/* * Copyright (c) 1996, 1999 Hellmuth Michaelis. All rights reserved. * * Copyright (c) 1996 Gary Jennejohn. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * 4. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software and/or documentation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * trace.c - print traces of D (B) channel activity for isdn4bsd * ------------------------------------------------------------- * * $Id: trace.c,v 1.14 1999/07/30 06:51:13 hm Exp $ * * last edit-date: [Fri Jul 30 08:16:59 1999] * * -hm rewriting for isic and new trace format * -hm new option -f, use automatic name for -o * -hm changed default option setting * -hm multi unit support * -hm analyzer functionality * -hm binary record/playback * -hm -p option * -hm cleanup * -hm adding date to timestamp field * -hm reopen files on SIGUSR1 for rotation * -hm Joerg reported a bug with commandline options * -hm I.430 INFO signals from layer 1 * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "trace.h" unsigned char buf[BSIZE]; FILE *Fout = NULL; FILE *BP = NULL; int outflag = 1; int header = 1; int print_q921 = 1; int unit = 0; int dchan = 0; int bchan = 0; int traceon = 0; int analyze = 0; int Rx = RxUDEF; int Tx = TxUDEF; int f; int Bopt = 0; int Popt = 0; int bpopt = 0; int info = 0; int Fopt = 0; static char outfilename[1024]; static char BPfilename[1024]; static struct stat fst; static void dumpbuf( int n, unsigned char *buf, i4b_trace_hdr_t *hdr, int raw ); static int switch_driver( int value, int rx, int tx ); static void usage( void ); static void exit_hdl( void ); static void reopenfiles( int ); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * usage instructions *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"isdntrace - i4b package ISDN trace facility for passive cards (%02d.%02d.%d)\n", VERSION, REL, STEP); fprintf(stderr,"usage: isdntrace -a -b -d -f -h -i -l -n -o -p -r -u \n"); fprintf(stderr," -B -F -P -R -T \n"); fprintf(stderr," -a analyzer mode ................................... (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -b switch B channel trace on ....................... (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -d switch D channel trace off ....................... (default on)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -f write output to file filename ............ (default %s0)\n", TRACE_FILE_NAME); fprintf(stderr," -h don't print header for each message ............. (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -i print I.430 (layer 1) INFO signals .............. (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -l don't decode low layer Q.921 messages ........... (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -n process packet if it is longer than octetts . (default 0)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -o don't write output to a file .................... (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -p specify filename for -B and -P ........ (default %s0)\n", BIN_FILE_NAME); fprintf(stderr," -r don't print raw hex/ASCII dump of protocol ...... (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -u specify controller unit number ............... (default unit 0)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -B write binary trace data to file filename ........ (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -F with -P and -p: wait for more data at EOF ....... (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -P playback from binary trace data file ............ (default off)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -R analyze Rx controller unit number (for -a) ... (default unit %d)\n", RxUDEF); fprintf(stderr," -T analyze Tx controller unit number (for -a) ... (default unit %d)\n", TxUDEF); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); exit(1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * main *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { extern int optind; extern int opterr; extern char *optarg; char devicename[80]; char headerbuf[256]; int n; int c; char *b; int enable_trace = TRACE_D_RX | TRACE_D_TX; char *outfile = TRACE_FILE_NAME; char *binfile = BIN_FILE_NAME; int outfileset = 0; int raw = 1; int noct = -1; time_t tm; i4b_trace_hdr_t *ithp = NULL; int l; static struct stat fstnew; b = &buf[sizeof(i4b_trace_hdr_t)]; while( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "abdf:hiln:op:ru:BFPR:T:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'a': analyze = 1; break; case 'b': enable_trace |= (TRACE_B_RX | TRACE_B_TX); break; case 'd': enable_trace &= (~(TRACE_D_TX | TRACE_D_RX)); break; case 'o': outflag = 0; break; case 'f': outfile = optarg; outfileset = 1; break; case 'n': noct = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': header = 0; break; case 'i': enable_trace |= TRACE_I; info = 1; break; case 'l': print_q921 = 0; break; case 'p': binfile = optarg; bpopt = 1; break; case 'r': raw = 0; break; case 'u': unit = atoi(optarg); if(unit < 0 || unit >= MAX_CONTROLLERS) usage(); break; case 'B': Bopt = 1; break; case 'F': Fopt = 1; break; case 'P': Popt = 1; break; case 'R': Rx = atoi(optarg); if(Rx < 0 || Rx >= MAX_CONTROLLERS) usage(); break; case 'T': Tx = atoi(optarg); if(Tx < 0 || Tx >= MAX_CONTROLLERS) usage(); break; case '?': default: usage(); break; } } if(enable_trace == 0) usage(); if(Bopt && Popt) usage(); atexit(exit_hdl); if(Bopt) { if(bpopt) sprintf(BPfilename, "%s", binfile); else sprintf(BPfilename, "%s%d", BIN_FILE_NAME, unit); if((BP = fopen(BPfilename, "r")) != NULL) { char buffer[1024]; fclose(BP); sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", BPfilename, TRACE_FILE_NAME_BAK); rename(BPfilename, buffer); } if((BP = fopen(BPfilename, "w")) == NULL) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error opening file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } if((setvbuf(BP, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0)) != 0) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error setting file [%s] to unbuffered", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } if(Popt) { if(bpopt) sprintf(BPfilename, "%s", binfile); else sprintf(BPfilename, "%s%d", BIN_FILE_NAME, unit); if((BP = fopen(BPfilename, "r")) == NULL) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error opening file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } if(Fopt) { if(fstat(fileno(BP), &fst)) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error fstat file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } } else { sprintf(devicename, "%s%d", I4BTRC_DEVICE, unit); if((f = open(devicename, O_RDWR)) < 0) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error opening trace device [%s]", devicename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } if(outflag) { if(outfileset == 0) sprintf(outfilename, "%s%d", TRACE_FILE_NAME, unit); else strcpy(outfilename, outfile); if((Fout = fopen(outfilename, "r")) != NULL) { char buffer[1024]; fclose(Fout); sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", outfilename, TRACE_FILE_NAME_BAK); rename(outfilename, buffer); } if((Fout = fopen(outfilename, "w")) == NULL) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error opening file [%s]", outfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } if((setvbuf(Fout, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0)) != 0) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error setting file [%s] to unbuffered", outfile); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } if((setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0)) != 0) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error setting stdout to line-buffered"); perror(buffer); exit(1); } if(!Popt) { if((switch_driver(enable_trace, Rx, Tx)) == -1) exit(1); else traceon = 1; } signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); /* ignore hangup signal */ signal(SIGUSR1, reopenfiles); /* rotate logfile(s) */ time(&tm); if(analyze) { sprintf(headerbuf, "\n==== isdnanalyze controller rx #%d - tx #%d ==== started %s", Rx, Tx, ctime(&tm)); } else { sprintf(headerbuf, "\n=========== isdntrace controller #%d =========== started %s", unit, ctime(&tm)); } printf("%s", headerbuf); if(outflag) fprintf(Fout, "%s", headerbuf); for (;;) { if(Popt == 0) { n = read(f, buf, BSIZE); if(Bopt) { if((fwrite(buf, 1, n, BP)) != n) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error writing file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } n -= sizeof(i4b_trace_hdr_t); } else { again: if((fread(buf, 1, sizeof(i4b_trace_hdr_t), BP)) != sizeof(i4b_trace_hdr_t)) { if(feof(BP)) { if(Fopt) { if(ferror(BP)) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error reading hdr from file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } usleep(250000); clearerr(BP); if(stat(BPfilename, &fstnew) != -1) { if((fst.st_ino != fstnew.st_ino) || (fstnew.st_nlink == 0)) { if((BP = freopen(BPfilename, "r", BP)) == NULL) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error reopening file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } stat(BPfilename, &fst); } } goto again; } else { printf("\nEnd of playback input file reached.\n"); exit(0); } } else { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error reading hdr from file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } ithp = (i4b_trace_hdr_t *)buf; l = ithp->length - sizeof(i4b_trace_hdr_t); if((n = fread(buf+sizeof(i4b_trace_hdr_t), 1, l , BP)) != l) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error reading data from file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } if((n > 0) && (n > noct)) { dumpbuf(n, b, (i4b_trace_hdr_t *)buf, raw); } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * format header into static buffer, return buffer address *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * fmt_hdr(i4b_trace_hdr_t *hdr, int frm_len) { struct tm *s; static char hbuf[256]; int i = 0; s = localtime((time_t *)&(hdr->time.tv_sec)); if(hdr->type == TRC_CH_I) /* Layer 1 INFO's */ { sprintf(hbuf,"\n-- %s - unit:%d ---------------- time:%2.2d.%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%6u ", ((hdr->dir) ? "NT->TE" : "TE->NT"), hdr->unit, s->tm_mday, s->tm_mon + 1, s->tm_hour, s->tm_min, s->tm_sec, (u_int32_t)hdr->time.tv_usec); } else { if(hdr->trunc > 0) { sprintf(hbuf,"\n-- %s - unit:%d - frame:%6.6u - time:%2.2d.%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%6u - length:%d (%d) ", ((hdr->dir) ? "NT->TE" : "TE->NT"), hdr->unit, hdr->count, s->tm_mday, s->tm_mon + 1, s->tm_hour, s->tm_min, s->tm_sec, (u_int32_t)hdr->time.tv_usec, frm_len, hdr->trunc); } else { sprintf(hbuf,"\n-- %s - unit:%d - frame:%6.6u - time:%2.2d.