{% extends "basebuilddetailpage.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% load humanize %} {% block localbreadcrumb %}
  • Tasks
  • {{task.recipe.name}}_{{task.recipe.version}} {{task.task_name}}
  • {% endblock %} {% block pagedetailinfomain %}
    {# Outcome section #}


    {%if task.task_executed %} {# executed tasks outcome #}
    {% if task.logfile %}
    Log file
    {% if MANAGED %} {{task.logfile}} {% else %} {{task.logfile}} {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {# show stack trace for failed task #} {% if task.outcome == task.OUTCOME_FAILED and log_head %}

    Python stack trace

    {% endif %}
    {% else %} {# not executed tasks outcome #} {% if task.outcome == task.OUTCOME_PREBUILT %} {% if not showing_matches %} Match to tasks in previous builds {% elif matching_tasks %}

    Prebuilt task could be based on

    {% for match in matching_tasks %} {% endfor %}
    Recipe Task Executed Outcome Build completed on
    {{match.recipe.name}} {{match.task_name}} {% if task.get_description %} {% endif %} {{match.get_executed_display}} {{match.get_outcome_display}} {{match.build.completed_on|date:"d/m/y H:i"}}
    {% else %}

    We have found no tasks matching this prebuilt task
    The task you are looking for could belong to a build for which Toaster has no data.

    {% endif %} {% elif task.outcome == task.OUTCOME_COVERED %}
    Task covered by
    {%elif task.outcome == task.OUTCOME_CACHED%}
    Log file
    {% for t in task.get_related_setscene %} {{t.logfile}} {% endfor %}
    {%elif task.outcome == task.OUTCOME_EMPTY%}
    This task is empty because it has the noexec flag set to 1, or the task function is empty
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {# Execution section #} {% if task.task_executed %}

    Executed {% else %}

    Not Executed {% endif %}

    Task inputs signature
    {% if task.sstate_result != task.SSTATE_NA %}
    Attempting to restore output from sstate cache
    File searched for
    URI(s) searched
      {% for uri in uri_list %}
    • {{uri}}
    • {% endfor %}
    {% endif %} {% if task.sstate_result == task.SSTATE_MISS %}
    File not in sstate cache. Running the real task instead.
    {% elif task.sstate_result == task.SSTATE_FAILED%}
    Failed to restore output from sstate cache. The file was found but could not be unpacked.
    Log file
    Time (secs)
    Running the real task instead.
    {% elif task.sstate_result == task.SSTATE_RESTORED %}
    Output successfully restored from sstate cache.
    {% endif %}
    Task order
    {% if task.task_executed %}
    Task script type
    {% endif %}
    Reverse dependencies
    {# Performance section - shown only for executed tasks #} {%if task.elapsed_time or task.cpu_usage or task.disk_io %}


    {% endif %}
    {% if task.elapsed_time %}
    Time (secs)
    {% endif %} {% if task.cpu_usage > 0 %}
    CPU usage
    {% endif %} {% if task.disk_io > 0 %}
    Disk I/O (ms)
    {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}