.\" .\" kbdcontrol - a utility for manipulating the syscons keyboard driver section .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" @(#)kbdcontrol.1 .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd January 7, 2005 .Dt KBDCONTROL 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm kbdcontrol .Nd keyboard control and configuration utility .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Fl dFKix .Op Fl A Ar name .Op Fl a Ar name .Oo .Fl b .Ar duration . Ns Ar pitch | Ar belltype .Oc .Oo .Fl r .Ar delay . Ns Ar repeat | Ar speed .Oc .Op Fl l Ar keymap_file .Op Fl f Ar # Ar string .Op Fl k Ar keyboard_device .Op Fl L Ar keymap_file .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm command is used to set various keyboard related options for the .Xr syscons 4 console driver and the keyboard drivers, such as key map, keyboard repeat and delay rates, bell characteristics etc. .Pp Keyboard options may be automatically configured at system boot time by setting variables in .Pa /etc/rc.conf . See .Sx Boot Time Configuration below. .Pp The following command line options are supported: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Fl A Ar name Detach the keyboard, specified by the keyboard device name, from the keyboard multiplexer. When using this option, the standard input of the .Nm process should be redirected from the keyboard multiplexer keyboard device (if the keyboard multiplexer is not the active keyboard) or .Pa /dev/console (if the keyboard multiplexer is the active keyboard and you are not working on the system console). .It Fl a Ar name Attach the keyboard, specified by the keyboard device name, to the keyboard multiplexer. When using this option, the standard input of the .Nm process should be redirected from the keyboard multiplexer keyboard device (if the keyboard multiplexer is not the active keyboard) or .Pa /dev/console (if the keyboard multiplexer is the active keyboard and you are not working on the system console). .It Fl b Xo .Ar duration . Ns Ar pitch | Ar belltype .Xc Set the bell duration in milliseconds and pitch in hertz. If a .Ar belltype argument is specified, it may be one of .Cm normal which sets sound parameters back to normal values, .Cm off which disables the bell entirely, or .Cm visual which sets the bell to visual mode, i.e., flashes the screen instead. If .Ar belltype is preceded by the word .Cm quiet. , the bell will not be rung when the ringing process is in the background vty. .It Fl r Xo .Ar delay . Ns Ar repeat | Ar speed .Xc Set keyboard .Ar delay (250, 500, 750, 1000) and .Ar repeat (34, 38, 42, 46, 50, 55, 59, 63, 68, 76, 84, 92, 100, 110, 118, 126, 136, 152, 168, 184, 200, 220, 236, 252, 272, 304, 336, 368, 400, 440, 472, 504) rates, or if a .Ar speed argument is specified, it may be one of .Cm slow (1000.504), .Cm fast (250.34) or .Cm normal (500.126). .It Fl l Ar keymap_file Install keyboard map file from .Ar keymap_file . You may load the keyboard map file from a menu-driven command, .Xr kbdmap 1 . .It Fl d Dump the current keyboard map onto stdout. The output may be redirected to a file and can be loaded back to the kernel later by the .Fl l option above. .It Fl f Ar # Ar string Set function key number .Ar # to send .Ar string . Refer to the man page for the keyboard driver (e.g.\& .Xr atkbd 4 ) for available function keys and their numbers. .It Fl F Set function keys back to the standard definitions. .It Fl x Use hexadecimal numbers in keyboard map dump. .It Fl i Print brief information about the keyboard. .It Fl K Disconnect the keyboard from the console. You need to use the .Fl k option below to associate a keyboard with the console again. .It Fl k Ar keyboard_device Use the specified device as the console keyboard. When using this option, the standard input of the .Nm process should be redirected from .Pa /dev/console if you are not working on the system console (see the .Sx EXAMPLES section). .It Fl L Ar keymap_file Load keyboard map file from .Ar keymap_file and write the .Ft "struct keymap" compiled from it to stdout. This option is primarily intended for programmers and is probably of little use under normal circumstances. .El .Sh ENVIRONMENT The environment variable .Ev KEYMAP_PATH can hold an alternative path to the keyboard map files. .Sh KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION .Ss Boot Time Configuration You may set variables in .Pa /etc/rc.conf or .Pa /etc/rc.conf.local in order to configure the keyboard at boot time. The following is the list of relevant variables. .Pp .Bl -tag -width foo_bar_var -compact .It Ar keymap Specifies a keyboard map file for the .Fl l option. .It Ar keyrate Sets the keyboard repeat rate for the .Fl r option. .It Ar keychange Lists function key strings for the .Fl f option. .El .Pp See .Xr rc.conf 5 for details. .Ss Driver Configuration The keyboard device driver may let you change default configuration options, such as the default keyboard map, so that you do not need to set up the options at boot time. See keyboard driver manuals (e.g.\& .Xr atkbd 4 , .Xr ukbd 4 ) for details. .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/foo_bar -compact .It Pa /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/* keyboard map files .El .Sh EXAMPLES The following command will load the keyboard map file .Pa /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/ru.koi8-r.kbd . .Pp .Dl kbdcontrol -l /usr/share/syscons/keymaps/ru.koi8-r.kbd .Pp So long as the keyboard map file resides in .Pa /usr/share/syscons/keymaps , you may abbreviate the file name as .Pa ru.koi8-r . .Pp .Dl kbdcontrol -l ru.koi8-r .Pp The following command will make the function key 10 emit "telnet myhost". .Pp .Dl kbdcontrol -f 10 \&"telnet myhost\&" .Pp In order to get the visual effect for bell, but prevent the screen from flushing if the bell is to ring in the background screen, run the following command. .Pp .Dl kbdcontrol -b quiet.visual .Pp To change the default console keyboard to the another keyboard, for example the first USB keyboard (see .Xr ukbd 4 ) , use the following commands. .Pp .Dl kbdcontrol -k /dev/ukbd0 < /dev/console .Pp To switch back to the default keyboard, use this command. .Pp .Dl kbdcontrol -k /dev/kbd0 .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr kbdmap 1 , .Xr vidcontrol 1 , .Xr atkbd 4 , .Xr keyboard 4 , .Xr screen 4 , .Xr syscons 4 , .Xr ukbd 4 , .Xr kbdmap 5 , .Xr rc.conf 5 .Sh AUTHORS .An S\(/oren Schmidt Aq sos@FreeBSD.org .Sh BUGS Report when found.