/* * FreeBSD install - a package for the installation and maintenance * of non-core utilities. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Jordan K. Hubbard * 18 July 1993 * * This is the main body of the create module. * */ #include __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include "lib.h" #include "create.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void sanity_check(void); static void make_dist(const char *, const char *, const char *, Package *); static int create_from_installed_recursive(const char *, const char *); static int create_from_installed(const char *, const char *, const char *); int pkg_perform(char **pkgs) { static const char *home; char *pkg = *pkgs; /* Only one arg to create */ char *cp; FILE *pkg_in, *fp; Package plist; int len; const char *suf; /* Preliminary setup */ if (InstalledPkg == NULL) sanity_check(); if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Creating package %s\n", pkg); /* chop suffix off if already specified, remembering if we want to compress */ len = strlen(pkg); if (len > 4) { if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".tbz")) { Zipper = BZIP2; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".tgz")) { Zipper = GZIP; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".txz")) { Zipper = XZ; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } else if (!strcmp(&pkg[len - 4], ".tar")) { Zipper = NONE; pkg[len - 4] = '\0'; } } if (Zipper == BZIP2) { suf = "tbz"; setenv("BZIP2", "--best", 0); } else if (Zipper == GZIP) { suf = "tgz"; setenv("GZIP", "-9", 0); } else if (Zipper == XZ) { suf = "txz"; } else suf = "tar"; if (InstalledPkg != NULL) { char *pkgglob[] = { InstalledPkg, NULL }; char **matched, **pkgs; int i, error; pkgs = pkgglob; if (MatchType != MATCH_EXACT) { matched = matchinstalled(MatchType, pkgs, &error); if (!error && matched != NULL) pkgs = matched; else if (MatchType != MATCH_GLOB) errx(1, "no packages match pattern"); } /* * Is there is only one installed package matching the pattern, * we need to respect the optional pkg-filename parameter. If, * however, the pattern matches several packages, this parameter * makes no sense and is ignored. */ if (pkgs[1] == NULL) { if (pkg == InstalledPkg) pkg = *pkgs; InstalledPkg = *pkgs; if (!Recursive) return (create_from_installed(InstalledPkg, pkg, suf)); return (create_from_installed_recursive(pkg, suf)); } for (i = 0; pkgs[i] != NULL; i++) { InstalledPkg = pkg = pkgs[i]; if (!Recursive) create_from_installed(pkg, pkg, suf); else create_from_installed_recursive(pkg, suf); } return TRUE; } get_dash_string(&Comment); get_dash_string(&Desc); if (!strcmp(Contents, "-")) pkg_in = stdin; else { pkg_in = fopen(Contents, "r"); if (!pkg_in) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: unable to open contents file '%s' for input", __func__, Contents); } } plist.head = plist.tail = NULL; /* Stick the dependencies, if any, at the top */ if (Pkgdeps) { char **deps, *deporigin; int i; int ndeps = 0; if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Registering depends:"); /* Count number of dependencies */ for (cp = Pkgdeps; cp != NULL && *cp != '\0'; cp = strpbrk(++cp, " \t\n")) { ndeps++; } if (ndeps != 0) { /* Create easy to use NULL-terminated list */ deps = alloca(sizeof(*deps) * ndeps + 1); if (deps == NULL) { errx(2, "%s: alloca() failed", __func__); /* Not reached */ } for (i = 0; Pkgdeps;) { cp = strsep(&Pkgdeps, " \t\n"); if (*cp) { deps[i] = cp; i++; } } ndeps = i; deps[ndeps] = NULL; sortdeps(deps); for (i = 0; i < ndeps; i++) { deporigin = strchr(deps[i], ':'); if (deporigin != NULL) { *deporigin = '\0'; add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_DEPORIGIN, ++deporigin); } add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_PKGDEP, deps[i]); if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(" %s", deps[i]); } } if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(".\n"); } /* Put the conflicts directly after the dependencies, if any */ if (Conflicts) { if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Registering conflicts:"); while (Conflicts) { cp = strsep(&Conflicts, " \t\n"); if (*cp) { add_plist(&plist, PLIST_CONFLICTS, cp); if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(" %s", cp); } } if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf(".\n"); } /* If a SrcDir override is set, add it now */ if (SrcDir) { if (Verbose && !PlistOnly) printf("Using SrcDir value of %s\n", SrcDir); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_SRC, SrcDir); } /* Slurp in the packing list */ read_plist(&plist, pkg_in); /* Prefix should add an @cwd to the packing list */ if (Prefix) add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_CWD, Prefix); /* Add the origin if asked, at the top */ if (Origin) add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_ORIGIN, Origin); /* * Run down the list and see if we've named it, if not stick in a name * at the top. */ if (find_plist(&plist, PLIST_NAME) == NULL) add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_NAME, basename(pkg)); if (asprintf(&cp, "PKG_FORMAT_REVISION:%d.