// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fexceptions -fsyntax-only -verify %s // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // C++ Functional Casts // --------------------------------------------------------------------- template<int N> struct ValueInit0 { int f() { return int(); } }; template struct ValueInit0<5>; template<int N> struct FunctionalCast0 { int f() { return int(N); } }; template struct FunctionalCast0<5>; struct X { // expected-note 3 {{candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor)}} X(int, int); // expected-note 3 {{candidate constructor}} }; template<int N, int M> struct BuildTemporary0 { X f() { return X(N, M); } }; template struct BuildTemporary0<5, 7>; template<int N, int M> struct Temporaries0 { void f() { (void)X(N, M); } }; template struct Temporaries0<5, 7>; // Ensure that both the constructor and the destructor are instantiated by // checking for parse errors from each. template<int N> struct BadX { BadX() { int a[-N]; } // expected-error {{array with a negative size}} ~BadX() { int a[-N]; } // expected-error {{array with a negative size}} }; template<int N> struct PR6671 { void f() { (void)BadX<1>(); } // expected-note 2 {{instantiation}} }; template struct PR6671<1>; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // new/delete expressions // --------------------------------------------------------------------- struct Y { }; template<typename T> struct New0 { T* f(bool x) { if (x) return new T; // expected-error{{no matching}} else return new T(); } }; template struct New0<int>; template struct New0<Y>; template struct New0<X>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template<typename T, typename Arg1> struct New1 { T* f(bool x, Arg1 a1) { return new T(a1); // expected-error{{no matching}} } }; template struct New1<int, float>; template struct New1<Y, Y>; template struct New1<X, Y>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template<typename T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2> struct New2 { T* f(bool x, Arg1 a1, Arg2 a2) { return new T(a1, a2); // expected-error{{no matching}} } }; template struct New2<X, int, float>; template struct New2<X, int, int*>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} // FIXME: template struct New2<int, int, float>; // PR5833 struct New3 { New3(); void *operator new[](__SIZE_TYPE__) __attribute__((unavailable)); // expected-note{{explicitly made unavailable}} }; template<class C> void* object_creator() { return new C(); // expected-error{{call to unavailable function 'operator new[]'}} } template void *object_creator<New3[4]>(); // expected-note{{instantiation}} template<typename T> struct Delete0 { void f(T t) { delete t; // expected-error{{cannot delete}} ::delete [] t; // expected-error{{cannot delete}} } }; template struct Delete0<int*>; template struct Delete0<X*>; template struct Delete0<int>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} namespace PR5755 { template <class T> void Foo() { char* p = 0; delete[] p; } void Test() { Foo<int>(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // throw expressions // --------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> struct Throw1 { void f(T t) { throw; throw t; // expected-error{{incomplete type}} } }; struct Incomplete; // expected-note 2{{forward}} template struct Throw1<int>; template struct Throw1<int*>; template struct Throw1<Incomplete*>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // typeid expressions // --------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace std { class type_info; } template<typename T> struct TypeId0 { const std::type_info &f(T* ptr) { if (ptr) return typeid(ptr); else return typeid(T); // expected-error{{'typeid' of incomplete type 'Incomplete'}} } }; struct Abstract { virtual void f() = 0; }; template struct TypeId0<int>; template struct TypeId0<Incomplete>; // expected-note{{instantiation of member function}} template struct TypeId0<Abstract>; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // type traits // --------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> struct is_pod { static const bool value = __is_pod(T); }; static int is_pod0[is_pod<X>::value? -1 : 1]; static int is_pod1[is_pod<Y>::value? 1 : -1]; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // initializer lists // --------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T, typename Val1> struct InitList1 { void f(Val1 val1) { T x = { val1 }; } }; struct APair { int *x; const float *y; }; template struct InitList1<int[1], float>; template struct InitList1<APair, int*>; template<typename T, typename Val1, typename Val2> struct InitList2 { void f(Val1 val1, Val2 val2) { T x = { val1, val2 }; // expected-error{{cannot initialize}} } }; template struct InitList2<APair, int*, float*>; template struct InitList2<APair, int*, double*>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // member references // --------------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T, typename Result> struct DotMemRef0 { void f(T t) { Result result = t.m; // expected-error{{non-const lvalue reference to type}} } }; struct MemInt { int m; }; struct InheritsMemInt : MemInt { }; struct MemIntFunc { static int m(int); }; template struct DotMemRef0<MemInt, int&>; template struct DotMemRef0<InheritsMemInt, int&>; template struct DotMemRef0<MemIntFunc, int (*)(int)>; template struct DotMemRef0<MemInt, float&>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template<typename T, typename Result> struct ArrowMemRef0 { void f(T t) { Result result = t->m; // expected-error 2{{non-const lvalue reference}} } }; template<typename T> struct ArrowWrapper { T operator->(); }; template struct ArrowMemRef0<MemInt*, int&>; template struct ArrowMemRef0<InheritsMemInt*, int&>; template struct ArrowMemRef0<MemIntFunc*, int (*)(int)>; template struct ArrowMemRef0<MemInt*, float&>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template struct ArrowMemRef0<ArrowWrapper<MemInt*>, int&>; template struct ArrowMemRef0<ArrowWrapper<InheritsMemInt*>, int&>; template struct ArrowMemRef0<ArrowWrapper<MemIntFunc*>, int (*)(int)>; template struct ArrowMemRef0<ArrowWrapper<MemInt*>, float&>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template struct ArrowMemRef0<ArrowWrapper<ArrowWrapper<MemInt*> >, int&>; // FIXME: we should be able to return a MemInt without the reference! MemInt &createMemInt(int); template<int N> struct NonDepMemberExpr0 { void f() { createMemInt(N).m = N; } }; template struct NonDepMemberExpr0<0>; template<typename T, typename Result> struct MemberFuncCall0 { void f(T t) { Result result = t.f(); } }; template<typename T> struct HasMemFunc0 { T f(); }; template struct MemberFuncCall0<HasMemFunc0<int&>, const int&>; template<typename Result> struct ThisMemberFuncCall0 { Result g(); void f() { Result r1 = g(); Result r2 = this->g(); } }; template struct ThisMemberFuncCall0<int&>; template<typename T> struct NonDepMemberCall0 { void foo(HasMemFunc0<int&> x) { T result = x.f(); // expected-error{{non-const lvalue reference}} } }; template struct NonDepMemberCall0<int&>; template struct NonDepMemberCall0<const int&>; template struct NonDepMemberCall0<float&>; // expected-note{{instantiation}} template<typename T> struct QualifiedDeclRef0 { T f() { return is_pod<X>::value; // expected-error{{non-const lvalue reference to type 'int' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'const bool'}} } }; template struct QualifiedDeclRef0<bool>; template struct QualifiedDeclRef0<int&>; // expected-note{{instantiation}}