- Console.ReadLine();
- msrpSession.hangup();
- Console.ReadLine();
- //RPMessage rpMessage = SMSEncoder.encodeDeliver(25, SMSC, "123456789", "salut comment tu vas?\n hdjdhfjfhfjhr, ");
- //if (rpMessage != null)
- //{
- // uint pay_len = rpMessage.getPayloadLength();
- // if (pay_len > 0)
- // {
- // byte[] pay = new byte[pay_len];
- // rpMessage.getPayload(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- // MessagingSession m = new MessagingSession(sipStack);
- // m.setToUri(String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", SMSC, REALM));
- // m.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.3gpp.sms");
- // m.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
- // m.addHeader("P-Asserted-Identity", String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", USER, REALM));
- // m.send(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- // m.Dispose();
- // }
- // rpMessage.Dispose();
- //}
- //Console.ReadLine();
- //String sipUri = sipStack.dnsENUM("E2U+SIP", "+1-800-555-5555", "");
- //ushort port = 0;
- //String ipAddress = sipStack.dnsNaptrSrv("", "SIP+D2U", out port);
- //String ipAddress = sipStack.dnsSrv("", out port);
- /*ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig();
- actionConfig.setMediaInt(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_audiovideo, "bandwidth-level", (int)tmedia_bandwidth_level_t.tmedia_bl_medium);
- callSession = new CallSession(sipStack);
- callSession.set100rel(true);
- callSession.setSessionTimer(90, "uas");
- callSession.setQoS(tmedia_qos_stype_t.tmedia_qos_stype_segmented, tmedia_qos_strength_t.tmedia_qos_strength_optional);
- callSession.callVideo(String.Format("sip:bob@{0}", REALM), actionConfig);
- actionConfig.Dispose();*/
- //tcb = new TimerCallback(OnTimer);
- //timer = new Timer(tcb, new AutoResetEvent(false), 0, 20);
- //Console.ReadLine();
- //callSession.sendDTMF(1);
- //Console.ReadLine();
- //callSession.sendDTMF(2);
- //Console.ReadLine();
- //callSession.sendDTMF(11);
- //Console.ReadLine();
- ////Console.ReadLine();
- ////callSession.hold();
- ////Console.ReadLine();
- ////callSession.resume();
- //Console.ReadLine();
- //callSession.hangup();
- ////Thread.Sleep(2000);
- /*RPData rpdata = SMSEncoder.encodeSubmit(25, "+33160188661", "+33660188661", "salut");
- if (rpdata != null)
- {
- uint pay_len = rpdata.getPayloadLength();
- if (pay_len > 0)
- {
- byte[] pay = new byte[pay_len];
- rpdata.getPayload(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- MessagingSession m = new MessagingSession(sipStack);
- m.setToUri(String.Format("sip:+33160188661@{0}", REALM));
- m.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.3gpp.sms");
- m.addHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
- m.send(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- m.Dispose();
- }
- rpdata.Dispose();
- }
- Console.ReadLine();*/
- ///* Send SUBSCRIBE(reg) */
- //subSession = new SubscriptionSession(sipStack);
- //subSession.addHeader("Event", "reg");
- //subSession.addHeader("Accept", "application/reginfo+xml");
- //subSession.addHeader("Allow-Events", "refer, presence, presence.winfo, xcap-diff, conference");
- //subSession.setExpires(35);
- ////subSession.Subscribe();
- ///* Send MESSAGE */
- //MessagingSession msg = new MessagingSession(sipStack);
- //byte [] content = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World");
- //msg.setToUri(String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", "alice", REALM));
- //msg.addHeader("NS", "imdn <urn:ietf:params:imdn>");
- //msg.addHeader("imdn.Message-ID", "34jk324j");
- //msg.addHeader("DateTime", "2006-04-04T12:16:49-05:00");
- //msg.addHeader("imdn.Disposition-Notification", "positive-delivery, negative-delivery");
- //msg.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
- ////msg.Send(content, (uint)content.Length);
- ///* Send OPTIONS */
- //OptionsSession opt = new OptionsSession(sipStack);
- //opt.setToUri(String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", "hacking_the_aor", REALM));
- //opt.Send();
- Console.ReadLine();
- sipStack.stop();
- }
- public static void OnTimer(Object stateInfo)
- {
- //byte[] bytesAudio = new byte[320];
- //uint ret = audioConsumer.pull(bytesAudio, (uint)bytesAudio.Length);
- //Console.WriteLine("pull="+ret);
- //int ret2 = audioProducer.push(bytesAudio, (uint)bytesAudio.Length);
- //Console.WriteLine("push=" + ret);
- //byte[] bytesVideo = new byte[176*144*3];
- //int ret3 = videoProducer.push(bytesVideo, (uint)bytesVideo.Length);
- }
- static Timer timer;
- static TimerCallback tcb;
- static CallSession callSession;
- static RegistrationSession regSession;
- static SubscriptionSession subSession;
- public static MyMsrpCallback msrpCallback;
