/ $FreeBSD$ / primitive units m !a! kg !b! sec !c! coul !d! candela !e! usdollar !f! euro !g! bit !h! erlang !i! K !j! / prefixes yotta- 1e24 zetta- 1e21 exa- 1e18 peta- 1e15 tera- 1e12 giga- 1e9 mega- 1e6 myria- 1e4 kilo- 1e3 hecto- 1e2 deka- 1e1 deca- deka deci- 1e-1 centi- 1e-2 milli- 1e-3 micro- 1e-6 nano- 1e-9 pico- 1e-12 femto- 1e-15 atto- 1e-18 zopto- 1e-21 zepto- zopto yocto- 1e-24 semi- .5 demi- .5 Y- yotta Z- zetta E- exa P- peta T- tera G- giga M- mega k- kilo h- hecto da- deka d- deci c- centi m- milli n- nano p- pico f- femto a- atto z- zopto y- yocto / binary prefixes introduced in 1999 exbi- 1152921504606846976 pebi- 1125899906842624 tebi- 1099511627776 gibi- 1073741824 mebi- 1048576 kibi- 1024 Ei- exbi Pi- pebi Ti- tebi Gi- gibi Mi- mebi Ki- kibi / constants fuzz 1 pi 3.14159265358979323846 c 2.99792458e+8 m/sec g0 9.80665 m/sec2 g g0 bigG 6.67428e-11 m3/kg/s2 AU 1.49597870691e+11 m fuzz au AU mole 6.0221417930e+23 fuzz e 1.6021917e-19 coul fuzz energy c2 force g mercury 1.3332239e+5 kg/m2-sec2 hg mercury mmHg 0.001 m hg #mu 4.e-7 pi-N/A2 epsilon 1.0 /mu/c2 alpha 0.5 mu-c-e2/planck planck 6.6260755e-34 joule-sec hbar 0.5 planck/pi electronmass 9.1093821545-31 kg protonmass 1.6726217129-27 kg neutronmass 1.6749272928-27 kg / dimensionless radian .5 / pi degree 1|180 pi-radian circle 2 pi-radian turn 2 pi-radian revolution turn rev turn grade .9 degree arcdeg 1 degree arcmin 1|60 arcdeg ccs 1|36 erlang arcsec 1|60 arcmin steradian radian2 sphere 4 pi-steradian sr steradian / Time second sec s sec minute 60 sec min minute hour 60 min hr hour day 24 hr da day week 7 day year 365.24219879 day fuzz yr year month 1|12 year us microsec / Mass gram millikg gm gram metricton kilokg / Avoirdupois lb .45359237 kg pound lb lbf lb g ounce 1|16 lb oz ounce dram 1|16 oz dr dram grain 1|7000 lb gr grain shortton 2000 lb ton shortton longton 2240 lb / Apothecary scruple 20 grain apdram 60 grain apounce 480 grain appound 5760 grain troypound appound / Mining troyounce apounce troz apounce pennyweight 1|20 troz pwt pennyweight dwt pennyweight / Length meter m micron micrometer angstrom decinanometer ao 0.25 alpha/pi/rydbergconst inch 2.54 cm in inch foot 12 in feet foot ft foot yard 3 ft yd yard rod 5.5 yd rd rod mile 5280 ft mi mile british 1200|3937 m/ft nmile 1852 m acre 4840 yd2 cc cm3 liter kilocc ml milliliter / US Liquid gallon 231 in3 imperial 1.20095 gal gallon quart 1|4 gal qt quart pint 1|2 qt pt pint floz 1|16 pt fldr 1|8 floz shot 3|2 floz / US Dry dry 268.8025 in3/gallon fuzz peck 8 dry-quart pk peck bushel 4 peck bu bushel chaldron 36 bushel / British brgallon 277.420 in3 fuzz brquart 1|4 brgallon brpint 1|2 brquart brfloz 1|20 brpint brpeck 554.84 in3 fuzz brbushel 4 brpeck brhundredweight 112 lb / Bottles bottle 750 milliliter /bottle fifth miniature 100 milliliter split 1|4 bottle half 1|2 bottle magnum 2 bottle jeroboam 4 bottle rehoboam 6 bottle methuselah 8 bottle salmanazar 12 bottle balthazar 16 bottle nebuchadnezzar 20 bottle sovereign 34 bottle / Bottles - alternate