/* * fontedit * Fonteditor for VT220 * * BUGS: * o Cursor motion is less than optimal (but who cares at 9600), * * COMPILE: * cc -O fontedit.c -o fontedit * (use Makefile) * * Copyright (c) 1987 by Greg Franks. * * Permission is granted to do anything you want with this program * except claim that you wrote it. * * * REVISION HISTORY: * * Nov 21, 1987 - Fixed man page to say "Fontedit" instead of "Top" * Nov 22, 1987 - Added BSD Compatible ioctl, turned cursor on/off * - eap@bucsf.bu.edu */ void clear_screen(); #include #ifdef SYSV #include #endif SYSV #ifdef BSD #include #endif BSD #if defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) #include #include #endif /* __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__ */ #include #ifdef CURFIX #define CURSORON "\033[?25h" #define CURSOROFF "\033[?25l" #endif CURFIX #define MAX_ROWS 10 #define MAX_COLS 8 typedef enum { false, true } bool; #define KEY_FIND 0x0100 #define KEY_INSERT 0x0101 #define KEY_REMOVE 0x0102 #define KEY_SELECT 0x0103 #define KEY_PREV 0x0104 #define KEY_NEXT 0x0105 #define KEY_F6 0X0106 #define KEY_F7 0x0107 #define KEY_F8 0x0108 #define KEY_F9 0x0109 #define KEY_F10 0x010a #define KEY_F11 0x010b #define KEY_F12 0x010c #define KEY_F13 0x010d #define KEY_F14 0x010e #define KEY_HELP 0x010f #define KEY_DO 0x0110 #define KEY_F17 0x0111 #define KEY_F18 0x0112 #define KEY_F19 0x0113 #define KEY_F20 0x0114 #define KEY_UP 0x0115 #define KEY_DOWN 0x0116 #define KEY_RIGHT 0x0117 #define KEY_LEFT 0x0118 /* * Position of main drawing screen. */ #define ROW_OFFSET 3 #define COL_OFFSET 10 /* * Position of the DRCS table. */ #define TABLE_ROW 4 #define TABLE_COL 50 /* * */ #define ERROR_ROW 20 #define ERROR_COL 40 bool display_table[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS]; #define TOTAL_ENTRIES (128 - 32) #define SIXELS_PER_CHAR 16 char font_table[TOTAL_ENTRIES][SIXELS_PER_CHAR]; unsigned int current_entry; #ifdef SYSV struct termio old_stty, new_stty; #endif SYSV #ifdef BSD struct sgttyb old_stty, new_stty; #endif BSD #if defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) struct termios old_stty, new_stty; #endif /* __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__ */ FILE * font_file = (FILE *)0; /* * Interrupt * Exit gracefully. */ interrupt() { void clear_screen(); #ifdef CURFIX printf("%s\n",CURSORON); #endif CURFIX #ifdef SYSV ioctl( 0, TCSETA, &old_stty ); #endif SYSV #ifdef BSD ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &old_stty ); #endif BSD #if defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) ioctl( 0, TIOCSETA, &old_stty ); #endif /* __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__ */ clear_screen(); exit( 0 ); } /* * Main * Grab input/output file and call main command processor. */ main( argc, argv ) int argc; char *argv[]; { void command(), init_restore(), clear_screen(); void save_table(), get_table(), extract_entry(); if ( argc != 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: fontedit filename\n" ); exit( 1 ); } printf( "Press HELP for help\n" ); printf( "\033P1;1;2{ @\033\\" ); /* Clear font buffer */ fflush( stdout ); sleep( 1 ); /* Let terminal catch up */ /* otherwise we get frogs */ if ( ( font_file = fopen( argv[1], "r" ) ) == (FILE *)0 ) { if ( ( font_file = fopen( argv[1], "w" ) ) == (FILE *)0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot create file %s \n", argv[1] ); exit( 1 ); } } fclose( font_file ); if ( ( font_file = fopen( argv[1], "r" ) ) != (FILE *)0 ) { get_table( font_file ); fclose( font_file ); } if ( ( font_file = fopen( argv[1], "r+" ) ) == (FILE *)0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Cannot open %s for