- static MySipCallback sipCallback;
- public static SipStack sipStack;
- static MySipDebugCallback sipDebugCallback;
- static MyProxyAudioConsumer audioConsumer;
- static MyProxyAudioProducer audioProducer;
- static MyProxyVideoProducer videoProducer;
- public static MyProxyVideoConsumer videoConsumer;
- }
- public class MySipDebugCallback : DDebugCallback
- {
- public override int OnDebugInfo(string message)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(".NET____" + message);
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnDebugWarn(string message)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(".NET____" + message);
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnDebugError(string message)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(".NET____" + message);
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnDebugFatal(string message)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(".NET____" + message);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- public class MyProxyAudioConsumer : ProxyAudioConsumer
- {
- public override int prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels)
- {
- return base.prepare(ptime, rate, channels);
- }
- public override int start()
- {
- return base.start();
- }
- public override int pause()
- {
- return base.pause();
- }
- public override int stop()
- {
- return base.stop();
- }
- }
- public class MyProxyAudioProducer : ProxyAudioProducer
- {
- public override int prepare(int ptime, int rate, int channels)
- {
- return base.prepare(ptime, rate, channels);
- }
- public override int start()
- {
- return base.start();
- }
- public override int pause()
- {
- return base.pause();
- }
- public override int stop()
- {
- return base.stop();
- }
- }
- public class MyProxyVideoProducer : ProxyVideoProducer
- {
- public MyProxyVideoProducer(tmedia_chroma_t chroma)
- : base(chroma)
- {
- }
- public override int prepare(int width, int height, int fps)
- {
- return base.prepare(width, height, fps);
- }
- public override int start()
- {
- return base.start();
- }
- public override int pause()
- {
- return base.pause();
- }
- public override int stop()
- {
- return base.stop();
- }
- }
- public class MyProxyVideoConsumer : ProxyVideoConsumer
- {
- public MyProxyVideoConsumer(tmedia_chroma_t chroma)
- : base(chroma)
- {
- }
- public override int prepare(int width, int height, int fps)
- {
- return base.prepare(width, height, fps);
- }
- public override int start()
- {
- Program.videoConsumer.setDisplaySize(352, 288);
- return base.start();
- }
- public override int consume(ProxyVideoFrame frame)
- {
- uint size = frame.getSize(); // for test
- byte[] bytes = new byte[1200];
- uint ret = frame.getContent(bytes, (uint)bytes.Length);
- Program.videoConsumer.setDisplaySize(176, 144);
- return 0;
- }
- public override int pause()
- {
- return base.pause();
- }
- public override int stop()
- {
- return base.stop();
- }
- }
- public class MyMsrpCallback : MsrpCallback
- {
- public override int OnEvent(MsrpEvent e)
- {
- MsrpSession session = e.getSipSession();
- MsrpMessage message = e.getMessage();
- if (session != null && message != null)
- {
- uint id = session.getId();
- //Console.WriteLine("Msrp Event {0} {1}", id, message.getMsrpHeaderValue("Byte-Range"));
- long start, end, total;
- //message.getByteRange(out start, out end, out total);
- //Console.WriteLine("Byte-Range {0}-{1}/{2}", start, end, total);
- //if (message.isRequest())
- // {
- // uint size = message.getMsrpContentLength();
- // byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)size];
- // message.getMsrpContent(bytes, (uint)bytes.Length);
- // }
- if (!message.isRequest() && message.getCode() == 200)
- {
- if (message.isLastChunck())
- {
- session.hangup();
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- }
- public class MySipCallback : SipCallback
- {
- public MySipCallback()
- : base()
- {
- }
- public override int OnRegistrationEvent(RegistrationEvent e)
- {
- short code = e.getCode();
- tsip_register_event_type_t type = e.getType();
- RegistrationSession session = e.getSession();
- SipMessage message = e.getSipMessage();
- if (message != null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("call-id={0}", message.getSipHeaderValue("call-id"));
- //byte[] bytes = message.getContent();
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case tsip_register_event_type_t.tsip_ao_register:
- case tsip_register_event_type_t.tsip_ao_unregister:
- break;
- }
- Console.WriteLine("OnRegistrationChanged() ==> {0}:{1}", code, e.getPhrase());
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnInviteEvent(InviteEvent e)
- {
- tsip_invite_event_type_t type = e.getType();