names and spellings pony split fillette half tappit-hen 3 imperial rheoboam rehoboam shalmaneser salmanazar / Russian berkovets 10 pood pood 40 funt funt 0.40951 kg lot 1|32 funt zolotnik 1|3 lot dolya 1|96 zolotnik rumile 7 verst mezhevayaverst 2 verst verst 1066.8 m sazhen 1|500 verst kosayasazhen 1|430.2 verst arshin 1|1500 verst / is not exactly defined ruell 16.54 in liniya 1|10 in vershok 1.75 in pyad 7 in vedro 12.3 liter shtoff 1|10 vedro vinebottle 1|16 vedro vodkabottle 1|20 vedro charka 1|100 vedro shkalik 1|200 vedro desyatina_state 109.3 are desyatina_farmery 0.75 desyatina_state sqverst 104.2 desyatina_state sqarshin 1|21600 desyatina_state sqfoot 1|117600 desyatina_state / Energy Work newton kg-m/sec2 nt newton N newton joule nt-m J joule cal 4.1868 joule ergon erg / Electrical coulomb coul C coul ampere coul/sec A ampere amp ampere watt joule/sec W watt volt watt/amp ohm volt/amp mho /ohm farad coul/volt F farad henry sec2/farad H henry weber volt-sec Wb weber / Light cd candela lumen cd sr lux cd sr/m2 / EMU currencies have constant exchange rate against Euro since 1.1.1999. / See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro for details. austriaschilling 1|13.7603 euro belgiumfranc 1|40.3399 euro finlandmarkka 1|5.94573 euro francefranc 1|6.55957 euro germanymark 1|1.95583 euro greecedrachma 1|340.750 euro irelandpunt 1|0.787564 euro italylira 1|1936.27 euro luxembourgfranc 1|40.3399 euro netherlandsguilder 1|2.20371 euro portugalescudo 1|200.482 euro spainpeseta 1|166.386 euro sloveniantolar 1|239.640 euro cypriotpound 1|0.585274 euro malteselira 1|0.429300 euro slovakkoruna 1|30.1260 euro / These ones are pegged to the Euro / See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro for details. bosniaherzegovinamark 1|1.95583 euro bulgarianlev 1|1.95583 euro capeverdeanescudo 1|110.265 euro centralafricancfafranc 1|655.957 euro comorosfranc 1|491.96775 euro danishkrone 1|7.46038 euro estoniakroon 1|15.6466 euro lithuanianlitas 1|3.45280 euro pacificfrancexchange 1|0.00838 euro westafricancfafranc 1|655.957 euro / These ones are pegged on the US Dollar / See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USD for details. dollar usdollar arubanflorin 1|1.75 usdollar bahamiandollar 1|1 usdollar bahrainidinar 1|0.376 usdollar barbadiandollar 1|2 usdollar belizedollar 1|2 usdollar belarusianruble 1|2135 usdollar bermudiandollar 1|1 usdollar caymanislandsdollar 1.2 usdollar cubanconvertiblepeso 1.08 usdollar djiboutianfranc 1|177.721 usdollar eastcaribbeandollar 1|2.7 usdollar eritreannakfa 1|15 usdollar hongkongdollar 1|7.80 usdollar macanesepatacas 1|1.03 hongkongdollar jordaniandinar 1|0.709 usdollar lebanesepound 1|1507.5 usdollar maldivianrufiyaa 1|12.8 usdollar netherlandsantilleanguilder 1|1.79 usdollar omanirial 2.6008 usdollar qataririyal 1|3.64 usdollar saudiriyal 1|3.75 usdollar unitedarabemiratesdirham 1|3.6725 usdollar bosniamark bosniaherzegovinamark cfafranc centralafricancfafranc cfpfranc pacificfrancexchange drachma greecedrachma escudo