/**************************************************************** Copyright 1990, 1991, 1993 by AT&T Bell Laboratories and Bellcore. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of AT&T Bell Laboratories or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. AT&T and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall AT&T or Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software. ****************************************************************/ /* Routines to generate code for I/O statements. Some corrections and improvements due to David Wasley, U. C. Berkeley */ /* TEMPORARY */ #define TYIOINT TYLONG #define SZIOINT SZLONG #include "defs.h" #include "names.h" #include "iob.h" extern int inqmask; LOCAL void dofclose(), dofinquire(), dofinquire(), dofmove(), dofopen(), doiolist(), ioset(), ioseta(), iosetc(), iosetip(), iosetlc(), putio(), putiocall(); iob_data *iob_list; Addrp io_structs[9]; LOCAL char ioroutine[12]; LOCAL long ioendlab; LOCAL long ioerrlab; LOCAL int endbit; LOCAL int errbit; LOCAL long jumplab; LOCAL long skiplab; LOCAL int ioformatted; LOCAL int statstruct = NO; LOCAL struct Labelblock *skiplabel; Addrp ioblkp; #define UNFORMATTED 0 #define FORMATTED 1 #define LISTDIRECTED 2 #define NAMEDIRECTED 3 #define V(z) ioc[z].iocval #define IOALL 07777 LOCAL struct Ioclist { char *iocname; int iotype; expptr iocval; } ioc[ ] = { { "", 0 }, { "unit", IOALL }, { "fmt", M(IOREAD) | M(IOWRITE) }, { "err", IOALL }, { "end", M(IOREAD) }, { "iostat", IOALL }, { "rec", M(IOREAD) | M(IOWRITE) }, { "recl", M(IOOPEN) | M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "file", M(IOOPEN) | M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "status", M(IOOPEN) | M(IOCLOSE) }, { "access", M(IOOPEN) | M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "form", M(IOOPEN) | M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "blank", M(IOOPEN) | M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "exist", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "opened", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "number", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "named", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "name", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "sequential", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "direct", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "formatted", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "unformatted", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "nextrec", M(IOINQUIRE) }, { "nml", M(IOREAD) | M(IOWRITE) } }; #define NIOS (sizeof(ioc)/sizeof(struct Ioclist) - 1) /* #define IOSUNIT 1 */ /* #define IOSFMT 2 */ #define IOSERR 3 #define IOSEND 4 #define IOSIOSTAT 5 #define IOSREC 6 #define IOSRECL 7 #define IOSFILE 8 #define IOSSTATUS 9 #define IOSACCESS 10 #define IOSFORM 11 #define IOSBLANK 12 #define IOSEXISTS 13 #define IOSOPENED 14 #define IOSNUMBER 15 #define IOSNAMED 16 #define IOSNAME 17 #define IOSSEQUENTIAL 18 #define IOSDIRECT 19 #define IOSFORMATTED 20 #define IOSUNFORMATTED 21 #define IOSNEXTREC 22 #define IOSNML 23 #define IOSTP V(IOSIOSTAT) /* offsets in generated structures */ #define SZFLAG SZIOINT /* offsets for external READ and WRITE statements */ #define XERR 0 #define XUNIT SZFLAG #define XEND SZFLAG + SZIOINT #define XFMT 2*SZFLAG + SZIOINT #define XREC 2*SZFLAG + SZIOINT + SZADDR /* offsets for internal READ and WRITE statements */ #define XIUNIT SZFLAG #define XIEND SZFLAG + SZADDR #define XIFMT 2*SZFLAG + SZADDR #define XIRLEN 2*SZFLAG + 2*SZADDR #define XIRNUM 2*SZFLAG + 2*SZADDR + SZIOINT #define XIREC 2*SZFLAG + 2*SZADDR + 2*SZIOINT /* offsets for OPEN statements */ #define XFNAME SZFLAG + SZIOINT #define XFNAMELEN SZFLAG + SZIOINT + SZADDR #define XSTATUS SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + SZADDR #define XACCESS SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 2*SZADDR #define XFORMATTED SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 3*SZADDR #define XRECLEN SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 4*SZADDR #define XBLANK SZFLAG + 3*SZIOINT + 4*SZADDR /* offset for CLOSE statement */ #define XCLSTATUS SZFLAG + SZIOINT /* offsets for INQUIRE statement */ #define XFILE SZFLAG + SZIOINT #define XFILELEN SZFLAG + SZIOINT + SZADDR #define XEXISTS SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + SZADDR #define XOPEN SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 2*SZADDR #define XNUMBER SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 3*SZADDR #define XNAMED SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 4*SZADDR #define XNAME SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 5*SZADDR #define XNAMELEN SZFLAG + 2*SZIOINT + 6*SZADDR #define XQACCESS SZFLAG + 3*SZIOINT + 6*SZADDR #define XQACCLEN SZFLAG + 3*SZIOINT + 7*SZADDR #define XSEQ SZFLAG + 4*SZIOINT + 7*SZADDR #define XSEQLEN SZFLAG + 4*SZIOINT + 8*SZADDR #define XDIRECT SZFLAG + 5*SZIOINT + 8*SZADDR #define XDIRLEN SZFLAG + 5*SZIOINT + 9*SZADDR #define XFORM SZFLAG + 6*SZIOINT + 9*SZADDR #define XFORMLEN SZFLAG + 6*SZIOINT + 10*SZADDR #define XFMTED SZFLAG + 7*SZIOINT + 10*SZADDR #define XFMTEDLEN SZFLAG + 7*SZIOINT + 11*SZADDR #define XUNFMT SZFLAG + 8*SZIOINT + 11*SZADDR #define XUNFMTLEN SZFLAG + 8*SZIOINT + 12*SZADDR #define XQRECL SZFLAG + 9*SZIOINT + 12*SZADDR #define XNEXTREC SZFLAG + 9*SZIOINT + 13*SZADDR #define XQBLANK SZFLAG + 9*SZIOINT + 14*SZADDR #define XQBLANKLEN SZFLAG + 9*SZIOINT + 15*SZADDR LOCAL char *cilist_names[] = { "cilist", "cierr", "ciunit", "ciend", "cifmt", "cirec" }; LOCAL char *icilist_names[] = { "icilist", "icierr", "iciunit", "iciend", "icifmt", "icirlen", "icirnum" }; LOCAL char *olist_names[] = { "olist", "oerr", "ounit", "ofnm", "ofnmlen", "osta", "oacc", "ofm", "orl", "oblnk" }; LOCAL char *cllist_names[] = { "cllist", "cerr", "cunit", "csta" }; LOCAL char *alist_names[] = { "alist", "aerr", "aunit" }; LOCAL char *inlist_names[] = { "inlist", "inerr", "inunit", "infile", "infilen", "inex", "inopen", "innum", "innamed", "inname", "innamlen", "inacc", "inacclen", "inseq", "inseqlen", "indir", "indirlen", "infmt", "infmtlen", "inform", "informlen", "inunf", "inunflen", "inrecl", "innrec", "inblank", "inblanklen" }; LOCAL char **io_fields; #define zork(n,t) n, sizeof(n)/sizeof(char *) - 1, t LOCAL io_setup io_stuff[] = { zork(cilist_names, TYCILIST), /* external read/write */ zork(inlist_names, TYINLIST), /* inquire */ zork(olist_names, TYOLIST), /* open */ zork(cllist_names, TYCLLIST), /* close */ zork(alist_names, TYALIST), /* rewind */ zork(alist_names, TYALIST), /* backspace */ zork(alist_names, TYALIST), /* endfile */ zork(icilist_names,TYICILIST), /* internal read */ zork(icilist_names,TYICILIST) /* internal write */ }; #undef zork fmtstmt(lp) register struct Labelblock *lp; { if(lp == NULL) { execerr("unlabeled format statement" , CNULL); return(-1); } if(lp->labtype == LABUNKNOWN) { lp->labtype = LABFORMAT; lp->labelno = newlabel(); } else if(lp->labtype != LABFORMAT) { execerr("bad format number", CNULL); return(-1); } return(lp->labelno); } setfmt(lp) struct Labelblock *lp; { int n; char *s0, *lexline(); register char *s, *se, *t; register k; s0 = s = lexline(&n); se = t = s + n; /* warn of trivial errors, e.g. " 11 CONTINUE" (one too few spaces) */ /* following FORMAT... */ if (n <= 0) warn("No (...) after FORMAT"); else if (*s != '(') warni("%c rather than ( after FORMAT", *s); else if (se[-1] != ')') { *se = 0; while(--t > s && *t != ')') ; if (t <= s) warn("No ) at end of FORMAT statement"); else if (se - t > 30) warn1("Extraneous text at end of FORMAT: ...%s", se-12); else warn1("Extraneous text at end of FORMAT: %s", t+1); t = se; } /* fix MYQUOTES (\002's) and \\'s */ while(s < se) switch(*s++) { case 2: t += 3; break; case '"': case '\\': t++; break; } s = s0; if (lp) { lp->fmtstring = t = mem((int)(t - s + 1), 0); while(s < se) switch(k = *s++) { case 2: t[0] = '\\'; t[1] = '0'; t[2] = '0'; t[3] = '2'; t += 4; break; case '"': case '\\': *t++ = '\\'; /* no break */ default: *t++ = k; } *t = 0; } flline(); } startioctl() { register int i; inioctl = YES; nioctl = 0; ioformatted = UNFORMATTED; for(i = 1 ; i<=NIOS ; ++i) V(i) = NULL; } static long newiolabel() { long rv; rv = ++lastiolabno; skiplabel = mklabel(rv); skiplabel->labdefined = 1; return rv; } endioctl() { int i; expptr p; struct io_setup *ios; inioctl = NO; /* set up for error recovery */ ioerrlab = ioendlab = skiplab = jumplab = 0; if(p = V(IOSEND)) if(ISICON(p)) execlab(ioendlab = p->constblock.Const.ci); else err("bad end= clause"); if(p = V(IOSERR)) if(ISICON(p)) execlab(ioerrlab = p->constblock.Const.ci); else err("bad err= clause"); if(IOSTP) if(IOSTP->tag!=TADDR || ! ISINT(IOSTP->addrblock.vtype) ) { err("iostat must be an integer variable"); frexpr(IOSTP); IOSTP = NULL; } if(iostmt == IOREAD) { if(IOSTP) { if(ioerrlab && ioendlab && ioerrlab==ioendlab) jumplab = ioerrlab; else skiplab = jumplab = newiolabel(); } else { if(ioerrlab && ioendlab && ioerrlab!=ioendlab) { IOSTP = (expptr) mktmp(TYINT, ENULL); skiplab = jumplab = newiolabel(); } else jumplab = (ioerrlab ? ioerrlab : ioendlab); } } else if(iostmt == IOWRITE) { if(IOSTP && !ioerrlab) skiplab = jumplab = newiolabel(); else jumplab = ioerrlab; } else jumplab = ioerrlab; endbit = IOSTP!=NULL || ioendlab!=0; /* for use in startrw() */ errbit = IOSTP!=NULL || ioerrlab!=0; if (jumplab && !IOSTP) IOSTP = (expptr) mktmp(TYINT, ENULL); if(iostmt!=IOREAD && iostmt!=IOWRITE) { ios = io_stuff + iostmt; io_fields = ios->fields; ioblkp = io_structs[iostmt]; if(ioblkp == NULL) io_structs[iostmt] = ioblkp = autovar(1, ios->type, ENULL, ""); ioset(TYIOINT, XERR, ICON(errbit)); } switch(iostmt) { case IOOPEN: dofopen(); break; case IOCLOSE: dofclose(); break; case IOINQUIRE: dofinquire(); break; case IOBACKSPACE: dofmove("f_back"); break; case IOREWIND: dofmove("f_rew"); break; case IOENDFILE: dofmove("f_end"); break; case IOREAD: case IOWRITE: startrw(); break; default: fatali("impossible iostmt %d", iostmt); } for(i = 1 ; i<=NIOS ; ++i) if(i!=IOSIOSTAT && V(i)!