//===- unittest/Format/FormatTestProto.cpp --------------------------------===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

#include "FormatTestUtils.h"
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#define DEBUG_TYPE "format-test"

namespace clang {
namespace format {

class FormatTestProto : public ::testing::Test {
  static std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code, unsigned Offset,
                            unsigned Length, const FormatStyle &Style) {
    DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "---\n");
    DEBUG(llvm::errs() << Code << "\n\n");
    std::vector<tooling::Range> Ranges(1, tooling::Range(Offset, Length));
    tooling::Replacements Replaces = reformat(Style, Code, Ranges);
    std::string Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces);
    EXPECT_NE("", Result);
    DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n" << Result << "\n\n");
    return Result;

  static std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code) {
    FormatStyle Style = getGoogleStyle(FormatStyle::LK_Proto);
    Style.ColumnLimit = 60; // To make writing tests easier.
    return format(Code, 0, Code.size(), Style);

  static void verifyFormat(llvm::StringRef Code) {
    EXPECT_EQ(Code.str(), format(test::messUp(Code)));

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, FormatsMessages) {
  verifyFormat("message SomeMessage {\n"
               "  required int32 field1 = 1;\n"
  verifyFormat("message SomeMessage {\n"
               "  required .absolute.Reference field1 = 1;\n"
  verifyFormat("message SomeMessage {\n"
               "  required int32 field1 = 1;\n"
               "  optional string field2 = 2 [default = \"2\"]\n"

  verifyFormat("message SomeMessage {\n"
               "  optional really.really.long.qualified.type.aaa.aaaaaaa\n"
               "      fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiield = 1;\n"
               "  optional\n"
               "      really.really.long.qualified.type.aaa.aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa\n"
               "          another_fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiield = 2;\n"

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, KeywordsInOtherLanguages) {
  verifyFormat("optional string operator = 1;");

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, FormatsEnums) {
  verifyFormat("enum Type {\n"
               "  UNKNOWN = 0;\n"
               "  TYPE_A = 1;\n"
               "  TYPE_B = 2;\n"
  verifyFormat("enum Type {\n"
               "  UNKNOWN = 0 [(some_options) = {\n"
               "    a: aa,\n"
               "    b: bb\n"
               "  }];\n"

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, UnderstandsReturns) {
  verifyFormat("rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse);");

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, MessageFieldAttributes) {
  verifyFormat("optional string test = 1 [default = \"test\"];");
  verifyFormat("optional bool a = 1 [default = true, deprecated = true];");
  verifyFormat("optional LongMessageType long_proto_field = 1 [\n"
               "  default = REALLY_REALLY_LONG_CONSTANT_VALUE,\n"
               "  deprecated = true\n"
  verifyFormat("optional LongMessageType long_proto_field = 1\n"
               "    [default = REALLY_REALLY_LONG_CONSTANT_VALUE];");
  verifyFormat("repeated double value = 1\n"
               "    [(aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaa) = {aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: AAAAAAAA}];");
  verifyFormat("repeated double value = 1 [(aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaa) = {\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: AAAAAAAAAA,\n"
               "  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb: BBBBBBBBBB\n"
  verifyFormat("repeated double value = 1 [(aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaa) = {\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: AAAAAAAAAA\n"
               "  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb: BBBBBBBBBB\n"
  verifyFormat("repeated double value = 1 [\n"
               "  (aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaa) = {\n"
               "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: AAAAAAAAAA\n"
               "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb: BBBBBBBBBB\n"
               "  },\n"
               "  (bbbbbbb.bbbbbbbbb) = {\n"
               "    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: AAAAAAAAAA\n"
               "    bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb: BBBBBBBBBB\n"
               "  }\n"
  verifyFormat("repeated double value = 1 [(aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaa) = {\n"
               "  type: \"AAAAAAAAAA\"\n"
               "  is: \"AAAAAAAAAA\"\n"
               "  or: \"BBBBBBBBBB\"\n"
  verifyFormat("repeated double value = 1 [(aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaa) = {\n"
               "  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: AAAAAAAAAA,\n"
               "  bbbbbbb: BBBB,\n"
               "  bbbb: BBB\n"
  verifyFormat("optional AAA aaa = 1 [\n"
               "  foo = {\n"
               "    key: 'a'  //\n"
               "  },\n"
               "  bar = {\n"
               "    key: 'a'  //\n"
               "  }\n"

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, DoesntWrapFileOptions) {
      "option java_package = "
      format("option    java_package   =    "

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, FormatsOptions) {
  verifyFormat("option (MyProto.options) = {\n"
               "  field_a: OK\n"
               "  field_b: \"OK\"\n"
               "  field_c: \"OK\"\n"
               "  msg_field: {field_d: 123}\n"
  verifyFormat("option (MyProto.options) = {\n"
               "  field_a: OK\n"
               "  field_b: \"OK\"\n"
               "  field_c: \"OK\"\n"
               "  msg_field: {\n"
               "    field_d: 123\n"
               "    field_e: OK\n"
               "  }\n"
  verifyFormat("option (MyProto.options) = {\n"
               "  field_a: OK  // Comment\n"
               "  field_b: \"OK\"\n"
               "  field_c: \"OK\"\n"
               "  msg_field: {field_d: 123}\n"
  verifyFormat("option (MyProto.options) = {\n"
               "  field_c: \"OK\"\n"
               "  msg_field{field_d: 123}\n"

  // Support syntax with <> instead of {}.
  verifyFormat("option (MyProto.options) = {\n"
               "  field_c: \"OK\",\n"
               "  msg_field: <field_d: 123>\n"

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, FormatsService) {
  verifyFormat("service SearchService {\n"
               "  rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse) {\n"
               "    option foo = true;\n"
               "  }\n"

TEST_F(FormatTestProto, ExtendingMessage) {
  verifyFormat("extend .foo.Bar {\n"

} // end namespace tooling
} // end namespace clang