/* c-index-test.c */ #include "clang-c/Index.h" #include "clang-c/CXCompilationDatabase.h" #include "llvm/Config/config.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #ifdef CLANG_HAVE_LIBXML #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/relaxng.h> #include <libxml/xmlerror.h> #endif /******************************************************************************/ /* Utility functions. */ /******************************************************************************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER char *basename(const char* path) { char* base1 = (char*)strrchr(path, '/'); char* base2 = (char*)strrchr(path, '\\'); if (base1 && base2) return((base1 > base2) ? base1 + 1 : base2 + 1); else if (base1) return(base1 + 1); else if (base2) return(base2 + 1); return((char*)path); } char *dirname(char* path) { char* base1 = (char*)strrchr(path, '/'); char* base2 = (char*)strrchr(path, '\\'); if (base1 && base2) if (base1 > base2) *base1 = 0; else *base2 = 0; else if (base1) *base1 = 0; else if (base2) *base2 = 0; return path; } #else extern char *basename(const char *); extern char *dirname(char *); #endif /** \brief Return the default parsing options. */ static unsigned getDefaultParsingOptions() { unsigned options = CXTranslationUnit_DetailedPreprocessingRecord; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_EDITING")) options |= clang_defaultEditingTranslationUnitOptions(); if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_CACHING")) options |= CXTranslationUnit_CacheCompletionResults; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_NO_CACHING")) options &= ~CXTranslationUnit_CacheCompletionResults; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_SKIP_FUNCTION_BODIES")) options |= CXTranslationUnit_SkipFunctionBodies; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_BRIEF_COMMENTS")) options |= CXTranslationUnit_IncludeBriefCommentsInCodeCompletion; return options; } static int checkForErrors(CXTranslationUnit TU); static void PrintExtent(FILE *out, unsigned begin_line, unsigned begin_column, unsigned end_line, unsigned end_column) { fprintf(out, "[%d:%d - %d:%d]", begin_line, begin_column, end_line, end_column); } static unsigned CreateTranslationUnit(CXIndex Idx, const char *file, CXTranslationUnit *TU) { *TU = clang_createTranslationUnit(Idx, file); if (!*TU) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load translation unit from '%s'!\n", file); return 0; } return 1; } void free_remapped_files(struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files, int num_unsaved_files) { int i; for (i = 0; i != num_unsaved_files; ++i) { free((char *)unsaved_files[i].Filename); free((char *)unsaved_files[i].Contents); } free(unsaved_files); } int parse_remapped_files(int argc, const char **argv, int start_arg, struct CXUnsavedFile **unsaved_files, int *num_unsaved_files) { int i; int arg; int prefix_len = strlen("-remap-file="); *unsaved_files = 0; *num_unsaved_files = 0; /* Count the number of remapped files. */ for (arg = start_arg; arg < argc; ++arg) { if (strncmp(argv[arg], "-remap-file=", prefix_len)) break; ++*num_unsaved_files; } if (*num_unsaved_files == 0) return 0; *unsaved_files = (struct CXUnsavedFile *)malloc(sizeof(struct CXUnsavedFile) * *num_unsaved_files); for (arg = start_arg, i = 0; i != *num_unsaved_files; ++i, ++arg) { struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved = *unsaved_files + i; const char *arg_string = argv[arg] + prefix_len; int filename_len; char *filename; char *contents; FILE *to_file; const char *semi = strchr(arg_string, ';'); if (!semi) { fprintf(stderr, "error: -remap-file=from;to argument is missing semicolon\n"); free_remapped_files(*unsaved_files, i); *unsaved_files = 0; *num_unsaved_files = 0; return -1; } /* Open the file that we're remapping to. */ to_file = fopen(semi + 1, "rb"); if (!to_file) { fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot open file %s that we are remapping to\n", semi + 1); free_remapped_files(*unsaved_files, i); *unsaved_files = 0; *num_unsaved_files = 0; return -1; } /* Determine the length of the file we're remapping to. */ fseek(to_file, 0, SEEK_END); unsaved->Length = ftell(to_file); fseek(to_file, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Read the contents of the file we're remapping to. */ contents = (char *)malloc(unsaved->Length + 1); if (fread(contents, 1, unsaved->Length, to_file) != unsaved->Length) { fprintf(stderr, "error: unexpected %s reading 'to' file %s\n", (feof(to_file) ? "EOF" : "error"), semi + 1); fclose(to_file); free_remapped_files(*unsaved_files, i); free(contents); *unsaved_files = 0; *num_unsaved_files = 0; return -1; } contents[unsaved->Length] = 0; unsaved->Contents = contents; /* Close the file. */ fclose(to_file); /* Copy the file name that we're remapping from. */ filename_len = semi - arg_string; filename = (char *)malloc(filename_len + 1); memcpy(filename, arg_string, filename_len); filename[filename_len] = 0; unsaved->Filename = filename; } return 0; } static const char *parse_comments_schema(int argc, const char **argv) { const char *CommentsSchemaArg = "-comments-xml-schema="; const char *CommentSchemaFile = NULL; if (argc == 0) return CommentSchemaFile; if (!strncmp(argv[0], CommentsSchemaArg, strlen(CommentsSchemaArg))) CommentSchemaFile = argv[0] + strlen(CommentsSchemaArg); return CommentSchemaFile; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Pretty-printing. */ /******************************************************************************/ static const char *FileCheckPrefix = "CHECK"; static void PrintCString(const char *CStr) { if (CStr != NULL && CStr[0] != '\0') { for ( ; *CStr; ++CStr) { const char C = *CStr; switch (C) { case '\n': printf("\\n"); break; case '\r': printf("\\r"); break; case '\t': printf("\\t"); break; case '\v': printf("\\v"); break; case '\f': printf("\\f"); break; default: putchar(C); break; } } } } static void PrintCStringWithPrefix(const char *Prefix, const char *CStr) { printf(" %s=[", Prefix); PrintCString(CStr); printf("]"); } static void PrintCXStringAndDispose(CXString Str) { PrintCString(clang_getCString(Str)); clang_disposeString(Str); } static void PrintCXStringWithPrefix(const char *Prefix, CXString Str) { PrintCStringWithPrefix(Prefix, clang_getCString(Str)); } static void PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose(const char *Prefix, CXString Str) { PrintCStringWithPrefix(Prefix, clang_getCString(Str)); clang_disposeString(Str); } static void PrintRange(CXSourceRange R, const char *str) { CXFile begin_file, end_file; unsigned begin_line, begin_column, end_line, end_column; clang_getSpellingLocation(clang_getRangeStart(R), &begin_file, &begin_line, &begin_column, 0); clang_getSpellingLocation(clang_getRangeEnd(R), &end_file, &end_line, &end_column, 0); if (!begin_file || !end_file) return; if (str) printf(" %s=", str); PrintExtent(stdout, begin_line, begin_column, end_line, end_column); } int want_display_name = 0; static void printVersion(const char *Prefix, CXVersion Version) { if (Version.Major < 0) return; printf("%s%d", Prefix, Version.Major); if (Version.Minor < 0) return; printf(".%d", Version.Minor); if (Version.Subminor < 0) return; printf(".%d", Version.Subminor); } struct CommentASTDumpingContext { int IndentLevel; }; static void DumpCXCommentInternal(struct CommentASTDumpingContext *Ctx, CXComment Comment) { unsigned i; unsigned e; enum CXCommentKind Kind = clang_Comment_getKind(Comment); Ctx->IndentLevel++; for (i = 0, e = Ctx->IndentLevel; i != e; ++i) printf(" "); printf("("); switch (Kind) { case CXComment_Null: printf("CXComment_Null"); break; case CXComment_Text: printf("CXComment_Text"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose("Text", clang_TextComment_getText(Comment)); if (clang_Comment_isWhitespace(Comment)) printf(" IsWhitespace"); if (clang_InlineContentComment_hasTrailingNewline(Comment)) printf(" HasTrailingNewline"); break; case CXComment_InlineCommand: printf("CXComment_InlineCommand"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "CommandName", clang_InlineCommandComment_getCommandName(Comment)); switch (clang_InlineCommandComment_getRenderKind(Comment)) { case CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Normal: printf(" RenderNormal"); break; case CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Bold: printf(" RenderBold"); break; case CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Monospaced: printf(" RenderMonospaced"); break; case CXCommentInlineCommandRenderKind_Emphasized: printf(" RenderEmphasized"); break; } for (i = 0, e = clang_InlineCommandComment_getNumArgs(Comment); i != e; ++i) { printf(" Arg[%u]=", i); PrintCXStringAndDispose( clang_InlineCommandComment_getArgText(Comment, i)); } if (clang_InlineContentComment_hasTrailingNewline(Comment)) printf(" HasTrailingNewline"); break; case CXComment_HTMLStartTag: { unsigned NumAttrs; printf("CXComment_HTMLStartTag"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "Name", clang_HTMLTagComment_getTagName(Comment)); NumAttrs = clang_HTMLStartTag_getNumAttrs(Comment); if (NumAttrs != 0) { printf(" Attrs:"); for (i = 0; i != NumAttrs; ++i) { printf(" "); PrintCXStringAndDispose(clang_HTMLStartTag_getAttrName(Comment, i)); printf("="); PrintCXStringAndDispose(clang_HTMLStartTag_getAttrValue(Comment, i)); } } if (clang_HTMLStartTagComment_isSelfClosing(Comment)) printf(" SelfClosing"); if (clang_InlineContentComment_hasTrailingNewline(Comment)) printf(" HasTrailingNewline"); break; } case CXComment_HTMLEndTag: printf("CXComment_HTMLEndTag"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "Name", clang_HTMLTagComment_getTagName(Comment)); if (clang_InlineContentComment_hasTrailingNewline(Comment)) printf(" HasTrailingNewline"); break; case CXComment_Paragraph: printf("CXComment_Paragraph"); if (clang_Comment_isWhitespace(Comment)) printf(" IsWhitespace"); break; case CXComment_BlockCommand: printf("CXComment_BlockCommand"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "CommandName", clang_BlockCommandComment_getCommandName(Comment)); for (i = 0, e = clang_BlockCommandComment_getNumArgs(Comment); i != e; ++i) { printf(" Arg[%u]=", i); PrintCXStringAndDispose( clang_BlockCommandComment_getArgText(Comment, i)); } break; case CXComment_ParamCommand: printf("CXComment_ParamCommand"); switch (clang_ParamCommandComment_getDirection(Comment)) { case CXCommentParamPassDirection_In: printf(" in"); break; case CXCommentParamPassDirection_Out: printf(" out"); break; case CXCommentParamPassDirection_InOut: printf(" in,out"); break; } if (clang_ParamCommandComment_isDirectionExplicit(Comment)) printf(" explicitly"); else printf(" implicitly"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "ParamName", clang_ParamCommandComment_getParamName(Comment)); if (clang_ParamCommandComment_isParamIndexValid(Comment)) printf(" ParamIndex=%u", clang_ParamCommandComment_getParamIndex(Comment)); else printf(" ParamIndex=Invalid"); break; case CXComment_TParamCommand: printf("CXComment_TParamCommand"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "ParamName", clang_TParamCommandComment_getParamName(Comment)); if (clang_TParamCommandComment_isParamPositionValid(Comment)) { printf(" ParamPosition={"); for (i = 0, e = clang_TParamCommandComment_getDepth(Comment); i != e; ++i) { printf("%u", clang_TParamCommandComment_getIndex(Comment, i)); if (i != e - 1) printf(", "); } printf("}"); } else printf(" ParamPosition=Invalid"); break; case CXComment_VerbatimBlockCommand: printf("CXComment_VerbatimBlockCommand"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "CommandName", clang_BlockCommandComment_getCommandName(Comment)); break; case CXComment_VerbatimBlockLine: printf("CXComment_VerbatimBlockLine"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "Text", clang_VerbatimBlockLineComment_getText(Comment)); break; case CXComment_VerbatimLine: printf("CXComment_VerbatimLine"); PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose( "Text", clang_VerbatimLineComment_getText(Comment)); break; case CXComment_FullComment: printf("CXComment_FullComment"); break; } if (Kind != CXComment_Null) { const unsigned NumChildren = clang_Comment_getNumChildren(Comment); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i != NumChildren; ++i) { printf("\n// %s: ", FileCheckPrefix); DumpCXCommentInternal(Ctx, clang_Comment_getChild(Comment, i)); } } printf(")"); Ctx->IndentLevel--; } static