// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -std=c++0x -verify %s template struct TryCatch0 { void f() { try { } catch (T&&) { // expected-error 2{{cannot catch exceptions by rvalue reference}} } } }; template struct TryCatch0; // okay template struct TryCatch0; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template struct TryCatch0; // expected-note{{instantiation}} namespace PR10232 { template class Templated { struct Exception { private: Exception(const Exception&); // expected-note{{declared private here}} }; void exception() { try { } catch(Exception e) { // expected-error{{calling a private constructor of class 'PR10232::Templated::Exception'}} } } }; template class Templated; // expected-note{{in instantiation of member function 'PR10232::Templated::exception' requested here}} }