%d", PLIST_FMT_VER_MAJOR, PLIST_FMT_VER_MINOR) == -1) { errx(2, "%s: asprintf() failed", __func__); } add_plist_top(&plist, PLIST_COMMENT, cp); free(cp); /* * We're just here for to dump out a revised plist for the FreeBSD ports * hack. It's not a real create in progress. */ if (PlistOnly) { check_list(home, &plist); write_plist(&plist, stdout); exit(0); } /* Make a directory to stomp around in */ home = make_playpen(PlayPen, 0); signal(SIGINT, cleanup); signal(SIGHUP, cleanup); /* Make first "real contents" pass over it */ check_list(home, &plist); (void) umask(022); /* * Make sure gen'ed directories, files don't have * group or other write bits. */ /* copy_plist(home, &plist); */ /* mark_plist(&plist); */ /* Now put the release specific items in */ add_plist(&plist, PLIST_CWD, "."); write_file(COMMENT_FNAME, Comment); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, COMMENT_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, COMMENT_FNAME); write_file(DESC_FNAME, Desc); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, DESC_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, DESC_FNAME); if (Install) { copy_file(home, Install, INSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, INSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, INSTALL_FNAME); } if (PostInstall) { copy_file(home, PostInstall, POST_INSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, POST_INSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, POST_INSTALL_FNAME); } if (DeInstall) { copy_file(home, DeInstall, DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, DEINSTALL_FNAME); } if (PostDeInstall) { copy_file(home, PostDeInstall, POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); } if (Require) { copy_file(home, Require, REQUIRE_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, REQUIRE_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, REQUIRE_FNAME); } if (Display) { copy_file(home, Display, DISPLAY_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, DISPLAY_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, DISPLAY_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_DISPLAY, DISPLAY_FNAME); } if (Mtree) { copy_file(home, Mtree, MTREE_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_IGNORE, NULL); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_FILE, MTREE_FNAME); add_cksum(&plist, plist.tail, MTREE_FNAME); add_plist(&plist, PLIST_MTREE, MTREE_FNAME); } /* Finally, write out the packing list */ fp = fopen(CONTENTS_FNAME, "w"); if (!fp) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: can't open file %s for writing", __func__, CONTENTS_FNAME); } write_plist(&plist, fp); if (fclose(fp)) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: error while closing %s", __func__, CONTENTS_FNAME); } /* And stick it into a tar ball */ make_dist(home, pkg, suf, &plist); /* Cleanup */ free(Comment); free(Desc); free_plist(&plist); leave_playpen(); return TRUE; /* Success */ } static void make_dist(const char *homedir, const char *pkg, const char *suff, Package *plist) { struct stat sb; char tball[FILENAME_MAX]; PackingList p; int ret; const char *args[50]; /* Much more than enough. */ int nargs = 0; int pipefds[2]; FILE *totar; pid_t pid; const char *cname; char *prefix = NULL; args[nargs++] = "tar"; /* argv[0] */ if (*pkg == '/') snprintf(tball, FILENAME_MAX, "%s.%s", pkg, suff); else snprintf(tball, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s.%s", homedir, pkg, suff); /* * If the package tarball exists already, and we are running in `no * clobber' mode, skip this package. */ if (stat(tball, &sb) == 0 && Regenerate == FALSE) { if (Verbose) printf("Skipping package '%s'. It already exists.\n", tball); return; } args[nargs++] = "-c"; args[nargs++] = "-f"; args[nargs++] = tball; if (strchr(suff, 'z')) { /* Compress/gzip/bzip2? */ if (Zipper == BZIP2) { args[nargs++] = "-j"; cname = "bzip'd "; } else if (Zipper == XZ) { args[nargs++] = "-J"; cname = "xz'd "; } else { args[nargs++] = "-z"; cname = "gzip'd "; } } else { cname = ""; } if (Dereference) args[nargs++] = "-h"; if (ExcludeFrom) { args[nargs++] = "-X"; args[nargs++] = ExcludeFrom; } args[nargs++] = "-T"; /* Take filenames from file instead of args. */ args[nargs++] = "-"; /* Use stdin for the file. */ args[nargs] = NULL; if (Verbose) printf("Creating %star ball in '%s'\n", cname, tball); /* Set up a pipe for passing the filenames, and fork off a tar process. */ if (pipe(pipefds) == -1) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: cannot create pipe", __func__); } if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: cannot fork process for tar", __func__); } if (pid == 0) { /* The child */ dup2(pipefds[0], 0); close(pipefds[0]); close(pipefds[1]); execv("/usr/bin/tar", (char * const *)(uintptr_t)args); cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: failed to execute tar command", __func__); } /* Meanwhile, back in the parent process ... */ close(pipefds[0]); if ((totar = fdopen(pipefds[1], "w")) == NULL) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: fdopen failed", __func__); } fprintf(totar, "%s\n", CONTENTS_FNAME); fprintf(totar, "%s\n", COMMENT_FNAME); fprintf(totar, "%s\n", DESC_FNAME); if (Install) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", INSTALL_FNAME); if (PostInstall) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", POST_INSTALL_FNAME); if (DeInstall) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", DEINSTALL_FNAME); if (PostDeInstall) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME); if (Require) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", REQUIRE_FNAME); if (Display) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", DISPLAY_FNAME); if (Mtree) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", MTREE_FNAME); for (p = plist->head; p; p = p->next) { if (p->type == PLIST_FILE) fprintf(totar, "%s\n", p->name); else if (p->type == PLIST_CWD && p->name == NULL) fprintf(totar, "-C\n%s\n", prefix); else if (p->type == PLIST_CWD && BaseDir && p->name && p->name[0] == '/') fprintf(totar, "-C\n%s%s\n", BaseDir, p->name); else if (p->type == PLIST_CWD || p->type == PLIST_SRC) fprintf(totar, "-C\n%s\n", p->name); else if (p->type == PLIST_IGNORE) p = p->next; if (p->type == PLIST_CWD && !prefix) prefix = p->name; } fclose(totar); wait(&ret); /* assume either signal or bad exit is enough for us */ if (ret) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: tar command failed with code %d", __func__, ret); } } static void sanity_check() { if (!Comment) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: required package comment string is missing (-c comment)", __func__); } if (!Desc) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: required package description string is missing (-d desc)", __func__); } if (!Contents) { cleanup(0); errx(2, "%s: required package contents list is missing (-f [-]file)", __func__); } } /* Clean up those things that would otherwise hang around */ void cleanup(int sig) { int in_cleanup = 0; if (!in_cleanup) { in_cleanup = 1; leave_playpen(); } if (sig) exit(1); } static int create_from_installed_recursive(const char *pkg, const char *suf) { FILE *fp; Package plist; PackingList p; char tmp[PATH_MAX]; int rval; if (!create_from_installed(InstalledPkg, pkg, suf)) return FALSE; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s/%s/%s", LOG_DIR, InstalledPkg, CONTENTS_FNAME); if (!fexists(tmp)) { warnx("can't find package '%s' installed!", InstalledPkg); return FALSE; } /* Suck in the contents list */ plist.head = plist.tail = NULL; fp = fopen(tmp, "r"); if (!fp) { warnx("unable to open %s file", tmp); return FALSE; } read_plist(&plist, fp); fclose(fp); rval = TRUE; for (p = plist.head; p ; p = p->next) { if (p->type != PLIST_PKGDEP) continue; if (Verbose) printf("Creating package %s\n", p->name); if (!create_from_installed(p->name, p->name, suf)) { rval = FALSE; break; } } free_plist(&plist); return rval; } static int create_from_installed(const char *ipkg, const char *pkg, const char *suf) { FILE *fp; Package plist; char homedir[MAXPATHLEN], log_dir[FILENAME_MAX]; snprintf(log_dir, sizeof(log_dir), "%s/%s", LOG_DIR, ipkg); if (!fexists(log_dir)) { warnx("can't find package '%s' installed!", ipkg); return FALSE; } getcwd(homedir, sizeof(homedir)); if (chdir(log_dir) == FAIL) { warnx("can't change directory to '%s'!", log_dir); return FALSE; } /* Suck in the contents list */ plist.head = plist.tail = NULL; fp = fopen(CONTENTS_FNAME, "r"); if (!fp) { warnx("unable to open %s file", CONTENTS_FNAME); return FALSE; } read_plist(&plist, fp); fclose(fp); Install = isfile(INSTALL_FNAME) ? (char *)INSTALL_FNAME : NULL; PostInstall = isfile(POST_INSTALL_FNAME) ? (char *)POST_INSTALL_FNAME : NULL; DeInstall = isfile(DEINSTALL_FNAME) ? (char *)DEINSTALL_FNAME : NULL; PostDeInstall = isfile(POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME) ? (char *)POST_DEINSTALL_FNAME : NULL; Require = isfile(REQUIRE_FNAME) ? (char *)REQUIRE_FNAME : NULL; Display = isfile(DISPLAY_FNAME) ? (char *)DISPLAY_FNAME : NULL; Mtree = isfile(MTREE_FNAME) ? (char *)MTREE_FNAME : NULL; make_dist(homedir, pkg, suf, &plist); free_plist(&plist); if (chdir(homedir) == FAIL) { warnx("can't change directory to '%s'!", homedir); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }