/* * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by the Computer Systems Engineering group * at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory under DARPA contract BG 91-66 and * contributed to Berkeley. * * All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * @(#)mkioconf.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" /* * Make ioconf.c. */ static int cforder __P((const void *, const void *)); static int emitcfdata __P((FILE *)); static int emitexterns __P((FILE *)); static int emithdr __P((FILE *)); static int emitloc __P((FILE *)); static int emitpseudo __P((FILE *)); static int emitpv __P((FILE *)); static int emitroots __P((FILE *)); static int emitvec __P((FILE *)); static char *vecname __P((char *, const char *, int)); static const char *s_i386; #define SEP(pos, max) (((u_int)(pos) % (max)) == 0 ? "\n\t" : " ") /* * NEWLINE can only be used in the emitXXX functions. * In most cases it can be subsumed into an fprintf. */ #define NEWLINE if (putc('\n', fp) < 0) return (1) int mkioconf() { register FILE *fp; register char *fname; int v; s_i386 = intern("i386"); fname = path("ioconf.c"); qsort(packed, npacked, sizeof *packed, cforder); if ((fp = fopen(fname, "w")) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "config: cannot write %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); return (1); } v = emithdr(fp); if (v != 0 || emitvec(fp) || emitexterns(fp) || emitloc(fp) || emitpv(fp) || emitcfdata(fp) || emitroots(fp) || emitpseudo(fp)) { if (v >= 0) (void)fprintf(stderr, "config: error writing %s: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno)); (void)fclose(fp); /* (void)unlink(fname); */ free(fname); return (1); } (void)fclose(fp); free(fname); return (0); } static int cforder(a, b) const void *a, *b; { register int n1, n2; n1 = (*(struct devi **)a)->i_cfindex; n2 = (*(struct devi **)b)->i_cfindex; return (n1 - n2); } static int emithdr(ofp) register FILE *ofp; { register FILE *ifp; register int n; char ifn[200], buf[BUFSIZ]; if (fprintf(ofp, "\ /*\n\ * MACHINE GENERATED: DO NOT EDIT\n\ *\n\ * ioconf.c, from \"%s\"\n\ */\n\n", conffile) < 0) return (1); (void)sprintf(ifn, "ioconf.incl.%s", machine); if ((ifp = fopen(ifn, "r")) != NULL) { while ((n = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), ifp)) > 0) if (fwrite(buf, 1, n, ofp) != n) return (1); if (ferror(ifp)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "config: error reading %s: %s\n", ifn, strerror(errno)); (void)fclose(ifp); return (-1); } (void)fclose(ifp); } else { if (fputs("\ #include \n\ #include \n", ofp) < 0) return (1); } return (0); } static int emitexterns(fp) register FILE *fp; { register struct devbase *d; NEWLINE; for (d = allbases; d != NULL; d = d->d_next) { if (d->d_ihead == NULL) continue; if (fprintf(fp, "extern struct cfdriver %scd;\n", d->d_name) < 0) return (1); } NEWLINE; return (0); } static int emitloc(fp) register FILE *fp; { register int i; if (fprintf(fp, "\n/* locators */\n\ static int loc[%d] = {", locators.used) < 0) return (1); for (i = 0; i < locators.used; i++) if (fprintf(fp, "%s%s,", SEP(i, 8), locators.vec[i]) < 0) return (1); return (fprintf(fp, "\n};\n") < 0); } /* * Emit global parents-vector. */ static int emitpv(fp) register FILE *fp; { register int i; if (fprintf(fp, "\n/* parent vectors */\n\ static short pv[%d] = {", parents.used) < 0) return (1); for (i = 0; i < parents.used; i++) if (fprintf(fp, "%s%d,", SEP(i, 16), parents.vec[i]) < 0) return (1); return (fprintf(fp, "\n};\n") < 0); } /* * Emit the cfdata array. */ static int emitcfdata(fp) register FILE *fp; { register struct devi **p, *i, **par; register int unit, v; register const char *vs, *state, *basename; register struct nvlist *nv; register struct attr *a; char *loc; char locbuf[20]; if (fprintf(fp, "\n\ #define NORM FSTATE_NOTFOUND\n\ #define STAR FSTATE_STAR\n\ \n\ struct cfdata cfdata[] = {\n\ \t/* driver unit state loc flags parents ivstubs */\n") < 0) return (1); for (p = packed; (i = *p) != NULL; p++) { /* the description */ if (fprintf(fp, "/*%3d: %s at ", i->i_cfindex, i->i_name) < 0) return (1); par = i->i_parents; for (v = 0; v < i->i_pvlen; v++) if (fprintf(fp, "%s%s", v == 0 ? "" : "|", i->i_parents[v]->i_name) < 0) return (1); if (v == 0 && fputs("root", fp) < 0) return (1); a = i->i_atattr; nv = a->a_locs; for (nv = a->a_locs, v = 0; nv != NULL; nv = nv->nv_next, v++) if (fprintf(fp, " %s %s", nv->nv_name, i->i_locs[v]) < 0) return (1); if (fputs(" */\n", fp) < 0) return (-1); /* then the actual defining line */ basename = i->i_base->d_name; if (i->i_unit == STAR) { unit = i->i_base->d_umax; state = "STAR"; } else { unit = i->i_unit; state = "NORM"; } if (i->i_ivoff < 0) { vs = ""; v = 0; } else { vs = "vec+"; v = i->i_ivoff; } if (i->i_locoff >= 0) { (void)sprintf(locbuf, "loc+%3d", i->i_locoff); loc = locbuf; } else loc = "loc"; if (fprintf(fp, "\ \t{&%scd,%s%2d, %s, %7s, %#6x, pv+%2d, %s%d},\n", basename, strlen(basename) < 3 ? "\t\t" : "\t", unit, state, loc, i->i_cfflags, i->i_pvoff, vs, v) < 0) return (1); } return (fputs("\t{0}\n};\n", fp) < 0); } /* * Emit the table of potential roots. */ static int emitroots(fp) register FILE *fp; { register struct devi **p, *i; if (fputs("\nshort cfroots[] = {\n", fp) < 0) return (1); for (p = packed; (i = *p) != NULL; p++) { if (i->i_at != NULL) continue; if (i->i_unit != 0 && (i->i_unit != STAR || i->i_base->d_umax != 0)) (void)fprintf(stderr, "config: warning: `%s at root' is not unit 0\n", i->i_name); if (fprintf(fp, "\t%2d /* %s */,\n", i->i_cfindex, i->i_name) < 0) return (1); } return (fputs("\t-1\n};\n", fp) < 0); } /* * Emit pseudo-device initialization. */ static int emitpseudo(fp) register FILE *fp; { register struct devi *i; register struct devbase *d; if (fputs("\n/* pseudo-devices */\n", fp) < 0) return (1); for (i = allpseudo; i != NULL; i = i->i_next) if (fprintf(fp, "extern void %sattach __P((int));\n", i->i_base->d_name) < 0) return (1); if (fputs("\nstruct pdevinit pdevinit[] = {\n", fp) < 0) return (1); for (i = allpseudo; i != NULL; i = i->i_next) { d = i->i_base; if (fprintf(fp, "\t{ %sattach, %d },\n", d->d_name, d->d_umax) < 0) return (1); } return (fputs("\t{ 0, 0 }\n};\n", fp) < 0); } /* * Emit interrupt vector declarations, and calculate offsets. */ static int emitvec(fp) register FILE *fp; { register struct nvlist *head, *nv; register struct devi **p, *i; register int j, nvec, unit; char buf[200]; nvec = 0; for (p = packed; (i = *p) != NULL; p++) { if ((head = i->i_base->d_vectors) == NULL) continue; if ((unit = i->i_unit) == STAR) panic("emitvec unit==STAR"); if (nvec == 0) NEWLINE; for (j = 0, nv = head; nv != NULL; j++, nv = nv->nv_next) if (fprintf(fp, "/* IVEC %s %d */ extern void %s();\n", nv->nv_name, unit, vecname(buf, nv->nv_name, unit)) < 0) return (1); nvec += j + 1; } if (nvec == 0) return (0); if (fprintf(fp, "\nstatic void (*vec[%d]) __P((void)) = {", nvec) < 0) return (1); nvec = 0; for (p = packed; (i = *p) != NULL; p++) { if ((head = i->i_base->d_vectors) == NULL) continue; i->i_ivoff = nvec; unit = i->i_unit; for (nv = head; nv != NULL; nv = nv->nv_next) if (fprintf(fp, "%s%s,", SEP(nvec++, 4), vecname(buf, nv->nv_name, unit)) < 0) return (1); if (fprintf(fp, "%s0,", SEP(nvec++, 4)) < 0) return (1); } return (fputs("\n};\n", fp) < 0); } static char * vecname(buf, name, unit) char *buf; const char *name; int unit; { /* @#%* 386 uses a different name format */ if (machine == s_i386) { (void)sprintf(buf, "V%s%d", name, unit); return (buf); } (void)sprintf(buf, "X%s%d", name, unit); return (buf); }