=NULL) frexpr(V(i)); } iocname() { register int i; int found, mask; found = 0; mask = M(iostmt); for(i = 1 ; i <= NIOS ; ++i) if(!strcmp(ioc[i].iocname, token)) if(ioc[i].iotype & mask) return(i); else { found = i; break; } if(found) { if (iostmt == IOOPEN && !strcmp(ioc[i].iocname, "name")) { NOEXT("open with \"name=\" treated as \"file=\""); for(i = 1; strcmp(ioc[i].iocname, "file"); i++); return i; } errstr("invalid control %s for statement", ioc[found].iocname); } else errstr("unknown iocontrol %s", token); return(IOSBAD); } ioclause(n, p) register int n; register expptr p; { struct Ioclist *iocp; ++nioctl; if(n == IOSBAD) return; if(n == IOSPOSITIONAL) { n = nioctl; if (n == IOSFMT) { if (iostmt == IOOPEN) { n = IOSFILE; NOEXT("file= specifier omitted from open"); } else if (iostmt < IOREAD) goto illegal; } else if(n > IOSFMT) { illegal: err("illegal positional iocontrol"); return; } } else if (n == IOSNML) n = IOSFMT; if(p == NULL) { if(n == IOSUNIT) p = (expptr) (iostmt==IOREAD ? IOSTDIN : IOSTDOUT); else if(n != IOSFMT) { err("illegal * iocontrol"); return; } } if(n == IOSFMT) ioformatted = (p==NULL ? LISTDIRECTED : FORMATTED); iocp = & ioc[n]; if(iocp->iocval == NULL) { if(n!=IOSFMT && ( n!=IOSUNIT || (p && p->headblock.vtype!=TYCHAR) ) ) p = fixtype(p); else if (p && p->tag == TPRIM && p->primblock.namep->vclass == CLUNKNOWN) { /* kludge made necessary by attempt to infer types * for untyped external parameters: given an error * in calling sequences, an integer argument might * tentatively be assumed TYCHAR; this would otherwise * be corrected too late in startrw after startrw * had decided this to be an internal file. */ vardcl(p->primblock.namep); p->primblock.vtype = p->primblock.namep->vtype; } iocp->iocval = p; } else errstr("iocontrol %s repeated", iocp->iocname); } /* io list item */ doio(list) chainp list; { expptr call0(); if(ioformatted == NAMEDIRECTED) { if(list) err("no I/O list allowed in NAMELIST read/write"); } else { doiolist(list); ioroutine[0] = 'e'; if (skiplab || ioroutine[4] == 'l') jumplab = 0; putiocall( call0(TYINT, ioroutine) ); } } LOCAL void doiolist(p0) chainp p0; { chainp p; register tagptr q; register expptr qe; register Namep qn; Addrp tp, mkscalar(); int range; extern char *ohalign; for (p = p0 ; p ; p = p->nextp) { q = (tagptr)p->datap; if(q->tag == TIMPLDO) { exdo(range=newlabel(), (Namep)0, q->impldoblock.impdospec); doiolist(q->impldoblock.datalist); enddo(range); free( (charptr) q); } else { if(q->tag==TPRIM && q->primblock.argsp==NULL && q->primblock.namep->vdim!=NULL) { vardcl(qn = q->primblock.namep); if(qn->vdim->nelt) { putio( fixtype(cpexpr(qn->vdim->nelt)), (expptr)mkscalar(qn) ); qn->vlastdim = 0; } else err("attempt to i/o array of unknown size"); } else if(q->tag==TPRIM && q->primblock.argsp==NULL && (qe = (expptr) memversion(q->primblock.namep)) ) putio(ICON(1),qe); else if (ISCONST(q) && q->constblock.vtype == TYCHAR) { halign = 0; putio(ICON(1), qe = fixtype(cpexpr(q))); halign = ohalign; } else if(((qe = fixtype(cpexpr(q)))->tag==TADDR && (qe->addrblock.uname_tag != UNAM_CONST || !ISCOMPLEX(qe -> addrblock.vtype))) || (qe -> tag == TCONST && !ISCOMPLEX(qe -> headblock.vtype))) { if (qe -> tag == TCONST) qe = (expptr) putconst((Constp)qe); putio(ICON(1), qe); } else if(qe->headblock.vtype != TYERROR) { if(iostmt == IOWRITE) { ftnint lencat(); expptr qvl; qvl = NULL; if( ISCHAR(qe) ) { qvl = (expptr) cpexpr(qe->headblock.vleng); tp = mktmp(qe->headblock.vtype, ICON(lencat(qe))); } else tp = mktmp(qe->headblock.vtype, qe->headblock.vleng); puteq( cpexpr((expptr)tp), qe); if(qvl) /* put right length on block */ { frexpr(tp->vleng); tp->vleng = qvl; } putio(ICON(1), (expptr)tp); } else err("non-left side in READ list"); } frexpr(q); } } frchain( &p0 ); } int iocalladdr = TYADDR; /* for fixing TYADDR in saveargtypes */ int typeconv[TYERROR+1] = { #ifdef TYQUAD 0, 1, 11, 2, 3, 14, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 8, 9, 10, 15 #else 0, 1, 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 8, 9, 10, 14 #endif }; LOCAL void putio(nelt, addr) expptr nelt; register expptr addr; { int type; register expptr q; register Addrp c = 0; type = addr->headblock.vtype; if(ioformatted!=LISTDIRECTED && ISCOMPLEX(type) ) { nelt = mkexpr(OPSTAR, ICON(2), nelt); type -= (TYCOMPLEX-TYREAL); } /* pass a length with every item. for noncharacter data, fake one */ if(type != TYCHAR) { if( ISCONST(addr) ) addr = (expptr) putconst((Constp)addr); c = ALLOC(Addrblock); c->tag = TADDR; c->vtype = TYLENG; c->vstg = STGAUTO; c->ntempelt = 1; c->isarray = 1; c->memoffset = ICON(0); c->uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT; c->charleng = 1; sprintf(c->user.ident, "(ftnlen)sizeof(%s)", typename[type]); addr = mkexpr(OPCHARCAST, addr, ENULL); } nelt = fixtype( mkconv(tyioint,nelt) ); if(ioformatted == LISTDIRECTED) { expptr mc = mkconv(tyioint, ICON(typeconv[type])); q = c ? call4(TYINT, "do_lio", mc, nelt, addr, (expptr)c) : call3(TYINT, "do_lio", mc, nelt, addr); } else { char *s = ioformatted==FORMATTED ? "do_fio" : "do_uio"; q = c ? call3(TYINT, s, nelt, addr, (expptr)c) : call2(TYINT, s, nelt, addr); } iocalladdr = TYCHAR; putiocall(q); iocalladdr = TYADDR; } endio() { extern void p1_label(); if(skiplab) { if (ioformatted != NAMEDIRECTED) p1_label((long)(skiplabel - labeltab)); if(ioendlab) { exif( mkexpr(OPLT, cpexpr(IOSTP), ICON(0))); exgoto(execlab(ioendlab)); exendif(); } if(ioerrlab) { exif( mkexpr(iostmt==IOREAD||iostmt==IOWRITE ? OPGT : OPNE, cpexpr(IOSTP), ICON(0))); exgoto(execlab(ioerrlab)); exendif(); } } if(IOSTP) frexpr(IOSTP); } LOCAL void putiocall(q) register expptr q; { int tyintsave; tyintsave = tyint; tyint = tyioint; /* for -I2 and -i2 */ if(IOSTP) { q->headblock.vtype = TYINT; q = fixexpr((Exprp)mkexpr(OPASSIGN, cpexpr(IOSTP), q)); } putexpr(q); if(jumplab) { exif(mkexpr(OPNE, cpexpr(IOSTP), ICON(0))); exgoto(execlab(jumplab)); exendif(); } tyint = tyintsave; } void fmtname(np, q) Namep np; register Addrp q; { register int k; register char *s, *t; extern chainp assigned_fmts; if (!np->vfmt_asg) { np->vfmt_asg = 1; assigned_fmts = mkchain((char *)np, assigned_fmts); } k = strlen(s = np->fvarname); if (k < IDENT_LEN - 4) { q->uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT; t = q->user.ident; } else { q->uname_tag = UNAM_CHARP; q->user.Charp = t = mem(k + 5,0); } sprintf(t, "%s_fmt", s); } LOCAL Addrp asg_addr(p) union Expression *p; { register Addrp q; if (p->tag != TPRIM) badtag("asg_addr", p->tag); q = ALLOC(Addrblock); q->tag = TADDR; q->vtype = TYCHAR; q->vstg = STGAUTO; q->ntempelt = 1; q->isarray = 0; q->memoffset = ICON(0); fmtname(p->primblock.namep, q); return q; } startrw() { register expptr p; register Namep np; register Addrp unitp, fmtp, recp; register expptr nump; Addrp mkscalar(); expptr