path: root/drivers/char/kcs/kcsmain.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/char/kcs/kcsmain.c')
1 files changed, 927 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/char/kcs/kcsmain.c b/drivers/char/kcs/kcsmain.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83177f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/char/kcs/kcsmain.c
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+ * KCS Common Driver
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2017 Raptor Engineering, LLC
+ * (C) Copyright 2006-2009, American Megatrends Inc.
+ *
+ * Author : Timothy Pearson <>
+ * Jothiram Selvam <>
+ * Vinay Tandon <>
+ * This driver provides common layer, independent of the hardware, for the KCS driver.
+ */
+// #define DEBUG
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/version.h>
+#include <linux/errno.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
+#include <linux/cdev.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+#include <char/kcs/kcs.h>
+#include <char/kcs/kcsifc.h>
+#include <char/kcs/kcs_ioctl.h>
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define dbgprint(fmt, args...) printk (KERN_INFO fmt, ##args)
+#define dbgprint(fmt, args...)
+#define KCS_MAJOR 42
+#define KCS_MINOR 0
+#define KCS_MAX_CHANNELS 255
+#define KCS_DEV_NAME "kcs"
+#define IS_IBF_SET(STATUS) (0 != ((STATUS) & 0x02))
+#define IS_WRITE_TO_CMD_REG(STATUS) (0 != ((STATUS) & 0x08))
+#define CHK_STATE_IDLE(STATUS) (0 == ((STATUS) & 0xC0))
+unsigned int m_kcs_ch_count = 0;
+int m_dev_id = 1;
+struct kcs_dev
+ KCSBuf_T *pkcs_buf;
+ IPMICmdMsg_T* pipmi_cmd_msg;
+ kcs_driver_operations_t *driver_ops;
+ unsigned char ch_num;
+/* Sysctl Table */
+static struct ctl_table KCS_table [] =
+ {0}
+/* Proc and Sysctl entries */
+static kcs_driver_operations_t *dev_ops = NULL;
+static unsigned char channel_number = 0;
+static struct proc_dir_entry *moduledir = NULL;
+static struct ctl_table_header *my_sys = NULL;
+static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_root_dir = NULL;
+ ** Prototype Declaration **
+ *-----------------------------------------------*/
+static int kcs_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
+static int kcs_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
+static int kcs_ioctl (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+static ssize_t kcs_read (struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offset);
+static ssize_t kcs_write (struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offset);
+static int kcs_clear_sms_bit (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int kcs_set_sms_bit (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int kcs_set_obf_bit (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int kcs_hw_unit_test (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int read_kcs_data (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int write_kcs_data (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int write_kcs_status_data (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg);
+static int kcs_request (struct kcs_dev *pdev, char *pbuf);
+static size_t kcs_write_request (struct kcs_dev *pdev, const char* buf, size_t count);
+static void send_kcs_response (struct kcs_dev *pdev);
+static void kcs_recv_byte (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned char ch_num);
+static void set_kcs_state (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned char ch_num, u8 state_value);
+static void set_obf_status (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned char ch_num);
+extern unsigned int m_kcs_hw_test_enable;
+extern void Kcs_OsInitSleepStruct(Kcs_OsSleepStruct *Sleep);
+extern void Kcs_OsWakeupOnTimeout(Kcs_OsSleepStruct *Sleep);
+extern long Kcs_OsSleepOnTimeout(Kcs_OsSleepStruct *Sleep,u8 *Var,long msecs);
+extern void SleepTimeOut(unsigned long SleepPtr);
+void read_kcs_status(u8 ch_num, u8* status_value);
+void write_kcs_status(u8 ch_num, u8 status_value);
+static struct file_operations kcs_fops = {
+ owner: THIS_MODULE,
+ read: kcs_read,
+ write: kcs_write,
+ ioctl: kcs_ioctl,
+ open: kcs_open,
+ release: kcs_release,
+static struct cdev *kcs_cdev;
+static dev_t kcs_devno = MKDEV(KCS_MAJOR, KCS_MINOR);
+static char banner[] __initdata = KERN_INFO "KCS Common Driver, (c) 2009 American Megatrends Inc.\n";
+static struct kcs_dev *default_pdev = NULL;
+static struct ctl_table_header *
+AddSysctlTable(char *ModuleName,struct ctl_table* ModuleTable)
+ struct ctl_table *root_table;
+ struct ctl_table *module_root_table;
+ struct ctl_table_header *table_header;
+ /* Create the root directory under /proc/sys*/
+ root_table = kmalloc(sizeof(ctl_table)*2,GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!root_table)
+ return NULL;
+ /* Create the module directory under /proc/sys/ractrends*/
+ module_root_table = kmalloc(sizeof(ctl_table)*2,GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!module_root_table)
+ {
+ kfree(root_table);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Fill up root table */
+ memset(root_table,0,sizeof(ctl_table)*2);
+ root_table[1].ctl_name = 0; /* Terminate Structure */
+ root_table[0].ctl_name = CTL_UNNUMBERED;
+ root_table[0].ctl_name = 5000;
+ root_table[0].procname = KCS_PROC_ROOT_DIR;
+ root_table[0].data = NULL;
+ root_table[0].maxlen = 0;
+ root_table[0].mode = 0555; /* _r_xr_xr_x */
+ root_table[0].child = module_root_table;
+ /* Fill up the module root table */
+ memset(module_root_table,0,sizeof(ctl_table)*2);
+ module_root_table[1].ctl_name = 0; /* Terminate Structure */
+ module_root_table[0].ctl_name = CTL_UNNUMBERED; /* What happens when another module registers */
+ module_root_table[0].ctl_name = 1;
+ module_root_table[0].procname = ModuleName;
+ module_root_table[0].data = NULL;
+ module_root_table[0].maxlen = 0;
+ module_root_table[0].mode = 0555; /* _r_xr_xr_x */
+ module_root_table[0].child = ModuleTable;
+ table_header = register_sysctl_table(root_table);
+ table_header = register_sysctl_table(root_table, 1);
+ return table_header;
+static void
+RemoveSysctlTable(struct ctl_table_header *table_header)
+ struct ctl_table *root_table;
+ if (!table_header)
+ return;
+ /* Hack: Get the root_table from table_header : Refer sysctl.c */
+ root_table = table_header->ctl_table;
+ /* unregister the sysctl table from kernel */
+ unregister_sysctl_table(table_header);
+ if (!root_table)
+ return;
+ /* free module root table */
+ if (root_table->child)
+ kfree(root_table->child);
+ /* free the root table */
+ kfree(root_table);
+ return;
+void kcs_exit(void)
+ dev_ops = NULL;
+ unregister_chrdev_region (kcs_devno, KCS_MAX_CHANNELS);
+ if (NULL != kcs_cdev)
+ {
+ dbgprint ("kcs char device del\n");
+ cdev_del (kcs_cdev);
+ }
+ RemoveSysctlTable(my_sys);
+ remove_proc_entry("kcs", proc_root_dir);
+ printk("KCS Common module unloaded successfully\n");
+ return;
+static int
+kcs_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ unsigned int minor = iminor(inode);
+ struct kcs_dev* pdev;
+ KCSBuf_T* pKCSBuffer;
+ pdev = (struct kcs_dev*) kmalloc (sizeof(struct kcs_dev), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!pdev)
+ {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "%s: failed to allocate kcs private dev structure for kcs iminor: %d\n", KCS_DEV_NAME, minor);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ pdev->pkcs_buf = (KCSBuf_T*) kmalloc (sizeof(KCSBuf_T), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!pdev->pkcs_buf)
+ {
+ kfree (pdev);
+ printk (KERN_ERR "%s: failed to allocate kcs pkcs buffer structure for kcs iminor: %d\n", KCS_DEV_NAME, minor);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ pdev->pipmi_cmd_msg = (IPMICmdMsg_T*) vmalloc (sizeof(IPMICmdMsg_T));
+ if (!pdev->pipmi_cmd_msg)
+ {
+ kfree (pdev);
+ kfree (pdev->pkcs_buf);
+ printk (KERN_ERR "%s: failed to allocate kcs ipmi command buffer structure for kcs iminor: %d\n", KCS_DEV_NAME, minor);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ dbgprint ("kcs_buf addr : %p\n", &pdev->pkcs_buf);
