/* rast.c Translate sgmls output to RAST result format. Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com). */ #include "config.h" #include "std.h" #include "sgmls.h" #include "getopt.h" #ifdef USE_PROTOTYPES #define P(parms) parms #else #define P(parms) () #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ #define NO_RETURN volatile #else #define NO_RETURN /* as nothing */ #endif #ifdef VARARGS #define VP(parms) () #else #define VP(parms) P(parms) #endif #ifdef USE_ISASCII #define ISASCII(c) isascii(c) #else #define ISASCII(c) (1) #endif NO_RETURN void error VP((char *,...)); static void input_error P((int, char *, unsigned long)); static int do_file P((FILE *)); static void usage P((void)); static void init_sort_code P((void)); static void output_processing_instruction P((char *, unsigned)); static void output_data P((struct sgmls_data *, int)); static void output_data_lines P((char *, unsigned)); static void output_internal_sdata P((char *, unsigned)); static void output_external_entity P((struct sgmls_external_entity *)); static void output_external_entity_info P((struct sgmls_external_entity *)); static void output_element_start P((char *, struct sgmls_attribute *)); static void output_element_end P((char *)); static void output_attribute P((struct sgmls_attribute *)); static void output_attribute_list P((struct sgmls_attribute *)); static void output_tokens P((char **, int)); static void output_markup_chars P((char *, unsigned)); static void output_markup_string P((char *)); static void output_char P((int, int)); static void output_flush P((int)); static void output_external_id P((char *, char *)); static void output_entity P((struct sgmls_entity *)); static void output_external_entity_info P((struct sgmls_external_entity *)); static void output_internal_entity P((struct sgmls_internal_entity *)); /* Don't use a prototype here to avoid problems with qsort. */ static int compare_attributes(); #define output_flush_markup() output_flush('!') #define output_flush_data() output_flush('|') static FILE *outfp; static int char_count = 0; static char *program_name; static short sort_code[256]; static struct sgmls_attribute **attribute_vector = 0; static int attribute_vector_length = 0; int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int c; int opt; char *output_file = 0; program_name = argv[0]; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "o:")) != EOF) switch (opt) { case 'o': output_file = optarg; break; case '?': usage(); default: abort(); } if (output_file) { errno = 0; outfp = fopen(output_file, "w"); if (!outfp) error("couldn't open `%s' for output: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { outfp = tmpfile(); if (!outfp) error("couldn't create temporary file: %s", strerror(errno)); } if (argc - optind > 1) usage(); if (argc - optind == 1) { if (!freopen(argv[optind], "r", stdin)) error("couldn't open `%s' for input: %s", argv[optind], strerror(errno)); } (void)sgmls_set_errhandler(input_error); init_sort_code(); if (!do_file(stdin)) { fclose(outfp); if (output_file) { if (!freopen(output_file, "w", stdout)) error("couldn't reopen `%s' for output: %s", strerror(errno)); } fputs("#ERROR\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (output_file) { errno = 0; if (fclose(outfp) == EOF) error("error closing `%s': %s", output_file, strerror(errno)); } else { errno = 0; if (fseek(outfp, 0L, SEEK_SET)) error("couldn't rewind temporary file: %s", strerror(errno)); while ((c = getc(outfp)) != EOF) if (putchar(c) == EOF) error("error writing standard output: %s", strerror(errno)); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-o output_file] [input_file]\n", program_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void init_sort_code() { int i; static char print[] = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\ @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) sort_code[i] = i + 128; for (i = 0; print[i]; i++) sort_code[(unsigned char)print[i]] = i; } static int do_file(fp) FILE *fp; { struct sgmls *sp; struct sgmls_event e; int conforming = 0; sp = sgmls_create(fp); while (sgmls_next(sp, &e)) switch (e.type) { case SGMLS_EVENT_DATA: output_data(e.u.data.v, e.u.data.n); break; case SGMLS_EVENT_ENTITY: output_external_entity(e.u.entity); break; case SGMLS_EVENT_PI: output_processing_instruction(e.u.pi.s, e.u.pi.len); break; case SGMLS_EVENT_START: output_element_start(e.u.start.gi, e.u.start.attributes); sgmls_free_attributes(e.u.start.attributes); break; case SGMLS_EVENT_END: output_element_end(e.u.end.gi); break; case SGMLS_EVENT_SUBSTART: { int level = 1; output_external_entity(e.u.entity); while (level > 0) { if (!sgmls_next(sp, &e)) return 0; switch (e.type) { case SGMLS_EVENT_SUBSTART: level++; break; case SGMLS_EVENT_SUBEND: level--; break; case SGMLS_EVENT_START: sgmls_free_attributes(e.u.start.attributes); break; default: /* prevent compiler warnings */ break; } } } break; case SGMLS_EVENT_APPINFO: break; case SGMLS_EVENT_CONFORMING: conforming = 1; break; default: abort(); } sgmls_free(sp); return conforming; } static void output_processing_instruction(s, len) char *s; unsigned len; { fputs("[?", outfp); if (len > 0) { putc('\n', outfp); output_data_lines(s, len); output_flush_data(); } fputs("]\n", outfp); } static void output_data(v, n) struct sgmls_data *v; int n; { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (v[i].is_sdata) output_internal_sdata(v[i].s, v[i].len); else if (v[i].len > 0) output_data_lines(v[i].s, v[i].len); } } static void output_data_lines(s, n) char *s; unsigned n; { assert(n > 0); for (; n > 0; --n) output_char((unsigned char)*s++, '|'); output_flush_data(); } static void output_internal_sdata(s, n) char *s; unsigned n; { fputs("#SDATA-TEXT\n", outfp); output_markup_chars(s, n); output_flush_markup(); fputs("#END-SDATA\n", outfp); } static void output_external_entity(e) struct sgmls_external_entity *e; { fprintf(outfp, "[&%s\n", e->name); output_external_entity_info(e); fputs("]\n", outfp); } static void output_element_start(gi, att) char *gi; struct sgmls_attribute *att; { fprintf(outfp, "[%s", gi); if (att) { putc('\n', outfp); output_attribute_list(att); } fputs("]\n", outfp); } static void output_element_end(gi) char *gi; { fprintf(outfp, "[/%s]\n", gi); } static void output_attribute_list(att) struct sgmls_attribute *att; { struct sgmls_attribute *p; int n = 0; int i; for (p = att; p; p = p->next) n++; if (attribute_vector_length < n) { if (attribute_vector_length == 0) attribute_vector = (struct sgmls_attribute **)malloc(n*sizeof(*attribute_vector)); else attribute_vector = (struct sgmls_attribute **)realloc((UNIV)attribute_vector, n*sizeof(*attribute_vector)); attribute_vector_length = n; if (!attribute_vector) error("Out of memory"); } i = 0; for (p = att; p; p = p->next) attribute_vector[i++] = p; qsort(attribute_vector, n, sizeof(attribute_vector[0]), compare_attributes); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) output_attribute(attribute_vector[i]); } static int compare_attributes(p1, p2) UNIV p1, p2; { char *s1 = (*(struct sgmls_attribute **)p1)->name; char *s2 = (*(struct sgmls_attribute **)p2)->name; for (; *s1 && *s2; s1++, s2++) if (*s1 != *s2) return sort_code[(unsigned char)*s1] - sort_code[(unsigned char)*s2]; if (*s1) return 1; else if (*s2) return -1; else return 0; } static void output_attribute(p) struct sgmls_attribute *p; { fprintf(outfp, "%s=\n", p->name); switch (p->type) { case SGMLS_ATTR_IMPLIED: fputs("#IMPLIED\n", outfp); break; case SGMLS_ATTR_CDATA: { struct sgmls_data *v = p->value.data.v; int n = p->value.data.n; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (v[i].is_sdata) output_internal_sdata(v[i].s, v[i].len); else { output_markup_chars(v[i].s, v[i].len); output_flush_markup(); } } break; case SGMLS_ATTR_TOKEN: output_tokens(p->value.token.v, p->value.token.n); break; case SGMLS_ATTR_ENTITY: { int i; for (i = 0; i < p->value.entity.n; i++) { struct sgmls_entity *e = p->value.entity.v[i]; char *name; if (e->is_internal) name = e->u.internal.name; else name = e->u.external.name; if (i > 0) output_markup_string(" "); output_markup_string(name); } output_flush_markup(); for (i = 0; i < p->value.entity.n; i++) output_entity(p->value.entity.v[i]); } break; case SGMLS_ATTR_NOTATION: output_tokens(&p->value.notation->name, 1); output_external_id(p->value.notation->pubid, p->value.notation->sysid); break; } } static void output_tokens(v, n) char **v; int n; { int i; assert(n > 0); output_markup_string(v[0]); for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { output_markup_string(" "); output_markup_string(v[i]); } output_flush_markup(); } static void output_markup_chars(s, n) char *s; unsigned n; { for (; n > 0; --n) output_char((unsigned char)*s++, '!'); } static void output_markup_string(s) char *s; { while (*s) output_char((unsigned char)*s++, '!'); } static void output_char(c, delim) int c; int delim; { if (ISASCII(c) && isprint(c)) { if (char_count == 0) putc(delim, outfp); putc(c, outfp); char_count++; if (char_count == 60) { putc(delim, outfp); putc('\n', outfp); char_count = 0; } } else { output_flush(delim); switch (c) { case RECHAR: fputs("#RE\n", outfp); break; case RSCHAR: fputs("#RS\n", outfp); break; case TABCHAR: fputs("#TAB\n", outfp); break; default: fprintf(outfp, "#%d\n", c); } } } static void output_flush(delim) int delim; { if (char_count > 0) { putc(delim, outfp); putc('\n', outfp); char_count = 0; } } static void output_external_id(pubid, sysid) char *pubid; char *sysid; { if (!pubid && !sysid) fputs("#SYSTEM\n#NONE\n", outfp); else { if (pubid) { fputs("#PUBLIC\n", outfp); if (*pubid) { output_markup_string(pubid); output_flush_markup(); } else fputs("#EMPTY\n", outfp); } if (sysid) { fputs("#SYSTEM\n", outfp); if (*sysid) { output_markup_string(sysid); output_flush_markup(); } else fputs("#EMPTY\n", outfp); } } } static void output_entity(e) struct sgmls_entity *e; { if (e->is_internal) output_internal_entity(&e->u.internal); else output_external_entity_info(&e->u.external); fputs("#END-ENTITY", outfp); #ifndef ASIS putc('\n', outfp); #endif } static void output_external_entity_info(e) struct sgmls_external_entity *e; { switch (e->type) { case SGMLS_ENTITY_CDATA: fputs("#CDATA-EXTERNAL", outfp); break; case SGMLS_ENTITY_SDATA: fputs("#SDATA-EXTERNAL", outfp); break; case SGMLS_ENTITY_NDATA: fputs("#NDATA-EXTERNAL", outfp); break; case SGMLS_ENTITY_SUBDOC: fputs("#SUBDOC", outfp); break; } putc('\n', outfp); output_external_id(e->pubid, e->sysid); if (e->type != SGMLS_ENTITY_SUBDOC) { fprintf(outfp, "#NOTATION=%s\n", e->notation->name); output_external_id(e->notation->pubid, e->notation->sysid); output_attribute_list(e->attributes); } } static void output_internal_entity(e) struct sgmls_internal_entity *e; { if (e->data.is_sdata) fputs("#SDATA-INTERNAL", outfp); else fputs("#CDATA-INTERNAL", outfp); putc('\n', outfp); output_markup_chars(e->data.s, e->data.len); output_flush_markup(); } static void input_error(num, str, lineno) int num; char *str; unsigned long lineno; { error("Error at input line %lu: %s", lineno, str); } NO_RETURN #ifdef VARARGS void error(va_alist) va_dcl #else void error(char *message,...) #endif { #ifdef VARARGS char *message; #endif va_list ap; fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", program_name); #ifdef VARARGS va_start(ap); message = va_arg(ap, char *); #else va_start(ap, message); #endif vfprintf(stderr, message, ap); va_end(ap); fputc('\n', stderr); fflush(stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }