/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Joseph Koshy * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * $FreeBSD$ * */ #include "ctm.h" #define BADREAD 32 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* PassB -- Backup modified files. */ int PassB(FILE *fd) { u_char *p,*q; MD5_CTX ctx; int i,j,sep,cnt; u_char *md5=0,*md5before=0,*trash=0,*name=0,*uid=0,*gid=0,*mode=0; struct CTM_Syntax *sp; FILE *b = 0; /* backup command */ u_char buf[BUFSIZ]; char md5_1[33]; int ret = 0; int match = 0; struct CTM_Filter *filter = NULL; if(Verbose>3) printf("PassB -- Backing up files which would be changed.\n"); MD5Init (&ctx); sprintf(buf, TarCmd, BackupFile); b=popen(buf, "w"); if(!b) { warn("%s", buf); return Exit_Garbage; } GETFIELD(p,' '); if(strcmp("CTM_BEGIN",p)) WRONG GETFIELD(p,' '); if(strcmp(Version,p)) WRONG GETFIELD(p,' '); if(strcmp(Name,p)) WRONG GETFIELD(p,' '); if(strcmp(Nbr,p)) WRONG GETFIELD(p,' '); if(strcmp(TimeStamp,p)) WRONG GETFIELD(p,'\n'); if(strcmp(Prefix,p)) WRONG for(;;) { Delete(md5); Delete(uid); Delete(gid); Delete(mode); Delete(md5before); Delete(trash); Delete(name); cnt = -1; GETFIELD(p,' '); if (p[0] != 'C' || p[1] != 'T' || p[2] != 'M') WRONG if(!strcmp(p+3,"_END")) break; for(sp=Syntax;sp->Key;sp++) if(!strcmp(p+3,sp->Key)) goto found; WRONG found: for(i=0;(j = sp->List[i]);i++) { if (sp->List[i+1] && (sp->List[i+1] & CTM_F_MASK) != CTM_F_Bytes) sep = ' '; else sep = '\n'; switch (j & CTM_F_MASK) { case CTM_F_Name: GETNAMECOPY(name,sep,j, Verbose); break; case CTM_F_Uid: GETFIELDCOPY(uid,sep); break; case CTM_F_Gid: GETFIELDCOPY(gid,sep); break; case CTM_F_Mode: GETFIELDCOPY(mode,sep); break; case CTM_F_MD5: if(j & CTM_Q_MD5_Before) GETFIELDCOPY(md5before,sep); else GETFIELDCOPY(md5,sep); break; case CTM_F_Count: GETBYTECNT(cnt,sep); break; case CTM_F_Bytes: GETDATA(trash,cnt); break; default: WRONG } } /* XXX This should go away. Disallow trailing '/' */ j = strlen(name)-1; if(name[j] == '/') name[j] = '\0'; if (KeepIt && (!strcmp(sp->Key,"DR") || !strcmp(sp->Key,"FR"))) continue; /* match the name against the elements of the filter list. The action associated with the last matched filter determines whether this file should be ignored or backed up. */ match = (FilterList ? !(FilterList->Action) : CTM_FILTER_ENABLE); for (filter = FilterList; filter; filter = filter->Next) { if (0 == regexec(&filter->CompiledRegex, name, 0, 0, 0)) match = filter->Action; } if (CTM_FILTER_DISABLE == match) continue; if (!strcmp(sp->Key,"FS") || !strcmp(sp->Key,"FN") || !strcmp(sp->Key,"AS") || !strcmp(sp->Key,"DR") || !strcmp(sp->Key,"FR")) { /* send name to the archiver for a backup */ cnt = strlen(name); if (cnt != fwrite(name,1,cnt,b) || EOF == fputc('\n',b)) { warn("%s", name); pclose(b); WRONG; } } } ret = pclose(b); Delete(md5); Delete(uid); Delete(gid); Delete(mode); Delete(md5before); Delete(trash); Delete(name); q = MD5End (&ctx,md5_1); GETFIELD(p,'\n'); /* */ if(strcmp(q,p)) WRONG if (-1 != getc(fd)) WRONG return ret; }