void DumpCXComment(CXComment Comment) { struct CommentASTDumpingContext Ctx; Ctx.IndentLevel = 1; printf("\n// %s: CommentAST=[\n// %s:", FileCheckPrefix, FileCheckPrefix); DumpCXCommentInternal(&Ctx, Comment); printf("]"); } typedef struct { const char *CommentSchemaFile; #ifdef CLANG_HAVE_LIBXML xmlRelaxNGParserCtxtPtr RNGParser; xmlRelaxNGPtr Schema; #endif } CommentXMLValidationData; static void ValidateCommentXML(const char *Str, CommentXMLValidationData *ValidationData) { #ifdef CLANG_HAVE_LIBXML xmlDocPtr Doc; xmlRelaxNGValidCtxtPtr ValidationCtxt; int status; if (!ValidationData || !ValidationData->CommentSchemaFile) return; if (!ValidationData->RNGParser) { ValidationData->RNGParser = xmlRelaxNGNewParserCtxt(ValidationData->CommentSchemaFile); ValidationData->Schema = xmlRelaxNGParse(ValidationData->RNGParser); } if (!ValidationData->RNGParser) { printf(" libXMLError"); return; } Doc = xmlParseDoc((const xmlChar *) Str); if (!Doc) { xmlErrorPtr Error = xmlGetLastError(); printf(" CommentXMLInvalid [not well-formed XML: %s]", Error->message); return; } ValidationCtxt = xmlRelaxNGNewValidCtxt(ValidationData->Schema); status = xmlRelaxNGValidateDoc(ValidationCtxt, Doc); if (!status) printf(" CommentXMLValid"); else if (status > 0) { xmlErrorPtr Error = xmlGetLastError(); printf(" CommentXMLInvalid [not vaild XML: %s]", Error->message); } else printf(" libXMLError"); xmlRelaxNGFreeValidCtxt(ValidationCtxt); xmlFreeDoc(Doc); #endif } static void PrintCursorComments(CXCursor Cursor, CommentXMLValidationData *ValidationData) { { CXString RawComment; const char *RawCommentCString; CXString BriefComment; const char *BriefCommentCString; RawComment = clang_Cursor_getRawCommentText(Cursor); RawCommentCString = clang_getCString(RawComment); if (RawCommentCString != NULL && RawCommentCString[0] != '\0') { PrintCStringWithPrefix("RawComment", RawCommentCString); PrintRange(clang_Cursor_getCommentRange(Cursor), "RawCommentRange"); BriefComment = clang_Cursor_getBriefCommentText(Cursor); BriefCommentCString = clang_getCString(BriefComment); if (BriefCommentCString != NULL && BriefCommentCString[0] != '\0') PrintCStringWithPrefix("BriefComment", BriefCommentCString); clang_disposeString(BriefComment); } clang_disposeString(RawComment); } { CXComment Comment = clang_Cursor_getParsedComment(Cursor); if (clang_Comment_getKind(Comment) != CXComment_Null) { PrintCXStringWithPrefixAndDispose("FullCommentAsHTML", clang_FullComment_getAsHTML(Comment)); { CXString XML; XML = clang_FullComment_getAsXML(Comment); PrintCXStringWithPrefix("FullCommentAsXML", XML); ValidateCommentXML(clang_getCString(XML), ValidationData); clang_disposeString(XML); } DumpCXComment(Comment); } } } typedef struct { unsigned line; unsigned col; } LineCol; static int lineCol_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { const LineCol *lhs = p1; const LineCol *rhs = p2; if (lhs->line != rhs->line) return (int)lhs->line - (int)rhs->line; return (int)lhs->col - (int)rhs->col; } static void PrintCursor(CXCursor Cursor, CommentXMLValidationData *ValidationData) { CXTranslationUnit TU = clang_Cursor_getTranslationUnit(Cursor); if (clang_isInvalid(Cursor.kind)) { CXString ks = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(Cursor.kind); printf("Invalid Cursor => %s", clang_getCString(ks)); clang_disposeString(ks); } else { CXString string, ks; CXCursor Referenced; unsigned line, column; CXCursor SpecializationOf; CXCursor *overridden; unsigned num_overridden; unsigned RefNameRangeNr; CXSourceRange CursorExtent; CXSourceRange RefNameRange; int AlwaysUnavailable; int AlwaysDeprecated; CXString UnavailableMessage; CXString DeprecatedMessage; CXPlatformAvailability PlatformAvailability[2]; int NumPlatformAvailability; int I; ks = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(Cursor.kind); string = want_display_name? clang_getCursorDisplayName(Cursor) : clang_getCursorSpelling(Cursor); printf("%s=%s", clang_getCString(ks), clang_getCString(string)); clang_disposeString(ks); clang_disposeString(string); Referenced = clang_getCursorReferenced(Cursor); if (!clang_equalCursors(Referenced, clang_getNullCursor())) { if (clang_getCursorKind(Referenced) == CXCursor_OverloadedDeclRef) { unsigned I, N = clang_getNumOverloadedDecls(Referenced); printf("["); for (I = 0; I != N; ++I) { CXCursor Ovl = clang_getOverloadedDecl(Referenced, I); CXSourceLocation Loc; if (I) printf(", "); Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(Ovl); clang_getSpellingLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0); printf("%d:%d", line, column); } printf("]"); } else { CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(Referenced); clang_getSpellingLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0); printf(":%d:%d", line, column); } } if (clang_isCursorDefinition(Cursor)) printf(" (Definition)"); switch (clang_getCursorAvailability(Cursor)) { case CXAvailability_Available: break; case CXAvailability_Deprecated: printf(" (deprecated)"); break; case CXAvailability_NotAvailable: printf(" (unavailable)"); break; case CXAvailability_NotAccessible: printf(" (inaccessible)"); break; } NumPlatformAvailability = clang_getCursorPlatformAvailability(Cursor, &AlwaysDeprecated, &DeprecatedMessage, &AlwaysUnavailable, &UnavailableMessage, PlatformAvailability, 2); if (AlwaysUnavailable) { printf(" (always unavailable: \"%s\")", clang_getCString(UnavailableMessage)); } else if (AlwaysDeprecated) { printf(" (always deprecated: \"%s\")", clang_getCString(DeprecatedMessage)); } else { for (I = 0; I != NumPlatformAvailability; ++I) { if (I >= 2) break; printf(" (%s", clang_getCString(PlatformAvailability[I].Platform)); if (PlatformAvailability[I].Unavailable) printf(", unavailable"); else { printVersion(", introduced=", PlatformAvailability[I].Introduced); printVersion(", deprecated=", PlatformAvailability[I].Deprecated); printVersion(", obsoleted=", PlatformAvailability[I].Obsoleted); } if (clang_getCString(PlatformAvailability[I].Message)[0]) printf(", message=\"%s\"", clang_getCString(PlatformAvailability[I].Message)); printf(")"); } } for (I = 0; I != NumPlatformAvailability; ++I) { if (I >= 2) break; clang_disposeCXPlatformAvailability(PlatformAvailability + I); } clang_disposeString(DeprecatedMessage); clang_disposeString(UnavailableMessage); if (clang_CXXMethod_isStatic(Cursor)) printf(" (static)"); if (clang_CXXMethod_isVirtual(Cursor)) printf(" (virtual)"); if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_IBOutletCollectionAttr) { CXType T = clang_getCanonicalType(clang_getIBOutletCollectionType(Cursor)); CXString S = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(T.kind); printf(" [IBOutletCollection=%s]", clang_getCString(S)); clang_disposeString(S); } if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_CXXBaseSpecifier) { enum CX_CXXAccessSpecifier access = clang_getCXXAccessSpecifier(Cursor); unsigned isVirtual = clang_isVirtualBase(Cursor); const char *accessStr = 0; switch (access) { case CX_CXXInvalidAccessSpecifier: accessStr = "invalid"; break; case CX_CXXPublic: accessStr = "public"; break; case CX_CXXProtected: accessStr = "protected"; break; case CX_CXXPrivate: accessStr = "private"; break; } printf(" [access=%s isVirtual=%s]", accessStr, isVirtual ? "true" : "false"); } SpecializationOf = clang_getSpecializedCursorTemplate(Cursor); if (!clang_equalCursors(SpecializationOf, clang_getNullCursor())) { CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(SpecializationOf); CXString Name = clang_getCursorSpelling(SpecializationOf); clang_getSpellingLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0); printf(" [Specialization of %s:%d:%d]", clang_getCString(Name), line, column); clang_disposeString(Name); } clang_getOverriddenCursors(Cursor, &overridden, &num_overridden); if (num_overridden) { unsigned I; LineCol lineCols[50]; assert(num_overridden <= 50); printf(" [Overrides "); for (I = 0; I != num_overridden; ++I) { CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(overridden[I]); clang_getSpellingLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0); lineCols[I].line = line; lineCols[I].col = column; } /* Make the order of the override list deterministic. */ qsort(lineCols, num_overridden, sizeof(LineCol), lineCol_cmp); for (I = 0; I != num_overridden; ++I) { if (I) printf(", "); printf("@%d:%d", lineCols[I].line, lineCols[I].col); } printf("]"); clang_disposeOverriddenCursors(overridden); } if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_InclusionDirective) { CXFile File = clang_getIncludedFile(Cursor); CXString Included = clang_getFileName(File); printf(" (%s)", clang_getCString(Included)); clang_disposeString(Included); if (clang_isFileMultipleIncludeGuarded(TU, File)) printf(" [multi-include guarded]"); } CursorExtent = clang_getCursorExtent(Cursor); RefNameRange = clang_getCursorReferenceNameRange(Cursor, CXNameRange_WantQualifier | CXNameRange_WantSinglePiece | CXNameRange_WantTemplateArgs, 0); if (!clang_equalRanges(CursorExtent, RefNameRange)) PrintRange(RefNameRange, "SingleRefName"); for (RefNameRangeNr = 0; 1; RefNameRangeNr++) { RefNameRange = clang_getCursorReferenceNameRange(Cursor, CXNameRange_WantQualifier | CXNameRange_WantTemplateArgs, RefNameRangeNr); if (clang_equalRanges(clang_getNullRange(), RefNameRange)) break; if (!clang_equalRanges(CursorExtent, RefNameRange)) PrintRange(RefNameRange, "RefName"); } PrintCursorComments(Cursor, ValidationData); } } static const char* GetCursorSource(CXCursor Cursor) { CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(Cursor); CXString source; CXFile file; clang_getExpansionLocation(Loc, &file, 0, 0, 0); source = clang_getFileName(file); if (!clang_getCString(source)) { clang_disposeString(source); return "<invalid loc>"; } else { const char *b = basename(clang_getCString(source)); clang_disposeString(source); return b; } } /******************************************************************************/ /* Callbacks. */ /******************************************************************************/ typedef void (*PostVisitTU)(CXTranslationUnit); void PrintDiagnostic(CXDiagnostic Diagnostic) { FILE *out = stderr; CXFile file; CXString Msg; unsigned display_opts = CXDiagnostic_DisplaySourceLocation | CXDiagnostic_DisplayColumn | CXDiagnostic_DisplaySourceRanges | CXDiagnostic_DisplayOption; unsigned i, num_fixits; if (clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(Diagnostic) == CXDiagnostic_Ignored) return; Msg = clang_formatDiagnostic(Diagnostic, display_opts); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", clang_getCString(Msg)); clang_disposeString(Msg); clang_getSpellingLocation(clang_getDiagnosticLocation(Diagnostic), &file, 0, 0, 0); if (!file) return; num_fixits = clang_getDiagnosticNumFixIts(Diagnostic); fprintf(stderr, "Number FIX-ITs = %d\n", num_fixits); for (i = 0; i != num_fixits; ++i) { CXSourceRange range; CXString insertion_text = clang_getDiagnosticFixIt(Diagnostic, i, &range); CXSourceLocation start = clang_getRangeStart(range); CXSourceLocation end = clang_getRangeEnd(range); unsigned start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column; CXFile start_file, end_file; clang_getSpellingLocation(start, &start_file, &start_line, &start_column, 0); clang_getSpellingLocation(end, &end_file, &end_line, &end_column, 0); if (clang_equalLocations(start, end)) { /* Insertion. */ if (start_file == file) fprintf(out, "FIX-IT: Insert \"%s\" at %d:%d\n", clang_getCString(insertion_text), start_line, start_column); } else if (strcmp(clang_getCString(insertion_text), "") == 0) { /* Removal. */ if (start_file == file && end_file == file) { fprintf(out, "FIX-IT: Remove "); PrintExtent(out, start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column); fprintf(out, "\n"); } } else { /* Replacement. */ if (start_file == end_file) { fprintf(out, "FIX-IT: Replace "); PrintExtent(out, start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column); fprintf(out, " with \"%s\"\n", clang_getCString(insertion_text)); } break; } clang_disposeString(insertion_text); } } void PrintDiagnosticSet(CXDiagnosticSet Set) { int i = 0, n = clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(Set); for ( ; i != n ; ++i) { CXDiagnostic Diag = clang_getDiagnosticInSet(Set, i); CXDiagnosticSet ChildDiags = clang_getChildDiagnostics(Diag); PrintDiagnostic(Diag); if (ChildDiags) PrintDiagnosticSet(ChildDiags); } } void PrintDiagnostics(CXTranslationUnit TU) { CXDiagnosticSet TUSet = clang_getDiagnosticSetFromTU(TU); PrintDiagnosticSet(TUSet); clang_disposeDiagnosticSet(TUSet); } void PrintMemoryUsage(CXTranslationUnit TU) { unsigned long total = 0; unsigned i = 0; CXTUResourceUsage usage = clang_getCXTUResourceUsage(TU); fprintf(stderr, "Memory usage:\n"); for (i = 0 ; i != usage.numEntries; ++i) { const char *name = clang_getTUResourceUsageName(usage.entries[i].kind); unsigned long amount = usage.entries[i].amount; total += amount; fprintf(stderr, " %s : %ld bytes (%f MBytes)\n", name, amount, ((double) amount)/(1024*1024)); } fprintf(stderr, " TOTAL = %ld bytes (%f MBytes)\n", total, ((double) total)/(1024*1024)); clang_disposeCXTUResourceUsage(usage); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Logic for testing traversal. */ /******************************************************************************/ static void PrintCursorExtent(CXCursor C) { CXSourceRange extent = clang_getCursorExtent(C); PrintRange(extent, "Extent"); } /* Data used by the visitors. */ typedef struct { CXTranslationUnit TU; enum CXCursorKind *Filter; CommentXMLValidationData ValidationData; } VisitorData; enum CXChildVisitResult FilteredPrintingVisitor(CXCursor Cursor, CXCursor Parent, CXClientData ClientData) { VisitorData *Data = (VisitorData *)ClientData; if (!Data->Filter || (Cursor.kind == *(enum CXCursorKind *)Data->Filter)) { CXSourceLocation Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(Cursor); unsigned line, column; clang_getSpellingLocation(Loc, 0, &line, &column, 0); printf("// %s: %s:%d:%d: ", FileCheckPrefix, GetCursorSource(Cursor), line, column); PrintCursor(Cursor, &Data->ValidationData); PrintCursorExtent(Cursor); printf("\n"); return CXChildVisit_Recurse; } return CXChildVisit_Continue; } static enum CXChildVisitResult FunctionScanVisitor(CXCursor Cursor, CXCursor Parent, CXClientData ClientData) { const char *startBuf, *endBuf; unsigned startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, curLine, curColumn; CXCursor Ref; VisitorData *Data = (VisitorData *)ClientData; if (Cursor.kind != CXCursor_FunctionDecl || !clang_isCursorDefinition(Cursor)) return CXChildVisit_Continue; clang_getDefinitionSpellingAndExtent(Cursor, &startBuf, &endBuf, &startLine, &startColumn, &endLine, &endColumn); /* Probe the entire body, looking for both decls and refs. */ curLine = startLine; curColumn = startColumn; while (startBuf < endBuf) { CXSourceLocation Loc; CXFile file; CXString source; if (*startBuf == '\n') { startBuf++; curLine++; curColumn = 1; } else if (*startBuf != '\t') curColumn++; Loc = clang_getCursorLocation(Cursor); clang_getSpellingLocation(Loc, &file, 0, 0, 0); source = clang_getFileName(file); if (clang_getCString(source)) { CXSourceLocation RefLoc = clang_getLocation(Data->TU, file, curLine, curColumn); Ref = clang_getCursor(Data->TU, RefLoc); if (Ref.kind == CXCursor_NoDeclFound) { /* Nothing found here; that's fine. */ } else if (Ref.kind != CXCursor_FunctionDecl) { printf("// %s: %s:%d:%d: ", FileCheckPrefix, GetCursorSource(Ref), curLine, curColumn); PrintCursor(Ref, &Data->ValidationData); printf("\n"); } } clang_disposeString(source); startBuf++; } return CXChildVisit_Continue; } /******************************************************************************/ /* USR testing. */ /******************************************************************************/ enum CXChildVisitResult USRVisitor(CXCursor C, CXCursor parent, CXClientData ClientData) { VisitorData *Data = (VisitorData *)ClientData; if (!Data->Filter || (C.kind == *(enum CXCursorKind *)Data->Filter)) { CXString USR = clang_getCursorUSR(C); const char *cstr = clang_getCString(USR); if (!cstr || cstr[0] == '\0') { clang_disposeString(USR); return CXChildVisit_Recurse; } printf("// %s: %s %s", FileCheckPrefix, GetCursorSource(C), cstr); PrintCursorExtent(C); printf("\n"); clang_disposeString(USR); return CXChildVisit_Recurse; } return CXChildVisit_Continue; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Inclusion stack testing. */ /******************************************************************************/ void InclusionVisitor(CXFile includedFile, CXSourceLocation *includeStack, unsigned includeStackLen, CXClientData data) { unsigned i; CXString fname; fname = clang_getFileName(includedFile); printf("file: %s\nincluded by:\n", clang_getCString(fname)); clang_disposeString(fname); for (i = 0; i < includeStackLen; ++i) { CXFile includingFile; unsigned line, column; clang_getSpellingLocation(includeStack[i], &includingFile, &line, &column, 0); fname = clang_getFileName(includingFile); printf(" %s:%d:%d\n", clang_getCString(fname), line, column); clang_disposeString(fname); } printf("\n"); } void PrintInclusionStack(CXTranslationUnit TU) { clang_getInclusions(TU, InclusionVisitor, NULL); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Linkage testing. */ /******************************************************************************/ static enum CXChildVisitResult PrintLinkage(CXCursor cursor, CXCursor p, CXClientData d) { const char *linkage = 0; if (clang_isInvalid(clang_getCursorKind(cursor))) return CXChildVisit_Recurse; switch (clang_getCursorLinkage(cursor)) { case CXLinkage_Invalid: break; case CXLinkage_NoLinkage: linkage = "NoLinkage"; break; case CXLinkage_Internal: linkage = "Internal"; break; case CXLinkage_UniqueExternal: linkage = "UniqueExternal"; break; case CXLinkage_External: linkage = "External"; break; } if (linkage) { PrintCursor(cursor, NULL); printf("linkage=%s\n", linkage); } return CXChildVisit_Recurse; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Typekind testing. */ /******************************************************************************/ static enum CXChildVisitResult PrintTypeKind(CXCursor cursor, CXCursor p, CXClientData d) { if (!clang_isInvalid(clang_getCursorKind(cursor))) { CXType T = clang_getCursorType(cursor); CXString S = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(T.kind); PrintCursor(cursor, NULL); printf(" typekind=%s", clang_getCString(S)); if (clang_isConstQualifiedType(T)) printf(" const"); if (clang_isVolatileQualifiedType(T)) printf(" volatile"); if (clang_isRestrictQualifiedType(T)) printf(" restrict"); clang_disposeString(S); /* Print the canonical type if it is different. */ { CXType CT = clang_getCanonicalType(T); if (!clang_equalTypes(T, CT)) { CXString CS = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(CT.kind); printf(" [canonical=%s]", clang_getCString(CS)); clang_disposeString(CS); } } /* Print the return type if it exists. */ { CXType RT = clang_getCursorResultType(cursor); if (RT.kind != CXType_Invalid) { CXString RS = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(RT.kind); printf(" [result=%s]", clang_getCString(RS)); clang_disposeString(RS); } } /* Print the argument types if they exist. */ { int numArgs = clang_Cursor_getNumArguments(cursor); if (numArgs != -1 && numArgs != 0) { int i; printf(" [args="); for (i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) { CXType T = clang_getCursorType(clang_Cursor_getArgument(cursor, i)); if (T.kind != CXType_Invalid) { CXString S = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(T.kind); printf(" %s", clang_getCString(S)); clang_disposeString(S); } } printf("]"); } } /* Print if this is a non-POD type. */ printf(" [isPOD=%d]", clang_isPODType(T)); printf("\n"); } return CXChildVisit_Recurse; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Loading ASTs/source. */ /******************************************************************************/ static int perform_test_load(CXIndex Idx, CXTranslationUnit TU, const char *filter, const char *prefix, CXCursorVisitor Visitor, PostVisitTU PV, const char *CommentSchemaFile) { if (prefix) FileCheckPrefix = prefix; if (Visitor) { enum CXCursorKind K = CXCursor_NotImplemented; enum CXCursorKind *ck = &K; VisitorData Data; /* Perform some simple filtering. */ if (!strcmp(filter, "all") || !strcmp(filter, "local")) ck = NULL; else if (!strcmp(filter, "all-display") || !strcmp(filter, "local-display")) { ck = NULL; want_display_name = 1; } else if (!strcmp(filter, "none")) K = (enum CXCursorKind) ~0; else if (!strcmp(filter, "category")) K = CXCursor_ObjCCategoryDecl; else if (!strcmp(filter, "interface")) K = CXCursor_ObjCInterfaceDecl; else if (!strcmp(filter, "protocol")) K = CXCursor_ObjCProtocolDecl; else if (!strcmp(filter, "function")) K = CXCursor_FunctionDecl; else if (!strcmp(filter, "typedef")) K = CXCursor_TypedefDecl; else if (!strcmp(filter, "scan-function")) Visitor = FunctionScanVisitor; else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown filter for -test-load-tu: %s\n", filter); return 1; } Data.TU = TU; Data.Filter = ck; Data.ValidationData.CommentSchemaFile = CommentSchemaFile; #ifdef CLANG_HAVE_LIBXML Data.ValidationData.RNGParser = NULL; Data.ValidationData.Schema = NULL; #endif clang_visitChildren(clang_getTranslationUnitCursor(TU), Visitor, &Data); } if (PV) PV(TU); PrintDiagnostics(TU); if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) { clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); return -1; } clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); return 0; } int perform_test_load_tu(const char *file, const char *filter, const char *prefix, CXCursorVisitor Visitor, PostVisitTU PV) { CXIndex Idx; CXTranslationUnit TU; int result; Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */ !strcmp(filter, "local") ? 1 : 0, /* displayDiagnosics=*/1); if (!CreateTranslationUnit(Idx, file, &TU)) { clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return 1; } result = perform_test_load(Idx, TU, filter, prefix, Visitor, PV, NULL); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return result; } int perform_test_load_source(int argc, const char **argv, const char *filter, CXCursorVisitor Visitor, PostVisitTU PV) { CXIndex Idx; CXTranslationUnit TU; const char *CommentSchemaFile; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; int result; Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */ (!strcmp(filter, "local") || !strcmp(filter, "local-display"))? 1 : 0, /* displayDiagnosics=*/0); if ((CommentSchemaFile = parse_comments_schema(argc, argv))) { argc--; argv++; } if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, 0, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) { clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return -1; } TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(Idx, 0, argv + num_unsaved_files, argc - num_unsaved_files, unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load translation unit!\n"); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return 1; } result = perform_test_load(Idx, TU, filter, NULL, Visitor, PV, CommentSchemaFile); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return result; } int perform_test_reparse_source(int argc, const char **argv, int trials, const char *filter, CXCursorVisitor Visitor, PostVisitTU PV) { CXIndex Idx; CXTranslationUnit TU; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; int result; int trial; int remap_after_trial = 0; char *endptr = 0; Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */ !strcmp(filter, "local") ? 1 : 0, /* displayDiagnosics=*/0); if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, 0, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) { clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return -1; } /* Load the initial translation unit -- we do this without honoring remapped * files, so that we have a way to test results after changing the source. */ TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(Idx, 0, argv + num_unsaved_files, argc - num_unsaved_files, 0, 0, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load translation unit!\n"); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return 1; } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_REMAP_AFTER_TRIAL")) { remap_after_trial = strtol(getenv("CINDEXTEST_REMAP_AFTER_TRIAL"), &endptr, 10); } for (trial = 0; trial < trials; ++trial) { if (clang_reparseTranslationUnit(TU, trial >= remap_after_trial ? num_unsaved_files : 0, trial >= remap_after_trial ? unsaved_files : 0, clang_defaultReparseOptions(TU))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to reparse translation unit!