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->pKCSRcvPkt = pdev->pipmi_cmd_msg->Request;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->KcsWakeup = 0;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->TxReady = 0;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->KcsIFActive = 0;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->KcsWtIFActive = 0;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->FirstTime = 1;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->KcsResFirstTime = 1;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->KcsINuse = 0;
+ pdev->pkcs_buf->PrevCmdAborted = 0;
+ pdev->driver_ops = dev_ops;
+ pKCSBuffer = pdev->pkcs_buf;
+ dbgprint ("%d, kcs_open bufffer addr : %p\n", minor, pKCSBuffer);
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx = 0;
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx = 0;
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktLen = 0;
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSPhase = KCS_PHASE_IDLE;
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsINuse = 1;
+ pdev->ch_num = channel_number;
+ dbgprint ("%d, kcs_open ch num : %d\n", minor, pdev->ch_num);
+ file->private_data = pdev;
+ default_pdev = pdev;
+ pdev->driver_ops->kcs_interrupt_enable_user();
+ dbgprint ("%d, kcs_open priv data addr : %p\n", minor, &file->private_data);
+ return nonseekable_open (inode, file);
+static int
+kcs_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+ struct kcs_dev *pdev = (struct kcs_dev*) file->private_data;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ KCSBuf_T *pKCSBuffer = pdev->pkcs_buf;
+ pdev->driver_ops->kcs_interrupt_disable_user();
+ dbgprint ("%d, ch: %d kcs_release priv data addr : %p\n", iminor(inode), pdev->ch_num, pdev);
+ dbgprint ("%d, kcs_release kcs_buf addr : %p\n", iminor(inode), pKCSBuffer);
+ vfree (pdev->pipmi_cmd_msg);
+ kfree (pdev->pkcs_buf);
+ kfree (pdev);
+ default_pdev = NULL;
+ return 0;
+static int
+kcs_ioctl (struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct kcs_dev *pdev = (struct kcs_dev*) file->private_data;
+ switch(cmd)
+ {
+ case SET_SMS_BIT:
+ ret = kcs_set_sms_bit (pdev, arg);
+ break;
+ ret = kcs_clear_sms_bit (pdev, arg);
+ break;
+ pdev->driver_ops->enable_kcs_interrupt();
+ pdev->driver_ops->disable_kcs_interrupt();
+ break;
+ ret = kcs_hw_unit_test ( pdev, arg );
+ ret = read_kcs_data ( pdev, arg );
+ break;
+ ret = write_kcs_data ( pdev, arg );
+ break;
+ case SET_OBF_BIT:
+ ret = kcs_set_obf_bit (pdev, arg);
+ break;
+ case KCS_ENABLE:
+ pdev->driver_ops->kcs_interrupt_enable_user();
+ break;
+ pdev->driver_ops->kcs_interrupt_disable_user();
+ break;
+ ret=write_kcs_status_data(pdev, arg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dbgprint ("invalid ioctl command in <%s> char device\n", KCS_DEV_NAME);
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+kcs_set_sms_bit (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ u8 status = 0;
+ kcs_data_t kcs_data;
+ if (copy_from_user (&kcs_data, (void*)arg, sizeof(kcs_data_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kcs_data.kcsifcnum, &status);
+ if (IS_IBF_SET(status))
+ kcs_recv_byte (pdev, 1);
+ status = status | 0x04;
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status (kcs_data.kcsifcnum, status);
+ return 0;
+kcs_clear_sms_bit (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ u8 status = 0;
+ kcs_data_t kcs_data;
+ if ( copy_from_user(&kcs_data, (void*)arg, sizeof(kcs_data_t)) )
+ return -EFAULT;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kcs_data.kcsifcnum, &status);
+ if (IS_IBF_SET(status))
+ kcs_recv_byte (pdev, 1);
+ status = status & ~0x04;
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status (kcs_data.kcsifcnum, status);
+ return 0;
+kcs_set_obf_bit (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ u8 status = 0;
+ kcs_data_t kcs_data;
