# This sample .morerc causes more to emulate the default most(1)
# keys, in so far as more(1) is capable (which is not very far at the
# moment).
# $FreeBSD$
# BUGS: It's extremely unlikely that more(1) will ever support multiple
#       windows as most(1) does.  Multiple windows is an editor function,
#       isn't it?

macro 1 ""	'forw (${_sc_height} * ${number})'
macro 1 v	'forw ${number}'
macro 1 V	'forw ${number}'
macro 1 ""	'forw ${number}'
macro 1 ""	'back ${number}'
macro 1 ^	'back ${number}'
macro 0 T	'goline 1'
macro 0 "\e<"	'goline 1'
macro 0 B	'goend'
macro 0 "\e>"	'goend'
# Doesn't match most(1) documentation
macro 1 "\e[C"	'rscroll ${number}'
macro 1 "\t"	'rscroll (60 * ${number})'
macro 1 >	'rscroll (60 * ${number})'
# Doesn't match most(1) documentation
macro 1 "\e[D"	'lscroll ${number}'
# Doesn't really do much, being ^B and all...
macro 1 ""	'lscroll (60 * ${number})'
macro 1 <	'lscroll (60 * ${number})'
macro 1 u	'back (${_sc_height} * ${number})'
macro 1 U	'back (${_sc_height} * ${number})'
macro 1 ""	'back (${_sc_height} * ${number})'
macro 1 ""	'back (${_sc_height} * ${number})'
macro 0 R	'repaint'
macro 0 r	'repaint'
macro 0 ""	'repaint'
macro 0 j	'condition (${number} == 0);                      \
         	   error "prompt for line-number not supported";  \
		 condition (${number} != 0);                      \
         	   goline ${number};                              \
         	 condition true;'
macro 0 J	'condition (${number} == 0);                      \
         	   error "prompt for line-number not supported";  \
		 condition (${number} != 0);                      \
         	   goline ${number};                              \
         	 condition true;'
macro 0 g	'condition (${number} == 0);                      \
         	   error "prompt for line-number not supported";  \
		 condition (${number} != 0);                      \
         	   goline ${number};                              \
         	 condition true;'
macro 0 G	'condition (${number} == 0);                      \
         	   error "prompt for line-number not supported";  \
		 condition (${number} != 0);                      \
         	   goline ${number};                              \
         	 condition true;'
macro 0 %	'condition (${number} == 0);                  \
         	   error "prompt for percent not supported";  \
         	 condition_toggle;                            \
          	   gopercent ${number};                       \
         	 condition true;'
macro 0 q	'quit'
macro 0 Q	'quit'
macro 0 "E"	'quit'
macro 0 h	'help'
macro 0 H	'help'
macro 0 ""	'help'
macro 0 "\e[N"	'help'
macro 1 f	'magicasksearch forw ${number}'
macro 1 /	'magicasksearch forw ${number}'
macro 1 ""	'magicasksearch forw ${number}'
macro 1 ?	'magicasksearch back ${number}'
macro 1 n	'research ${_ls_direction_n} ${number}'
macro 1 N	'research ${_ls_direction_n} ${number}'
# The mark stuff could be more effeciently done with a temp var, of course... :)
# These are nice enough that I'm tempted to bring them into default.morerc
macro 0 m	'setmark z'
macro 0 "M"	'setmark z'
macro 0 "."	'setmark z'
macro 0 ""	'setmark y; gomark z; setmark x; gomark y; setmark z; gomark x;'
macro 0 ","	'setmark y; gomark z; setmark x; gomark y; setmark z; gomark x;'
macro 0 e	'edit'
macro 0 E	'edit'
macro 0 :n	'file next ${number}'