//===- AsmParser.cpp - Parser for Assembly Files --------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This class implements the parser for assembly files. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "AsmParser.h" #include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h" #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" using namespace llvm; bool AsmParser::Error(SMLoc L, const char *Msg) { Lexer.PrintMessage(L, Msg); return true; } bool AsmParser::TokError(const char *Msg) { Lexer.PrintMessage(Lexer.getLoc(), Msg); return true; } bool AsmParser::Run() { // Prime the lexer. Lexer.Lex(); while (Lexer.isNot(asmtok::Eof)) if (ParseStatement()) return true; return false; } /// EatToEndOfStatement - Throw away the rest of the line for testing purposes. void AsmParser::EatToEndOfStatement() { while (Lexer.isNot(asmtok::EndOfStatement) && Lexer.isNot(asmtok::Eof)) Lexer.Lex(); // Eat EOL. if (Lexer.is(asmtok::EndOfStatement)) Lexer.Lex(); } /// ParseParenExpr - Parse a paren expression and return it. /// NOTE: This assumes the leading '(' has already been consumed. /// /// parenexpr ::= expr) /// bool AsmParser::ParseParenExpr(int64_t &Res) { if (ParseExpression(Res)) return true; if (Lexer.isNot(asmtok::RParen)) return TokError("expected ')' in parentheses expression"); Lexer.Lex(); return false; } /// ParsePrimaryExpr - Parse a primary expression and return it. /// primaryexpr ::= (parenexpr /// primaryexpr ::= symbol /// primaryexpr ::= number /// primaryexpr ::= ~,+,- primaryexpr bool AsmParser::ParsePrimaryExpr(int64_t &Res) { switch (Lexer.getKind()) { default: return TokError("unknown token in expression"); case asmtok::Identifier: // This is a label, this should be parsed as part of an expression, to // handle things like LFOO+4 Res = 0; // FIXME. Lexer.Lex(); // Eat identifier. return false; case asmtok::IntVal: Res = Lexer.getCurIntVal(); Lexer.Lex(); // Eat identifier. return false; case asmtok::LParen: Lexer.Lex(); // Eat the '('. return ParseParenExpr(Res); case asmtok::Tilde: case asmtok::Plus: case asmtok::Minus: Lexer.Lex(); // Eat the operator. return ParsePrimaryExpr(Res); } } /// ParseExpression - Parse an expression and return it. /// /// expr ::= expr +,- expr -> lowest. /// expr ::= expr |,^,&,! expr -> middle. /// expr ::= expr *,/,%,<<,>> expr -> highest. /// expr ::= primaryexpr /// bool AsmParser::ParseExpression(int64_t &Res) { return ParsePrimaryExpr(Res) || ParseBinOpRHS(1, Res); } static unsigned getBinOpPrecedence(asmtok::TokKind K) { switch (K) { default: return 0; // not a binop. case asmtok::Plus: case asmtok::Minus: return 1; case asmtok::Pipe: case asmtok::Caret: case asmtok::Amp: case asmtok::Exclaim: return 2; case asmtok::Star: case asmtok::Slash: case asmtok::Percent: case asmtok::LessLess: case asmtok::GreaterGreater: return 3; } } /// ParseBinOpRHS - Parse all binary operators with precedence >= 'Precedence'. /// Res contains the LHS of the expression on input. bool AsmParser::ParseBinOpRHS(unsigned Precedence, int64_t &Res) { while (1) { unsigned TokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Lexer.getKind()); // If the next token is lower precedence than we are allowed to eat, return // successfully with what we ate already. if (TokPrec < Precedence) return false; //asmtok::TokKind BinOp = Lexer.getKind(); Lexer.Lex(); // Eat the next primary expression. int64_t RHS; if (ParsePrimaryExpr(RHS)) return true; // If BinOp binds less tightly with RHS than the operator after RHS, let // the pending operator take RHS as its LHS. unsigned NextTokPrec = getBinOpPrecedence(Lexer.getKind()); if (TokPrec < NextTokPrec) { if (ParseBinOpRHS(Precedence+1, RHS)) return true; } // Merge LHS/RHS: fixme use the right operator etc. Res += RHS; } } /// ParseStatement: /// ::= EndOfStatement /// ::= Label* Directive ...Operands... EndOfStatement /// ::= Label* Identifier OperandList* EndOfStatement bool AsmParser::ParseStatement() { switch (Lexer.getKind()) { default: return TokError("unexpected token at start of statement"); case asmtok::EndOfStatement: Lexer.Lex(); return false; case asmtok::Identifier: break; // TODO: Recurse on local labels etc. } // If we have an identifier, handle it as the key symbol. SMLoc IDLoc = Lexer.getLoc(); std::string IDVal = Lexer.getCurStrVal(); // Consume the identifier, see what is after it. if (Lexer.Lex() == asmtok::Colon) { // identifier ':' -> Label. Lexer.Lex(); return ParseStatement(); } // Otherwise, we have a normal instruction or directive. if (IDVal[0] == '.') { Lexer.PrintMessage(IDLoc, "warning: ignoring directive for now"); EatToEndOfStatement(); return false; } MCInst Inst; if (ParseX86InstOperands(Inst)) return true; if (Lexer.isNot(asmtok::EndOfStatement)) return TokError("unexpected token in operand list"); // Eat the end of statement marker. Lexer.Lex(); // Instruction is good, process it. outs() << "Found instruction: " << IDVal << " with " << Inst.getNumOperands() << " operands.\n"; // Skip to end of line for now. return false; }