mkaddcon(); int iostmt1; flag intfile, sequential, ok, varfmt; struct io_setup *ios; /* First look at all the parameters and determine what is to be done */ ok = YES; statstruct = YES; intfile = NO; if(p = V(IOSUNIT)) { if( ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) { int_unit: unitp = (Addrp) cpexpr(p); } else if(p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR) { if (nioctl == 1 && iostmt == IOREAD) { /* kludge to recognize READ(format expr) */ V(IOSFMT) = p; V(IOSUNIT) = p = (expptr) IOSTDIN; ioformatted = FORMATTED; goto int_unit; } intfile = YES; if(p->tag==TPRIM && p->primblock.argsp==NULL && (np = p->primblock.namep)->vdim!=NULL) { vardcl(np); if(nump = np->vdim->nelt) { nump = fixtype(cpexpr(nump)); if( ! ISCONST(nump) ) { statstruct = NO; np->vlastdim = 0; } } else { err("attempt to use internal unit array of unknown size"); ok = NO; nump = ICON(1); } unitp = mkscalar(np); } else { nump = ICON(1); unitp = (Addrp /*pjw */) fixtype(cpexpr(p)); } if(! isstatic((expptr)unitp) ) statstruct = NO; } else { err("unit specifier not of type integer or character"); ok = NO; } } else { err("bad unit specifier"); ok = NO; } sequential = YES; if(p = V(IOSREC)) if( ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) { recp = (Addrp) cpexpr(p); sequential = NO; } else { err("bad REC= clause"); ok = NO; } else recp = NULL; varfmt = YES; fmtp = NULL; if(p = V(IOSFMT)) { if(p->tag==TPRIM && p->primblock.argsp==NULL) { np = p->primblock.namep; if(np->vclass == CLNAMELIST) { ioformatted = NAMEDIRECTED; fmtp = (Addrp) fixtype(p); V(IOSFMT) = (expptr)fmtp; if (skiplab) jumplab = 0; goto endfmt; } vardcl(np); if(np->vdim) { if( ! ONEOF(np->vstg, MSKSTATIC) ) statstruct = NO; fmtp = mkscalar(np); goto endfmt; } if( ISINT(np->vtype) ) /* ASSIGNed label */ { statstruct = NO; varfmt = YES; fmtp = asg_addr(p); goto endfmt; } } p = V(IOSFMT) = fixtype(p); if(p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR /* Since we allow write(6,n) */ /* we may as well allow write(6,n(2)) */ || p->tag == TADDR && ISINT(p->addrblock.vtype)) { if( ! isstatic(p) ) statstruct = NO; fmtp = (Addrp) cpexpr(p); } else if( ISICON(p) ) { struct Labelblock *lp; lp = mklabel(p->constblock.Const.ci); if (fmtstmt(lp) > 0) { fmtp = (Addrp)mkaddcon(lp->stateno); /* lp->stateno for names fmt_nnn */ lp->fmtlabused = 1; varfmt = NO; } else ioformatted = UNFORMATTED; } else { err("bad format descriptor"); ioformatted = UNFORMATTED; ok = NO; } } else fmtp = NULL; endfmt: if(intfile) { if (ioformatted==UNFORMATTED) { err("unformatted internal I/O not allowed"); ok = NO; } if (recp) { err("direct internal I/O not allowed"); ok = NO; } } if(!sequential && ioformatted==LISTDIRECTED) { err("direct list-directed I/O not allowed"); ok = NO; } if(!sequential && ioformatted==NAMEDIRECTED) { err("direct namelist I/O not allowed"); ok = NO; } if( ! ok ) { statstruct = NO; return; } /* Now put out the I/O structure, statically if all the clauses are constants, dynamically otherwise */ if (intfile) { ios = io_stuff + iostmt; iostmt1 = IOREAD; } else { ios = io_stuff; iostmt1 = 0; } io_fields = ios->fields; if(statstruct) { ioblkp = ALLOC(Addrblock); ioblkp->tag = TADDR; ioblkp->vtype = ios->type; ioblkp->vclass = CLVAR; ioblkp->vstg = STGINIT; ioblkp->memno = ++lastvarno; ioblkp->memoffset = ICON(0); ioblkp -> uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT; new_iob_data(ios, temp_name("io_", lastvarno, ioblkp->user.ident)); } else if(!(ioblkp = io_structs[iostmt1])) io_structs[iostmt1] = ioblkp = autovar(1, ios->type, ENULL, ""); ioset(TYIOINT, XERR, ICON(errbit)); if(iostmt == IOREAD) ioset(TYIOINT, (intfile ? XIEND : XEND), ICON(endbit) ); if(intfile) { ioset(TYIOINT, XIRNUM, nump); ioset(TYIOINT, XIRLEN, cpexpr(unitp->vleng) ); ioseta(XIUNIT, unitp); } else ioset(TYIOINT, XUNIT, (expptr) unitp); if(recp) ioset(TYIOINT, /* intfile ? XIREC : */ XREC, (expptr) recp); if(varfmt) ioseta( intfile ? XIFMT : XFMT , fmtp); else ioset(TYADDR, intfile ? XIFMT : XFMT, (expptr) fmtp); ioroutine[0] = 's'; ioroutine[1] = '_'; ioroutine[2] = iostmt==IOREAD ? 'r' : 'w'; ioroutine[3] = "ds"[sequential]; ioroutine[4] = "ufln"[ioformatted]; ioroutine[5] = "ei"[intfile]; ioroutine[6] = '\0'; putiocall( call1(TYINT, ioroutine, cpexpr((expptr)ioblkp) )); if(statstruct) { frexpr((expptr)ioblkp); statstruct = NO; ioblkp = 0; /* unnecessary */ } } LOCAL void dofopen() { register expptr p; if( (p = V(IOSUNIT)) && ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) ioset(TYIOINT, XUNIT, cpexpr(p) ); else err("bad unit in open"); if( (p = V(IOSFILE)) ) if(p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR) ioset(TYIOINT, XFNAMELEN, cpexpr(p->headblock.vleng) ); else err("bad file in open"); iosetc(XFNAME, p); if(p = V(IOSRECL)) if( ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) ioset(TYIOINT, XRECLEN, cpexpr(p) ); else err("bad recl"); else ioset(TYIOINT, XRECLEN, ICON(0) ); iosetc(XSTATUS, V(IOSSTATUS)); iosetc(XACCESS, V(IOSACCESS)); iosetc(XFORMATTED, V(IOSFORM)); iosetc(XBLANK, V(IOSBLANK)); putiocall( call1(TYINT, "f_open", cpexpr((expptr)ioblkp) )); } LOCAL void dofclose() { register expptr p; if( (p = V(IOSUNIT)) && ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) { ioset(TYIOINT, XUNIT, cpexpr(p) ); iosetc(XCLSTATUS, V(IOSSTATUS)); putiocall( call1(TYINT, "f_clos", cpexpr((expptr)ioblkp)) ); } else err("bad unit in close statement"); } LOCAL void dofinquire() { register expptr p; if(p = V(IOSUNIT)) { if( V(IOSFILE) ) err("inquire by unit or by file, not both"); ioset(TYIOINT, XUNIT, cpexpr(p) ); } else if( ! V(IOSFILE) ) err("must inquire by unit or by file"); iosetlc(IOSFILE, XFILE, XFILELEN); iosetip(IOSEXISTS, XEXISTS); iosetip(IOSOPENED, XOPEN); iosetip(IOSNUMBER, XNUMBER); iosetip(IOSNAMED, XNAMED); iosetlc(IOSNAME, XNAME, XNAMELEN); iosetlc(IOSACCESS, XQACCESS, XQACCLEN); iosetlc(IOSSEQUENTIAL, XSEQ, XSEQLEN); iosetlc(IOSDIRECT, XDIRECT, XDIRLEN); iosetlc(IOSFORM, XFORM, XFORMLEN); iosetlc(IOSFORMATTED, XFMTED, XFMTEDLEN); iosetlc(IOSUNFORMATTED, XUNFMT, XUNFMTLEN); iosetip(IOSRECL, XQRECL); iosetip(IOSNEXTREC, XNEXTREC); iosetlc(IOSBLANK, XQBLANK, XQBLANKLEN); putiocall( call1(TYINT, "f_inqu", cpexpr((expptr)ioblkp) )); } LOCAL void dofmove(subname) char *subname; { register expptr p; if( (p = V(IOSUNIT)) && ISINT(p->headblock.vtype) ) { ioset(TYIOINT, XUNIT, cpexpr(p) ); putiocall( call1(TYINT, subname, cpexpr((expptr)ioblkp) )); } else err("bad unit in I/O motion statement"); } static int ioset_assign = OPASSIGN; LOCAL void ioset(type, offset, p) int type, offset; register expptr p; { offset /= SZLONG; if(statstruct && ISCONST(p)) { register char *s; switch(type) { case TYADDR: /* stmt label */ s = "fmt_"; break; case TYIOINT: s = ""; break; default: badtype("ioset", type); } iob_list->fields[offset] = string_num(s, p->constblock.Const.ci); frexpr(p); } else { register Addrp q; q = ALLOC(Addrblock); q->tag = TADDR; q->vtype = type; q->vstg = STGAUTO; q->ntempelt = 1; q->isarray = 0; q->memoffset = ICON(0); q->uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT; sprintf(q->user.ident, "%s.%s", statstruct ? iob_list->name : ioblkp->user.ident, io_fields[offset + 1]); if (type == TYADDR && p->tag == TCONST && p->constblock.vtype == TYADDR) { /* kludge */ register Addrp p1; p1 = ALLOC(Addrblock); p1->tag = TADDR; p1->vtype = type; p1->vstg = STGAUTO; /* wrong, but who cares? */ p1->ntempelt = 1; p1->isarray = 0; p1->memoffset = ICON(0); p1->uname_tag = UNAM_IDENT; sprintf(p1->user.ident, "fmt_%ld", p->constblock.Const.ci); frexpr(p); p = (expptr)p1; } if (type == TYADDR && p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR) q->vtype = TYCHAR; putexpr(mkexpr(ioset_assign, (expptr)q, p)); } } LOCAL void iosetc(offset, p) int offset; register expptr p; { extern Addrp putchop(); if(p == NULL) ioset(TYADDR, offset, ICON(0) ); else if(p->headblock.vtype == TYCHAR) { p = putx(fixtype((expptr)putchop(cpexpr(p)))); ioset(TYADDR, offset, addrof(p)); } else err("non-character control clause"); } LOCAL void ioseta(offset, p) int offset; register Addrp p; { char *s, *s1; static char who[] = "ioseta"; expptr e, mo; Namep np; ftnint ci; int k; char buf[24], buf1[24]; Extsym *comm; extern int usedefsforcommon; if(statstruct) { if (!p) return; if (p->tag != TADDR) badtag(who, p->tag); offset /= SZLONG; switch(p->uname_tag) { case UNAM_NAME: mo = p->memoffset; if (mo->tag != TCONST) badtag("ioseta/memoffset", mo->tag); np = p->user.name; np->visused = 1; ci = mo->constblock.Const.ci - np->voffset; if (np->vstg == STGCOMMON && !np->vcommequiv && !usedefsforcommon) { comm = &extsymtab[np->vardesc.varno]; sprintf(buf, "%d.", comm->curno); k = strlen(buf) + strlen(comm->cextname) + strlen(np->cvarname); if (ci) { sprintf(buf1, "+%ld", ci); k += strlen(buf1); } else buf1[0] = 0; s = mem(k + 1, 0); sprintf(s, "%s%s%s%s", comm->cextname, buf, np->cvarname, buf1); } else if (ci) { sprintf(buf,"%ld", ci); s1 = p->user.name->cvarname; k = strlen(buf) + strlen(s1); sprintf(s = mem(k+2,0), "%s+%s", s1, buf); } else s = cpstring(np->cvarname); break; case UNAM_CONST: s = tostring(p->user.Const.ccp1.ccp0, (int)p->vleng->constblock.Const.ci); break; default: badthing("uname_tag", who, p->uname_tag); } /* kludge for Hollerith */ if (p->vtype != TYCHAR) { s1 = mem(strlen(s)+10,0); sprintf(s1, "(char *)%s%s", p->isarray ? "" : "&", s); s = s1; } iob_list->fields[offset] = s; } else { if (!p) e = ICON(0); else if (p->vtype != TYCHAR) { NOEXT("non-character variable as format or internal unit"); e = mkexpr(OPCHARCAST, (expptr)p, ENULL); } else e = addrof((expptr)p); ioset(TYADDR, offset, e); } } LOCAL void iosetip(i, offset) int i, offset; { register expptr p; if(p = V(i)) if(p->tag==TADDR && ONEOF(p->addrblock.vtype, inqmask) ) { ioset_assign = OPASSIGNI; ioset(TYADDR, offset, addrof(cpexpr(p)) ); ioset_assign = OPASSIGN; } else errstr("impossible inquire parameter %s", ioc[i].iocname); else ioset(TYADDR, offset, ICON(0) ); } LOCAL void iosetlc(i, offp, offl) int i, offp, offl; { register expptr p; if( (p = V(i)) && p->headblock.vtype==TYCHAR) ioset(TYIOINT, offl, cpexpr(p->headblock.vleng) ); iosetc(offp, p); }