\n"); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return -1; } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; } result = perform_test_load(Idx, TU, filter, NULL, Visitor, PV, NULL); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Logic for testing clang_getCursor(). */ /******************************************************************************/ static void print_cursor_file_scan(CXTranslationUnit TU, CXCursor cursor, unsigned start_line, unsigned start_col, unsigned end_line, unsigned end_col, const char *prefix) { printf("// %s: ", FileCheckPrefix); if (prefix) printf("-%s", prefix); PrintExtent(stdout, start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col); printf(" "); PrintCursor(cursor, NULL); printf("\n"); } static int perform_file_scan(const char *ast_file, const char *source_file, const char *prefix) { CXIndex Idx; CXTranslationUnit TU; FILE *fp; CXCursor prevCursor = clang_getNullCursor(); CXFile file; unsigned line = 1, col = 1; unsigned start_line = 1, start_col = 1; if (!(Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */ 1, /* displayDiagnosics=*/1))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create Index\n"); return 1; } if (!CreateTranslationUnit(Idx, ast_file, &TU)) return 1; if ((fp = fopen(source_file, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open '%s'\n", source_file); return 1; } file = clang_getFile(TU, source_file); for (;;) { CXCursor cursor; int c = fgetc(fp); if (c == '\n') { ++line; col = 1; } else ++col; /* Check the cursor at this position, and dump the previous one if we have * found something new. */ cursor = clang_getCursor(TU, clang_getLocation(TU, file, line, col)); if ((c == EOF || !clang_equalCursors(cursor, prevCursor)) && prevCursor.kind != CXCursor_InvalidFile) { print_cursor_file_scan(TU, prevCursor, start_line, start_col, line, col, prefix); start_line = line; start_col = col; } if (c == EOF) break; prevCursor = cursor; } fclose(fp); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Logic for testing clang code completion. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* Parse file:line:column from the input string. Returns 0 on success, non-zero on failure. If successful, the pointer *filename will contain newly-allocated memory (that will be owned by the caller) to store the file name. */ int parse_file_line_column(const char *input, char **filename, unsigned *line, unsigned *column, unsigned *second_line, unsigned *second_column) { /* Find the second colon. */ const char *last_colon = strrchr(input, ':'); unsigned values[4], i; unsigned num_values = (second_line && second_column)? 4 : 2; char *endptr = 0; if (!last_colon || last_colon == input) { if (num_values == 4) fprintf(stderr, "could not parse filename:line:column:line:column in " "'%s'\n", input); else fprintf(stderr, "could not parse filename:line:column in '%s'\n", input); return 1; } for (i = 0; i != num_values; ++i) { const char *prev_colon; /* Parse the next line or column. */ values[num_values - i - 1] = strtol(last_colon + 1, &endptr, 10); if (*endptr != 0 && *endptr != ':') { fprintf(stderr, "could not parse %s in '%s'\n", (i % 2 ? "column" : "line"), input); return 1; } if (i + 1 == num_values) break; /* Find the previous colon. */ prev_colon = last_colon - 1; while (prev_colon != input && *prev_colon != ':') --prev_colon; if (prev_colon == input) { fprintf(stderr, "could not parse %s in '%s'\n", (i % 2 == 0? "column" : "line"), input); return 1; } last_colon = prev_colon; } *line = values[0]; *column = values[1]; if (second_line && second_column) { *second_line = values[2]; *second_column = values[3]; } /* Copy the file name. */ *filename = (char*)malloc(last_colon - input + 1); memcpy(*filename, input, last_colon - input); (*filename)[last_colon - input] = 0; return 0; } const char * clang_getCompletionChunkKindSpelling(enum CXCompletionChunkKind Kind) { switch (Kind) { case CXCompletionChunk_Optional: return "Optional"; case CXCompletionChunk_TypedText: return "TypedText"; case CXCompletionChunk_Text: return "Text"; case CXCompletionChunk_Placeholder: return "Placeholder"; case CXCompletionChunk_Informative: return "Informative"; case CXCompletionChunk_CurrentParameter: return "CurrentParameter"; case CXCompletionChunk_LeftParen: return "LeftParen"; case CXCompletionChunk_RightParen: return "RightParen"; case CXCompletionChunk_LeftBracket: return "LeftBracket"; case CXCompletionChunk_RightBracket: return "RightBracket"; case CXCompletionChunk_LeftBrace: return "LeftBrace"; case CXCompletionChunk_RightBrace: return "RightBrace"; case CXCompletionChunk_LeftAngle: return "LeftAngle"; case CXCompletionChunk_RightAngle: return "RightAngle"; case CXCompletionChunk_Comma: return "Comma"; case CXCompletionChunk_ResultType: return "ResultType"; case CXCompletionChunk_Colon: return "Colon"; case CXCompletionChunk_SemiColon: return "SemiColon"; case CXCompletionChunk_Equal: return "Equal"; case CXCompletionChunk_HorizontalSpace: return "HorizontalSpace"; case CXCompletionChunk_VerticalSpace: return "VerticalSpace"; } return "Unknown"; } static int checkForErrors(CXTranslationUnit TU) { unsigned Num, i; CXDiagnostic Diag; CXString DiagStr; if (!getenv("CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR")) return 0; Num = clang_getNumDiagnostics(TU); for (i = 0; i != Num; ++i) { Diag = clang_getDiagnostic(TU, i); if (clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(Diag) >= CXDiagnostic_Error) { DiagStr = clang_formatDiagnostic(Diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", clang_getCString(DiagStr)); clang_disposeString(DiagStr); clang_disposeDiagnostic(Diag); return -1; } clang_disposeDiagnostic(Diag); } return 0; } void print_completion_string(CXCompletionString completion_string, FILE *file) { int I, N; N = clang_getNumCompletionChunks(completion_string); for (I = 0; I != N; ++I) { CXString text; const char *cstr; enum CXCompletionChunkKind Kind = clang_getCompletionChunkKind(completion_string, I); if (Kind == CXCompletionChunk_Optional) { fprintf(file, "{Optional "); print_completion_string( clang_getCompletionChunkCompletionString(completion_string, I), file); fprintf(file, "}"); continue; } if (Kind == CXCompletionChunk_VerticalSpace) { fprintf(file, "{VerticalSpace }"); continue; } text = clang_getCompletionChunkText(completion_string, I); cstr = clang_getCString(text); fprintf(file, "{%s %s}", clang_getCompletionChunkKindSpelling(Kind), cstr ? cstr : ""); clang_disposeString(text); } } void print_completion_result(CXCompletionResult *completion_result, CXClientData client_data) { FILE *file = (FILE *)client_data; CXString ks = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(completion_result->CursorKind); unsigned annotationCount; enum CXCursorKind ParentKind; CXString ParentName; CXString BriefComment; const char *BriefCommentCString; fprintf(file, "%s:", clang_getCString(ks)); clang_disposeString(ks); print_completion_string(completion_result->CompletionString, file); fprintf(file, " (%u)", clang_getCompletionPriority(completion_result->CompletionString)); switch (clang_getCompletionAvailability(completion_result->CompletionString)){ case CXAvailability_Available: break; case CXAvailability_Deprecated: fprintf(file, " (deprecated)"); break; case CXAvailability_NotAvailable: fprintf(file, " (unavailable)"); break; case CXAvailability_NotAccessible: fprintf(file, " (inaccessible)"); break; } annotationCount = clang_getCompletionNumAnnotations( completion_result->CompletionString); if (annotationCount) { unsigned i; fprintf(file, " ("); for (i = 0; i < annotationCount; ++i) { if (i != 0) fprintf(file, ", "); fprintf(file, "\"%s\"", clang_getCString(clang_getCompletionAnnotation( completion_result->CompletionString, i))); } fprintf(file, ")"); } if (!getenv("CINDEXTEST_NO_COMPLETION_PARENTS")) { ParentName = clang_getCompletionParent(completion_result->CompletionString, &ParentKind); if (ParentKind != CXCursor_NotImplemented) { CXString KindSpelling = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(ParentKind); fprintf(file, " (parent: %s '%s')", clang_getCString(KindSpelling), clang_getCString(ParentName)); clang_disposeString(KindSpelling); } clang_disposeString(ParentName); } BriefComment = clang_getCompletionBriefComment( completion_result->CompletionString); BriefCommentCString = clang_getCString(BriefComment); if (BriefCommentCString && *BriefCommentCString != '\0') { fprintf(file, "(brief comment: %s)", BriefCommentCString); } clang_disposeString(BriefComment); fprintf(file, "\n"); } void print_completion_contexts(unsigned long long contexts, FILE *file) { fprintf(file, "Completion contexts:\n"); if (contexts == CXCompletionContext_Unknown) { fprintf(file, "Unknown\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_AnyType) { fprintf(file, "Any type\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_AnyValue) { fprintf(file, "Any value\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCObjectValue) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C object value\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCSelectorValue) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C selector value\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_CXXClassTypeValue) { fprintf(file, "C++ class type value\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_DotMemberAccess) { fprintf(file, "Dot member access\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ArrowMemberAccess) { fprintf(file, "Arrow member access\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCPropertyAccess) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C property access\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_EnumTag) { fprintf(file, "Enum tag\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_UnionTag) { fprintf(file, "Union tag\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_StructTag) { fprintf(file, "Struct tag\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ClassTag) { fprintf(file, "Class name\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_Namespace) { fprintf(file, "Namespace or namespace alias\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_NestedNameSpecifier) { fprintf(file, "Nested name specifier\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCInterface) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C interface\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCProtocol) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C protocol\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCCategory) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C category\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCInstanceMessage) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C instance method\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCClassMessage) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C class method\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_ObjCSelectorName) { fprintf(file, "Objective-C selector name\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_MacroName) { fprintf(file, "Macro name\n"); } if (contexts & CXCompletionContext_NaturalLanguage) { fprintf(file, "Natural language\n"); } } int my_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { while (*s1 && *s2) { int c1 = tolower((unsigned char)*s1), c2 = tolower((unsigned char)*s2); if (c1 < c2) return -1; else if (c1 > c2) return 1; ++s1; ++s2; } if (*s1) return 1; else if (*s2) return -1; return 0; } int perform_code_completion(int argc, const char **argv, int timing_only) { const char *input = argv[1]; char *filename = 0; unsigned line; unsigned column; CXIndex CIdx; int errorCode; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; CXCodeCompleteResults *results = 0; CXTranslationUnit TU = 0; unsigned I, Repeats = 1; unsigned completionOptions = clang_defaultCodeCompleteOptions(); if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_CODE_COMPLETE_PATTERNS")) completionOptions |= CXCodeComplete_IncludeCodePatterns; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_COMPLETION_BRIEF_COMMENTS")) completionOptions |= CXCodeComplete_IncludeBriefComments; if (timing_only) input += strlen("-code-completion-timing="); else input += strlen("-code-completion-at="); if ((errorCode = parse_file_line_column(input, &filename, &line, &column, 0, 0))) return errorCode; if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, 2, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) return -1; CIdx = clang_createIndex(0, 0); if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_EDITING")) Repeats = 5; TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(CIdx, 0, argv + num_unsaved_files + 2, argc - num_unsaved_files - 2, 0, 0, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load translation unit!