+ if ( copy_from_user(&kcs_data, (void*)arg, sizeof(kcs_data_t)) )
+ return -EFAULT;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kcs_data.kcsifcnum, &status);
+ if (CHK_STATE_IDLE(status))
+ {
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out(kcs_data.kcsifcnum, status);
+ }
+ return 0;
+kcs_hw_unit_test (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ u8 data_packet;
+ u8 status_reg;
+ int i = 0;
+ unsigned int channel_num;
+ pdev->driver_ops->disable_kcs_interrupt();
+ channel_num = (unsigned int) arg;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status(channel_num, &status_reg);
+ for (i=0; i<10; i++)
+ {
+ printk("\tTest Run %d\n", i);
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status(channel_num, &status_reg);
+ while (0 == (status_reg & 0x02))
+ {
+ schedule_timeout_interruptible ( 100 );
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status(channel_num, &status_reg);
+ }
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (channel_num, &data_packet);
+ printk("\t\tHost Data = %d\n", data_packet);
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (channel_num, data_packet);
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status(channel_num, &status_reg);
+ if ( 0 != (status_reg & 0x02))
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status(channel_num, (status_reg | (0x02)));
+ schedule_timeout_interruptible ( 100 );
+ }
+ pdev->driver_ops->enable_kcs_interrupt();
+ return 0;
+read_kcs_data (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ unsigned char status_reg;
+ struct kcs_data_t kdata;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (copy_from_user (&kdata, (void*) arg, sizeof(struct kcs_data_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ for (i=0; i < kdata.num_bytes; i++)
+ {
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kdata.channel_num, &status_reg);
+ while ( 0 == (status_reg & 0x02) )
+ {
+ schedule_timeout_interruptible ( 100 );
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kdata.channel_num, &status_reg);
+ }
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (kdata.channel_num, &(kdata.buffer[i]));
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kdata.channel_num, &status_reg);
+ if (status_reg & 0x02)
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status (kdata.channel_num, status_reg | 0x02 );
+ }
+ if (copy_to_user ((void*) arg, &kdata, sizeof(struct kcs_data_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return 0;
+write_kcs_data (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ unsigned char status_reg;
+ struct kcs_data_t kdata;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (copy_from_user (&kdata, (void*) arg, sizeof(struct kcs_data_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ for (i=0; i < kdata.num_bytes; i++)
+ {
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (kdata.channel_num, kdata.buffer[i]);
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kdata.channel_num, &status_reg);
+ while ( 0 == (status_reg & 0x01) )
+ {
+ schedule_timeout_interruptible ( 100 );
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kdata.channel_num, &status_reg);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+write_kcs_status_data (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned long arg)
+ u8 status_reg = 0;
+ struct kcs_status_data_t kstatusdata;
+ if (copy_from_user (&kstatusdata, (void*) arg, sizeof(struct kcs_status_data_t)))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (kstatusdata.channel_num, &status_reg);
+ status_reg = status_reg & 0x3F;
+ kstatusdata.status = kstatusdata.status << 6;
+ status_reg = status_reg | kstatusdata.status;
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status (kstatusdata.channel_num, status_reg);
+ return 0;
+static ssize_t
+kcs_read (struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+ struct kcs_dev *pdev = (struct kcs_dev*) file->private_data;
+ dbgprint ("kcs_read: ch num: %d, priv data addr : %p\n", pdev->ch_num, file->private_data);