portugalescudo franc francefranc guilder netherlandsguilder herzegovinamark bosniaherzegovinamark hollandguilder netherlandsguilder lira italylira mark germanymark markka finlandmarkka peseta spainpeseta rand southafricarand / computer baud bit/sec nibble 4 bit nybble nibble byte 8 bit word 2 byte block 512 byte kbyte 1024 byte megabyte 1024 kbyte gigabyte 1024 megabyte terabyte 1024 gigabyte petabyte 1024 terabyte exabyte 1024 petabyte zettabyte 1024 exabyte yottabyte 1024 zettabyte kilobyte kbyte meg megabyte / Trivia % 1|100 abampere 10 ampere admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr apostilb cd/pi-m2 are 1e+2 m2 asb apostilb arpentcan 27.52 mi arpentlin 191.835 ft astronomicalunit au atmosphere 1.01325e+5 nt/m2 atm atmosphere atomicmassunit 1.66053878283e-27 kg fuzz # year 3.15569259747e7 sec fuzz amu atomicmassunit bag 94 lb bakersdozen 13 bar 1e+5 nt/m2 barie 1e-1 nt/m2 barleycorn 1|3 in beardsecond 5 nm barn 1e-28 m2 oilbarrel 42 gal barrel oilbarrel barye 1e-1 nt/m2 baryl microbar bev 1e+9 e-volt biot 10 amp blondel cd/pi-m2 boardfoot 144 in3 bolt 40 yd bottommeasure 1|40 in britishthermalunit 1.05506e+3 joule fuzz btu britishthermalunit refrigeration 12000 btu/ton-hour buck usdollar cable 720 ft caliber 1e-2 in calorie cal carat 205 milligram caratgold 1|24 cent centidollar cental 100 lb centesimalminute 1e-2 grade centesimalsecond 1e-4 grade century 100 year cfs ft3/sec chain 66 ft circularinch 1|4 pi-in2 circularmil 1e-6|4 pi-in2 clusec 1e-8 mm-hg m3/s coomb 4 bu cord 128 ft3 cordfoot cord crith 9.06e-2 gm cubit 18 in cup 1|2 pt curie 3.7e+10 /sec dalton amu decade 10 yr dioptre /m displacementton 35 ft3 doppelzentner 100 kg dozen 12 drop .03 cm3 dyne cm-gm/sec2 electronvolt e-volt ell 45 in engineerschain 100 ft engineerslink 100|100 ft equivalentfootcandle lumen/pi-ft2 equivalentlux lumen/pi-m2 equivalentphot cd/pi-cm2 erg cm2-gm/sec2 ev e-volt faraday 9.6485309e+4 coul fathom 6 ft fermi 1e-15 m fifth 4|5 qt fin 5 usdollar finger 7|8 in firkin 9 gal footcandle lumen/ft2 footlambert cd/pi-ft2 fortnight 14 da franklin 3.33564e-10 coul frigorie kilocal furlong 220 yd galileo 1e-2 m/sec2 gamma 1e-9 weber/m2 gauss 1e-4 weber/m2 G gauss geodeticfoot british-ft geographicalmile 1852 m gilbert 2.5 amp/pi gill 1|4 pt gross 144 gunterschain 22 yd hand 4 in hartree 2 rydberg head water hectare 1e+4 m2 hefnercandle .92 cd hertz /sec Hz hertz hogshead 63 gallon hd hogshead homestead 1|4 mi2 horsepower 735.50 watt donkeypower 250 watt hp horsepower hubble 1e9 ly hyl gm force sec2/m hz /sec imaginarycubicfoot 1.4 ft3 jansky 1e-26 W/m2-Hz Jy jansky karat 1|24 kayser /cm key kg kilderkin 18 gal knot nmile/hr kn knot lambert cd/pi-cm2 Lb lambert langley cal/cm2 last 80 bu league 3 mi lightyear c-yr ly lightyear line 1|12 in link 66|100 ft longhundredweight 112 lb longquarter 28 lb lusec 1e-6 mm-hg m3/s m_earth 5.97223e24 kg m_moon 7.34e22 kg m_sun 1.98843e30 kg mach 331.46 m/sec marineleague 3 nmile maxwell 1e-8 weber Mx maxwell metriccarat 200 milligram mgd megagal/day mh millihenry