// RUN: clang-cc -fsyntax-only -verify %s struct X { X(); X(int); }; X operator+(X, X); X operator-(X, X) { X x; return x; } struct Y { Y operator-() const; void operator()(int x = 17) const; int operator[](int); static int operator+(Y, Y); // expected-error{{overloaded 'operator+' cannot be a static member function}} }; void f(X x) { x = operator+(x, x); } X operator+(int, float); // expected-error{{overloaded 'operator+' must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type}} X operator*(X, X = 5); // expected-error{{parameter of overloaded 'operator*' cannot have a default argument}} X operator/(X, X, ...); // expected-error{{overloaded 'operator/' cannot be variadic}} X operator%(Y); // expected-error{{overloaded 'operator%' must be a binary operator (has 1 parameter)}} void operator()(Y&, int, int); // expected-error{{overloaded 'operator()' must be a non-static member function}} typedef int INT; typedef float FLOAT; Y& operator++(Y&); Y operator++(Y&, INT); X operator++(X&, FLOAT); // expected-error{{parameter of overloaded post-increment operator must have type 'int' (not 'FLOAT' (aka 'float'))}} int operator+; // expected-error{{'operator+' cannot be the name of a variable or data member}}