// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s template class X { public: struct C { T &foo(); }; struct D { struct E { T &bar(); }; // expected-error{{cannot form a reference to 'void'}} struct F; // expected-note{{member is declared here}} }; }; X::C *c1; X::C *c2; X::X *xi; // expected-error{{qualified reference to 'X' is a constructor name rather than a type wherever a constructor can be declared}} X::X *xf; // expected-error{{qualified reference to 'X' is a constructor name rather than a type wherever a constructor can be declared}} void test_naming() { c1 = c2; // expected-error{{assigning to 'X::C *' from incompatible type 'X::C *'}} xi = xf; // expected-error{{assigning to 'X::X *' from incompatible type 'X::X *'}} // FIXME: error above doesn't print the type X::X cleanly! } void test_instantiation(X::C *x, X::D::E *e, X::D::F *f) { double &dr = x->foo(); float &fr = e->bar(); f->foo(); // expected-error{{implicit instantiation of undefined member 'X::D::F'}} } X::C *c3; // okay X::D::E *e1; // okay X::D::E e2; // expected-note{{in instantiation of member class 'X::D::E' requested here}} // Redeclarations. namespace test1 { template struct Registry { struct node; static node *Head; struct node { node(int v) { Head = this; } }; }; void test() { Registry::node node(0); } } // Redeclarations during explicit instantiations. namespace test2 { template class A { class Foo; class Foo { int foo(); }; }; template class A; template class B { class Foo; class Foo { public: typedef int X; }; typename Foo::X x; class Foo; }; template class B; template class C { class Foo; class Foo; }; template class C::Foo { int x; }; template class C; }