\n"); return 1; } if (clang_reparseTranslationUnit(TU, 0, 0, clang_defaultReparseOptions(TU))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to reparse translation init!\n"); return 1; } for (I = 0; I != Repeats; ++I) { results = clang_codeCompleteAt(TU, filename, line, column, unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files, completionOptions); if (!results) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to perform code completion!\n"); return 1; } if (I != Repeats-1) clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults(results); } if (results) { unsigned i, n = results->NumResults, containerIsIncomplete = 0; unsigned long long contexts; enum CXCursorKind containerKind; CXString objCSelector; const char *selectorString; if (!timing_only) { /* Sort the code-completion results based on the typed text. */ clang_sortCodeCompletionResults(results->Results, results->NumResults); for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) print_completion_result(results->Results + i, stdout); } n = clang_codeCompleteGetNumDiagnostics(results); for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) { CXDiagnostic diag = clang_codeCompleteGetDiagnostic(results, i); PrintDiagnostic(diag); clang_disposeDiagnostic(diag); } contexts = clang_codeCompleteGetContexts(results); print_completion_contexts(contexts, stdout); containerKind = clang_codeCompleteGetContainerKind(results, &containerIsIncomplete); if (containerKind != CXCursor_InvalidCode) { /* We have found a container */ CXString containerUSR, containerKindSpelling; containerKindSpelling = clang_getCursorKindSpelling(containerKind); printf("Container Kind: %s\n", clang_getCString(containerKindSpelling)); clang_disposeString(containerKindSpelling); if (containerIsIncomplete) { printf("Container is incomplete\n"); } else { printf("Container is complete\n"); } containerUSR = clang_codeCompleteGetContainerUSR(results); printf("Container USR: %s\n", clang_getCString(containerUSR)); clang_disposeString(containerUSR); } objCSelector = clang_codeCompleteGetObjCSelector(results); selectorString = clang_getCString(objCSelector); if (selectorString && strlen(selectorString) > 0) { printf("Objective-C selector: %s\n", selectorString); } clang_disposeString(objCSelector); clang_disposeCodeCompleteResults(results); } clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(CIdx); free(filename); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); return 0; } typedef struct { char *filename; unsigned line; unsigned column; } CursorSourceLocation; static int inspect_cursor_at(int argc, const char **argv) { CXIndex CIdx; int errorCode; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; CXTranslationUnit TU; CXCursor Cursor; CursorSourceLocation *Locations = 0; unsigned NumLocations = 0, Loc; unsigned Repeats = 1; unsigned I; /* Count the number of locations. */ while (strstr(argv[NumLocations+1], "-cursor-at=") == argv[NumLocations+1]) ++NumLocations; /* Parse the locations. */ assert(NumLocations > 0 && "Unable to count locations?"); Locations = (CursorSourceLocation *)malloc( NumLocations * sizeof(CursorSourceLocation)); for (Loc = 0; Loc < NumLocations; ++Loc) { const char *input = argv[Loc + 1] + strlen("-cursor-at="); if ((errorCode = parse_file_line_column(input, &Locations[Loc].filename, &Locations[Loc].line, &Locations[Loc].column, 0, 0))) return errorCode; } if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, NumLocations + 1, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) return -1; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_EDITING")) Repeats = 5; /* Parse the translation unit. When we're testing clang_getCursor() after reparsing, don't remap unsaved files until the second parse. */ CIdx = clang_createIndex(1, 1); TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(CIdx, argv[argc - 1], argv + num_unsaved_files + 1 + NumLocations, argc - num_unsaved_files - 2 - NumLocations, unsaved_files, Repeats > 1? 0 : num_unsaved_files, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse input\n"); return -1; } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; for (I = 0; I != Repeats; ++I) { if (Repeats > 1 && clang_reparseTranslationUnit(TU, num_unsaved_files, unsaved_files, clang_defaultReparseOptions(TU))) { clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); return 1; } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; for (Loc = 0; Loc < NumLocations; ++Loc) { CXFile file = clang_getFile(TU, Locations[Loc].filename); if (!file) continue; Cursor = clang_getCursor(TU, clang_getLocation(TU, file, Locations[Loc].line, Locations[Loc].column)); if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; if (I + 1 == Repeats) { CXCompletionString completionString = clang_getCursorCompletionString( Cursor); CXSourceLocation CursorLoc = clang_getCursorLocation(Cursor); CXString Spelling; const char *cspell; unsigned line, column; clang_getSpellingLocation(CursorLoc, 0, &line, &column, 0); printf("%d:%d ", line, column); PrintCursor(Cursor, NULL); PrintCursorExtent(Cursor); Spelling = clang_getCursorSpelling(Cursor); cspell = clang_getCString(Spelling); if (cspell && strlen(cspell) != 0) { unsigned pieceIndex; printf(" Spelling=%s (", cspell); for (pieceIndex = 0; ; ++pieceIndex) { CXSourceRange range = clang_Cursor_getSpellingNameRange(Cursor, pieceIndex, 0); if (clang_Range_isNull(range)) break; PrintRange(range, 0); } printf(")"); } clang_disposeString(Spelling); if (clang_Cursor_getObjCSelectorIndex(Cursor) != -1) printf(" Selector index=%d",clang_Cursor_getObjCSelectorIndex(Cursor)); if (clang_Cursor_isDynamicCall(Cursor)) printf(" Dynamic-call"); if (Cursor.kind == CXCursor_ObjCMessageExpr) { CXType T = clang_Cursor_getReceiverType(Cursor); CXString S = clang_getTypeKindSpelling(T.kind); printf(" Receiver-type=%s", clang_getCString(S)); clang_disposeString(S); } { CXModule mod = clang_Cursor_getModule(Cursor); CXString name; unsigned i, numHeaders; if (mod) { name = clang_Module_getFullName(mod); numHeaders = clang_Module_getNumTopLevelHeaders(mod); printf(" ModuleName=%s Headers(%d):", clang_getCString(name), numHeaders); clang_disposeString(name); for (i = 0; i < numHeaders; ++i) { CXFile file = clang_Module_getTopLevelHeader(mod, i); CXString filename = clang_getFileName(file); printf("\n%s", clang_getCString(filename)); clang_disposeString(filename); } } } if (completionString != NULL) { printf("\nCompletion string: "); print_completion_string(completionString, stdout); } printf("\n"); free(Locations[Loc].filename); } } } PrintDiagnostics(TU); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(CIdx); free(Locations); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); return 0; } static enum CXVisitorResult findFileRefsVisit(void *context, CXCursor cursor, CXSourceRange range) { if (clang_Range_isNull(range)) return CXVisit_Continue; PrintCursor(cursor, NULL); PrintRange(range, ""); printf("\n"); return CXVisit_Continue; } static int find_file_refs_at(int argc, const char **argv) { CXIndex CIdx; int errorCode; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; CXTranslationUnit TU; CXCursor Cursor; CursorSourceLocation *Locations = 0; unsigned NumLocations = 0, Loc; unsigned Repeats = 1; unsigned I; /* Count the number of locations. */ while (strstr(argv[NumLocations+1], "-file-refs-at=") == argv[NumLocations+1]) ++NumLocations; /* Parse the locations. */ assert(NumLocations > 0 && "Unable to count locations?"); Locations = (CursorSourceLocation *)malloc( NumLocations * sizeof(CursorSourceLocation)); for (Loc = 0; Loc < NumLocations; ++Loc) { const char *input = argv[Loc + 1] + strlen("-file-refs-at="); if ((errorCode = parse_file_line_column(input, &Locations[Loc].filename, &Locations[Loc].line, &Locations[Loc].column, 0, 0))) return errorCode; } if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, NumLocations + 1, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) return -1; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_EDITING")) Repeats = 5; /* Parse the translation unit. When we're testing clang_getCursor() after reparsing, don't remap unsaved files until the second parse. */ CIdx = clang_createIndex(1, 1); TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(CIdx, argv[argc - 1], argv + num_unsaved_files + 1 + NumLocations, argc - num_unsaved_files - 2 - NumLocations, unsaved_files, Repeats > 1? 0 : num_unsaved_files, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse input\n"); return -1; } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; for (I = 0; I != Repeats; ++I) { if (Repeats > 1 && clang_reparseTranslationUnit(TU, num_unsaved_files, unsaved_files, clang_defaultReparseOptions(TU))) { clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); return 1; } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; for (Loc = 0; Loc < NumLocations; ++Loc) { CXFile file = clang_getFile(TU, Locations[Loc].filename); if (!file) continue; Cursor = clang_getCursor(TU, clang_getLocation(TU, file, Locations[Loc].line, Locations[Loc].column)); if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; if (I + 1 == Repeats) { CXCursorAndRangeVisitor visitor = { 0, findFileRefsVisit }; PrintCursor(Cursor, NULL); printf("\n"); clang_findReferencesInFile(Cursor, file, visitor); free(Locations[Loc].filename); if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) return -1; } } } PrintDiagnostics(TU); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(CIdx); free(Locations); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); return 0; } #define MAX_IMPORTED_ASTFILES 200 typedef struct { char **filenames; unsigned num_files; } ImportedASTFilesData; static ImportedASTFilesData *importedASTs_create() { ImportedASTFilesData *p; p = malloc(sizeof(ImportedASTFilesData)); p->filenames = malloc(MAX_IMPORTED_ASTFILES * sizeof(const char *)); p->num_files = 0; return p; } static void importedASTs_dispose(ImportedASTFilesData *p) { unsigned i; if (!p) return; for (i = 0; i < p->num_files; ++i) free(p->filenames[i]); free(p->filenames); free(p); } static void importedASTS_insert(ImportedASTFilesData *p, const char *file) { unsigned i; assert(p && file); for (i = 0; i < p->num_files; ++i) if (strcmp(file, p->filenames[i]) == 0) return; assert(p->num_files + 1 < MAX_IMPORTED_ASTFILES); p->filenames[p->num_files++] = strdup(file); } typedef struct { const char *check_prefix; int first_check_printed; int fail_for_error; int abort; const char *main_filename; ImportedASTFilesData *importedASTs; } IndexData; static void printCheck(IndexData *data) { if (data->check_prefix) { if (data->first_check_printed) { printf("// %s-NEXT: ", data->check_prefix); } else { printf("// %s : ", data->check_prefix); data->first_check_printed = 1; } } } static void printCXIndexFile(CXIdxClientFile file) { CXString filename = clang_getFileName((CXFile)file); printf("%s", clang_getCString(filename)); clang_disposeString(filename); } static void printCXIndexLoc(CXIdxLoc loc, CXClientData client_data) { IndexData *index_data; CXString filename; const char *cname; CXIdxClientFile file; unsigned line, column; int isMainFile; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; clang_indexLoc_getFileLocation(loc, &file, 0, &line, &column, 0); if (line == 0) { printf("<invalid>"); return; } if (!file) { printf("<no idxfile>"); return; } filename = clang_getFileName((CXFile)file); cname = clang_getCString(filename); if (strcmp(cname, index_data->main_filename) == 0) isMainFile = 1; else isMainFile = 0; clang_disposeString(filename); if (!isMainFile) { printCXIndexFile(file); printf(":"); } printf("%d:%d", line, column); } static unsigned digitCount(unsigned val) { unsigned c = 1; while (1) { if (val < 10) return c; ++c; val /= 10; } } static CXIdxClientContainer makeClientContainer(const CXIdxEntityInfo *info, CXIdxLoc loc) { const char *name; char *newStr; CXIdxClientFile file; unsigned line, column; name = info->name; if (!name) name = "<anon-tag>"; clang_indexLoc_getFileLocation(loc, &file, 0, &line, &column, 0); /* FIXME: free these.