mil 1e-3 in millennium 1000 year minersinch 1.5 ft3/min minim 1|60 fldr mo month mpg mile/gal mph mile/hr nail 1|16 yd nauticalmile nmile nit cd/m2 noggin 1|8 qt nox 1e-3 lux oersted 2.5e+2 amp/m/pi Oe oersted pace 36 in pair 2 palm 3 in parasang 3.5 mi parsec AU-radian/arcsec pascal nt/m2 Pa pascal pc parsec percent % perch rd phot lumen/cm2 pica 1|6 in pieze 1e+3 nt/m2 pipe 4 barrel point 1|72 in poise gm/cm-sec P poise pole rd pond 9.80665e-3 nt potrzebie 2.263348517438173216473 mm poundal ft-lb/sec2 pdl poundal proof 1|200 psi lb-g/in2 quarter 9 in quartersection 1|4 mi2 quintal 100 kg quire 25 r_earth 6.378e8 cm r_moon 1.738e7 cm r_sun 6.9599e10 cm rackunit 1.75 in rad 100 erg/gm ream 500 registerton 100 ft3 rem 0.01 J/kg rhe 10 m2/nt-sec rontgen 2.58e-4 curie/kg roentgen rontgen rood 1.21e+3 yd rope 20 ft RU rackunit rutherford 1e+6 /sec rydbergconst 0.5 elctronmass-c-alpha2/planck rydberg rydbergconst-planck-c sabin 1 ft2 sack 3 bu score 20 seam 8 bu section mi2 shed 1e-24 barn shippington 40 ft3 shorthundredweight 100 lb shortquarter 25 lb siemens /ohm sigma microsec skein 120 yd skot 1e-3 apostilb slug lb-g-sec2/ft smoot 67 in span 9 in spat 4 pi sr spindle 14400 yd square 100 ft2 stere m3 sthene 1e+3 nt stilb cd/cm2 sb stilb stoke 1e-4 m2/sec stone 14 lb strike 2 bu surveyfoot british-ft surveyyard 3 surveyfoot surveyorschain 66 ft surveyorslink 66|100 ft tablespoon 4 fldr tbl tablespoon tbsp tablespoon teaspoon 4|3 fldr tesla weber/m2 T tesla therm 1e+5 btu thermie 1e+6 cal timberfoot ft3 tnt 4.6e+6 m2/sec2 tonne 1e+6 gm torr mm hg township 36 mi2 tsp teaspoon tun 8 barrel water gram g / cc wey 40 bu weymass 252 lb Xunit 1.00206e-13 m k 1.38047e-16 erg/degC degC 1&+273.15 K kelvin K brewster 1e-12 m2/newton degF 5|9&255.37222222222222222222 K degreesrankine 5|9 K degrankine degreesrankine degreerankine degreesrankine degreaumur 10|8&+273.15 K gasmark 25|1&250 degF Stufe 25|1&125 degC drachm 60 grain poncelet 100 kg m g / sec denier .05|450 gram / m tex .001 gram / m englishell 45 inch scottishell 37.2 inch flemishell 27 inch V volt eV e V bohrradius hbar2-C2/8.988e9 N m2-e2-electronmass becquerel 1|3.7e10 curie fresnel 1e12 hertz statcoul 1|2.99792458e9 coul statamp 1|2.99792458e9 amp statvolt 2.99792458e2 volt statcoulomb statcoul statampere statamp debye 3.33564e-30 coul-m pulsatance 2 pi/sec rpm rev/minute rps rev/sec kilohm kiloohm megohm megaohm siderealyear 365.256360417 day siderealday 23.934469444 hour siderealhour 1|24 sidereal day lunarmonth 29.5305555 day synodicmonth lunarmonth siderealmonth 27.32152777 day tropicalyear year solaryear year lunaryear 12 lunarmonth cran 37.5 brgallon kip 1000 lbf frenchfoot 16|15 ft frenchfeet frenchfoot toise 6 frenchfeet sievert 8.4 rontgen candle 1.02 candela militarypace 2.5 feet metre meter litre liter gramme gram iudiptheria 62.8 microgram iupenicillin .6 microgram iuinsulin 41.67 microgram cottonyarncount 2520 ft/pound linenyarncount 900 ft/pound worstedyarncount 1680 ft/pound metricyarncount meter/gram jewlerspoint 2 milligram