This screen allows you to set up your general network parameters (hostname, domain name, DNS server, etc) as well as the settings for a given interface (which was selected from the menu before this screen). PLIP/SLIP users - please read through to the end of this doc! You can move through the fields with the TAB, BACK-TAB and ENTER keys. To edit a field, use DELETE or BACKSPACE. You may also use ^A (control-A) to go to the beginning of the line, ^E (control-E) to go to the end, ^F (control-F) to go forward a character, ^B (control-B) to go backward one character, ^D (control-D) to delete the character under the cursor and ^K (control-K) to delete to the end of the line. Basically, the standard EMACS motion sequences. The "Extra options to ifconfig" field is kind of special (read: a hack :-): If you're running SLIP or PLIP, you also need to use it for specifying the remote end of the link (simply type the foreign IP address in). In the specific case where you're running PLIP with a Linux host peer rather than a FreeBSD one, you also must add the "-link0" flag after the foreign address. If you're dealing with an ethernet adaptor with multiple media connectors (e.g. AUI, 10BT, 10B2, etc), you can use this field to specify which one to use. The following strings are recognized: "media 10base5/AUI" - Select the AUI port. "media 10baseT/UTP" - Select the twisted pair port. "media 10base2/BNC" - Select the BNC connector. "media 100baseTX" - Select 100BaseT on a 100/10 dual adaptor. When you're done with this form, select OK.