- InviteSession session = e.getSession();
- SipMessage message = e.getSipMessage();
- switch(type){
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_i_newcall:
- SdpMessage sdp = message.getSdpMessage();
- if (session != null){
- Console.WriteLine("ERRRRRRRRRRRORRRR");
- return 0;
- }
- else{
- switch(e.getMediaType()){
- case twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_audio:
- case twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_video:
- case twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_audiovideo:
- session = e.takeCallSessionOwnership();
- break;
- case twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_msrp:
- if ((session = e.takeMsrpSessionOwnership()) != null){
- (session as MsrpSession).setCallback(Program.msrpCallback);
- }
- break;
- }
- if(session != null){
- ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig();
- session.accept(actionConfig);
- actionConfig.Dispose();
- }
- }
- /*else if ((session = e.takeSessionOwnership()) != null)
- {
- SdpMessage sdp = message.getSdpMessage();
- if (sdp != null)
- {
- String fileSelector = sdp.getSdpHeaderAValue("message", "file-selector");
- Console.WriteLine("file-selector={0}", fileSelector);
- }
- ActionConfig actionConfig = new ActionConfig();
- //actionConfig.setMediaInt(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_audiovideo, "bandwidth-level", (int)tmedia_bandwidth_level_t.tmedia_bl_low);
- actionConfig.setMediaString(twrap_media_type_t.twrap_media_file, "file-path", "C:\\tmp\\myfile");
- session.accept(actionConfig);
- actionConfig.Dispose();
- }*/
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_i_request:
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_ao_request:
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_o_ect_ok:
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_o_ect_nok:
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_i_ect:
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_m_local_hold_ok:
- Console.WriteLine("Local Hold OK");
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_m_local_hold_nok:
- Console.WriteLine("Local Hold NOK");
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_m_local_resume_ok:
- Console.WriteLine("Local Resume OK");
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_m_local_resume_nok:
- Console.WriteLine("Local Resume NOK");
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_m_remote_hold:
- Console.WriteLine("Remote Hold");
- break;
- case tsip_invite_event_type_t.tsip_m_remote_resume:
- Console.WriteLine("Remote Resume");
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnOptionsEvent(OptionsEvent e)
- {
- short code = e.getCode();
- tsip_options_event_type_t type = e.getType();
- OptionsSession session = e.getSession();
- SipMessage message = e.getSipMessage();
- if (message != null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("call-id={0}", message.getSipHeaderValue("call-id"));
- //byte[] bytes = message.getContent();
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case tsip_options_event_type_t.tsip_ao_options:
- String rport = message.getSipHeaderParamValue("v", "rport");
- String received_ip = message.getSipHeaderParamValue("v", "received");
- if (rport == null)
- { /* Ericsson SDS */
- rport = message.getSipHeaderParamValue("v", "received_port_ext");
- }
- Console.WriteLine("Via(rport, received)=({0}, {1})", rport, received_ip);
- break;
- case tsip_options_event_type_t.tsip_i_options:
- break;
- }
- Console.WriteLine("OnRegistrationChanged() ==> {0}:{1}", code, e.getPhrase());
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnMessagingEvent(MessagingEvent e)
- {
- short code = e.getCode();
- tsip_message_event_type_t type = e.getType();
- MessagingSession session = e.getSession();
- SipMessage message = e.getSipMessage();
- if (session == null && message != null)
- { /* "Server-side-session" e.g. Initial MESSAGE/INVITE sent by the remote party */
- session = e.takeSessionOwnership();
- }
- //Console.WriteLine("From:{0} == To:{1}", message.getSipHeaderValue("f"), message.getSipHeaderValue("t"));
- if (message == null)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- switch (type)
- {
- case tsip_message_event_type_t.tsip_i_message:
- byte[] content = message.getSipContent();
- if (content != null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Message Content ==> {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content));
- session.accept();
- String contentType = message.getSipHeaderValue("c");
- if (contentType != null && contentType.Equals("application/vnd.3gpp.sms", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
- {
- SMSData smsData = SMSEncoder.decode(content, (uint)content.Length, false);