%2.2d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%6u - length:%d ", ((hdr->dir) ? "NT->TE" : "TE->NT"), hdr->unit, hdr->count, s->tm_mday, s->tm_mon + 1, s->tm_hour, s->tm_min, s->tm_sec, (u_int32_t)hdr->time.tv_usec, frm_len); } } for(i=strlen(hbuf); i <= NCOLS;) hbuf[i++] = '-'; hbuf[i++] = '\n'; hbuf[i] = '\0'; return(hbuf); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * decode protocol and output to file(s) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void dumpbuf(int n, unsigned char *buf, i4b_trace_hdr_t *hdr, int raw) { static char l1buf[128]; static unsigned char l2buf[32000]; static unsigned char l3buf[32000]; int cnt; int nsave = n; char *pbuf; int i, j; l1buf[0] = '\0'; l2buf[0] = '\0'; l3buf[0] = '\0'; switch(hdr->type) { case TRC_CH_I: /* Layer 1 INFO's */ pbuf = &l1buf[0]; switch(buf[0]) { case INFO0: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO0 (No Signal)\n"); break; case INFO1_8: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO1 (Activation Request, Priority = 8, from TE)\n"); break; case INFO1_10: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO1 (Activation Request, Priority = 10, from TE)\n"); break; case INFO2: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO2 (Pending Activation, from NT)\n"); break; case INFO3: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO3 (Synchronized, from TE)\n"); break; case INFO4_8: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO4 (Activated, Priority = 8/9, from NT)\n"); break; case INFO4_10: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: INFO4 (Activated, Priority = 10/11, from NT)\n"); break; default: sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"I430: ERROR, invalid INFO value 0x%x!\n", buf[0]); break; } break; case TRC_CH_D: /* D-channel data */ cnt = decode_lapd(l2buf, n, buf, hdr->dir, raw, print_q921); n -= cnt; buf += cnt; if(n) { switch(*buf) { case 0x40: case 0x41: decode_1tr6(l3buf, n, cnt, buf, raw); break; default: decode_q931(l3buf, n, cnt, buf, raw); break; } } break; default: /* B-channel data */ pbuf = &l2buf[0]; for (i = 0; i < n; i += 16) { sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"B%d:%.3x ", hdr->type, i); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) if (i + j < n) sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"%02x ", buf[i + j]); else sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf))," "); sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf))," "); for (j = 0; j < 16 && i + j < n; j++) if (isprint(buf[i + j])) sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"%c", buf[i + j]); else sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"."); sprintf((pbuf+strlen(pbuf)),"\n"); } break; } if(header && ((l1buf[0] != '\0' || l2buf[0] != '\0') || (l3buf[0] != 0))) { char *p; p = fmt_hdr(hdr, nsave); printf("%s", p); if(outflag) fprintf(Fout, "%s", p); } if(l1buf[0] != '\0') { printf("%s", l1buf); if(outflag) fprintf(Fout, "%s", l1buf); } if(l2buf[0] != '\0') { printf("%s", l2buf); if(outflag) fprintf(Fout, "%s", l2buf); } if(l3buf[0] != '\0') { printf("%s", l3buf); if(outflag) fprintf(Fout, "%s", l3buf); } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * exit handler function to be called at program exit *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void exit_hdl() { if(traceon) switch_driver(TRACE_OFF, Rx, Tx); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * switch driver debugging output on/off *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int switch_driver(int value, int rx, int tx) { char buffer[80]; int v = value; if(analyze == 0) { if(ioctl(f, I4B_TRC_SET, &v) < 0) { sprintf(buffer, "Error ioctl I4B_TRC_SET, val = %d", v); perror(buffer); return(-1); } } else { if(value == TRACE_OFF) { if(ioctl(f, I4B_TRC_RESETA, &v) < 0) { sprintf(buffer, "Error ioctl I4B_TRC_RESETA - "); perror(buffer); return(-1); } } else { i4b_trace_setupa_t tsa; tsa.rxunit = rx; tsa.rxflags = value; tsa.txunit = tx; tsa.txflags = value; if(ioctl(f, I4B_TRC_SETA, &tsa) < 0) { sprintf(buffer, "Error ioctl I4B_TRC_SETA, val = %d", v); perror(buffer); return(-1); } } } return(0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * reopen files to support rotating logfile(s) on SIGUSR1 * * based on an idea from Ripley (ripley@nostromo.in-berlin.de) * * close file and reopen it for append. this will be a nop * if the previously opened file hasn't moved but will open * a new one otherwise, thus enabling a rotation... * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void reopenfiles(int dummy) { if(outflag) { fclose(Fout); if((Fout = fopen(outfilename, "a")) == NULL) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error re-opening file [%s]", outfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } if((setvbuf(Fout, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0)) != 0) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error re-setting file [%s] to unbuffered", outfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } if(Bopt) { fclose(BP); if((BP = fopen(BPfilename, "a")) == NULL) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error re-opening file [%s]", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } if((setvbuf(BP, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, 0)) != 0) { char buffer[80]; sprintf(buffer, "Error re-setting file [%s] to unbuffered", BPfilename); perror(buffer); exit(1); } } } /* EOF */