/* * Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 Hellmuth Michaelis * * Copyright (c) 1992,1993 Holger Veit. * * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to 386BSD by * Holger Veit * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by * Hellmuth Michaelis and Holger Veit * 4. The name authors may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ static char *id = "@(#)kcon.c, 3.20, Last Edit-Date: [Wed Jan 25 16:33:08 1995]"; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * kcon.c Keyboard control and remapping * ---------------------------------------------- * * based on "keymap" which was written by * Holger Veit (veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de) * * -hm a first rewrite * -hm rewrite for pcvt 2.0 distribution * -hm adding show current typematic values * -hm hex/octal/esc output choices * -hm remapping debugging * -hm garbage output for remapped keys bugfix * -hm patch from Lon Willet, adding -R * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "keycap.h" int Rf = 0; int df = 0; int lf = 0; int mf = 0; int of = 0; int pf = 0; int rf = 0; int tf = 0; int xf = 0; int sf = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * main entry *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int c = 0; int errf = 0; int rate = -1; int delay = -1; char *map; int kbfd; while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Rd:lm:opr:st:x")) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 'R': Rf = 1; break; case 'd': df = 1; delay = atoi(optarg); break; case 'l': lf = 1; break; case 'm': mf = 1; map = optarg; break; case 'o': if(xf) errf = 1; else of = 1; break; case 'p': pf = 1; break; case 'r': rf = 1; rate = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': sf = 1; break; case 't': if(*optarg == '+') tf = 1; else if(*optarg == '-') tf = -1; else errf = 1; break; case 'x': if(of) errf = 1; else xf = 1; break; default: usage(); } } if((Rf == 0 && df == 0 && lf == 0 && tf == 0 && sf == 0 && rf == 0 && mf == 0 ) || errf) { usage(); } if((kbfd = open(KEYB_DEVICE, 0)) < 0) { perror("kcon: keyboard open failiure"); exit(1); } if(sf) { showtypeamatic(kbfd); exit(0); } if(lf) { listcurrent(kbfd); exit(0); } if (Rf) { if (ioctl(kbfd, KBDRESET, 0) < 0) { perror ("kcon: ioctl KBDRESET failed"); exit (1); } } if(tf) { setrepeat(kbfd, tf); } if(df || rf) { if(delay > 3) { fprintf(stderr,"Delay value (%d) out of range, possible values are 0..3!\n",delay); exit(1); } if(rate > 31) { fprintf(stderr,"Rate value (%d) out of range, possible values are 0..31!\n",rate); exit(1); } settypeam(kbfd, delay, rate); } if(mf) { remapkeys(kbfd, map); } close(kbfd); exit(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * display usage info & exit *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ usage() { fprintf(stderr, "\nkcon: keyboard control and remapping utility for pcvt video driver\n"); fprintf(stderr, "usage: [-R] [-d delay] [-l] [-m map] [-o] [-p] [-r rate] [-t +/-] [-x]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -R full reset of keyboard\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -d delay until a key is repeated (range: 0...3 => 250...1000ms)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -l produce listing of current keyboard mapping\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -m set keyboard remapping from a keycap entry\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -o set octal output for listing\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p pure, don't display escape as 'ESC' for listing\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -r chars/second repeat value (range: 0...31 => 30...2 chars/sec)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -s show, display the current keyboard typematic values\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t switch repeat on(+) or off(-)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -x set hexadecimal output for listing\n\n"); exit(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * convert control char in string to printable values *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char *showcntrl(s) u_char *s; { static char