+ return kcs_request (pdev, buf);
+kcs_request (struct kcs_dev *pdev, char *pbuf)
+ KCSBuf_T *pKCSBuffer = pdev->pkcs_buf;
+ dbgprint ("kcs_request ch num: %d, kcs_buf addr : %p\n", pdev->ch_num, pKCSBuffer);
+ /* Initialize Sleep Structure for the First Time */
+ if (pKCSBuffer->FirstTime)
+ {
+ Kcs_OsInitSleepStruct(&(pKCSBuffer->KcsReqWait));
+ pKCSBuffer->FirstTime = 0;
+ }
+ dbgprint ("sleeping in kcs_request for ch num: %d\n", pdev->ch_num);
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsIFActive = 1;
+ Kcs_OsSleepOnTimeout(&(pKCSBuffer->KcsReqWait),&(pKCSBuffer->KcsWakeup),0);
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsWakeup = 0;
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsIFActive = 0;
+ dbgprint ("out of sleep in kcs_request for ch num: %d\n", pdev->ch_num);
+ if (__copy_to_user( (void *)pbuf, (void *)pKCSBuffer->pKCSRcvPkt, pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx ))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ return pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx;
+static ssize_t
+kcs_write (struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t count, loff_t *offset)
+ struct kcs_dev *pdev = (struct kcs_dev*) file->private_data;
+ dbgprint ("kcs_write: ch num: %d, priv data addr : %p\n", pdev->ch_num, file->private_data);
+ return kcs_write_request (pdev, buf, count);
+kcs_write_request (struct kcs_dev *pdev, const char* buf, size_t count)
+ IPMICmdMsg_T *pKCSCmdMsg = pdev->pipmi_cmd_msg;
+ KCSBuf_T *pKCSBuffer = pdev->pkcs_buf;
+ dbgprint ("kcs_write_request ch num: %d, kcs_buf addr : %p\n", pdev->ch_num, pKCSBuffer);
+ /* Copy from user data area to kernel data area*/
+ if (__copy_from_user((void *)(pKCSCmdMsg->Response),(void *)buf,count))
+ return -EFAULT;
+ pKCSCmdMsg->ResponseSize = count;
+ /* Send the response to KCS Channel */
+ send_kcs_response (pdev);
+ /* Initialize Sleep Structure for the First Time */
+ if (pKCSBuffer->KcsResFirstTime)
+ {
+ Kcs_OsInitSleepStruct(&(pKCSBuffer->KcsResWait));
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsResFirstTime = 0;
+ }
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsWtIFActive = 1;
+ pKCSBuffer->TxReady = 0;
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsWtIFActive = 0;
+ return count;
+ * @brief Prepare KCS buffer and send it on given channel.
+ * @param ChannelNum - KCS channel number.
+ * @param MsgPkt - Response message packet.
+ **/
+send_kcs_response (struct kcs_dev *pdev)
+ IPMICmdMsg_T *pKCSCmdMsg = pdev->pipmi_cmd_msg;
+ KCSBuf_T *pKCSBuffer = pdev->pkcs_buf;
+ dbgprint ("send_kcs_response ch num: %d, kcs_buf addr : %p pKCSBuffer->PrevCmdAborted: %d\n", pdev->ch_num, pKCSBuffer, pKCSBuffer->PrevCmdAborted);
+ /* If we are responding to an aborted request skip sending data */
+ if (pKCSBuffer->PrevCmdAborted)
+ {
+ pKCSBuffer->PrevCmdAborted = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Update the send buffer and associated indexes */
+ pKCSBuffer->pKCSSendPkt = pKCSCmdMsg->Response;
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktLen = pKCSCmdMsg->ResponseSize;
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx = 0;
+ /* Send the first byte */
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx++;
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (pdev->ch_num, pKCSBuffer->pKCSSendPkt[0]);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, pdev->ch_num);
+ /* From now onwards the data is sent from the IBF Interrupt handler */
+ return;
+static void
+set_kcs_state (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned char ch_num, u8 state_value)
+ u8 status_val = 0;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (ch_num, &status_val);
+ status_val = ((status_val & (~0xC0)) | (state_value));
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status (ch_num, status_val);
+static void
+set_obf_status (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned char ch_num)
+ u8 status_val = 0;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (ch_num, &status_val);
+ status_val = status_val | 0x01 ;
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_status (ch_num, status_val);
+process_kcs_intr (unsigned char ch_num)
+ if (default_pdev) {
+ dbgprint ("process_kcs_intr: ch_num: %d, pdev is : %p\n", ch_num, default_pdev);
+ kcs_recv_byte (default_pdev, ch_num);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ return -ENXIO;
+ }
+kcs_recv_byte (struct kcs_dev *pdev, unsigned char ch_num)
+ u8 Status;
+ u8 DummyByte=0;
+ int i;
+ u8 Cmd;
+ u8 b;
+ KCSBuf_T *pKCSBuffer = pdev->pkcs_buf;
+ dbgprint ("kcs_recv_byte: ch_num: %d, kcs_buf is : %p\n", ch_num, pKCSBuffer);
+ Status = 0;
+ /* Read the Present Status of KCS Port */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_status (ch_num, &Status);
+ dbgprint ("KCS status reg = %x\n", Status);
+ /* If write to command register */
+ if (IS_WRITE_TO_CMD_REG(Status))
+ {
+ dbgprint ("WRITE_TO_CMD reg\n");
+ Cmd = 0;
+ /* Set the status to WRITE_STATE */
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_WRITE_STATE);
+ /* Read the command */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_command (ch_num, &Cmd);
+ switch (Cmd)
+ {
+ dbgprint ("KCS_WRITE_START\n");
+ /* Set the Index to 0 */
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx = 0;
+ /* Set the phase to WRITE */
+ break;
+ case KCS_WRITE_END :
+ dbgprint ("KCS_WRITE_END\n");
+ /* Set the phase to write end */
+ break;
+ case KCS_ABORT :
+ dbgprint ("KCS_ABORT\n");
+ if (!pKCSBuffer->KcsIFActive)
+ {
+ /* Set flag to avoid sending response*/
+ pKCSBuffer->PrevCmdAborted = 1;
+ }
+ /* Set the error code */
+ if (KCS_NO_ERROR == pKCSBuffer->KCSError)
+ {
+ }
+ /* Set the phase to write end */
+ /* Set the abort phase to be error1 */
+ pKCSBuffer->AbortPhase = ABORT_PHASE_ERROR1;
+ /* Send the dummy byte */
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, 0);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ break;
+ default :
+ dbgprint ("wrong value in CMD reg\n");
+ /* Set the error code */
+ /* Invalid command code - Set an error state */
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_ERROR_STATE);
+ /* Set the phase to error phase */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (pKCSBuffer->KCSPhase)
+ {
+ dbgprint ("KCS_PHASE_WRITE\n");
+ /* Set the state to write state */
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_WRITE_STATE);
+ /* Read the BYTE from the data register */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (ch_num, &(pKCSBuffer->pKCSRcvPkt [pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx]));
+ if (pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx < MAX_KCS_PKT_LEN)
+ {
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx++;
+ }
+ break;
+ dbgprint ("KCS_PHASE_WRITE_END\n");
+ /* Set the state to READ_STATE */
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_READ_STATE);
+ /* Read the BYTE from the data register */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (ch_num, &(pKCSBuffer->pKCSRcvPkt [pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx]));
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx++;
+ //SA lets print all data received from SMS
+ dbgprint ("Total bytes received 0x%x\n", pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx );
+ for(i=0;i < pKCSBuffer->KCSRcvPktIx ; i++)
+ {
+ dbgprint("0x%x ", pKCSBuffer->pKCSRcvPkt [i]);
+ }
+ dbgprint ("\npKCSBuffer->KcsIFActive:%x\n",pKCSBuffer->KcsIFActive);
+ /* Signal receive data ready */
+ /* Move to READ Phase */
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSPhase = KCS_PHASE_READ;
+ /* SA Wakeup KcsRequest to notify Request Packet is ready*/
+ /* Wakeup only if KCS device is opened and is being used */
+ if ( pKCSBuffer->KcsINuse)
+ pKCSBuffer->KcsWakeup = 1;
+ if (pKCSBuffer->KcsIFActive)
+ {
+ dbgprint ("Request received successfully\n");
+ Kcs_OsWakeupOnTimeout(&(pKCSBuffer->KcsReqWait));
+ }
+ //else some error...
+ break;
+ dbgprint ("KCS_PHASE_READ\n");
+ /* If we have reached the end of the packet move to idle state */
+ if (pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx == pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktLen)
+ {
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_IDLE_STATE);
+ }
+ /* Read the byte returned by the SMS */
+ {
+ b = 0;
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (ch_num, &b);
+ //SA Need to clear IBF
+ //sa_0111 clear_IBF_status(ch_num);
+ if (b != KCS_READ)
+ {
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_ERROR_STATE);
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, 0);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we are finished transmitting, send the dummy byte */
+ if (pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx == pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktLen)
+ {
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSPhase = KCS_PHASE_IDLE;
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, 0);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ /* Set Transmission Complete */
+ pKCSBuffer->TxReady = 1;
+ /* Wakeup Sleeping Process */
+ //if(pKCSBuffer->KcsWtIFActive)
+ // Kcs_OsWakeupOnTimeout(&(pKCSBuffer->KcsResWait));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Transmit the next byte from the send buffer */
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, pKCSBuffer->pKCSSendPkt [pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx]);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSSendPktIx++;
+ break;
+ dbgprint ("KCS_PHASE_ABORT\n");
+ switch (pKCSBuffer->AbortPhase)
+ {
+ /* Set the KCS State to READ_STATE */
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_READ_STATE);
+ /* Read the Dummy byte */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (ch_num, &DummyByte);
+ //SA Need to clear IBF
+ //sa_0111 clear_IBF_status(ch_num);
+ /* Write the error code to Data out register */
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, pKCSBuffer->KCSError);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ /* Set the abort phase to be error2 */
+ pKCSBuffer->AbortPhase = ABORT_PHASE_ERROR2;
+ break;
+ /**
+ * The system software has read the error code. Go to idle
+ * state.
+ **/
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_IDLE_STATE);
+ /* Read the Dummy byte */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (ch_num, &DummyByte);
+ pKCSBuffer->KCSPhase = KCS_PHASE_IDLE;
+ pKCSBuffer->AbortPhase = 0;
+ /* Send the dummy byte */
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, 0);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ dbgprint ("incorrect Phase value\n");
+ /* Read the Dummy byte */
+ pdev->driver_ops->read_kcs_data_in (ch_num, &DummyByte);
+ set_kcs_state (pdev, ch_num, KCS_ERROR_STATE);
+ pdev->driver_ops->write_kcs_data_out (ch_num, 0);
+ //SA Set OBF Byte
+ set_obf_status (pdev, ch_num);
+ }
+ }
+/* ----- Driver registration ---------------------------------------------- */
+int kcs_init (kcs_driver_operations_t *devops, unsigned char ch_num, struct module* owner)
+ int ret = 0;
+ printk (banner);
+ if ((ret = register_chrdev_region (kcs_devno, KCS_MAX_CHANNELS, KCS_DEV_NAME)) < 0)
+ {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "failed to register kcs device <%s> (err: %d)\n", KCS_DEV_NAME, ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ kcs_cdev = cdev_alloc ();
+ if (!kcs_cdev)
+ {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "%s: failed to allocate kcs cdev structure\n", KCS_DEV_NAME);
+ unregister_chrdev_region (kcs_devno, KCS_MAX_CHANNELS);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cdev_init (kcs_cdev, &kcs_fops);
+ kcs_cdev->owner = owner;
+ if ((ret = cdev_add (kcs_cdev, kcs_devno, KCS_MAX_CHANNELS)) < 0)
+ {
+ printk (KERN_ERR "failed to add <%s> char device\n", KCS_DEV_NAME);
+ cdev_del (kcs_cdev);
+ unregister_chrdev_region (kcs_devno, KCS_MAX_CHANNELS);
+ ret = -ENODEV;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ dev_ops = devops;
+ channel_number = ch_num;
+ proc_root_dir = proc_mkdir(KCS_PROC_ROOT_DIR, NULL);
+ moduledir = proc_mkdir("kcs", proc_root_dir);
+ my_sys = AddSysctlTable("kcs", &KCS_table[0]);
+ return 0;
OpenPOWER on IntegriCloud