// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -verify -pedantic %s #define nil (void *)0; #define Nil (void *)0; extern void foo(); @protocol MyProtocol - (void) method; @end @interface MyClass @end int main() { id obj = nil; id obj_p = nil; MyClass *obj_c = nil; Class obj_C = Nil; int i = 0; int *j = nil; /* These should all generate warnings. */ obj = i; // expected-warning {{incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning 'int', expected 'id'}} obj = j; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning 'int *', expected 'id'}} obj_p = i; // expected-warning {{incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning 'int', expected 'id'}} obj_p = j; // expected-warning {{incompatible type assigning 'int *', expected 'id'}} obj_c = i; // expected-warning {{incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning 'int', expected 'MyClass *'}} obj_c = j; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning 'int *', expected 'MyClass *'}} obj_C = i; // expected-warning {{incompatible integer to pointer conversion assigning 'int', expected 'Class'}} obj_C = j; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning 'int *', expected 'Class'}} i = obj; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning 'id', expected 'int'}} i = obj_p; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning 'id', expected 'int'}} i = obj_c; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning 'MyClass *', expected 'int'}} i = obj_C; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning 'Class', expected 'int'}} j = obj; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning 'id', expected 'int *'}} j = obj_p; // expected-warning {{incompatible type assigning 'id', expected 'int *'}} j = obj_c; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning 'MyClass *', expected 'int *'}} j = obj_C; // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types assigning 'Class', expected 'int *'}} if (obj == i) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('id' and 'int')}} if (i == obj) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('int' and 'id')}} if (obj == j) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('id' and 'int *')}} if (j == obj) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('int *' and 'id')}} if (obj_c == i) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('MyClass *' and 'int')}} if (i == obj_c) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('int' and 'MyClass *')}} if (obj_c == j) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('MyClass *' and 'int *')}} if (j == obj_c) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('int *' and 'MyClass *')}} if (obj_p == i) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('id' and 'int')}} if (i == obj_p) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('int' and 'id')}} if (obj_p == j) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('id' and 'int *')}} if (j == obj_p) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('int *' and 'id')}} if (obj_C == i) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('Class' and 'int')}} if (i == obj_C) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison between pointer and integer ('int' and 'Class')}} if (obj_C == j) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('Class' and 'int *')}} if (j == obj_C) foo() ; // expected-warning {{comparison of distinct pointer types ('int *' and 'Class')}} return 0; }