res_str[80]; static char conv_buf[80]; int i; res_str[0] = '\0'; for(i = 0; s[i]; i++) { if(((s[i] > 0x20) && (s[i] <= 0x7e)) || ((s[i] >= 0xa0) && (s[i] <= 0xff))) { conv_buf[0] = s[i]; conv_buf[1] = '\0'; } else if((s[i] == 0x1b) && (pf == 0)) { strcpy(conv_buf,"ESC "); } else if(of) { sprintf(conv_buf,"\\%03.3o ", s[i]); } else { sprintf(conv_buf,"0x%02.2X ", s[i]); } strcat(res_str, conv_buf); } return(res_str); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * list the current keyboard mapping *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ listcurrent(kbfd) int kbfd; { static char *keytypetab[] = { "NONE ", "SHIFT ", "ALT/META ", "NUMLOCK ", "CONTROL ", "CAPSLOCK ", "ASCII ", "SCROLL ", "FUNCTION ", "KEYPAD ", "BREAK ", "ALTGR ", "SHIFTLOCK", "CURSOR ", "RETURN " }; struct kbd_ovlkey keyboardmap[KBDMAXKEYS]; struct kbd_ovlkey *kbmapp; int keytype; int altgr_defined; int i; altgr_defined = 0; kbmapp = keyboardmap; for (i = 0; i < KBDMAXKEYS; i++) { kbmapp->keynum = i; if(ioctl(kbfd, KBDGCKEY, kbmapp) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDGCKEY failed"); exit(1); } if((kbmapp->type & KBD_MASK) == KBD_ALTGR) altgr_defined = i; kbmapp++; } if(altgr_defined) { printf("S Key KeyType Normal Shift Control Altgr \n"); printf("- --- --------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------\n"); } else { printf("S Key KeyType Normal Shift Control \n"); printf("- --- --------- --------------- --------------- ---------------\n"); } kbmapp = &keyboardmap[1]; for(i = 1; i < KBDMAXKEYS; i++) { keytype = kbmapp->type; if(keytype) { if(keytype & KBD_OVERLOAD) printf("! %3.3d %9.9s ", i, keytypetab[keytype & KBD_MASK]); else printf("- %3.3d %9.9s ", i, keytypetab[keytype & KBD_MASK]); switch(keytype & KBD_MASK) { case KBD_NUM: case KBD_ASCII: case KBD_FUNC: case KBD_KP: case KBD_CURSOR: case KBD_RETURN: /* ??? */ if(kbmapp->subu == KBD_SUBT_STR) printf("%-15s ",showcntrl(kbmapp->unshift)); else printf("Function() "); if(kbmapp->subs == KBD_SUBT_STR) printf("%-15s ",showcntrl(kbmapp->shift)); else printf("Function() "); if(kbmapp->subc == KBD_SUBT_STR) printf("%-15s ",showcntrl(kbmapp->ctrl)); else printf("Function() "); if(altgr_defined) { if(kbmapp->suba == KBD_SUBT_STR) printf("%-15s ",showcntrl(kbmapp->altgr)); else printf("Function() "); } break; } putchar('\n'); } kbmapp++; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * show delay and rate values for keyboard *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ showtypeamatic(kbfd) int kbfd; { static char *delaytab[] = { "250", "500", "750", "1000" }; static char *ratetab[] = { "30.0", "26.7", "24.0", "21.8", "20.0", "18.5", "17.1", "16.0", "15.0", "13.3", "12.0", "10.9", "10.0", "9.2", "8.6", "8.0", "7.5", "6.7", "6.0", "5.5", "5.0", "4.6", "4.3", "4.0", "3.7", "3.3", "3.0", "2.7", "2.5", "2.3", "2.1", "2.0" }; int cur_typemat_val; int delay, rate; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDGTPMAT, &cur_typemat_val)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDGTPMAT failed"); exit(1); } delay = ((cur_typemat_val & 0x60) >> 5); rate = cur_typemat_val & 0x1f; printf("\nDisplaying the current keyboard typematic values:\n\n"); printf("The delay-until-repeat time is [ %s ] milliseconds\n",delaytab[delay]); printf("The repeat-rate is [ %s ] characters per second\n\n",ratetab[rate]); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * set repeat feature on/off *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ setrepeat(kbfd, tf) int kbfd; int tf; { int srepsw_val; if(tf == 1) srepsw_val = KBD_REPEATON; else srepsw_val = KBD_REPEATOFF; if(ioctl(kbfd, KBDSREPSW, &srepsw_val) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDREPSW failed"); exit(1); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * set delay and rate values for keyboard *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ settypeam(kbfd, delay, rate) int kbfd; int delay; int rate; { int cur_typemat_val; int new_typemat_val; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDGTPMAT, &cur_typemat_val)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDGTPMAT failed"); exit(1); } if(delay == -1) delay = (cur_typemat_val & 0x60); else delay = ((delay << 5) & 0x60); if(rate == -1) rate = (cur_typemat_val & 0x1f); else rate &= 0x1f; new_typemat_val = delay | rate; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDSTPMAT, &new_typemat_val)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDSTPMAT failed"); exit(1); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * remap keyboard from keycap entry *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ remapkeys(kbfd, map) int kbfd; char *map; { char cap_entry[1024]; int ret; char keyflag[128]; int i; /* try to find the entry */ ret = kgetent(cap_entry, map); if(ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "kcon: keycap database not found or not accessible!\n"); exit(1); } else if(ret == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "kcon: keycap entry [%s] not found in database!\n", map); exit(1); } /* set default mapping */ if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDDEFAULT)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDDEFAULT failed"); exit(1); } /* DE flag present? */ if(kgetflag("de")) return; for(i = 0; i < KBDMAXKEYS; i++) keyflag[i] = 0; set_lock(keyflag, kbfd); set_shift(keyflag, kbfd); set_char(keyflag, kbfd); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * care for lock keys *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ set_lock(keyflag, kbfd) char keyflag[]; int kbfd; { int i, j; char cap[16]; struct kbd_ovlkey entry; struct { char *ch; u_short typ; } lock[] = { "ca", KBD_CAPS, "sh", KBD_SHFTLOCK, "nl", KBD_NUMLOCK, "sc", KBD_SCROLL }; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int n; sprintf(cap, "%s", lock[i].ch); n = kgetnum(cap); if(n > 0) { if (keyflag[n]) { fprintf(stderr,"kcon: duplicate key definition for key [%d]!\n",n); exit(1); } keyflag[n] = 1; entry.keynum = n; entry.type = lock[i].typ; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDSCKEY, &entry)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDSCKEY failed"); exit(1); } } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * care for shifting keys *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ set_shift(keyflag, kbfd) char keyflag[]; int kbfd; { int i, j; char cap[16]; struct kbd_ovlkey entry; struct { char ch; u_short typ; } shift[] = { 'm', KBD_META, 'l', KBD_ALTGR, 'h', KBD_SHIFT, 't', KBD_CTL }; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for(j = 1; j < 10; j++) { int n; sprintf(cap, "%c%d", shift[i].ch,j); n = kgetnum(cap); if (n >= 0) { if (keyflag[n]) { fprintf(stderr,"kcon: duplicate key definition for key [%d]!\n",n); exit(1); } keyflag[n] = 1; entry.keynum = n; entry.type = shift[i].typ; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDSCKEY, &entry)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDSCKEY failed"); exit(1); } } } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * care for normal keys *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ set_char(keyflag, kbfd) char keyflag[]; int kbfd; { int i, j; char cap[16]; int setflag; char *addr_str; char *new_str; struct kbd_ovlkey entry; struct { char *addr; char ch; } standard[] = { 0, 'D', &entry.unshift[0], 'K', &entry.shift[0], 'S', &entry.ctrl[0], 'C', &entry.altgr[0], 'A' }; for(i = 1; i < KBDMAXKEYS; i++) { setflag = 0; entry.keynum = i; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDGOKEY, &entry)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDGOKEY failed"); exit(1); } entry.type = KBD_ASCII; for(j = 0; j < 5; j++) { sprintf(cap, "%c%d", standard[j].ch,i); if((j == 0) && (kgetflag(cap))) { /* delete a key */ entry.type = KBD_NONE; setflag = 1; goto setit; } else { addr_str = standard[j].addr; if(new_str = kgetstr(cap, &addr_str)) { if(strlen(new_str) > KBDMAXOVLKEYSIZE) { fprintf(stderr, "kcon: database entry string [%s] longer than max [%d]!\n",new_str,KBDMAXOVLKEYSIZE); exit(1); } setflag = 1; } } } setit: if (setflag) { if (keyflag[i]) { fprintf(stderr,"kcon: duplicate key definition for key [%d]!\n",i); exit(1); } keyflag[i] = 1; if((ioctl(kbfd, KBDSCKEY, &entry)) < 0) { perror("kcon: ioctl KBDSCKEY failed"); exit(1); } } } } /*------------------- EOF ------------------------------------------------*/