/*- * Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by the University of * California, Berkeley and its contributors. * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef lint static char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993\n\ The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n"; #endif /* not lint */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)uuq.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93"; #endif /* not lint */ /* * uuq - looks at uucp queues * * Lou Salkind * New York University * */ #include "uucp.h" #include #ifdef NDIR #include "libndir/ndir.h" #else !NDIR #include #endif !NDIR #include #define NOSYS (struct sys *)0 #define W_TYPE wrkvec[0] #define W_FILE1 wrkvec[1] #define W_FILE2 wrkvec[2] #define W_USER wrkvec[3] #define W_OPTNS wrkvec[4] #define W_DFILE wrkvec[5] #define W_MODE wrkvec[6] #define WSUFSIZE 5 /* work file name suffix size */ struct sys { char s_name[8]; int s_njobs; off_t s_bytes; struct job *s_jobp; struct sys *s_sysp; }; struct job { int j_files; int j_flags; char j_jobno[WSUFSIZE]; char j_user[22]; char j_fname[128]; char j_grade; off_t j_bytes; time_t j_date; struct job *j_jobp; }; struct sys *syshead; struct sys *getsys(); int jcompare(); char *sysname; char *user; char *rmjob; int hflag; int lflag; char *malloc(), *calloc(); double atof(); float baudrate = 2400.; char Username[BUFSIZ]; char Filename[BUFSIZ]; int Maxulen = 0; struct timeb Now; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register int i; register struct sys *sp; register struct job *jp; struct job **sortjob; int nsys; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; strcpy(Progname, "uuq"); uucpname(Myname); while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "r:S:s:u:d:b:hl")) != EOF) switch (i) { case 'r': case 'S': Spool = optarg; break; case 's': sysname = optarg; if (strlen(sysname) > SYSNSIZE) sysname[SYSNSIZE] = '\0'; break; case 'u': user = optarg; break; case 'd': rmjob = optarg; break; case 'b': baudrate = atof(optarg); break; case 'h': hflag++; break; case 'l': lflag++; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "usage: uuq [-l] [-h] [-ssystem] [-uuser] [-djobno] [-rspool] [-bbaudrate]\n"); exit(0); } subchdir(Spool); baudrate *= 0.7; /* reduce speed because of protocol overhead */ baudrate *= 7.5; /* convert to chars/minute (60/8) */ gather(); nsys = 0; for (sp = syshead; sp; sp = sp->s_sysp) { if (sp->s_njobs == 0) continue; if (!hflag && nsys++ > 0) putchar('\n'); printf("%s: %d %s", sp->s_name, sp->s_njobs, sp->s_njobs > 1 ? "jobs" : "job"); if (lflag) { float minutes; int hours; /* The 80 * njobs is because of the uucp handshaking */ minutes = (float)(sp->s_bytes + 80 * sp->s_njobs)/baudrate; hours = minutes/60; printf(", %ld bytes, ", sp->s_bytes); if (minutes > 60){ printf("%d hour%s, ",hours, hours > 1 ? "s": ""); minutes -= 60 * hours; } printf("%3.1f minutes (@ effective baudrate of %d)", minutes,(int)(baudrate/6)); } putchar('\n'); if (hflag) continue; /* sort them babies! */ sortjob = (struct job **)calloc(sp->s_njobs, sizeof (struct job *)); for (i=0, jp=sp->s_jobp; i < sp->s_njobs; i++, jp=jp->j_jobp) sortjob[i] = jp; qsort(sortjob, sp->s_njobs, sizeof (struct job *), jcompare); for (i = 0; i < sp->s_njobs; i++) { jp = sortjob[i]; if (lflag) { printf("%s %2d %-*s%7ld%5.1f %-12.12s %c %.*s\n", jp->j_jobno, jp->j_files, Maxulen, jp->j_user, jp->j_bytes, jp->j_bytes/baudrate, ctime(&jp->j_date) + 4, jp->j_flags, sizeof (jp->j_fname), jp->j_fname ); } else { printf("%s", jp->j_jobno); putchar((i+1)%10 ? '\t' : '\n'); } /* There's no need to keep the force poll if jobs > 1*/ if (sp->s_njobs > 1 && strcmp("POLL", jp->j_jobno)==0) { char pbuf[BUFSIZ]; sprintf(pbuf,"%s/%c.