writing\n", argv[1] ); exit( 1 ); } #ifdef CURFIX printf("%s\n",CURSOROFF); #endif CURFIX #ifdef SYSV ioctl( 0, TCGETA, &old_stty ); #endif SYSV #ifdef BSD ioctl( 0, TIOCGETP, &old_stty ); #endif BSD #if defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) ioctl( 0, TIOCGETA, &old_stty ); #endif /* __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__ */ signal( SIGINT, (void *) interrupt ); new_stty = old_stty; #ifdef SYSV new_stty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; new_stty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; ioctl( 0, TCSETA, &new_stty ); #endif SYSV #if defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) new_stty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; new_stty.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; new_stty.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; ioctl( 0, TIOCSETA, &new_stty ); #endif /* __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__ */ #ifdef BSD new_stty.sg_flags |= CBREAK; new_stty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &new_stty ); #endif BSD current_entry = 1; extract_entry( current_entry ); init_restore(); command(); #ifdef SYSV ioctl( 0, TCSETA, &old_stty ); #endif SYSV #ifdef BSD ioctl( 0, TIOCSETP, &old_stty ); #endif BSD #if defined (__NetBSD__) || defined (__FreeBSD__) ioctl( 0, TIOCSETA, &old_stty ); #endif /* __NetBSD__ || __FreeBSD__ */ clear_screen(); /* Overwrite the old file. */ fseek( font_file, 0L, 0 ); save_table( font_file ); fclose( font_file ); #ifdef CURFIX printf("%s\n",CURSORON); #endif CURFIX } /* * Command * Process a function key. * * The user cannot fill in slots 0 or 95 (space and del respecitively). */ void command() { register int c; register int row, col; register int i, j; bool change, error, override; void build_entry(), extract_entry(), send_entry(), print_entry(); void highlight(), draw_current(), init_restore(), help(); void warning(); change = false; error = false; override = false; row = 0; col = 0; highlight( row, col, true ); for ( ;; ) { c = get_key(); highlight( row, col, false ); /* turn cursor off */ if ( error ) { move ( ERROR_ROW, ERROR_COL ); printf( "\033[K" ); /* Clear error message */ move ( ERROR_ROW+1, ERROR_COL ); printf( "\033[K" ); /* Clear error message */ error = false; } else { override = false; } switch ( c ) { case KEY_FIND: /* update DRCS */ if ( !change && !override ) { warning( "No changes to save" ); override = true; error = true; } else { build_entry( current_entry ); send_entry( current_entry ); print_entry( current_entry, true ); change = false; } break; case KEY_F6: /* Turn on pixel */ change = true; display_table[row][col] = true; highlight( row, col, false ); col = ( col + 1 ) % MAX_COLS; if ( col == 0 ) row = ( row + 1 ) % MAX_ROWS; break; case KEY_F7: /* Turn off pixel */ change = true; display_table[row][col] = false; highlight( row, col, false ); col = ( col + 1 ) % MAX_COLS; if ( col == 0 ) row = ( row + 1 ) % MAX_ROWS; break; case KEY_INSERT: /* Insert a blank row */ change = true; for ( j = 0; j < MAX_COLS; ++j ) { for ( i = MAX_ROWS - 1; i > row; --i ) { display_table[i][j] = display_table[i-1][j]; } display_table[row][j] = false; } draw_current(); break; case KEY_REMOVE: /* Remove a row */ change = true; for ( j = 0; j < MAX_COLS; ++j ) { for ( i = row; i < MAX_ROWS - 1; ++i ) { display_table[i][j] = display_table[i+1][j]; } display_table[MAX_ROWS-1][j] = false; } draw_current(); break; case KEY_F13: /* Clear buffer */ if ( change && !override ) { warning( "Changes not saved" ); error = true; override = true; } else { for ( j = 0; j < MAX_COLS; ++j ) { for ( i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; ++i ) { display_table[i][j] = false; } } draw_current(); } break; case KEY_SELECT: /* Select font from DRCS */ if ( change && !override ) { warning( "Changes not saved" ); error = true; override = true; } else { extract_entry( current_entry ); draw_current(); } break; case KEY_PREV: /* Move to prev entry in DRCS */ if ( change && !override ) { warning( "Changes not saved" ); override = true; error = true; } else { print_entry( current_entry, false ); current_entry = current_entry - 1; if ( current_entry == 0 ) current_entry = TOTAL_ENTRIES - 2; print_entry( current_entry, true ); } break; case KEY_NEXT: /* Move to next entry in DRCS */ if ( change && !override ) { warning( "Changes not saved" ); override = true; error = true; } else { print_entry( current_entry, false ); current_entry = current_entry + 1; if ( current_entry == TOTAL_ENTRIES - 1 ) current_entry = 1; print_entry( current_entry, true ); } break; case KEY_UP: /* UP one row. */ if ( row == 0 ) row = MAX_ROWS; row = row - 1; break; case KEY_DOWN: /* Guess. */ row = ( row + 1 ) % MAX_ROWS; break; case KEY_RIGHT: col = ( col + 1 ) % MAX_COLS; break; case KEY_LEFT: if ( col == 0 ) col = MAX_COLS; col = col - 1; break; case KEY_HELP: /* Display helpful info */ clear_screen(); help(); c = getchar(); init_restore(); break; case '\004': /* All done! */ return; case '\f': /* Redraw display */ init_restore(); break; default: /* user is a klutzy typist */ move ( ERROR_ROW, ERROR_COL ); printf( "Unknown key: " ); if ( c < 0x20 ) { printf( "^%c", c ); } else if ( c < 0x0100 ) { printf( "%c", c ); } else { printf( "0x%04x", c ); } fflush( stdout ); error = true; } highlight( row, col, true ); /* turn cursor on */ } } char *key_table[] = { "\033[1~", /* Find */ "\033[2~", /* Insert */ "\033[3~", /* Remove */ "\033[4~", /* Select */ "\033[5~", /* Prev */ "\033[6~", /* Next */ "\033[17~", "\033[18~", "\033[19~", "\033[20~", "\033[21~", "\033[23~", "\033[24~", "\033[25~", "\033[26~", "\033[28~", "\033[29~", "\033[31~", "\033[32~", "\033[33~", "\033[34~", "\033[A", "\033[B", "\033[C", "\033[D", (char *)0 }; /* * get_key * Convert VT220 escape sequence into something more reasonable. */ int get_key() { register char *p; char s[10]; register int i, j; p = s; for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { *p = getchar(); if ( i == 0 && *p != '\033' ) return( (int)*p ); /* Not an escape sequence */ if ( *p != '\033' && *p < 0x0020 ) return( (int)*p ); /* Control character */ *++p = '\0'; /* Null terminate */ for ( j = 0; key_table[j]; ++j ) { if ( strcmp( s, key_table[j] ) == 0 ) { return( j | 0x0100 ); } } } return( -1 ); } /* * pad * Emit nulls so that the terminal can catch up. */ pad() { int i; for ( i = 0; i < 20; ++i ) putchar( '\000' ); fflush( stdout ); } /* * init_restore * refresh the main display table. */ void init_restore() { register int row, col; register int i; void draw_current(), clear_screen(), print_entry(); clear_screen(); for ( col = 0; col < MAX_COLS; ++col ) { move( ROW_OFFSET - 2, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET + 1 ); printf( "%d", col ); } move( ROW_OFFSET - 1, COL_OFFSET ); printf( "+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+" ); move( ROW_OFFSET + MAX_ROWS * 2, COL_OFFSET ); printf( "+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+" ); for ( row = 0; row < MAX_ROWS; ++row ) { if ( row != 0 && row != 7 ) { move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, COL_OFFSET - 2 ); printf( "%d|", row ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, COL_OFFSET - 1 ); printf( "|" ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, COL_OFFSET + MAX_COLS * 3 ); printf( "|" ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, COL_OFFSET + MAX_COLS * 3 ); printf( "|" ); } else { move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, COL_OFFSET - 2 ); printf( "%d*", row ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, COL_OFFSET - 1 ); printf( "*" ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, COL_OFFSET + MAX_COLS * 3 ); printf( "*" ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, COL_OFFSET + MAX_COLS * 3 ); printf( "*" ); } } draw_current(); move( TABLE_ROW - 1, TABLE_COL - 1 ); printf( "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+" ); move( TABLE_ROW + 8 * 2 - 1, TABLE_COL - 1 ); printf( "+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+" ); for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i ) { move ( TABLE_ROW + i * 2, TABLE_COL - 1 ); printf( "|" ); move ( TABLE_ROW + i * 2 + 1, TABLE_COL - 1 ); printf( "+" ); move ( TABLE_ROW + i * 2, TABLE_COL + 12 * 2 - 1); printf( "|" ); move ( TABLE_ROW + i * 2 + 1, TABLE_COL +12 * 2 - 1); printf( "+" ); } for ( i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; ++i ) print_entry( i, (i == current_entry) ? true : false ); } /* * draw_current * Draw the complete current entry. */ void draw_current() { register int row, col; printf( "\033)0" ); /* Special graphics in G1 */ printf( "\016" ); /* Lock in G1 (SO) */ for ( row = 0; row < MAX_ROWS; ++row ) { for ( col = 0; col < MAX_COLS; ++col ) { if ( display_table[row][col] ) { move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( "\141\141\141" ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( "\141\141\141" ); } else { move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( " " ); /* erase splat */ move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( " " ); /* erase splat */ } } pad(); } printf( "\017" ); /* Lock in G0 (SI) */ fflush( stdout ); } /* * highlight * Draw the cursor in the main display area. */ void highlight( row, col, on ) unsigned int row, col; bool on; { printf( "\033)0" ); /* Special graphics in G1 */ printf( "\016" ); /* Lock in G1 (SO) */ if ( on ) { printf( "\033[7m" ); /* Reverse video cursor */ } if ( display_table[row][col] ) { move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( "\141\141\141" ); move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( "\141\141\141" ); } else { move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( " " ); /* erase splat */ move( row * 2 + ROW_OFFSET + 1, col * 3 + COL_OFFSET ); printf( " " ); /* erase splat */ } pad(); printf( "\017" ); /* Lock in G0 (SI) */ printf( "\033[0m" ); /* normal video */ printf( "\b" ); /* Back up one spot */ fflush( stdout ); } /* * Clear_screen */ void clear_screen() { printf( "\033[H\033[J" ); /* Clear screen. */ fflush( stdout ); } /* * move */ move( y, x ) int y, x; { printf( "\033[%d;%df", y, x ); } /* * Build_entry * Convert the bit pattern used in the main display area into something * that the vt220 can digest - namely sixels... */ void build_entry( entry_no ) unsigned int entry_no; { register int row, col; register unsigned int mask; for ( col = 0; col < 8; ++col ) { /* Top set of sixels */ mask = 0; for ( row = 5; row >= 0; --row ) { mask = mask << 1; if ( display_table[row][col] ) mask |= 1; } font_table[entry_no][col] = mask + 077; /* Bottom set of sixels */ mask = 0; for ( row = 9; row >= 6; --row ) { mask = mask << 1; if ( display_table[row][col] ) mask |= 1; } font_table[entry_no][col+8] = mask + 077; } } /* * Extract_engry * convert sixel representation into an array of bits. */ void extract_entry( entry_no ) unsigned int entry_no; { register int row, col; register unsigned