/*- * Copyright (c) 2011 Nathan Whitehorn * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD$ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libutil.h> #include <dialog.h> #include <dlg_keys.h> #include "diskeditor.h" static void print_partedit_item(WINDOW *partitions, struct partedit_item *items, int item, int nscroll, int selected) { chtype attr = A_NORMAL; char sizetext[16]; int y = item - nscroll + 1; wattrset(partitions, selected ? item_selected_attr : item_attr); wmove(partitions, y, MARGIN + items[item].indentation*2); dlg_print_text(partitions, items[item].name, 10, &attr); wmove(partitions, y, 17); wattrset(partitions, item_attr); humanize_number(sizetext, 7, items[item].size, "B", HN_AUTOSCALE, HN_DECIMAL); dlg_print_text(partitions, sizetext, 8, &attr); wmove(partitions, y, 25); dlg_print_text(partitions, items[item].type, 15, &attr); wmove(partitions, y, 40); if (items[item].mountpoint != NULL) dlg_print_text(partitions, items[item].mountpoint, 8, &attr); } int diskeditor_show(const char *title, const char *cprompt, struct partedit_item *items, int nitems, int *selected, int *nscroll) { WINDOW *dialog, *partitions; char *prompt; const char *buttons[] = { "Create", "Delete", "Modify", "Revert", "Auto", "Finish", NULL }; const char *help_text[] = { "Add a new partition", "Delete selected partition or partitions", "Change partition type or mountpoint", "Revert changes to disk setup", "Use guided partitioning tool", "Exit partitioner (will ask whether to save changes)", NULL }; int x, y; int i; int height, width, min_width; int partlist_height, partlist_width, min_partlist_width; int cur_scroll = 0; int key, fkey; int cur_button = 0, cur_part = 0; int result = DLG_EXIT_UNKNOWN; static DLG_KEYS_BINDING binding[] = { ENTERKEY_BINDINGS, DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ENTER, ' ' ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_NEXT, KEY_DOWN ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_ITEM_PREV, KEY_UP ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, KEY_RIGHT ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_NEXT, TAB ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_BTAB ), DLG_KEYS_DATA( DLGK_FIELD_PREV, KEY_LEFT ), SCROLLKEY_BINDINGS, END_KEYS_BINDING }; /* * Set up editor window. */ prompt = dlg_strclone(cprompt); min_width = 50; height = width = 0; partlist_height = 10; min_partlist_width = 0; dlg_tab_correct_str(prompt); dlg_button_layout(buttons, &min_width); dlg_auto_size(title, prompt, &height, &width, 2, min_width); height += partlist_height; partlist_width = width - 2*MARGIN; dlg_print_size(height, width); dlg_ctl_size(height, width); x = dlg_box_x_ordinate(width); y = dlg_box_y_ordinate(height); dialog = dlg_new_window(height, width, y, x); dlg_register_window(dialog, "diskeditorbox", binding); dlg_register_buttons(dialog, "diskeditorbox", buttons); dlg_draw_box(dialog, 0, 0, height, width, dialog_attr, border_attr); dlg_draw_bottom_box(dialog); dlg_draw_title(dialog, title); wattrset(dialog, dialog_attr); /* Partition list sub-window */ partitions = dlg_sub_window(dialog, partlist_height, partlist_width, y + 3, x + 1); dlg_register_window(partitions, "partlist", binding); dlg_register_buttons(partitions, "partlist", buttons); wattrset(partitions, menubox_attr); dlg_item_help(help_text[cur_button]); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2*MARGIN, 0, buttons, cur_button, FALSE, width); dlg_print_autowrap(dialog, prompt, height, width); if (selected != NULL) cur_part = *selected; if (nscroll != NULL) cur_scroll = *nscroll; if (cur_part - cur_scroll >= partlist_height - 2 || cur_part - cur_scroll < 0) cur_scroll = cur_part; repaint: dlg_draw_box(dialog, 3, 1, partlist_height, partlist_width, menubox_border_attr, menubox_attr); for (i = cur_scroll; i < MIN(cur_scroll + partlist_height - 2, nitems); i++) print_partedit_item(partitions, items, i, cur_scroll, i == cur_part); if (nitems > partlist_height - 2) dlg_draw_arrows(partitions, cur_scroll > 0, nitems > cur_scroll + partlist_height - 2, partlist_width - 5, 0, partlist_height - 1); wrefresh(partitions); while (result == DLG_EXIT_UNKNOWN) { key = dlg_mouse_wgetch(dialog, &fkey); if ((i = dlg_char_to_button(key, buttons)) >= 0) { cur_button = i; dlg_item_help(help_text[cur_button]); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2*MARGIN, 0, buttons, cur_button, FALSE, width); break; } if (!fkey) continue; switch (key) { case DLGK_FIELD_NEXT: cur_button = dlg_next_button(buttons, cur_button); if (cur_button < 0) cur_button = 0; dlg_item_help(help_text[cur_button]); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2*MARGIN, 0, buttons, cur_button, FALSE, width); break; case DLGK_FIELD_PREV: cur_button = dlg_prev_button(buttons, cur_button); if (cur_button < 0) cur_button = 0; dlg_item_help(help_text[cur_button]); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2*MARGIN, 0, buttons, cur_button, FALSE, width); break; case DLGK_ITEM_NEXT: if (cur_part == nitems - 1) break; /* End of list */ /* Deselect old item */ print_partedit_item(partitions, items, cur_part, cur_scroll, 0); /* Select new item */ cur_part++; if (cur_part - cur_scroll >= partlist_height - 2) { cur_scroll = cur_part; goto repaint; } print_partedit_item(partitions, items, cur_part, cur_scroll, 1); wrefresh(partitions); break; case DLGK_ITEM_PREV: if (cur_part == 0) break; /* Start of list */ /* Deselect old item */ print_partedit_item(partitions, items, cur_part, cur_scroll, 0); /* Select new item */ cur_part--; if (cur_part - cur_scroll < 0) { cur_scroll = cur_part; goto repaint; } print_partedit_item(partitions, items, cur_part, cur_scroll, 1); wrefresh(partitions); break; case DLGK_PAGE_NEXT: cur_scroll += (partlist_height - 2); if (cur_scroll + partlist_height - 2 >= nitems) cur_scroll = nitems - (partlist_height - 2); if (cur_scroll < 0) cur_scroll = 0; if (cur_part < cur_scroll) cur_part = cur_scroll; goto repaint; case DLGK_PAGE_PREV: cur_scroll -= (partlist_height - 2); if (cur_scroll < 0) cur_scroll = 0; if (cur_part >= cur_scroll + partlist_height - 2) cur_part = cur_scroll; goto repaint; case DLGK_PAGE_FIRST: cur_scroll = 0; cur_part = cur_scroll; goto repaint; case DLGK_PAGE_LAST: cur_scroll = nitems - (partlist_height - 2); if (cur_scroll < 0) cur_scroll = 0; cur_part = cur_scroll; goto repaint; case DLGK_ENTER: goto done; default: if (is_DLGK_MOUSE(key)) { cur_button = key - M_EVENT; dlg_item_help(help_text[cur_button]); dlg_draw_buttons(dialog, height - 2*MARGIN, 0, buttons, cur_button, FALSE, width); goto done; } break; } } done: if (selected != NULL) *selected = cur_part; if (nscroll != NULL) *nscroll = cur_scroll; dlg_del_window(partitions); dlg_del_window(dialog); dlg_mouse_free_regions(); return (cur_button); }