- if (smsData != null)
- {
- twrap_sms_type_t smsType = smsData.getType();
- if (smsType == twrap_sms_type_t.twrap_sms_type_rpdata)
- {
- uint payLength = smsData.getPayloadLength();
- String P_Asserted_Identity = message.getSipHeaderValue("P-Asserted-Identity");
- if (payLength > 0)
- {
- /* Send RP-ACK */
- String destination = smsData.getOA();
- RPMessage rpACK = SMSEncoder.encodeACK(smsData.getMR(), Program.SMSC, destination == null ? "123456789" : destination, false);
- if (rpACK != null)
- {
- uint pay_len = rpACK.getPayloadLength();
- if (pay_len > 0)
- {
- byte[] pay = new byte[pay_len];
- rpACK.getPayload(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- //byte[] pay = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\x03\x01\x41\x09\x01\x00\x01\x80\x01\x32\x42\x00\x69");
- MessagingSession m = new MessagingSession(Program.sipStack);
- m.setToUri(String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", Program.SMSC, Program.REALM));
- m.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.3gpp.sms");
- m.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
- m.send(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- m.Dispose();
- }
- rpACK.Dispose();
- }
- /* Print payload */
- byte[] payload = new byte[payLength];
- smsData.getPayload(payload, (uint)payload.Length);
- Console.WriteLine("SMS content ={0} and OA={1}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(payload), smsData.getOA());
- }
- else
- {
- /* Send RP-ERROR */
- /* payload is mandatory in RP-DATA messages */
- /* Send RP-ACK */
- String destination = smsData.getOA();
- RPMessage rpError = SMSEncoder.encodeError(smsData.getMR(), Program.SMSC, destination == null ? "123456789" : destination, false);
- if (rpError != null)
- {
- uint pay_len = rpError.getPayloadLength();
- if (pay_len > 0)
- {
- byte[] pay = new byte[pay_len];
- rpError.getPayload(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- MessagingSession m = new MessagingSession(Program.sipStack);
- m.setToUri(String.Format("sip:{0}@{1}", Program.SMSC, Program.REALM));
- m.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.3gpp.sms");
- m.addHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
- m.send(pay, (uint)pay.Length);
- m.Dispose();
- }
- rpError.Dispose();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- session.reject();
- }
- break;
- case tsip_message_event_type_t.tsip_ao_message:
- break;
- }
- Console.WriteLine("OnMessagingEvent() ==> {0}:{1}", code, e.getPhrase());
- return 0;
- }
- public override int OnSubscriptionEvent(SubscriptionEvent e)
- {
- short code = e.getCode();
- tsip_subscribe_event_type_t type = e.getType();
- SubscriptionSession session = e.getSession();
- SipMessage message = e.getSipMessage();
- switch (type)
- {
- case tsip_subscribe_event_type_t.tsip_ao_subscribe:
- case tsip_subscribe_event_type_t.tsip_ao_unsubscribe:
- break;
- case tsip_subscribe_event_type_t.tsip_i_notify:
- byte[] content = message.getSipContent();
- if (content != null)
- Console.WriteLine("Notify Content ==> {0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content));
- break;
- }
- Console.WriteLine("OnSubscriptioChanged() ==> {0}:{1}", code, e.getPhrase());
- return 0;
- }
- const String PUBLISH_PAYLOAD = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
-"<presence xmlns:cp=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:cipid\" xmlns:caps=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:caps\" xmlns:rpid=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:rpid\" xmlns:pdm=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf:data-model\" xmlns:p=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf-diff\" xmlns:op=\"urn:oma:xml:prs:pidf:oma-pres\" entity=\"\" xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pidf\">" +
- "<pdm:person id=\"RPVRYNJH\">" +
- "<op:overriding-willingness>" +
- "<op:basic>open</op:basic>" +
- "</op:overriding-willingness>" +
- "<rpid:activities>" +
- "<rpid:busy />" +
- "</rpid:activities>" +
- "<rpid:mood>" +
- "<rpid:guilty />" +
- "</rpid:mood>" +
- "<cp:homepage></cp:homepage>" +
- "<pdm:note>Come share with me RCS Experience</pdm:note>" +
- "</pdm:person>" +
- "<pdm:device id=\"d0001\">" +
- "<status>" +
- "<basic>open</basic>" +
- "</status>" +
- "<caps:devcaps>" +
- "<caps:mobility>" +
- "<caps:supported>" +
- "<caps:fixed />" +
- "</caps:supported>" +
- "</caps:mobility>" +
- "</caps:devcaps>" +
- "<op:network-availability>" +
- "<op:network id=\"IMS\">" +
- "<op:active />" +
- "</op:network>" +
- "</op:network-availability>" +
- "<pdm:deviceID>urn:uuid:3ca50bcb-7a67-44f1-afd0-994a55f930f4</pdm:deviceID>" +
- "</pdm:device>" +
- }
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud