/* * authspeed - figure out how long it takes to do an NTP encryption */ #if defined(SYS_HPUX) || defined(SYS_AUX3) || defined(SYS_AUX2) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(SYS_SVR4) || defined(SYS_PTX) || defined(SYS_UNIXWARE1) #define FAKE_RUSAGE #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef FAKE_RUSAGE #include #include #endif #include "ntp_fp.h" #include "ntp_stdlib.h" #define STREQ(a, b) (*(a) == *(b) && strcmp((a), (b)) == 0) #define DEFLOOPS -1 #define DEFDELAYLOOPS 20000 #define DEFCOSTLOOPS 2000 char *progname; int debug; struct timeval tstart, tend; #ifdef FAKE_RUSAGE struct tms rstart, rend; #define getrusage(foo, t) times(t) #define RUSAGE_SELF 0 #else struct rusage rstart, rend; #endif l_fp dummy1, dummy2; u_long dummy3; U_LONG pkt[15]; int totalcost = 0; double rtime; double vtime; int domd5 = 0; static void dodelay P((int)); static void docheap P((int)); static void docost P((int)); static void subtime P((struct timeval *, struct timeval *, double *)); /* * main - parse arguments and handle options */ void main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int c; int loops; int i; int errflg = 0; extern int ntp_optind; extern char *ntp_optarg; progname = argv[0]; loops = DEFLOOPS; while ((c = ntp_getopt(argc, argv, "cdmn:")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'c': totalcost++; break; case 'd': ++debug; break; case 'm': domd5 = 16; /* offset into list of keys */ break; case 'n': loops = atoi(ntp_optarg); if (loops <= 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s is unlikely to be a useful number of loops\n", progname, ntp_optarg); errflg++; } break; default: errflg++; break; } if (errflg || ntp_optind == argc) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-d] [-n loops] [ -c ] auth.samplekeys\n", progname); exit(2); } printf("Compute timing for "); if (domd5) printf("MD5"); else printf("DES"); printf(" based authentication.\n"); init_auth(); authreadkeys(argv[ntp_optind]); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (!auth_havekey(i + domd5)) { errflg++; (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: key %d missing\n", progname, i + domd5); } } if (errflg) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: check syslog for errors, or use file with complete set of keys\n", progname); exit(1); } if (loops == DEFLOOPS) { if (totalcost) loops = DEFCOSTLOOPS; else loops = DEFDELAYLOOPS; } dummy1.l_ui = 0x80808080; dummy1.l_uf = 0xffffff00; dummy3 = 0x0aaaaaaa; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) pkt[i] = i * 0x22222; if (totalcost) { if (totalcost > 1) docheap(loops); else docost(loops); } else { dodelay(loops); } printf("total real time: %.3f\n", rtime); printf("total CPU time: %.3f\n", vtime); if (totalcost) { printf("real cost (in seconds): %.6f\n", rtime/(double)loops); printf("CPU cost (in seconds): %.6f\n", vtime/(double)loops); printf("\nThis includes the cost of a decryption plus the\n"); printf("the cost of an encryption, i.e. the cost to process\n"); printf("a single authenticated packet.\n"); } else { printf("authdelay in the configuration file\n"); printf("real authentication delay: %.6f\n", rtime/(double)loops); printf("authentication delay in CPU time: %.6f\n", vtime/(double)loops); printf("\nThe CPU delay is probably the best bet for\n"); printf("authdelay in the configuration file\n"); } exit(0); } /* * dodelay - do the delay measurement */ static void dodelay(loops) int loops; { double vtime1, rtime1, vtime2, rtime2; register int loopcount; /* * If we're attempting to compute the cost of an auth2crypt() * for first compute the total cost, then compute the * cost of only doing the first step, auth1crypt(). What * remains is the cost of auth2crypt. */ loopcount = loops; (void) gettimeofday(&tstart, (struct timezone *)0); (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rstart); while (loopcount-- > 0) { auth1crypt((loops & 0xf) + domd5, pkt, 48); L_ADDUF(&dummy1, dummy3); auth2crypt((loops & 0xf) + domd5, pkt, 48); } (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rend); (void) gettimeofday(&tend, (struct timezone *)0); subtime(&tstart, &tend, &rtime1); #ifdef FAKE_RUSAGE vtime1 = (rend.tms_utime - rstart.tms_utime) * 1.0 / HZ; #else subtime(&rstart.ru_utime, &rend.ru_utime, &vtime1); #endif printf("Time for full encryptions is %f rusage %f real\n", vtime1, rtime1); loopcount = loops; (void) gettimeofday(&tstart, (struct timezone *)0); (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rstart); while (loopcount-- > 0) { auth1crypt((loops & 0xf) + domd5, pkt, 48); } (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rend); (void) gettimeofday(&tend, (struct timezone *)0); subtime(&tstart, &tend, &rtime2); #ifdef FAKE_RUSAGE vtime2 = (rend.tms_utime - rstart.tms_utime) * 1.0 / HZ; #else subtime(&rstart.ru_utime, &rend.ru_utime, &vtime2); #endif printf("Time for auth1crypt is %f rusage %f real\n", vtime2, rtime2); vtime = vtime1 - vtime2; rtime = rtime1 - rtime2; } /* * docheap - do the cost measurement the cheap way */ static void docheap(loops) register int loops; { (void) authhavekey(3 + domd5); (void) gettimeofday(&tstart, (struct timezone *)0); (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rstart); while (loops-- > 0) { auth1crypt(3 + domd5, pkt, 48); L_ADDUF(&dummy1, dummy3); auth2crypt(3 + domd5, pkt, 48); (void) authdecrypt(3 + domd5, pkt, 48); } (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rend); (void) gettimeofday(&tend, (struct timezone *)0); subtime(&tstart, &tend, &rtime); #ifdef FAKE_RUSAGE vtime = (rend.tms_utime - rstart.tms_utime) * 1.0 / HZ; #else subtime(&rstart.ru_utime, &rend.ru_utime, &vtime); #endif } /* * docost - do the cost measurement */ static void docost(loops) register int loops; { (void) gettimeofday(&tstart, (struct timezone *)0); (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rstart); while (loops-- > 0) { auth1crypt((loops & 0xf) + domd5, pkt, 48); L_ADDUF(&dummy1, dummy3); auth2crypt((loops & 0xf) + domd5, pkt, 48); (void) authdecrypt(((loops+1) & 0xf) + domd5, pkt, 48); } (void) getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rend); (void) gettimeofday(&tend, (struct timezone *)0); subtime(&tstart, &tend, &rtime); #ifdef FAKE_RUSAGE vtime = (rend.tms_utime - rstart.tms_utime) * 1.0 / HZ; #else subtime(&rstart.ru_utime, &rend.ru_utime, &vtime); #endif } /* * subtime - subtract two struct timevals, return double result */ static void subtime(tvs, tve, res) struct timeval *tvs, *tve; double *res; { long sec; long usec; sec = tve->tv_sec - tvs->tv_sec; usec = tve->tv_usec - tvs->tv_usec; if (usec < 0) { usec += 1000000; sec--; } *res = (double)sec + (double)usec/1000000.; return; }