*/ newStr = (char *)malloc(strlen(name) + digitCount(line) + digitCount(column) + 3); sprintf(newStr, "%s:%d:%d", name, line, column); return (CXIdxClientContainer)newStr; } static void printCXIndexContainer(const CXIdxContainerInfo *info) { CXIdxClientContainer container; container = clang_index_getClientContainer(info); if (!container) printf("[<<NULL>>]"); else printf("[%s]", (const char *)container); } static const char *getEntityKindString(CXIdxEntityKind kind) { switch (kind) { case CXIdxEntity_Unexposed: return "<<UNEXPOSED>>"; case CXIdxEntity_Typedef: return "typedef"; case CXIdxEntity_Function: return "function"; case CXIdxEntity_Variable: return "variable"; case CXIdxEntity_Field: return "field"; case CXIdxEntity_EnumConstant: return "enumerator"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCClass: return "objc-class"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCProtocol: return "objc-protocol"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCCategory: return "objc-category"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCInstanceMethod: return "objc-instance-method"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCClassMethod: return "objc-class-method"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCProperty: return "objc-property"; case CXIdxEntity_ObjCIvar: return "objc-ivar"; case CXIdxEntity_Enum: return "enum"; case CXIdxEntity_Struct: return "struct"; case CXIdxEntity_Union: return "union"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXClass: return "c++-class"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXNamespace: return "namespace"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXNamespaceAlias: return "namespace-alias"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXStaticVariable: return "c++-static-var"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXStaticMethod: return "c++-static-method"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXInstanceMethod: return "c++-instance-method"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXConstructor: return "constructor"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXDestructor: return "destructor"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXConversionFunction: return "conversion-func"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXTypeAlias: return "type-alias"; case CXIdxEntity_CXXInterface: return "c++-__interface"; } assert(0 && "Garbage entity kind"); return 0; } static const char *getEntityTemplateKindString(CXIdxEntityCXXTemplateKind kind) { switch (kind) { case CXIdxEntity_NonTemplate: return ""; case CXIdxEntity_Template: return "-template"; case CXIdxEntity_TemplatePartialSpecialization: return "-template-partial-spec"; case CXIdxEntity_TemplateSpecialization: return "-template-spec"; } assert(0 && "Garbage entity kind"); return 0; } static const char *getEntityLanguageString(CXIdxEntityLanguage kind) { switch (kind) { case CXIdxEntityLang_None: return "<none>"; case CXIdxEntityLang_C: return "C"; case CXIdxEntityLang_ObjC: return "ObjC"; case CXIdxEntityLang_CXX: return "C++"; } assert(0 && "Garbage language kind"); return 0; } static void printEntityInfo(const char *cb, CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxEntityInfo *info) { const char *name; IndexData *index_data; unsigned i; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printCheck(index_data); if (!info) { printf("%s: <<NULL>>", cb); return; } name = info->name; if (!name) name = "<anon-tag>"; printf("%s: kind: %s%s", cb, getEntityKindString(info->kind), getEntityTemplateKindString(info->templateKind)); printf(" | name: %s", name); printf(" | USR: %s", info->USR); printf(" | lang: %s", getEntityLanguageString(info->lang)); for (i = 0; i != info->numAttributes; ++i) { const CXIdxAttrInfo *Attr = info->attributes[i]; printf(" <attribute>: "); PrintCursor(Attr->cursor, NULL); } } static void printBaseClassInfo(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxBaseClassInfo *info) { printEntityInfo(" <base>", client_data, info->base); printf(" | cursor: "); PrintCursor(info->cursor, NULL); printf(" | loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(info->loc, client_data); } static void printProtocolList(const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo *ProtoInfo, CXClientData client_data) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < ProtoInfo->numProtocols; ++i) { printEntityInfo(" <protocol>", client_data, ProtoInfo->protocols[i]->protocol); printf(" | cursor: "); PrintCursor(ProtoInfo->protocols[i]->cursor, NULL); printf(" | loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(ProtoInfo->protocols[i]->loc, client_data); printf("\n"); } } static void index_diagnostic(CXClientData client_data, CXDiagnosticSet diagSet, void *reserved) { CXString str; const char *cstr; unsigned numDiags, i; CXDiagnostic diag; IndexData *index_data; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printCheck(index_data); numDiags = clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(diagSet); for (i = 0; i != numDiags; ++i) { diag = clang_getDiagnosticInSet(diagSet, i); str = clang_formatDiagnostic(diag, clang_defaultDiagnosticDisplayOptions()); cstr = clang_getCString(str); printf("[diagnostic]: %s\n", cstr); clang_disposeString(str); if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_FAILONERROR") && clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(diag) >= CXDiagnostic_Error) { index_data->fail_for_error = 1; } } } static CXIdxClientFile index_enteredMainFile(CXClientData client_data, CXFile file, void *reserved) { IndexData *index_data; CXString filename; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printCheck(index_data); filename = clang_getFileName(file); index_data->main_filename = clang_getCString(filename); clang_disposeString(filename); printf("[enteredMainFile]: "); printCXIndexFile((CXIdxClientFile)file); printf("\n"); return (CXIdxClientFile)file; } static CXIdxClientFile index_ppIncludedFile(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxIncludedFileInfo *info) { IndexData *index_data; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printCheck(index_data); printf("[ppIncludedFile]: "); printCXIndexFile((CXIdxClientFile)info->file); printf(" | name: \"%s\"", info->filename); printf(" | hash loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(info->hashLoc, client_data); printf(" | isImport: %d | isAngled: %d | isModule: %d\n", info->isImport, info->isAngled, info->isModuleImport); return (CXIdxClientFile)info->file; } static CXIdxClientFile index_importedASTFile(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxImportedASTFileInfo *info) { IndexData *index_data; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printCheck(index_data); if (index_data->importedASTs) { CXString filename = clang_getFileName(info->file); importedASTS_insert(index_data->importedASTs, clang_getCString(filename)); clang_disposeString(filename); } printf("[importedASTFile]: "); printCXIndexFile((CXIdxClientFile)info->file); if (info->module) { CXString name = clang_Module_getFullName(info->module); printf(" | loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(info->loc, client_data); printf(" | name: \"%s\"", clang_getCString(name)); printf(" | isImplicit: %d\n", info->isImplicit); clang_disposeString(name); } else { /* PCH file, the rest are not relevant. */ printf("\n"); } return (CXIdxClientFile)info->file; } static CXIdxClientContainer index_startedTranslationUnit(CXClientData client_data, void *reserved) { IndexData *index_data; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printCheck(index_data); printf("[startedTranslationUnit]\n"); return (CXIdxClientContainer)"TU"; } static void index_indexDeclaration(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxDeclInfo *info) { IndexData *index_data; const CXIdxObjCCategoryDeclInfo *CatInfo; const CXIdxObjCInterfaceDeclInfo *InterInfo; const CXIdxObjCProtocolRefListInfo *ProtoInfo; const CXIdxObjCPropertyDeclInfo *PropInfo; const CXIdxCXXClassDeclInfo *CXXClassInfo; unsigned i; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; printEntityInfo("[indexDeclaration]", client_data, info->entityInfo); printf(" | cursor: "); PrintCursor(info->cursor, NULL); printf(" | loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(info->loc, client_data); printf(" | semantic-container: "); printCXIndexContainer(info->semanticContainer); printf(" | lexical-container: "); printCXIndexContainer(info->lexicalContainer); printf(" | isRedecl: %d", info->isRedeclaration); printf(" | isDef: %d", info->isDefinition); printf(" | isContainer: %d", info->isContainer); printf(" | isImplicit: %d\n", info->isImplicit); for (i = 0; i != info->numAttributes; ++i) { const CXIdxAttrInfo *Attr = info->attributes[i]; printf(" <attribute>: "); PrintCursor(Attr->cursor, NULL); printf("\n"); } if (clang_index_isEntityObjCContainerKind(info->entityInfo->kind)) { const char *kindName = 0; CXIdxObjCContainerKind K = clang_index_getObjCContainerDeclInfo(info)->kind; switch (K) { case CXIdxObjCContainer_ForwardRef: kindName = "forward-ref"; break; case CXIdxObjCContainer_Interface: kindName = "interface"; break; case CXIdxObjCContainer_Implementation: kindName = "implementation"; break; } printCheck(index_data); printf(" <ObjCContainerInfo>: kind: %s\n", kindName); } if ((CatInfo = clang_index_getObjCCategoryDeclInfo(info))) { printEntityInfo(" <ObjCCategoryInfo>: class", client_data, CatInfo->objcClass); printf(" | cursor: "); PrintCursor(CatInfo->classCursor, NULL); printf(" | loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(CatInfo->classLoc, client_data); printf("\n"); } if ((InterInfo = clang_index_getObjCInterfaceDeclInfo(info))) { if (InterInfo->superInfo) { printBaseClassInfo(client_data, InterInfo->superInfo); printf("\n"); } } if ((ProtoInfo = clang_index_getObjCProtocolRefListInfo(info))) { printProtocolList(ProtoInfo, client_data); } if ((PropInfo = clang_index_getObjCPropertyDeclInfo(info))) { if (PropInfo->getter) { printEntityInfo(" <getter>", client_data, PropInfo->getter); printf("\n"); } if (PropInfo->setter) { printEntityInfo(" <setter>", client_data, PropInfo->setter); printf("\n"); } } if ((CXXClassInfo = clang_index_getCXXClassDeclInfo(info))) { for (i = 0; i != CXXClassInfo->numBases; ++i) { printBaseClassInfo(client_data, CXXClassInfo->bases[i]); printf("\n"); } } if (info->declAsContainer) clang_index_setClientContainer(info->declAsContainer, makeClientContainer(info->entityInfo, info->loc)); } static void index_indexEntityReference(CXClientData client_data, const CXIdxEntityRefInfo *info) { printEntityInfo("[indexEntityReference]", client_data, info->referencedEntity); printf(" | cursor: "); PrintCursor(info->cursor, NULL); printf(" | loc: "); printCXIndexLoc(info->loc, client_data); printEntityInfo(" | <parent>:", client_data, info->parentEntity); printf(" | container: "); printCXIndexContainer(info->container); printf(" | refkind: "); switch (info->kind) { case CXIdxEntityRef_Direct: printf("direct"); break; case CXIdxEntityRef_Implicit: printf("implicit"); break; } printf("\n"); } static int index_abortQuery(CXClientData client_data, void *reserved) { IndexData *index_data; index_data = (IndexData *)client_data; return index_data->abort; } static IndexerCallbacks IndexCB = { index_abortQuery, index_diagnostic, index_enteredMainFile, index_ppIncludedFile, index_importedASTFile, index_startedTranslationUnit, index_indexDeclaration, index_indexEntityReference }; static unsigned getIndexOptions(void) { unsigned index_opts; index_opts = 0; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_SUPPRESSREFS")) index_opts |= CXIndexOpt_SuppressRedundantRefs; if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_INDEXLOCALSYMBOLS")) index_opts |= CXIndexOpt_IndexFunctionLocalSymbols; return index_opts; } static int index_file(int argc, const char **argv, int full) { const char *check_prefix; CXIndex Idx; CXIndexAction idxAction; IndexData index_data; unsigned index_opts; int result; check_prefix = 0; if (argc > 0) { if (strstr(argv[0], "-check-prefix=") == argv[0]) { check_prefix = argv[0] + strlen("-check-prefix="); ++argv; --argc; } } if (argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no compiler arguments\n"); return -1; } if (!(Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */ 1, /* displayDiagnosics=*/1))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create Index\n"); return 1; } idxAction = 0; index_data.check_prefix = check_prefix; index_data.first_check_printed = 0; index_data.fail_for_error = 0; index_data.abort = 0; index_data.main_filename = ""; index_data.importedASTs = 0; if (full) index_data.importedASTs = importedASTs_create(); index_opts = getIndexOptions(); idxAction = clang_IndexAction_create(Idx); result = clang_indexSourceFile(idxAction, &index_data, &IndexCB,sizeof(IndexCB), index_opts, 0, argv, argc, 0, 0, 0, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (index_data.fail_for_error) result = -1; if (full) { CXTranslationUnit TU; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < index_data.importedASTs->num_files; ++i) { if (!CreateTranslationUnit(Idx, index_data.importedASTs->filenames[i], &TU)) { result = -1; goto finished; } result = clang_indexTranslationUnit(idxAction, &index_data, &IndexCB,sizeof(IndexCB), index_opts, TU); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); } } finished: importedASTs_dispose(index_data.importedASTs); clang_IndexAction_dispose(idxAction); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return result; } static int index_tu(int argc, const char **argv) { CXIndex Idx; CXIndexAction idxAction; CXTranslationUnit TU; const char *check_prefix; IndexData index_data; unsigned index_opts; int result; check_prefix = 0; if (argc > 0) { if (strstr(argv[0], "-check-prefix=") == argv[0]) { check_prefix = argv[0] + strlen("-check-prefix="); ++argv; --argc; } } if (argc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "no ast file\n"); return -1; } if (!(Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */ 1, /* displayDiagnosics=*/1))) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not create Index\n"); return 1; } idxAction = 0; TU = 0; result = 1; if (!CreateTranslationUnit(Idx, argv[0], &TU)) goto finished; index_data.check_prefix = check_prefix; index_data.first_check_printed = 0; index_data.fail_for_error = 0; index_data.abort = 0; index_data.main_filename = ""; index_data.importedASTs = 0; index_opts = getIndexOptions(); idxAction = clang_IndexAction_create(Idx); result = clang_indexTranslationUnit(idxAction, &index_data, &IndexCB,sizeof(IndexCB), index_opts, TU); if (index_data.fail_for_error) goto finished; finished: clang_IndexAction_dispose(idxAction); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return result; } int perform_token_annotation(int argc, const char **argv) { const char *input = argv[1]; char *filename = 0; unsigned line, second_line; unsigned column, second_column; CXIndex CIdx; CXTranslationUnit TU = 0; int errorCode; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; CXToken *tokens; unsigned num_tokens; CXSourceRange range; CXSourceLocation startLoc, endLoc; CXFile file = 0; CXCursor *cursors = 0; unsigned i; input += strlen("-test-annotate-tokens="); if ((errorCode = parse_file_line_column(input, &filename, &line, &column, &second_line, &second_column))) return errorCode; if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, 2, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) { free(filename); return -1; } CIdx = clang_createIndex(0, 1); TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(CIdx, argv[argc - 1], argv + num_unsaved_files + 2, argc - num_unsaved_files - 3, unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files, getDefaultParsingOptions()); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to parse input\n"); clang_disposeIndex(CIdx); free(filename); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); return -1; } errorCode = 0; if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) { errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_EDITING")) { for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { if (clang_reparseTranslationUnit(TU, num_unsaved_files, unsaved_files, clang_defaultReparseOptions(TU))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to reparse translation unit!\n"); errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } } } if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) { errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } file = clang_getFile(TU, filename); if (!file) { fprintf(stderr, "file %s is not in this translation unit\n", filename); errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } startLoc = clang_getLocation(TU, file, line, column); if (clang_equalLocations(clang_getNullLocation(), startLoc)) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid source location %s:%d:%d\n", filename, line, column); errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } endLoc = clang_getLocation(TU, file, second_line, second_column); if (clang_equalLocations(clang_getNullLocation(), endLoc)) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid source location %s:%d:%d\n", filename, second_line, second_column); errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } range = clang_getRange(startLoc, endLoc); clang_tokenize(TU, range, &tokens, &num_tokens); if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) { errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } cursors = (CXCursor *)malloc(num_tokens * sizeof(CXCursor)); clang_annotateTokens(TU, tokens, num_tokens, cursors); if (checkForErrors(TU) != 0) { errorCode = -1; goto teardown; } for (i = 0; i != num_tokens; ++i) { const char *kind = "<unknown>"; CXString spelling = clang_getTokenSpelling(TU, tokens[i]); CXSourceRange extent = clang_getTokenExtent(TU, tokens[i]); unsigned start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column; switch (clang_getTokenKind(tokens[i])) { case CXToken_Punctuation: kind = "Punctuation"; break; case CXToken_Keyword: kind = "Keyword"; break; case CXToken_Identifier: kind = "Identifier"; break; case CXToken_Literal: kind = "Literal"; break; case CXToken_Comment: kind = "Comment"; break; } clang_getSpellingLocation(clang_getRangeStart(extent), 0, &start_line, &start_column, 0); clang_getSpellingLocation(clang_getRangeEnd(extent), 0, &end_line, &end_column, 0); printf("%s: \"%s\" ", kind, clang_getCString(spelling)); clang_disposeString(spelling); PrintExtent(stdout, start_line, start_column, end_line, end_column); if (!clang_isInvalid(cursors[i].kind)) { printf(" "); PrintCursor(cursors[i], NULL); } printf("\n"); } free(cursors); clang_disposeTokens(TU, tokens, num_tokens); teardown: PrintDiagnostics(TU); clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); clang_disposeIndex(CIdx); free(filename); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); return errorCode; } static int perform_test_compilation_db(const char *database, int argc, const char **argv) { CXCompilationDatabase db; CXCompileCommands CCmds; CXCompileCommand CCmd; CXCompilationDatabase_Error ec; CXString wd; CXString arg; int errorCode = 0; char *tmp; unsigned len; char *buildDir; int i, j, a, numCmds, numArgs; len = strlen(database); tmp = (char *) malloc(len+1); memcpy(tmp, database, len+1); buildDir = dirname(tmp); db = clang_CompilationDatabase_fromDirectory(buildDir, &ec); if (db) { if (ec!=CXCompilationDatabase_NoError) { printf("unexpected error %d code while loading compilation database\n", ec); errorCode = -1; goto cdb_end; } for (i=0; i<argc && errorCode==0; ) { if (strcmp(argv[i],"lookup")==0){ CCmds = clang_CompilationDatabase_getCompileCommands(db, argv[i+1]); if (!CCmds) { printf("file %s not found in compilation db\n", argv[i+1]); errorCode = -1; break; } numCmds = clang_CompileCommands_getSize(CCmds); if (numCmds==0) { fprintf(stderr, "should not get an empty compileCommand set for file" " '%s'\n", argv[i+1]); errorCode = -1; break; } for (j=0; j<numCmds; ++j) { CCmd = clang_CompileCommands_getCommand(CCmds, j); wd = clang_CompileCommand_getDirectory(CCmd); printf("workdir:'%s'", clang_getCString(wd)); clang_disposeString(wd); printf(" cmdline:'"); numArgs = clang_CompileCommand_getNumArgs(CCmd); for (a=0; a<numArgs; ++a) { if (a) printf(" "); arg = clang_CompileCommand_getArg(CCmd, a); printf("%s", clang_getCString(arg)); clang_disposeString(arg); } printf("'\n"); } clang_CompileCommands_dispose(CCmds); i += 2; } } clang_CompilationDatabase_dispose(db); } else { printf("database loading failed with error code %d.\n", ec); errorCode = -1; } cdb_end: free(tmp); return errorCode; } /******************************************************************************/ /* USR printing. */ /******************************************************************************/ static int insufficient_usr(const char *kind, const char *usage) { fprintf(stderr, "USR for '%s' requires: %s\n", kind, usage); return 1; } static unsigned isUSR(const char *s) { return s[0] == 'c' && s[1] == ':'; } static int not_usr(const char *s, const char *arg) { fprintf(stderr, "'%s' argument ('%s') is not a USR\n", s, arg); return 1; } static void print_usr(CXString usr) { const char *s = clang_getCString(usr); printf("%s\n", s); clang_disposeString(usr); } static void display_usrs() { fprintf(stderr, "-print-usrs options:\n" " ObjCCategory <class name> <category name>\n" " ObjCClass <class name>\n" " ObjCIvar <ivar name> <class USR>\n" " ObjCMethod <selector> [0=class method|1=instance method] " "<class USR>\n" " ObjCProperty <property name> <class USR>\n" " ObjCProtocol <protocol name>\n"); } int print_usrs(const char **I, const char **E) { while (I != E) { const char *kind = *I; unsigned len = strlen(kind); switch (len) { case 8: if (memcmp(kind, "ObjCIvar", 8) == 0) { if (I + 2 >= E) return insufficient_usr(kind, "<ivar name> <class USR>"); if (!isUSR(I[2])) return not_usr("<class USR>", I[2]); else { CXString x; x.data = (void*) I[2]; x.private_flags = 0; print_usr(clang_constructUSR_ObjCIvar(I[1], x)); } I += 3; continue; } break; case 9: if (memcmp(kind, "ObjCClass", 9) == 0) { if (I + 1 >= E) return insufficient_usr(kind, "<class name>"); print_usr(clang_constructUSR_ObjCClass(I[1])); I += 2; continue; } break; case 10: if (memcmp(kind, "ObjCMethod", 10) == 0) { if (I + 3 >= E) return insufficient_usr(kind, "<method selector> " "[0=class method|1=instance method] <class USR>"); if (!isUSR(I[3])) return not_usr("<class USR>", I[3]); else { CXString x; x.data = (void*) I[3]; x.private_flags = 0; print_usr(clang_constructUSR_ObjCMethod(I[1], atoi(I[2]), x)); } I += 4; continue; } break; case 12: if (memcmp(kind, "ObjCCategory", 12) == 0) { if (I + 2 >= E) return insufficient_usr(kind, "<class name> <category name>"); print_usr(clang_constructUSR_ObjCCategory(I[1], I[2])); I += 3; continue; } if (memcmp(kind, "ObjCProtocol", 12) == 0) { if (I + 1 >= E) return insufficient_usr(kind, "<protocol name>"); print_usr(clang_constructUSR_ObjCProtocol(I[1])); I += 2; continue; } if (memcmp(kind, "ObjCProperty", 12) == 0) { if (I + 2 >= E) return insufficient_usr(kind, "<property name> <class USR>"); if (!isUSR(I[2])) return not_usr("<class USR>", I[2]); else { CXString x; x.data = (void*) I[2]; x.private_flags = 0; print_usr(clang_constructUSR_ObjCProperty(I[1], x)); } I += 3; continue; } break; default: break; } break; } if (I != E) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid USR kind: %s\n", *I); display_usrs(); return 1; } return 0; } int print_usrs_file(const char *file_name) { char line[2048]; const char *args[128]; unsigned numChars = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "error: cannot open '%s'\n", file_name); return 1; } /* This code is not really all that safe, but it works fine for testing. */ while (!feof(fp)) { char c = fgetc(fp); if (c == '\n') { unsigned i = 0; const char *s = 0; if (numChars == 0) continue; line[numChars] = '\0'; numChars = 0; if (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/') continue; s = strtok(line, " "); while (s) { args[i] = s; ++i; s = strtok(0, " "); } if (print_usrs(&args[0], &args[i])) return 1; } else line[numChars++] = c; } fclose(fp); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Command line processing. */ /******************************************************************************/ int write_pch_file(const char *filename, int argc, const char *argv[]) { CXIndex Idx; CXTranslationUnit TU; struct CXUnsavedFile *unsaved_files = 0; int num_unsaved_files = 0; int result = 0; Idx = clang_createIndex(/* excludeDeclsFromPCH */1, /* displayDiagnosics=*/1); if (parse_remapped_files(argc, argv, 0, &unsaved_files, &num_unsaved_files)) { clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return -1; } TU = clang_parseTranslationUnit(Idx, 0, argv + num_unsaved_files, argc - num_unsaved_files, unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files, CXTranslationUnit_Incomplete | CXTranslationUnit_ForSerialization); if (!TU) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load translation unit!\n"); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return 1; } switch (clang_saveTranslationUnit(TU, filename, clang_defaultSaveOptions(TU))) { case CXSaveError_None: break; case CXSaveError_TranslationErrors: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write PCH file %s: translation errors\n", filename); result = 2; break; case CXSaveError_InvalidTU: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write PCH file %s: invalid translation unit\n", filename); result = 3; break; case CXSaveError_Unknown: default: fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write PCH file %s: unknown error \n", filename); result = 1; break; } clang_disposeTranslationUnit(TU); free_remapped_files(unsaved_files, num_unsaved_files); clang_disposeIndex(Idx); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Serialized diagnostics. */ /******************************************************************************/ static const char *getDiagnosticCodeStr(enum CXLoadDiag_Error error) { switch (error) { case CXLoadDiag_CannotLoad: return "Cannot Load File"; case CXLoadDiag_None: break; case CXLoadDiag_Unknown: return "Unknown"; case CXLoadDiag_InvalidFile: return "Invalid File"; } return "None"; } static const char *getSeverityString(enum CXDiagnosticSeverity severity) { switch (severity) { case CXDiagnostic_Note: return "note"; case CXDiagnostic_Error: return "error"; case CXDiagnostic_Fatal: return "fatal"; case CXDiagnostic_Ignored: return "ignored"; case CXDiagnostic_Warning: return "warning"; } return "unknown"; } static void printIndent(unsigned indent) { if (indent == 0) return; fprintf(stderr, "+"); --indent; while (indent > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "-"); --indent; } } static void printLocation(CXSourceLocation L) { CXFile File; CXString FileName; unsigned line, column, offset; clang_getExpansionLocation(L, &File, &line, &column, &offset); FileName = clang_getFileName(File); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d", clang_getCString(FileName), line, column); clang_disposeString(FileName); } static void printRanges(CXDiagnostic D, unsigned indent) { unsigned i, n = clang_getDiagnosticNumRanges(D); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { CXSourceLocation Start, End; CXSourceRange SR = clang_getDiagnosticRange(D, i); Start = clang_getRangeStart(SR); End = clang_getRangeEnd(SR); printIndent(indent); fprintf(stderr, "Range: "); printLocation(Start); fprintf(stderr, " "); printLocation(End); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } static void printFixIts(CXDiagnostic D, unsigned indent) { unsigned i, n = clang_getDiagnosticNumFixIts(D); fprintf(stderr, "Number FIXITs = %d\n", n); for (i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { CXSourceRange ReplacementRange; CXString text; text = clang_getDiagnosticFixIt(D, i, &ReplacementRange); printIndent(indent); fprintf(stderr, "FIXIT: ("); printLocation(clang_getRangeStart(ReplacementRange)); fprintf(stderr, " - "); printLocation(clang_getRangeEnd(ReplacementRange)); fprintf(stderr, "): \"%s\"\n", clang_getCString(text)); clang_disposeString(text); } } static void printDiagnosticSet(CXDiagnosticSet Diags, unsigned indent) { unsigned i, n; if (!Diags) return; n = clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(Diags); for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { CXSourceLocation DiagLoc; CXDiagnostic D; CXFile File; CXString FileName, DiagSpelling, DiagOption, DiagCat; unsigned line, column, offset; const char *DiagOptionStr = 0, *DiagCatStr = 0; D = clang_getDiagnosticInSet(Diags, i); DiagLoc = clang_getDiagnosticLocation(D); clang_getExpansionLocation(DiagLoc, &File, &line, &column, &offset); FileName = clang_getFileName(File); DiagSpelling = clang_getDiagnosticSpelling(D); printIndent(indent); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%d: %s: %s", clang_getCString(FileName), line, column, getSeverityString(clang_getDiagnosticSeverity(D)), clang_getCString(DiagSpelling)); DiagOption = clang_getDiagnosticOption(D, 0); DiagOptionStr = clang_getCString(DiagOption); if (DiagOptionStr) { fprintf(stderr, " [%s]", DiagOptionStr); } DiagCat = clang_getDiagnosticCategoryText(D); DiagCatStr = clang_getCString(DiagCat); if (DiagCatStr) { fprintf(stderr, " [%s]", DiagCatStr); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); printRanges(D, indent); printFixIts(D, indent); /* Print subdiagnostics. */ printDiagnosticSet(clang_getChildDiagnostics(D), indent+2); clang_disposeString(FileName); clang_disposeString(DiagSpelling); clang_disposeString(DiagOption); } } static int read_diagnostics(const char *filename) { enum CXLoadDiag_Error error; CXString errorString; CXDiagnosticSet Diags = 0; Diags = clang_loadDiagnostics(filename, &error, &errorString); if (!Diags) { fprintf(stderr, "Trouble deserializing file (%s): %s\n", getDiagnosticCodeStr(error), clang_getCString(errorString)); clang_disposeString(errorString); return 1; } printDiagnosticSet(Diags, 0); fprintf(stderr, "Number of diagnostics: %d\n", clang_getNumDiagnosticsInSet(Diags)); clang_disposeDiagnosticSet(Diags); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Command line processing. */ /******************************************************************************/ static CXCursorVisitor GetVisitor(const char *s) { if (s[0] == '\0') return FilteredPrintingVisitor; if (strcmp(s, "-usrs") == 0) return USRVisitor; if (strncmp(s, "-memory-usage", 13) == 0) return GetVisitor(s + 13); return NULL; } static void print_usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: c-index-test -code-completion-at=<site> <compiler arguments>\n" " c-index-test -code-completion-timing=<site> <compiler arguments>\n" " c-index-test -cursor-at=<site> <compiler arguments>\n" " c-index-test -file-refs-at=<site> <compiler arguments>\n"); fprintf(stderr, " c-index-test -index-file [-check-prefix=<FileCheck prefix>] <compiler arguments>\n" " c-index-test -index-file-full [-check-prefix=<FileCheck prefix>] <compiler arguments>\n" " c-index-test -index-tu [-check-prefix=<FileCheck prefix>] <AST file>\n" " c-index-test -test-file-scan <AST file> <source file> " "[FileCheck prefix]\n"); fprintf(stderr, " c-index-test -test-load-tu <AST file> <symbol filter> " "[FileCheck prefix]\n" " c-index-test -test-load-tu-usrs <AST file> <symbol filter> " "[FileCheck prefix]\n" " c-index-test -test-load-source <symbol filter> {<args>}*\n"); fprintf(stderr, " c-index-test -test-load-source-memory-usage " "<symbol filter> {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-load-source-reparse <trials> <symbol filter> " " {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-load-source-usrs <symbol filter> {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-load-source-usrs-memory-usage " "<symbol filter> {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-annotate-tokens=<range> {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-inclusion-stack-source {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-inclusion-stack-tu <AST file>\n"); fprintf(stderr, " c-index-test -test-print-linkage-source {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -test-print-typekind {<args>}*\n" " c-index-test -print-usr [<CursorKind> {<args>}]*\n" " c-index-test -print-usr-file <file>\n" " c-index-test -write-pch <file> <compiler arguments>\n"); fprintf(stderr, " c-index-test -compilation-db [lookup <filename>] database\n"); fprintf(stderr, " c-index-test -read-diagnostics <file>\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, " <symbol filter> values:\n%s", " all - load all symbols, including those from PCH\n" " local - load all symbols except those in PCH\n" " category - only load ObjC categories (non-PCH)\n" " interface - only load ObjC interfaces (non-PCH)\n" " protocol - only load ObjC protocols (non-PCH)\n" " function - only load functions (non-PCH)\n" " typedef - only load typdefs (non-PCH)\n" " scan-function - scan function bodies (non-PCH)\n\n"); } /***/ int cindextest_main(int argc, const char **argv) { clang_enableStackTraces(); if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-read-diagnostics") == 0) return read_diagnostics(argv[2]); if (argc > 2 && strstr(argv[1], "-code-completion-at=") == argv[1]) return perform_code_completion(argc, argv, 0); if (argc > 2 && strstr(argv[1], "-code-completion-timing=") == argv[1]) return perform_code_completion(argc, argv, 1); if (argc > 2 && strstr(argv[1], "-cursor-at=") == argv[1]) return inspect_cursor_at(argc, argv); if (argc > 2 && strstr(argv[1], "-file-refs-at=") == argv[1]) return find_file_refs_at(argc, argv); if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-index-file") == 0) return index_file(argc - 2, argv + 2, /*full=*/0); if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-index-file-full") == 0) return index_file(argc - 2, argv + 2, /*full=*/1); if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-index-tu") == 0) return index_tu(argc - 2, argv + 2); else if (argc >= 4 && strncmp(argv[1], "-test-load-tu", 13) == 0) { CXCursorVisitor I = GetVisitor(argv[1] + 13); if (I) return perform_test_load_tu(argv[2], argv[3], argc >= 5 ? argv[4] : 0, I, NULL); } else if (argc >= 5 && strncmp(argv[1], "-test-load-source-reparse", 25) == 0){ CXCursorVisitor I = GetVisitor(argv[1] + 25); if (I) { int trials = atoi(argv[2]); return perform_test_reparse_source(argc - 4, argv + 4, trials, argv[3], I, NULL); } } else if (argc >= 4 && strncmp(argv[1], "-test-load-source", 17) == 0) { CXCursorVisitor I = GetVisitor(argv[1] + 17); PostVisitTU postVisit = 0; if (strstr(argv[1], "-memory-usage")) postVisit = PrintMemoryUsage; if (I) return perform_test_load_source(argc - 3, argv + 3, argv[2], I, postVisit); } else if (argc >= 4 && strcmp(argv[1], "-test-file-scan") == 0) return perform_file_scan(argv[2], argv[3], argc >= 5 ? argv[4] : 0); else if (argc > 2 && strstr(argv[1], "-test-annotate-tokens=") == argv[1]) return perform_token_annotation(argc, argv); else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-test-inclusion-stack-source") == 0) return perform_test_load_source(argc - 2, argv + 2, "all", NULL, PrintInclusionStack); else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-test-inclusion-stack-tu") == 0) return perform_test_load_tu(argv[2], "all", NULL, NULL, PrintInclusionStack); else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-test-print-linkage-source") == 0) return perform_test_load_source(argc - 2, argv + 2, "all", PrintLinkage, NULL); else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-test-print-typekind") == 0) return perform_test_load_source(argc - 2, argv + 2, "all", PrintTypeKind, 0); else if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "-print-usr") == 0) { if (argc > 2) return print_usrs(argv + 2, argv + argc); else { display_usrs(); return 1; } } else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-print-usr-file") == 0) return print_usrs_file(argv[2]); else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-write-pch") == 0) return write_pch_file(argv[2], argc - 3, argv + 3); else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-compilation-db") == 0) return perform_test_compilation_db(argv[argc-1], argc - 3, argv + 2); print_usage(); return 1; } /***/ /* We intentionally run in a separate thread to ensure we at least minimal * testing of a multithreaded environment (for example, having a reduced stack * size). */ typedef struct thread_info { int argc; const char **argv; int result; } thread_info; void thread_runner(void *client_data_v) { thread_info *client_data = client_data_v; client_data->result = cindextest_main(client_data->argc, client_data->argv); #ifdef __CYGWIN__ fflush(stdout); /* stdout is not flushed on Cygwin. */ #endif } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { thread_info client_data; #ifdef CLANG_HAVE_LIBXML LIBXML_TEST_VERSION #endif if (getenv("CINDEXTEST_NOTHREADS")) return cindextest_main(argc, argv); client_data.argc = argc; client_data.argv = argv; clang_executeOnThread(thread_runner, &client_data, 0); return client_data.result; }