int mask; for ( col = 0; col < 8; ++col ) { /* Top set of sixels */ mask = font_table[entry_no][col]; if ( mask >= 077 ) mask -= 077; else mask = 0; /* Bogus entry */ for ( row = 0; row <= 5; ++row ) { display_table[row][col] = (bool)(mask & 0x0001); mask = mask >> 1; } /* Bottom set of sixels */ mask = font_table[entry_no][col+8]; if ( mask >= 077 ) mask -= 077; else mask = 0; for ( row = 6; row <= 9; ++row ) { display_table[row][col] = (bool)(mask & 0x0001); mask = mask >> 1; } } } /* * Send_entry * Emit the stuff used by the VT220 to load a character into the * DRCS. We could, of course, send more than one entry at a time... */ void send_entry( entry_no ) int entry_no; { register char *fp = font_table[entry_no]; printf( "\033P1;%d;1;0;0;0{ @%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c/%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\033\\", entry_no, fp[ 0], fp[ 1], fp[ 2], fp[ 3], fp[ 4], fp[ 5], fp[ 6], fp[ 7], fp[ 8], fp[ 9], fp[10], fp[11], fp[12], fp[13], fp[14], fp[15] ); } /* * Print_entry * The terminal normally has G0 in GL. We don't want to change * this, nor do we want to use GR. Sooooo send out the necessary * magic for shifting in G2 temporarily for the character that we * want to display. */ void print_entry( entry_no, highlight ) register unsigned int entry_no; bool highlight; { register int y, x; y = entry_no & 0x07; x = entry_no >> 3 & 0x1f; entry_no += 32; /* Map up to G set */ move( y * 2 + TABLE_ROW, x * 2 + TABLE_COL ); if ( highlight ) printf( "\033[7m" ); printf( "\033* @" ); /* select DRCS into G2 */ printf( "\033N" ); /* select single shift */ printf( "%c", entry_no ); /* Draw the character */ if ( highlight ) printf( "\033[0m" ); } /* * Save_table * Save a font table */ void save_table( font_file ) FILE *font_file; { register char *fp; register int i; for ( i = 0; i < TOTAL_ENTRIES; ++i ) { fp = font_table[i]; fprintf( font_file, "\033P1;%d;1;0;0;0{ @%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c/%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\033\\\n", i, fp[ 0], fp[ 1], fp[ 2], fp[ 3], fp[ 4], fp[ 5], fp[ 6], fp[ 7], fp[ 8], fp[ 9], fp[10], fp[11], fp[12], fp[13], fp[14], fp[15] ); } } /* * Get_table * Extract font table entries from a file */ void get_table( font_file ) FILE *font_file; { char s[256]; register char *p; char *fp; int i; register int j; while( fgets( s, 255, font_file ) ) { if ( strncmp( s, "\033P1;", 4 ) != 0 ) continue; /* Bogus line */ p = &s[4]; if ( sscanf( p, "%d", &i ) != 1 ) continue; /* Illegal entry number */ if ( i <= 0 || TOTAL_ENTRIES <= i ) continue; /* Bogues entry */ fp = font_table[i]; while ( *p && *p != '@' ) ++p; /* Skip to font definition */ if ( ! *p++ ) continue; /* Skip @ */ for ( j = 0; *p && *p != '\033' && j < 16; ++j, ++p ) { if ( *p == '/' ) { j = 8; ++p; } fp[j] = *p; } send_entry( i ); } } /* * Help * Print out help information. */ void help() { printf( "Font editor\n\n" ); printf( "F6 - Pixel on\n" ); printf( "F7 - Pixel off\n" ); printf( "F13 - Clear display area\n" ); printf( "HELP - This screen\n" ); printf( "FIND - Update font table\n" ); printf( "INSERT - Insert a blank row\n" ); printf( "REMOVE - Remove a row\n" ); printf( "SELECT - Select current font table entry\n" ); printf( "PREV - Move to previous font table entry\n" ); printf( "NEXT - Move to next font table entry\n" ); printf( "^D - Exit\n" ); printf( "\n\n\n\nPress any key to continue\n" ); } /* * Warning * Issue a warning to the regarding the current status. */ void warning( s ) char *s; { move( ERROR_ROW, ERROR_COL ); printf( "Warning: %s!\n", s ); move( ERROR_ROW+1, ERROR_COL ); printf( " Reissue command to override\n" ); }