/* * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or * program developed by the user or with the express written consent of * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. * * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, * modification or enhancement. * * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC * OR ANY PART THEREOF. * * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. * * Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 2550 Garcia Avenue * Mountain View, California 94043 */ #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)update.c 1.2 91/03/11 Copyr 1986 Sun Micro"; #endif static const char rcsid[] = "$FreeBSD$"; #endif /* * Copyright (C) 1986, 1989, Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ /* * Administrative tool to add a new user to the publickey database */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef YP #include #include #include #include #endif /* YP */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "extern.h" #ifdef YP static char SHELL[] = "/bin/sh"; static char YPDBPATH[]="/var/yp"; /* This is defined but not used! */ static char UPDATEFILE[] = "updaters"; #else static char PKFILE[] = "/etc/publickey"; #endif /* YP */ #ifdef YP static int _openchild(char *, FILE **, FILE **); static char *basename(char *path); /* * Determine if requester is allowed to update the given map, * and update it if so. Returns the yp status, which is zero * if there is no access violation. */ int mapupdate(requester, mapname, op, keylen, key, datalen, data) char *requester; char *mapname; u_int op; u_int keylen; char *key; u_int datalen; char *data; { char updater[MAXMAPNAMELEN + 40]; FILE *childargs; FILE *childrslt; #ifdef WEXITSTATUS int status; #else union wait status; #endif pid_t pid; u_int yperrno; #ifdef DEBUG printf("%s %s\n", key, data); #endif (void)sprintf(updater, "make -s -f %s/%s %s", YPDBPATH, /* !!! */ UPDATEFILE, mapname); pid = _openchild(updater, &childargs, &childrslt); if (pid < 0) { return (YPERR_YPERR); } /* * Write to child */ (void)fprintf(childargs, "%s\n", requester); (void)fprintf(childargs, "%u\n", op); (void)fprintf(childargs, "%u\n", keylen); (void)fwrite(key, (int)keylen, 1, childargs); (void)fprintf(childargs, "\n"); (void)fprintf(childargs, "%u\n", datalen); (void)fwrite(data, (int)datalen, 1, childargs); (void)fprintf(childargs, "\n"); (void)fclose(childargs); /* * Read from child */ (void)fscanf(childrslt, "%d", &yperrno); (void)fclose(childrslt); (void)wait(&status); #ifdef WEXITSTATUS if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { #else if (status.w_retcode != 0) { #endif return (YPERR_YPERR); } return (yperrno); } /* * returns pid, or -1 for failure */ static pid_t _openchild(command, fto, ffrom) char *command; FILE **fto; FILE **ffrom; { int i; pid_t pid; int pdto[2]; int pdfrom[2]; char *com; struct rlimit rl; if (pipe(pdto) < 0) { goto error1; } if (pipe(pdfrom) < 0) { goto error2; } switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: goto error3; case 0: /* * child: read from pdto[0], write into pdfrom[1] */ (void)close(0); (void)dup(pdto[0]); (void)close(1); (void)dup(pdfrom[1]); getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl); for (i = rl.rlim_max - 1; i >= 3; i--) { (void) close(i); } com = malloc((unsigned) strlen(command) + 6); if (com == NULL) { _exit(~0); } (void)sprintf(com, "exec %s", command); execl(SHELL, basename(SHELL), "-c", com, (char *)NULL); _exit(~0); default: /* * parent: write into pdto[1], read from pdfrom[0] */ *fto = fdopen(pdto[1], "w"); (void)close(pdto[0]); *ffrom = fdopen(pdfrom[0], "r"); (void)close(pdfrom[1]); break; } return (pid); /* * error cleanup and return */ error3: (void)close(pdfrom[0]); (void)close(pdfrom[1]); error2: (void)close(pdto[0]); (void)close(pdto[1]); error1: return (-1); } static char * basename(path) char *path; { char *p; p = strrchr(path, '/'); if (p == NULL) { return (path); } else { return (p + 1); } } #else /* YP */ #define ERR_ACCESS 1 #define ERR_MALLOC 2 #define ERR_READ 3 #define ERR_WRITE 4 #define ERR_DBASE 5 #define ERR_KEY 6 static int match( char * , char * ); /* * Determine if requester is allowed to update the given map, * and update it if so. Returns the status, which is zero * if there is no access violation. This function updates * the local file and then shuts up. */ localupdate(name, filename, op, keylen, key, datalen, data) char *name; /* Name of the requestor */ char *filename; u_int op; u_int keylen; /* Not used */ char *key; u_int datalen; /* Not used */ char *data; { char line[256]; FILE *rf; FILE *wf; char *tmpname; int err; /* * Check permission */ if (strcmp(name, key) != 0) { return (ERR_ACCESS); } if (strcmp(name, "nobody") == 0) { /* * Can't change "nobody"s key. */ return (ERR_ACCESS); } /* * Open files */ tmpname = malloc(strlen(filename) + 4); if (tmpname == NULL) { return (ERR_MALLOC); } sprintf(tmpname, "%s.tmp", filename); rf = fopen(filename, "r"); if (rf == NULL) { return (ERR_READ); } wf = fopen(tmpname, "w"); if (wf == NULL) { return (ERR_WRITE); } err = -1; while (fgets(line, sizeof (line), rf)) { if (err < 0 && match(line, name)) { switch (op) { case YPOP_INSERT: err = ERR_KEY; break; case YPOP_STORE: case YPOP_CHANGE: fprintf(wf, "%s %s\n", key, data); err = 0; break; case YPOP_DELETE: /* do nothing */ err = 0; break; } } else { fputs(line, wf); } } if (err < 0) { switch (op) { case YPOP_CHANGE: case YPOP_DELETE: err = ERR_KEY; break; case YPOP_INSERT: case YPOP_STORE: err = 0; fprintf(wf, "%s %s\n", key, data); break; } } fclose(wf); fclose(rf); if (err == 0) { if (rename(tmpname, filename) < 0) { return (ERR_DBASE); } } else { if (unlink(tmpname) < 0) { return (ERR_DBASE); } } return (err); } static match(line, name) char *line; char *name; { int len; len = strlen(name); return (strncmp(line, name, len) == 0 && (line[len] == ' ' || line[len] == '\t')); } #endif /* !YP */