%s%cPOLL", subdir(Spool, CMDPRE), CMDPRE, sp->s_name, jp->j_grade); (void) unlink(pbuf); } } if (!lflag && (sp->s_njobs%10)) putchar('\n'); } exit(0); } jcompare(j1, j2) struct job **j1, **j2; { int delta; delta = (*j1)->j_grade - (*j2)->j_grade; if (delta) return delta; return(strcmp((*j1)->j_jobno,(*j2)->j_jobno)); } /* * Get all the command file names */ gather() { struct direct *d; DIR *df; /* * Find all the spool files in the spooling directory */ if ((df = opendir(subdir(Spool, CMDPRE))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "can't examine spooling area\n"); exit(1); } for (;;) { if ((d = readdir(df)) == NULL) break; if (d->d_namlen <= 2 || d->d_name[0] != CMDPRE || d->d_name[1] != '.') continue; if (analjob(d->d_name) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); break; } } closedir(df); } /* * analjob does the grunge work of verifying jobs */ #include analjob(filename) char *filename; { struct job *jp; struct sys *sp; char sbuf[MAXNAMLEN+1], str[256], nbuf[256]; char *jptr, *wrkvec[20]; char grade; FILE *fp, *df; struct stat statb; int files, gotname, i; off_t bytes; strncpy(sbuf, filename, MAXNAMLEN); sbuf[MAXNAMLEN] = '\0'; jptr = sbuf + strlen(sbuf) - WSUFSIZE; grade = *jptr; *jptr++ = 0; /* * sbuf+2 now points to sysname name (null terminated) * jptr now points to job number (null terminated) */ if (rmjob) { if (strcmp(rmjob, jptr)) return(0); } else { if ((sp = getsys(sbuf+2)) == NOSYS) return(0); if (!lflag) { /* SHOULD USE A SMALLER STRUCTURE HERE */ jp = (struct job *)malloc(sizeof(struct job)); if (jp == (struct job *)0) return(-1); strcpy(jp->j_jobno, jptr); jp->j_jobp = sp->s_jobp; jp->j_grade = grade; sp->s_jobp = jp; sp->s_njobs++; return(1); } } if ((fp = fopen(subfile(filename), "r")) == NULL) { perror(subfile(filename)); return(0); } files = 0; bytes = 0; gotname = 0; while (fgets(str, sizeof str, fp)) { if (getargs(str, wrkvec, 20) <= 0) continue; if (rmjob) { int myuid; struct passwd *pw; /* * Make sure person who is removing data files is * the person who created it or root. */ myuid = getuid(); pw = getpwnam(W_USER); if (myuid && (pw == NULL || myuid != pw->pw_uid)) { fprintf(stderr, "Permission denied.\n"); exit(1); } if (W_TYPE[0] == 'S' && !index(W_OPTNS, 'c')) { unlink(subfile(W_DFILE)); fprintf(stderr, "Removing data file %s\n", W_DFILE); } continue; } if (user && (W_TYPE[0] == 'X' || !prefix(user, W_USER))) { fclose(fp); return(0); } files++; if (W_TYPE[0] == 'S') { if (strcmp(W_DFILE, "D.0") && stat(subfile(W_DFILE), &statb) >= 0) bytes += statb.st_size; else if (stat(subfile(W_FILE1), &statb) >= 0) bytes += statb.st_size; } /* amusing heuristic */ #define isXfile(s) (s[0]=='D' && s[strlen(s)-WSUFSIZE]=='X') if (gotname == 0 && isXfile(W_FILE1)) { if ((df = fopen(subfile(W_FILE1), "r")) == NULL) continue; while (fgets(nbuf, sizeof nbuf, df)) { nbuf[strlen(nbuf) - 1] = '\0'; if (nbuf[0] == 'C' && nbuf[1] == ' ') { strcpy(Filename, nbuf+2); gotname++; } else if (nbuf[0] == 'R' && nbuf[1] == ' ') { register char *p, *q, *r; r = q = p = nbuf+2; do { if (*p == '!' || *p == '@'){ r = q; q = p+1; } } while (*p++); strcpy(Username, r); W_USER = Username; } } fclose(df); } } fclose(fp); if (rmjob) { unlink(subfile(filename)); fprintf(stderr, "Removing command file %s\n", filename); exit(0); } if (files == 0) { static char *wtype = "X"; static char *wfile = "forced poll"; if (strcmp("POLL", &filename[strlen(filename)-4])) { fprintf(stderr, "%.14s: empty command file\n", filename); return(0); } W_TYPE = wtype; W_FILE1 = wfile; } jp = (struct job *)malloc(sizeof(struct job)); if (jp == (struct job *)0) return(-1); strcpy(jp->j_jobno, jptr); jp->j_files = files; jp->j_bytes = bytes; jp->j_grade = grade; jp->j_flags = W_TYPE[0]; strncpy(jp->j_user, W_TYPE[0]=='X' ? "---" : W_USER, 20 ); jp->j_user[20] = '\0'; i = strlen(jp->j_user); if (i > Maxulen) Maxulen = i; /* SHOULD ADD ALL INFORMATION IN THE WHILE LOOP */ if (gotname) strncpy(jp->j_fname, Filename, sizeof jp->j_fname); else strncpy(jp->j_fname, W_FILE1, sizeof jp->j_fname); stat(subfile(filename), &statb); jp->j_date = statb.st_mtime; jp->j_jobp = sp->s_jobp; sp->s_jobp = jp; sp->s_njobs++; sp->s_bytes += jp->j_bytes; return(1); } struct sys * getsys(s) register char *s; { register struct sys *sp; for (sp = syshead; sp; sp = sp->s_sysp) if (strcmp(s, sp->s_name) == 0) return(sp); if (sysname && !prefix(sysname, s)) return(NOSYS); sp = (struct sys *)malloc(sizeof(struct sys)); if (sp == NOSYS) return(NOSYS); strcpy(sp->s_name, s); sp->s_njobs = 0; sp->s_jobp = (struct job *)0; sp->s_sysp = syshead; sp->s_bytes = 0; syshead = sp; return(sp); }